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Share Series 3 Characterisation Data Folder #149

Open mattodd opened 10 years ago

mattodd commented 10 years ago

The current draft of Series 3 characterisation is in a Dropbox folder. Can Carmen share this with @JimCronshaw so he can then add his Honours experimental to it? Once everyone has access we can close this issue. Note that if we're all using Dropbox for editing the one file then we are going to have to be smart about versioning the file and avoiding simultaneous edits... (Just noticed Carmen is not yet on here - can we get her on here before we close this Issue?)

JimCronshaw commented 10 years ago

Honours data added. I wasn't sure what NOT to add so I added everything, including literature references. Also, where references were made to compounds like AT1-1, I added the full name of the chemical alongside the in-house name.

I saved a local copy to my machine in case someone is making a simultaneous edit.

alintheopen commented 10 years ago

Hey Jimmy, where did you put the file at? Are you editing the same dropbox file as Carmen?

alintheopen commented 10 years ago

Carmen's username is ctra, going to get her to watch this thread.

JimCronshaw commented 10 years ago

I saved it as the same file that Carmen shared, I believe? Dropbox>Series 3 characterisation>Series 3 characterisation.

Is it not there for you Boss #2?

ctra commented 10 years ago

The file in my Dropbox was been updated with the new data. Thanks Jimmy!

If there are simultaneous edits on Dropbox, I think it ends up creating 2 versions if they conflict. It's probably not the best to have to comb through both to merge the changes though. Google Docs works well for simultaneous, real time editing, but it's not great when it comes to sub/superscripts, symbols, and pasting images.

mattodd commented 10 years ago

I agree. How about having a blank file in the folder that we change the name of. i.e. a Word file called "Not editing" to be replaced with "Jim editing" or "Carmen editing" when it's actively being looked at? Suboptimal, but I agree Google Docs is not the way to go if we ultimately want a highly formatted file. I'd rather the "editing alert" was passive, rather than an active social media broadcast.

On 3 February 2014 20:23, ctra wrote:

The file in my Dropbox was been updated with the new data. Thanks Jimmy!

If there are simultaneous edits on Dropbox, I think it ends up creating 2 versions if they conflict. It's probably not the best to have to comb through both to merge the changes though. Google Docs works well for simultaneous, real time editing, but it's not great when it comes to sub/superscripts, symbols, and pasting images.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

MATTHEW TODD | Associate Professor School of Chemistry | Faculty of Science

THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Rm 519, F11 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006 T +61 2 9351 2180 | F +61 2 9351 3329 | M +61 415 274104 E | W

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alintheopen commented 10 years ago

OK, I've put it in the openchem dropbox folder, lets keep the file as it is update an edit at the end of each day. I'm going to look through and unify the style a little and then save. Thanks Carmen and Jimmy, great team work.

JimCronshaw commented 10 years ago

The blank file will be problematic if Dropbox doesn't update promptly. The edits I made didn't show up on Alice's computer for about 30 min, by the looks of things.

mattodd commented 10 years ago

OK - alternative is that we do not save local copies, but instead edit and save the version on DropBox and when someone is editing it they write in red at the start of the document "Mat is currently editing" etc, deleting when done, akin to an "occupied" sign. If you open the file to discover that sign, one discretely closes the file again and tries again later. There must be a more elegant solution to this? Word has Skydrive and Sharepoint tools, but I suspect these will achieve the same thing.

On 3 February 2014 20:52, Jim Cronshaw wrote:

The blank file will be problematic if Dropbox doesn't update promptly. The edits I made didn't show up on Alice's computer for about 30 min, by the looks of things.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

MATTHEW TODD | Associate Professor School of Chemistry | Faculty of Science

THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Rm 519, F11 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006 T +61 2 9351 2180 | F +61 2 9351 3329 | M +61 415 274104 E | W

CRICOS 00026A This email plus any attachments to it are confidential. Any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email in error, please delete it and any attachments.

alintheopen commented 10 years ago

Hi, I've made some edits to the dropbox word file to try to show the style that I'd like to keep for the experimental. I have just edited the first compound (AT-1-2) for the moment and I'd like @mattodd to give this the once over please, but here are some general pointers:

The title should be in bold and include (in this order) chemical name, OSM number, Chemist code. The structure should then be posted from chemdraw in the ACS format and centred. The procedure comes next, in the same style shown in the document and includes data in this order: m.p, proton NMR, carbon nmr, other heteronuclear NMR if required, IR, low res and then HRMS. If the compound is known or a prep has been followed this should be clearly referenced. For now, leave the references below each entry as this will be easier to format at the end without word having a fit. Then you need Inchi key and the shortened link to the experiment from the ELN.

If chemist codes or other useful abbreviations are used, leave them in the body of the experimental but highlight as they will be replaced my compound number in later drafts of the experimental. General Procedures can also be written for bromination, suzuki etc.

We also have this shared document: That we can use to keep track of the data and write up. For each compound we need to fill in the table and then when it is fully characterised and written up in the shared word file we should highlight the row in green to indicate that it has been completed. Thanks for your hard work Jimmy and Carmen - we need to try to work out if any compounds are missing this week so that we can resynthesise if necessary. Cheers Alice

alintheopen commented 10 years ago

p.s I forgot to say that we also need a shared spectra file with proton and carbon (processed) for each novel compound. I find the best way is to use half an A4 page for each spectra. If we scale protons from 10 to 0.5 ppm and carbon from 220 to -5 ppm this is usually an amenable scale.

mattodd commented 10 years ago

OK, nicely done Alice.

I just edited the document. I put my name in red at the top while I was doing that, and deleted it at the end, then saved one last time.

To avoid catastrophic loss we should save this with a new file name every now and again and archive the old ones in a Dropbox sub-folder.

I used track changes. These can really mount up and make the document laggy, but it's a way of associating edits with a person, and is a way of making edits so annoying that one wants to incorporate them. I would suggest that if someone makes a change they leave the track changes on, but any one of us can accept those changes, incorporating a kind of quality control mechanism.

All good? We're going to have to be strict with that "Editing now" alert. Like the warning light outside a laser lab.

On 3 February 2014 22:00, alintheopen wrote:

Hi, I've made some edits to the dropbox word file to try to show the style that I'd like to keep for the experimental. I have just edited the first compound (AT-1-2) for the moment and I'd like @mattodd give this the once over please, but here are some general pointers:

The title should be in bold and include (in this order) chemical name, OSM number, Chemist code. The structure should then be posted from chemdraw in the ACS format and centred. The procedure comes next, in the same style shown in the document and includes data in this order: m.p, proton NMR, carbon nmr, other heteronuclear NMR if required, IR, low res and then HRMS. If the compound is known or a prep has been followed this should be clearly referenced. For now, leave the references below each entry as this will be easier to format at the end without word having a fit. Then you need Inchi key and the shortened link to the experiment from the ELN.

If chemist codes or other useful abbreviations are used, leave them in the body of the experimental but highlight as they will be replaced my compound number in later drafts of the experimental. General Procedures can also be written for bromination, suzuki etc.

We also have this shared document: That we can use to keep track of the data and write up. For each compound we need to fill in the table and then when it is fully characterised and written up in the shared word file we should highlight the row in green to indicate that it has been completed. Thanks for your hard work Jimmy and Carmen - we need to try to work out if any compounds are missing this week so that we can resynthesise if necessary. Cheers Alice

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

MATTHEW TODD | Associate Professor School of Chemistry | Faculty of Science

THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Rm 519, F11 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006 T +61 2 9351 2180 | F +61 2 9351 3329 | M +61 415 274104 E | W

CRICOS 00026A This email plus any attachments to it are confidential. Any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email in error, please delete it and any attachments.

alintheopen commented 10 years ago

Hmm, it doesn't seem to have updated even now, we need to check this again tomorrow. Can we reshare the link as I'm now worried we are working from two different versions. Cheers

alintheopen commented 10 years ago

OK everyone, we're all going to work from this folder now: Features @mattodd's edits. Cheers

alintheopen commented 10 years ago

Jimmy, please could you post the fighare link to your thesis here and also upload the word doc of your thesis to the dropbox folder? Cheers

JimCronshaw commented 10 years ago

The first entry in that series 3 characterisation document isn't representative of all of the experimental entries btw. I didn't over-write that entry with my thesis write up because the yield was higher in that case. It would be helpful for either Alice or Mat to give one of the later entries from my thesis the once over.

Also, since my laptop carked it I don't have access to chemdraw.

mattodd commented 10 years ago

OK Jimmy I've corrected the final entry in the document. Please take a look and accept changes/make a note of what's needed for consistency so that we can apply the same format throughout.