Oripy / Rabbity-Pi

Integration of a Raspberry-Pi in a Nabaztag v1
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Different approach? #2

Open sanderant opened 10 years ago

sanderant commented 10 years ago

Does it make more sense to maybe use the raspberry pi as a bridge to the real nabaztag hardware. What I mean is to make the raspberry pi a mini server using opennab or something similar and bond the internal hardware to the server (if there is enough room). I haven't cracked my rabbit open yet so there may no be enough room, but if it fits this would be easier, albeit less elegant.

LouTerrailloune commented 10 years ago

Not a bad approach because alternate servers should be stable now and full featured.

However, how whould you connect the nabaztag to the server ? If it's via WIFI, this will be in WEP mode, which is the thing I want to get rid of.

sanderant commented 8 years ago

Yes I finally got my v1 rabbit to talk to a nabaztaglives server, but none of the nabaztag replacement servers appear to do much for the v1 rabbits as they are too primitive.

Did you ever do any more work on this or talk to anyone who did?

Oripy commented 8 years ago


Yeah, servers for the Nabaztag are not very useful.

About my project: I was stuck for quite a while due to blowing up a photoelectric switch. Also I drifted from this hobby having other interests in life (sport, new job, new girlfriend...). But funnily enough, I just started doing some electronics again (discovering arduino and the incredible esp8266) so I might go back to this project in the near future. I also received the replacement photoelectric switches (SG-211V KODENSHI) last week, so there is hope!

Oripy commented 8 years ago

Also see this, provided by LouTerrailloune in Issue#1: http://www.instructables.com/id/Hack-the-Nabaztag/?ALLSTEP