OpenSchulportfolio / openschulportfolio

Build environment for Openschulportfolio, a dokuwiki based quality management tool for schools
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No CSS on new BelWue Webservers #3

Closed ironiemix closed 4 years ago

ironiemix commented 5 years ago

On the new BelWue webservers no css is displayed, when OSP is opened:

Same effect shows with a vanilla DokuWiki (Greebo) - also no styles.

PHP Version is 7.1.8, unfortunately I am no able to see the error logs on the servers. phpinfo():

The newly created docker image with PHP 7.3.3 works fine:

Do you have any ideas on this, @splitbrain ?

splitbrain commented 5 years ago

Hard to tell without logs. lib/exe/css.php output seems relatively short might be a fatal error while compiling the CSS. Maybe disable the còmpress option to see where it fails?

ironiemix commented 5 years ago

According to the BelWue webmaster the reason is, that parse_ini_file is disabled in PHP on BelWue. They want to enable the function, so let's wait on this and test again.

splitbrain commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I overlooked that in the phpinfo output. parse_ini_file should be the only problematic one in the list of disabled functions. At least for the standard dokuwiki setup. Some plugins might rely on calling external tools through system or proc_open.

ironiemix commented 4 years ago

Could anyone with an OSP Installation at BelWue please confirm that this is fixed. The BelWue Admins promised to do so...

ironiemix commented 4 years ago

Closing this - never heard back :(