PPH3 / Eldritch

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Working with TEI and New Schema #8

Open ebeshero opened 7 years ago

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

Team Eldritch: Pat and I met today (Thurs. 11/10) and worked on fine-tuning the project team's ODD file, in the repo's ODD folder. That's the file you'll want to work with to change the schema, and I've just walked Pat through the process. We've discussed keeping the markup of the texts as simple as possible so you can rapidly mark particular things.

For all the geographic coordinates, we currently have this system:

<location><geo type="lat" subtype="real">60 degrees N</geo><geo type="long">200 degrees W</geo></location>

or, for fictional locations:

<location><geo type="lat" subtype="real">60 degrees N</geo><geo type="long">200 degrees W</geo></location>

The location element will bundle together a pair of geo elements, and I've set that up for you with a set of Schematron rules embedded in your ODD file. You'll likely want to add more such rules and keep working on setting up lists of legal attribute values. Is one of you (@ejt27) likely to be modifying the schema? We need to meet to go over how to edit it and how to build your schema files out of it.

I think we might want to change this a little for separating "real" from "fictional" places. You probably want an @type on <location> as well as on <placeName> to hold the values "fict" or "real", and leave that off of the geo coordinates. That's an easy modification, and a nice one to have one of you write when we next meet, to makes sure you understand how to modify your own ODD.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@mjb232 @etj27 @PPH3 Here is a task list for your XML files, to prepare them to work with the new TEI schema:

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@mjb232 @etj27 @PPH3 I've been consulting a colleague outside our class on starting an ODD for his project, and I discovered the <distinct> element while browsing around in the TEI core module. I'm not sure how we missed it before, but it seems like the perfect element to capture your archaic and bizarre word-use patterns. Here's the element-spec: http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-distinct.html

I've gone ahead and added it to your ODD and reprocessed your schema file to include it, and I think you should probably use it for your purposes instead of <w>, though I can see an argument for tagging everything up with <w> and maybe going back and doing a global find & replace or an XSLT identity transformation to convert those to <distinct>.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

Also, I repaired that error in your ODD that I mentioned in class as affecting all the project teams (changed the attribute so you're properly excluding elements you don't want from your schema.) You'll all want to pull in the changes.