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Create SDLC Flowchart from Anastasia's diagram #22

Open randybias opened 3 months ago

randybias commented 3 months ago

Create actual flowchart from Anastasia's SDLC whiteboard diagram (attached). opensdn-code-development-workflow

randybias commented 2 months ago

First pass on this attached.


tikitavi commented 2 months ago
  1. You can add a “git clone/git pull” arrow from GitHub Repo.
  2. The “git commit/git review” doesn’t looks correct. First - git clone / git pull - it’s alternative. You clone for the first time, and pull the others to get renews. git commit - git review it’s subsequence, you commit for making a commit, then review for sending it to gerrit review. Second - it doesn’t go to gerrit repository at this moment. It passes through gerrit, triggering CI and starts validation. But after positive gating it would be merged to gerrit repo. So I'm not sure if it is better to change Merge form to Repo. Merge is more about process.
randybias commented 1 month ago

Updated the diagram.
