Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embedded and IoT devices)
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windows 10环境
(paddle_env0730) C:\WINDOWS\system32>pip freeze list anyio==4.4.0 astor==0.8.1 beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 certifi==2024.7.4 charset-normalizer==3.3.2 colorama==0.4.6 contourpy==1.2.1 cycler==0.12.1 Cython==3.0.10 decorator==5.1.1 exceptiongroup==1.2.2 fire==0.6.0 fonttools==4.53.1 h11==0.14.0 httpcore==1.0.5 httpx==0.27.0 idna==3.7 imageio==2.34.2 imgaug==0.4.0 kiwisolver==1.4.5 lazy_loader==0.4 lmdb==1.5.1 lxml==5.2.2 matplotlib==3.9.1 networkx==3.3 numpy==1.26.4 opencv-contrib-python== opencv-python== opt-einsum==3.3.0 packaging==24.1 paddleocr==2.8.1 paddlepaddle==2.6.1 pillow==10.4.0 PPOCRLabel==2.1.3 protobuf==3.20.2 pyclipper==1.3.0.post5 pyparsing==3.1.2 PyQt5==5.15.11 PyQt5-Qt5==5.15.2 PyQt5_sip==12.15.0 python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 python-docx==1.1.2 pywin32==306 PyYAML==6.0.1 rapidfuzz==3.9.5 requests==2.32.3 scikit-image==0.24.0 scipy==1.14.0 shapely==2.0.5 six==1.16.0 sniffio==1.3.1 soupsieve==2.5 termcolor==2.4.0 tifffile==2024.7.24 tqdm==4.66.4 typing_extensions==4.12.2 urllib3==2.2.2 xlrd==1.2.0
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