PAhelper / PhoenixAdult.bundle

Plex Meta-Data Agent for scene videos from multiple adult sites
356 stars 140 forks source link

Black Ambush returning List Index out of range #1031

Closed dappleyard closed 4 years ago

dappleyard commented 4 years ago

Auto and manual searching are not retrieving data - log indicates Ist index out of range

File name : Blackambush-2019-03-30-Ivy.mp4


2020-09-12 06:54:38,295 (3728) :  DEBUG (runtime:88) - Sending packed state data (112 bytes)
2020-09-12 06:54:38,295 (3728) :  DEBUG (runtime:924) - Response: [200] str, 16 bytes
2020-09-12 06:54:40,428 (2c1c) :  DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /:/plugins/com.plexapp.agents.phoenixadult/messaging/function/X0FnZW50S2l0OlNlYXJjaA__/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo_/Y2VyZWFsMQoyCmRpY3QKZGljdAo2CnMyCmVuczQKbGFuZ2IxczYKbWFudWFsYjFzNwpwcmltYXJ5aTAKczcKdmVyc2lvbnIxCnM2Cmt3YXJnc3M1Ck1vdmllczEwCm1lZGlhX3R5cGUzCnM1CjkxMTE5czIKaWRzMzAKQmxhY2thbWJ1c2gtMjAxOS0wMy0zMC1JdnkubXA0czQKbmFtZXM0CjIwMTlzNAp5ZWFycjAK
2020-09-12 06:54:40,428 (2c1c) :  DEBUG (runtime:49) - Received packed state data (80 bytes)
2020-09-12 06:54:40,430 (2c1c) :  DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /:/plugins/com.plexapp.agents.phoenixadult/messaging/function/X0FnZW50S2l0OlNlYXJjaA__/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo_/Y2VyZWFsMQoyCmRpY3QKZGljdAo2CnMyCmVuczQKbGFuZ2IxczYKbWFudWFsYjFzNwpwcmltYXJ5aTAKczcKdmVyc2lvbnIxCnM2Cmt3YXJnc3M1Ck1vdmllczEwCm1lZGlhX3R5cGUzCnM1CjkxMTE5czIKaWRzMzAKQmxhY2thbWJ1c2gtMjAxOS0wMy0zMC1JdnkubXA0czQKbmFtZXM0CjIwMTlzNAp5ZWFycjAK
2020-09-12 06:54:40,430 (2c1c) :  INFO (agentkit:961) - Searching for matches for {'year': '2019', 'id': '91119', 'name': 'Blackambush-2019-03-30-Ivy.mp4'}
2020-09-12 06:54:40,430 (2c1c) :  DEBUG (networking:143) - Requesting ''
2020-09-12 06:54:40,437 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - *******MEDIA TITLE****** Blackambush 2019 03 30 Ivy
2020-09-12 06:54:40,437 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - Getting Search Settings for: Blackambush 2019 03 30 Ivy
2020-09-12 06:54:40,437 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - mediaTitle w/ possible abbreviation: Blackambush 2019 03 30 Ivy
2020-09-12 06:54:40,444 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - mediaTitle w/ possible abbrieviation fixed: Blackambush 2019 03 30 Ivy
2020-09-12 06:54:40,447 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - Site found with method #3
2020-09-12 06:54:40,447 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - ^^^^^^^ siteID: 977
2020-09-12 06:54:40,447 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - ^^^^^^^ Shortening Title
2020-09-12 06:54:40,447 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - blackambush  vs black ambush
2020-09-12 06:54:40,447 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - 3
2020-09-12 06:54:40,447 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - 8
2020-09-12 06:54:40,447 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - searchTitle (before date processing): 2019 03 30 Ivy
2020-09-12 06:54:40,448 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - Search Title: Ivy
2020-09-12 06:54:40,448 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - Search Date: 2019-03-30
2020-09-12 06:54:40,448 (2c1c) :  INFO (logkit:16) - Ivy
2020-09-12 06:54:40,450 (2c1c) :  CRITICAL (core:574) - Exception in the search function of agent named 'PhoenixAdult', called with keyword arguments {'year': '2019', 'id': '91119', 'name': 'Blackambush-2019-03-30-Ivy.mp4'} (most recent call last):
  File "E:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Resources\Plug-ins-a78fef9a9\Framework.bundle\Contents\Resources\Versions\2\Python\Framework\api\", line 1011, in _search*f_args, **f_kwargs)
  File "E:\David\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\PhoenixAdult.bundle\Contents\Code\", line 884, in search
    elif (980 <= searchSiteID <= 987):
  File "E:\David\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\PhoenixAdult.bundle\Contents\Code\", line 57, in search
    results.Append(MetadataSearchResult(id='%s|%d|%s' % (curID, siteNum, releaseDate), name='%s [%s] %s' % (titleNoFormatting, PAsearchSites.getSearchSiteName(siteNum), releaseDate), score=score, lang=lang))
  File "E:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Resources\Plug-ins-a78fef9a9\Framework.bundle\Contents\Resources\Versions\2\Python\Framework\code\", line 108, in <lambda>
    _getitem_           = lambda x, y: x.__getitem__(y),
IndexError: list index out of range
PowerModder commented 4 years ago

First of all this is a sceneURL not the updates page. Second, because we use a strip of (" ") you NEED to have spaces at your filename. I tried your filename and it hit an error to splitted UTF. For example, Blackambush - 2019-03-30 - Ivy Third, those sites are rubbish (as design) and have some similarities but one for example re-directs you to sign-up when the other you can go through the scene itself. For auto-match to work properly you need to have one of those titles Blackambush - 2019-03-30 - 181 - Ivy (recommended for BlackAmbush) Blackambush - 2019-03-30 - 181 - 1091 - Ivy (recommended for ExploitedcollegeGirls, though it return result for that scene too) I tried both and worked OK If you DON'T follow those names then you are dropping to googlesearch option for this familysite and that can sometimes work OK and sometimes not. Personally, I encourage to spend some time if your collection is not so big to manually name your scenes to auto-match.

DirtyRacer1337 commented 4 years ago

Fixed in latest version