OpenRIAServices / OpenRiaServices

The Open RIA Services project continues what was previously known as WCF RIA Services.
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RFC AspNetCore: Simple Urls #507

Closed Daniel-Svensson closed 3 weeks ago

Daniel-Svensson commented 1 month ago

The current Uri schema of "NAMESPACE-TYPENAME.csv/binary/MethodName" is quite long/verbose and can be simplified.

Some of the current issues are that

Proposed Solution

1. Manual service paths

A: Allow specifying paths at startup configration

var app = builder.Build();
app.MapOpenRiaServices("Services",  builder =>
    // MyDomainService becomes availible at "Services/My-CustomPath/MethodName" and "Services/MyDomainService/binary"

B; Allow specifying name via attributes

similar to now AspNetMvc allows name to be configured for [Route("Name")]

public class MyDomainService : DomainService

This approach means we should/can also

2. New Naming schemes

We add 2 new url naming options

With the following additional variants for backwards compatibility


1. Server side

Should we do a "builder" api?

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddOpenRiaServices(x => 

    // Do we want to enable more schemes ? 
    x.WithUrlSceme(UrlScheme.FullName | UrlScheme.WCF );
    x.WithUrlSceme(UrlScheme.FullName ,  UrlScheme.WCF );

2. And/or options

class HostingOptions??
    public UriScheme UriScheme { get; set: }

If so

3. Attribute based

Add an (assembly level) attribute that specify the endpoint scheme.

Attribute name should probably be something like: [Default]DomainService[Endpoint][Route][***]Attribute

[assembly: DefaultDomainServiceEndpointPattern(EndpointPattern.Fullname)]
[assembly: DomainServiceEndpointPattern(EndpointPattern.Fullname)]
[assembly: DomainServiceEndpointScheme(EndpointScheme.Fullname)]
[assembly: DomainServiceEndpointRouteScheme(EndpointScheme.Fullname)]
[assembly: DomainServiceRoutePattern(DomainServiceRoutePattern.Fullname)]

Possible enum names

- Endpoint*
- EndpointRoute*
- DomainServiceRoute(Routing)*
- DomainServiceEndpoint*
- DomainServiceEndpointRoute*

- "" (None)
- Pattern
- Scheme
- Naming





Client Side

1. manual setting on BinaryHttpDomainClientFactory

2. Should we add a setting to the code generation =

If we add a msbuild parameter (or maybe assembly attribute in server project) we can change to code generation to emit the new kind of UrlScheme

1. Manual service paths

Should we allow both A and B ?

Daniel-Svensson commented 1 month ago

For manual setting:

The settings class will probably be called

  1. OpenRiaServices.Hosting.AspNetCore. OpenRiaServicesHostingOptions
  2. or OpenRiaServices.Hosting.AspNetCore. OpenRiaServicesOptions

UriShchem - really need a better name but unknown

Daniel-Svensson commented 1 month ago

fyi: I added a short section about having an assembly level attribute and try to have it affect both the server and client without any other public api changes