Orthogonal-Research-Lab / GSoC-Braitenberg-Vehicles

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Google Summer of Code 2019

Repository for Braitenberg Vehicles project

This repo is for the Google Summer of Code project "Modeling Neural Development with Braitenberg Vehicles", sponsored by INCF.

Thanks go to our repository contributors during the highly-active GSoC application period

Arna Ghosh repository

Ankit Gupta repository

Ziyi Gong repository

Stefan Dvoretskii repository

Schedule for proposals and acceptance:

May 6 (18:00 UTC): Accepted student proposals announced

Congratulations to Stefan Dvoretskii for his winning proposal!

Thanks to Ziyi Gong and Jesse Parent for joining our working group this summer, and thanks to all of our applicants for their time and contributions.

May 6 - May 27: Community Period

May 27: Coding Period Begins!

Check out Stefan Dvoretskii's final result, the BraGenBrain platform! link tutorial presentation

Check out the successor meeting series, Saturday Morning Neuro-Sim!