OpenPrinting / ps-printer-app

PostScript Printer Application
Apache License 2.0
37 stars 13 forks source link

PostScript Printer Application


This repository contains a Printer Application for PostScript printers that uses PAPPL to support IPP printing from multiple operating systems. In addition, it uses the resources of cups-filters 2.x (filter functions in libcupsfilters, libppd) and pappl-retrofit (encapsulating classic CUPS drivers in Printer Applications). This work (or now the code of pappl-retrofit) is derived from the hp-printer-app.

Your contributions are welcome. Please post issues and pull requests.

This Printer Application is a working model for

Further properties are:


To Do


Installing and building

To just run and use this Printer Application, simply install it from the Snap Store:

sudo snap install --edge ps-printer-app

Then follow the instructions below for setting it up.

To build the Snap by yourself, in the main directory of this repository run

snapcraft snap

This will download all needed packages and build the PostScript Printer Application. Note that PAPPL (upcoming 1.0) and cups-filters (upcoming 2.0) are pulled directly from their GIT repositories, as there are no appropriate releases yet. This can also lead to the fact that this Printer Application will suddenly not build any more.

NOTE: There is a bug in Ubuntu Groovy (20.10) that prevents it from building Snaps, see this discussion on the Snapcraft forum. The problem is already solved but did not make it into Groovy yet.

Any older (like 20.04) or newer (like 21.04) Ubuntu version should work.

To install the resulting Snap run

sudo snap install --dangerous ps-printer-app_1.0_amd64.snap

Setting up

The Printer Application will automatically be started as a server daemon.

Enter the web interface


Use the web interface to add a printer. Supply a name, select the discovered printer, then select make and model. Also set the installed accessories, loaded media and the option defaults. Accessory configuration and option defaults can also offen get polled from the printer.

Then print PDF, PostScript, JPEG, Apple Raster, or PWG Raster files with

ps-printer-app FILE

or print with CUPS, CUPS (and also cups-browsed) discover and treat the printers set up with this Printer Application as driverless IPP printers (IPP Everywhere and AirPrint).

You can also add PPD files without rebuilding the Snap, either by using the "Add PPD files" button in the web interface or by manually copying PPD files:

sudo cp PPDFILE /var/snap/ps-printer-app/common/ppd/

After manually copying (or removing) PPD files you need to restart the server or in the web interface, on the "Add PPD files" page click the "Refresh" button at the bottom. This adds the changes to the internal driver list.

On the "Add Printer" page in the drop-down to select the driver, user-added PPD files are marked "USER-ADDED". When setting up a printer with automatic driver selection, user-added PPD files are preferred.

PPDFILE in the command line above cannot only be a single PPD file but any number of single PPD files, .tar.gz files containing PPDs (in arbitrary directory structure) and PPD-gemerating executables which are usually put into /usr/lib/cups/driver. You can also create arbitrary sub-directory structures in /var/snap/ps-printer-app/current/ppd/ containing the mentioned types of files. Only make sure to not put any executables there which do anything else than listing and generating PPD files.

Note that with the web interface you can only manage individual PPDs (uncompressed or compressed with gzip) in the /var/snap/ps-printer-app/current/ppd/ itself. Archives, executables, or sub-directories are not shown and appropriate uploads not accepted. This especially prevents adding executables without root rights.

Any added PPD file must be for PostScript printers, as non-PostScript PPD files are for CUPS drivers and so they would need additional files in order to work and such files are not supported by this Printer Application. The "Add PPD files" page shows warnings if such files get uploaded.


ps-printer-app --help

for more options.

Use the "-o log-level=debug" argument for verbose logging in your terminal window.

You can add files to /var/snap/ps-printer-app/common/usb/ for additional USB quirk rules. Edit the existing files only for quick tests, as they get replaced at every update of the Snap (to introduce new rules).

You can edit the /var/snap/ps-printer-app/common/cups/snmp.conf file for configuring SNMP network printer discovery.


You can also do a "quick-and-dirty" build without snapping and without needing to install PAPPL, cups-filters 2.x, and pappl-retrofit into your system. You need a directory with the latest GIT snapshot of PAPPL, the latest GIT snapshot of cups-filters, and the latest GIT snapshot of pappl-retrofit (master branches of each). They all need to be compiled (./; ./configure; make), installing not needed. Also install the header files of all needed libraries (installing "libcups2-dev" should do it).

In the directory with ps-printer-app.c run the command line

gcc -o ps-printer-app ps-printer-app.c $PAPPL_SRC/pappl/libpappl.a $CUPS_FILTERS_SRC/.libs/libppd.a $CUPS_FILTERS_SRC/.libs/libcupsfilters.a $PAPPL_RETROFIT_SRC/.libs/libpappl-retrofit.a -ldl -lpthread  -lppd -lcups -lavahi-common -lavahi-client -lgnutls -ljpeg -lpng16 -ltiff -lz -lm -lusb-1.0 -lpam -lqpdf -lstdc++ -I. -I$PAPPL_SRC/pappl -I$CUPS_FILTERS_SRC/ppd -I$CUPS_FILTERS_SRC/cupsfilters -I$PAPPL_RETROFIT_SRC/pappl/retrofit -L$CUPS_FILTERS_SRC/.libs/ -L$PAPPL_RETROFIT_SRC/.libs/

There is also a Makefile, but this needs PAPPL, cups-filters 2.x, and pappl-retrofit to be installed into your system.


./ps-printer-app --help

When running the non-snapped version, by default, PPD files are searched for in


The last path is used when adding PPD files using the "Add PPD files" page in the web interface.

You can set the PPD_PATHS environment variable to search other places instead:

PPD_PATHS=/path/to/my/ppds:/my/second/place ./ps-printer-app server

Simply put a colon-separated list of any amount of paths into the variable, always the last being used by the "Add PPD files" page. Creating a wrapper script is recommended.

This Printer Application uses CUPS' backends and not PAPPL's, meaning that for USB printers CUPS' USB quirk workarounds for compatibility problems are used, network printers can also be used with IPP, IPPS, and LPD protocols, and SNMP printer discovery is configurable.

USB Quirk rules in /usr/share/cups/usb and the /etc/cups/snmp.conf file can get edited if needed.

Make sure you have CUPS (at least its backends) installed.

You also need Ghostscript to print PDF jobs.

For access to the test page use the TESTPAGE_DIR environment variable:

TESTPAGE_DIR=`pwd` PPD_PATHS=/path/to/my/ppds:/my/second/place ./ps-printer-app server

or for your own creation of a test page (PostScript, PDF, PNG, JPEG, Apple Raster, PWG Raster):

TESTPAGE=/path/to/my/testpage/ PPD_PATHS=/path/to/my/ppds:/my/second/place ./ps-printer-app server


The PostScript Printer Application is Copyright © 2020 by Till Kamppeter.

It is derived from the HP PCL Printer Application, a first working model of a raster Printer Application using PAPPL. It is available here:

The HP PCL Printer Application is Copyright © 2019-2020 by Michael R Sweet.

This software is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an exception to allow linking against GPL2/LGPL2 software (like older versions of CUPS). See the files "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" for more information.