I was looking at hooking up my Yamaha Receiver up to my Alexa, and being able to tell her to "Turn on Radio 99.9" etc. So I needed to add a couple of functions to return the list of presets, and the Tuner status. I have it plumbed up to my Alexa, and have a function per radio preset.
yamaha.getTunerInfo() - Returns an object containing the current Tuner settings
yamaha.getTunerPresetList() - Returns an object containing all the presets
To get from from Alexa to my Yamaha receiver, the technology stack looks like this
Alexa --> homebridge ( I modified homebridge to also speak to Alexa ) --> homebridge-yamaha --> yamaha-nodejs --> Yamaha Receiver
PS Sorry I had hit Atom Beautify and it changed all the spacing ;-(
I was looking at hooking up my Yamaha Receiver up to my Alexa, and being able to tell her to "Turn on Radio 99.9" etc. So I needed to add a couple of functions to return the list of presets, and the Tuner status. I have it plumbed up to my Alexa, and have a function per radio preset.
yamaha.getTunerInfo() - Returns an object containing the current Tuner settings yamaha.getTunerPresetList() - Returns an object containing all the presets
To get from from Alexa to my Yamaha receiver, the technology stack looks like this
Alexa --> homebridge ( I modified homebridge to also speak to Alexa ) --> homebridge-yamaha --> yamaha-nodejs --> Yamaha Receiver
PS Sorry I had hit Atom Beautify and it changed all the spacing ;-(