PCGen / pcgen

Main code and data development for pcgen program release
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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UI Duplicates On Mouseover [CODE-3109] #3384

Closed CodeGordon closed 6 years ago

CodeGordon commented 7 years ago

Having the same issue as the one listed in the JIRA bug from the title. Description of the bug copied for reference.

When I have PCGEN open, in full or window screen, cursing over it creates duplicates on top of the original. It seems if I only curse over empty gray, this does not happen. As soon as I hit text, the text area, it will do this. It seems it will even open duplicates on top of the duplicates. If I minimize the program, or switch between full/windowed, it returns to normal. Then repeats when I do it again.

It seems to be random what can trigger this bug. Something that has been doing it for me, though a little unreliably, has been using the To-Do links on the summary tab to move between screens, then making selections which open dialog boxes. Occasionally the bug will occur on the first selection, and other times it won't occur for several. Within a few minutes of usage, though, it will always eventually happen.

There's a comment which suggests to set the look and feel to "System", which seems to help overall performance. As stated in the edit to the same comment, it is not a fix, and the problem will occur again.

Once triggered, the bug will cause UI glitching throughout the program. The only way to stop it is to completely exit and relaunch the program, which requires all selected sources, as well as the character's own data, to be reloaded. This only resolves that particular instance, and if triggered again, the bug will continue to occur.

I want to like PCGen, and I would really like to be able to use it for my group's games. However, the frustration and wasted time in dealing with this graphical issue renders the entire program completely unusable until this is fixed.

Relevant system info:

Windows 10 Pro
Java 8u144
PCGen versions: 6.06.01 and 6.07.03
Loaded sources: All Pathfinder sources, all Adventure Path player's guides
LegacyKing commented 6 years ago

@grimreaper @Nylanfs do we have an answer for this?

LegacyKing commented 6 years ago

@thpr @mertonmonk Bump

ghost commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, this is still an issue and forces me to close and restart PCGen several times during character creation, making it extremely frustrating. I'm not sure what triggers it exactly as it pops up seemingly random during use, but I was able to find something that lets me reproduce it every time. I have attached a screen recording of the trigger, as well as a demo of the issue. It happens for me 100% of the time when opening the selection box for selecting equipment locations.


LegacyKing commented 6 years ago

Hi @Hexogenx sorry to hear to this continues to be a problem.

Are you loading pcgen with the windows 'exe' file, or with the 'jar' file?

I have a short time to debug this with you, if you're able to pop over on HipChat --> https://www.hipchat.com/gmddByrFS

LegacyKing commented 6 years ago

Workaround discovered:

Solution: run Command Line, navigate to your PCGen installed files "cd c:\the\path\to\pcgen" and type in:

java "-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false" -jar .\pcgen.jar

LegacyKing commented 6 years ago

JIRA Blocker issue set up. Closing this out.