OpenSTL / backyard-chickens

Better communicate chicken regulations by municipality to the people of Saint Louis and Saint Louis County based on local municipality zoning regulations
MIT License
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Geographical Specificity #25

Open gavinr opened 5 years ago

gavinr commented 5 years ago

Right now our data is at the municipality level. It would be nice to have the ability to search more specifically. For example some cities may allow chickens only in single-family residences.

AvidDabbler commented 5 years ago

need to figure out how to add in land use types in order to make the Saint Louis area more intelligent. Parcels that are coded as single family should be the only ones allowed to have chickens.

NEXT STEP: Contact City of Saint Louis data layer steward and find the proper layer and land use code.

@mrao2 do you have any contacts at the city?

Possible API:,38.641,-90.1942,38.6538

gavinr commented 5 years ago

That service only has the parcels owned by the LRA. I think we probably want the full parcel service, correct?

To query the full parcel service, send a GET request like this:,38.657047&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&inSR=4326&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&relationParam=&outFields=*&returnGeometry=true&geometryPrecision=&outSR=4326&returnIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&gdbVersion=&returnDistinctValues=false&f=pjson

... just replace the point (-90.231130,38.657047 above) with the Longitude,Latitude that you want to use. Then see the "features" attribute to see the parcels it intersects with. (if the "features" array is empty, that means it does not intersect with any features)