Orlandster / vue-typed-js

Typed.js integration for vue.js. Create a typing animation.
MIT License
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Support vue version 3? #41

Open MDolega20 opened 3 years ago

MDolega20 commented 3 years ago

do you plan to support vue version 3?

DhvanilPatel commented 3 years ago

Great work with the library. Thank you! I have the same question :) Wanted to check if it is planned to be implemented?

zymbth commented 2 years ago

Use the dependent library typed.js

MaaxGr commented 2 years ago

For everyone that needs an example:

Install via npm: npm i typed.js

In script setup:

import Typed from 'typed.js';

const typing = ref(null);

onMounted(() => {
    new Typed(typing.value, {
        strings: ["Developer", "Blogger", "Freelancer"],
        typeSpeed: 100,
        backSpeed: 60,
        loop: true

In template:

<span ref="typing"></span>
cssndrx commented 1 year ago

@MaaxGr Thanks for the helpful example!

In case anyone runs into this, I also had to add return {typing} from setup() to make it work