Perform these set of actions in a Targets Pipeline:
To tidy up existing Targets example
• Merge three .csv files: AE_TYPE_1_ATT_AUG10_JAN24.csv,AE_TYPE_2_ATT_AUG10_JAN24.csv, AE_TYPE_3_ATT_AUG10_JAN24.csv
• Create a GGPLOT chart using merged file
• Save ggplot2 output into the objects folder
• Force targets to remove some targets so next time we run tar_make() all pipeline will be re-build, so the output (.csv files)we produce in those targets will be re-created again.
• tar_invalidate(one_two_combined)
Perform these set of actions in a Targets Pipeline:
To tidy up existing Targets example
• Merge three .csv files: AE_TYPE_1_ATT_AUG10_JAN24.csv,AE_TYPE_2_ATT_AUG10_JAN24.csv, AE_TYPE_3_ATT_AUG10_JAN24.csv • Create a GGPLOT chart using merged file • Save ggplot2 output into the objects folder
• Force targets to remove some targets so next time we run tar_make() all pipeline will be re-build, so the output (.csv files)we produce in those targets will be re-created again. • tar_invalidate(one_two_combined) tar_invalidate(one_two_three_combined)