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Basin Analysis Report - Packing Reports #11

Closed jdduh closed 1 year ago

jdduh commented 3 years ago

There are two reports to be generated:

Watershed Characteristics Report

Site Analysis Report (add a check box to make this report optional - default value is checked)

jdduh commented 3 years ago

Summary of changes to the existing cover sheet:

lbross commented 3 years ago

The title page for the two reports are identical except for:

  1. The new report name(s)
  2. The list of data source entries

Question: The title page text for the existing sites section have references to the REPRESENTATION maps that will not be in the Site Analysis report. How would you like to handle this?

Question: What is 'existing station locations'? We don't have a map just for this. They are on some of the other maps. What is area-elevation/precip/station distribution tables? We have charts.

It looks like you want to reorder some of the pages. Is the listing below correct? Pages (in order) for the Watershed Characteristics Report

  1. Summary page
  2. Elevation Distribution
  3. Aspect Distribution
  4. Slope Distribution
  5. Aspect Chart
  6. Slope Chart
  7. Snotel Sites Representation
  8. Snow Course Sites Representation
  9. Combined Sites Representation
  10. Precipitation Distribution
  11. Elevation-Precipitation Correlation Chart
  12. Precipitation Contribution map (new)
  13. SWE Maps (Nov - Jul)
  14. SWE Delta Maps (Nov/Dec - Jun/Jul) (new)
  15. Elevation Precipitation Site Distribution Chart (% by elevation area)
  16. Elevation Precipitation Site Distribution Chart (Cumulative Precipitation)
  17. Critical Precipitation Zones Map
  18. Critical Precipitation Zones Table
  19. Seasonal Precipitation Maps (new)
  20. % of annual precipitation Seasonal Precipitation Maps (new)

Maps (in order) for the Site Analysis Report:

  1. Proximity to access road
  2. Public (non-wilderness land)
  3. Land ownership
  4. Area below treeline
  5. Potential site locations
lbross commented 3 years ago

The file names for the packaged reports are site_analysis_report.pdf and watershed_report.pdf. I uploaded samples to basins in the /BAGIS/BAGIS Reports directory. These samples do not include the precipitation contribution map or the seasonal precipitation map as these maps are still in development. Please review and let me know of any changes.

lbross commented 3 years ago

Change document titles. Replace aoi_name with stationName from pourpoint layer as prefix. Replace spaces with underscores before using. Map and chart titles need to use stationName too. Remove all references to "aoi" from cover page(s)

lbross commented 3 years ago

Change document titles. Replace stationName from pourpoint layer with nwccname from master_aoi_list.csv stored on AGOL. Use the station triplet from the pourpoint layer to look up the record in the .csv file (same link as retrieving annual runoff value). This is a different .csv from the runoff .csv. Replace spaces with underscores before using. Map and chart titles need to use this value too.

lbross commented 3 years ago

AGOL has the option of uploading a .csv with lat/long as a feature service. Having this data in a feature service rather than a CSV will be easier to work with in BAGIS-PRO. I uploaded a copy as a feature service and will be moving forward with this approach. If this is a bad idea, please let me know.

lbross commented 3 years ago

I updated the setAoi function to find the stationtriplet and query for the nwccname. It takes a little longer to set the AOI, but with this approach all of the tools have access to the nwccname after the AOI is set

jdduh commented 3 years ago

As of today, NWCC decides to publish the whole report as one pdf file (and the separate pages), instead of two reports. This is related to the recent development in USDA research priority. Snowpack survey/monitoring network (i.e., SNOTEL) analysis and siting become more important.

lbross commented 3 years ago

I changed the watershed report to no longer exclude the site analysis maps and we no longer create the site analysis report separately. I left the code in place in case they change their minds and want to go back the other way. I published 2 new examples of the watershed report to the NRCS portal and removed the site analysis reports. This includes the fix from Friday to remove the duplicate roads layer from the legend

jdduh commented 2 years ago

Here is the final ordering of the maps, charts, and tables. The blank lines separating the items indicate the grouping of "individual" maps.

Summary Basin Location Map Active Sites Table

Elevation Distribution Map

Aspect Distribution Map Aspect Distribution Chart

Slope Distribution Map Slope Distribution Chart

SNOTEL Sites Representation Map Snow Course Sites Representation Map SNOTEL & Snow Course Combined Sites Representation Map

Precipitation Distribution Map Elevation-Precipitation Correlation Chart Subbasin Annual Precipitation Contribution Map Area-Elevation, Precipitation, & Site Distribution Chart (% By Elevation Area) Area-Elevation, Precipitation, & Site Distribution Chart (Cumulative % Precipitation By Elevation Area) Critical Precipitation Zones Map Critical Precipitation Zones Table

Winter (Nov-Mar) Precipitation Map Seasonal Precipitation Contribution: Dec, Jan, & Feb Map Seasonal Precipitation Contribution: Mar, Apr, & May Map Seasonal Precipitation Contribution: Jun, Jul, & Aug Map Seasonal Precipitation Contribution: Sep, Oct, & Nov Map

SNODAS SWE Nov 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Dec 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Jan 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Feb 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Mar 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Apr 1ST Map SNODAS SWE May 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Jun 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Jul 1ST Map Average November SWE Delta Map Average December SWE Delta Map Average January SWE Delta Map Average February SWE Delta Map Average March SWE Delta Map Average April SWE Delta Map Average May SWE Delta Map Average Jun SWE Delta Map

Proximity to Access Road Map Federal Non-Wilderness Land Map Public Land Ownership Map Area Below Treeline Map Potential Site Locations on Elevation Zones Map Potential Site Locations on Precipitation Zones Map Potential Site Locations on Subbasin Precipitation Contribution Map

lbross commented 2 years ago

We are currently creating November - June SWE Delta Maps. Are we dropping May and June?

jdduh commented 2 years ago

Nice catch! We keep May and June. I have updated the list.

jdduh commented 2 years ago

Please see if the file names (in bold) make sense. All combined maps, charts, and tables -> AOI_Name + " Watershed Report"

AOI_Name + " Overview" Summary Basin Location Map Active Sites Table

AOI_Name + " Elevation Distribution" Elevation Distribution Map

AOI_Name + " Aspect Distribution" Aspect Distribution Map Aspect Distribution Chart

AOI_Name + " Slope Distribution" Slope Distribution Map Slope Distribution Chart

AOI_Name + " Site Representation" SNOTEL Sites Representation Map Snow Course Sites Representation Map SNOTEL & Snow Course Combined Sites Representation Map

AOI_Name + " Precipitation Distribution" Precipitation Distribution Map Elevation-Precipitation Correlation Chart Subbasin Annual Precipitation Contribution Map Area-Elevation, Precipitation, & Site Distribution Chart (% By Elevation Area) Area-Elevation, Precipitation, & Site Distribution Chart (Cumulative % Precipitation By Elevation Area) Critical Precipitation Zones Map Critical Precipitation Zones Table

AOI_Name + " Seasonal Precipitation Distribution" Winter (Nov-Mar) Precipitation Map Seasonal Precipitation Contribution: Dec, Jan, & Feb Map Seasonal Precipitation Contribution: Mar, Apr, & May Map Seasonal Precipitation Contribution: Jun, Jul, & Aug Map Seasonal Precipitation Contribution: Sep, Oct, & Nov Map

AOI_Name + " SNODAS SWE" SNODAS SWE Nov 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Dec 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Jan 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Feb 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Mar 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Apr 1ST Map SNODAS SWE May 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Jun 1ST Map SNODAS SWE Jul 1ST Map Average November SWE Delta Map Average December SWE Delta Map Average January SWE Delta Map Average February SWE Delta Map Average March SWE Delta Map Average April SWE Delta Map Average May SWE Delta Map Average Jun SWE Delta Map

AOI_Name + " Potential Site Analysis" Proximity to Access Road Map Federal Non-Wilderness Land Map Public Land Ownership Map Area Below Treeline Map Potential Site Locations on Elevation Zones Map Potential Site Locations on Precipitation Zones Map Potential Site Locations on Subbasin Precipitation Contribution Map

lbross commented 2 years ago

Just noticed that we need comments for the Area-Elevation, Precipitation, & Site Distribution Chart (Cumulative % Precipitation By Elevation Area). Currently the comments are duplicated from Area-Elevation, Precipitation, & Site Distribution Chart (% By Elevation Area).

jdduh commented 2 years ago

Here are the comments of the charts. Please note that there are typos in the original text. Also, I made some edits on the chart's top axis label (in bold). Please proofread them before posting.

Precipitation Distribution - % contribution by elevation zone The chart shows the percentage of the precipitation contributed by the user-specified elevation intervals and the snow monitoring sites plotted on the Area-Elevation Distribution curve according to the sites' elevation. The chart tells if the snow monitoring sites record the major precipitation in the AOI.

Area-Elevation, Precipitation and Site Distribution chart - Cumulative precipitation Distribution (cumulative % contribution by elevation zone) The chart shows the cumulative percentage from low elevation to high elevation of the precipitation contributed by the user-specified elevation intervals and the snow monitoring sites plotted on the Area-Elevation Distribution curve according to the sites' elevation. The chart tells if the snow monitoring sites record the major precipitation in the AOI.

lbross commented 2 years ago

Can you take a look and see if I got it right? If not, please make the adjustment on the spreadsheet and repost. And please tell me which charts are affected. Thanks! yampa_pro.xlsx

jdduh commented 2 years ago

Look good for the two charts mentioned earlier.

lbross commented 2 years ago
  1. Re-order " Potential Site Analysis" group as follows:

Potential Site Locations on Elevation Zones Map Potential Site Locations on Precipitation Zones Map Potential Site Locations on Subbasin Precipitation Contribution Map Proximity to Access Road Map Federal Non-Wilderness Land Map Public Land Ownership Map (Why is this missing?) Area Below Treeline Map

  1. Change map export dpi to 150 when exporting to PDF to reduce file size

Edit: These are both done. Dropping the DPI reduced the size of a sample watershed report from 60,210kb to 37,282kb

lbross commented 2 years ago

Add new section after Elevation Distribution Map AOI_Name + " Land Cover" Land Cover Map

jdduh commented 2 years ago

Just to tidy up the spec for the AOI_Name + " Potential Site Analysis" section.

jdduh commented 2 years ago

NWCC has confirmed to include Indian Reservation areas as potential site locations. We will need to update the spec for #9 issue.

jdduh commented 2 years ago

New spec for packing the report. This is also related to #12.

  1. No need to generate separate pdf files. NWCC only needs the complete Watershed Report file.
  2. The pdf file will use the station triplet ID as the file name, e.g., : 06228000_WY_USGS_Watershed-Report.pdf. Please use URL-safe characters whenever possible. Use underscores as the delimiter and dash as "space".
  3. NWCC plans to use hashtags to point to specific pages in the pdf, which means all reports must have the same number of pages. We will need to replace missing maps/tables/charts with blank or padding pages so that pages in all the pdf files align.
lbross commented 2 years ago

Please take a look at this map on the Portal. The file was too big to upload to GitHub. This is a sample where I disabled the chart creation so it would complete faster for debugging. It also gives you an example of the padding pages. The padding page is just a Word document converted to pdf and packaged with the add-in. So if you would like some different text or font, you can send a new Word document.

Also, I only put one map in as a placeholder for each of the 3 sets of maps that will be multiple maps on a page.

jdduh commented 2 years ago

So the text is not customizable for individual missing pages? We need to provide additional descriptions to explain why the page is blank. Probably add something like:

THIS PAGE INTENTIONALY LEFT BLANK Data are not available to render the content on this page

jdduh commented 2 years ago

We can add a TOC page (on the 3rd page, behind the Data sources page) that shows the page numbers and page titles.

lbross commented 2 years ago

To be customizable, we would need to implement the process we use for the title and sites pages. This means creating an html page from an xsl template and converting that to pdf before including it in the complete pdf document. We could probably get by with one xsl template if we created it so we could fill-in the variable information on the template. But it would still have to be generated for each missing page each time the report is generated.

A second alternative would be to package 29 filler pages with the add-in that are created by the Word to PDF conversion that I used in the sample. This would be easy to manage using arrays. Or maybe we could cut it down to two, map vs chart?

Do you have a sample of the format you would like for the TOC?

jdduh commented 2 years ago

Is missing SNOTEL/Snow Course sites the only possibility that would lead to blank/missing pages? Let's plan to use just one blank padding sheet for now.

As to the TOC, I know that it's difficult to add page numbers to the report. If each map/chart/table will appear in a fixed sequence (without any gap), then maybe we can add a number to the page (map/chart) title so that the TOC is easier to use. We probably also can use the same numbers when designing the BAGIS Pro GUI. If we take this route, then the TOC will be just the page title, something like:

Table of Contents

  2. Active Sites in [Station_Name]
  3. Elevation Distribution
  4. Land Cover
  5. ...
lbross commented 2 years ago

Please see attached for sample of map (chart) specific placeholder pages. I need to center the text. Any other requests? blank_page

jdduh commented 2 years ago

Looks good. Yes, please center the text.

lbross commented 2 years ago

The sample on the portal for 09361500_CO_USGS includes 3 example filler pages for review. This is done.