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DiscoverSUTD 2021 Microsite for Decentralized Planning
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Badminton Introduction Session #141

Open kwerer opened 2 years ago

kwerer commented 2 years ago

SUTD Badminton Introductory Session

Abstract We will be conducting badminton sessions in school, to ease freshies into our club, to get to know other members

Student Organisation organising this session SUTD Badminton

Event Format Physical

Session intent (what to expect)

Come to play badminton at ISH 2 Have some fun with new friends through a mini competition Followed by casual play after with new friends Collect your gift from SUTD Badminton before you leave

Session details

We plan to have a small competition among new freshies to let them get to know each other followed by free play for the them afterwards. The competition would task players to hit the shuttle as many times as they can without dropping in their individual groups (group size will vary depending on the restrictions at the time of the activity, ~5 (4+1 senior), thus for each session that we are hold we can only take up to 4xGroup Sizes: ~20 (16 + 4 senior))

Sessions will be hosted on 13th September and 20th September, 8-10pm.

Speakers/Workshop facilitators

Seniors from the SUTD badminton club will facilitate the competition

Sign up link(if any)

Logistical details / Budget Needed

Will require shuttles about 2x tubes for each session, we would love to be able to give small prizes to all participants

Attached below is the link to what we have in mind: ($4-5/freshie)

Changes to the prizes can be made according to the budget given and the sign up numbers.

jolow99 commented 2 years ago

Hi @kwerer, thanks for submitting your event proposal. Could I check how many freshies you are expecting? The average fifth row budget request is around $50-$100, so if your cost per pax is $5, we would probably only be able to support up to 20 pax.

Are you also able to provide a justification for why the keychain would be meaningful to the freshmores? (This will increase your chances of getting approval for budget)


kwerer commented 2 years ago

Hi @jolow99, I actually checked out a few other keychains that are much cheaper, we can buy the keychains depending on how much freshies and funding we have.

I believe giving freshies a keychain would give them something meaningful to bring back, more importantly, I shows the thought that our club has given into inviting them to the sessions by getting them a small gift individually. I feel this would really make the freshies feel more welcomed to the club and to the school.

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

@kwerer Thanks for the details of the event. We have checked with student admin and further details would be given out regarding the event budget.

Could you provide us with the following details: Please provide the session date. Please also provide the expected number of attendees in line with prevailing safe management measures.

Do note that student admin does not allow the session past 6, else it would not be supported by discover sutd.

To note: If budget is approved, funding will be allocated based on number of expected attendees. More details will be shared with approval status

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

@kwerer could you also kindly provide us with the student organisation details?

could you reply us by tuesday as student admin wants everything by Wednesday?

If not we would have to remove the information from the discover sutd website.

Hope that you understand! Thank you!

kwerer commented 2 years ago

@ExtremelySunnyYK Right now we should be able to host the 2 introductions sessions on 13th and 20th September, Week 1 & 2 Monday. Currently, since each court can only host 5 players, we can have 20 players on each day. So it would be a total of 40 freshies if there are more freshies we can consider opening up more slots.

kwerer commented 2 years ago

If you require a number to submit to osl now, we can just say that we are expecting 40 people. the rest will just come on our regular sessions.

castlemas commented 2 years ago

Hi @kwerer ,

May I check if the 20 participants/session includes the number of facilitators too? If so, would it be possible to estimate the number of facilitators?

Would be great if you could let me know by today.

Thank you xx

castlemas commented 2 years ago


I took a look at your sign up form, would it be alright to use the template we provided to ensure consistency throughout our DiscoverSUTD event?

hungchiayu1 commented 2 years ago


Hi, the 20 participants includes facilitators too! We have 4 facilitators. Yupp we can change to the template provided

yongkangc commented 2 years ago

Hi @hungchiayu1 , Your event has been approved by the school admin.

However, Your budget request for $160, has been allocated $86.40 which was calculated based on a capped refreshment claim of $1.35/pax.

Wishing your team a successful and smooth event!

jolow99 commented 2 years ago

Hey @hungchiayu1 , we just noticed that your form venue states both ISH1 and ISH2. Could I confirm which location it would be at?

hungchiayu1 commented 2 years ago

@jolow99 The location is ISH2 .