Pakobbix / passive-income

ebesucher, honeygain, Peer2Profit, PacketStream, EarnAPP, IPRoyal, Traffmonetizer
25 stars 3 forks source link

Umgebung #3

Open nocomment-bln opened 1 year ago

nocomment-bln commented 1 year ago

Hi :) Coole Idee!

Läuft das ganze auch auf einem Raspberry ?

gibt es vielleicht die Möglichkeit das ganze etwas schlanker zu machen, sodass es nur mit docker funktioniert und in eine vorhandene Umgebung integriert werden kann ?

engageub commented 1 year ago

To use proxies with multi account you may have a look at this. Thank you

Pakobbix commented 1 year ago

Hi @nocomment-bln,

hatte familiäre Probleme (die noch anhalten) und habe wohl übersehen dass du hier geschrieben hattest.

Theoretisch Ja, aber denke nicht es wäre empfehlenswert. Eigentlich ist alles auch ARM kompatibel. Aber Leistungstechnisch wirst du dich ziemlich beschneiden.

Kann auch durchaus sein, dass Ebesucher dann sogar den Raspberry beim laden einer Webseite mit völlig überladener Werbung komplett zum halt bringt für Minuten.

Und auch wegen Ebesucher würde ich alleine den Raspberry nicht empfehlen da diese mit MicroSD's arbeiten. Das Firefox Profil schreibt direkt darauf. Was das ganze System noch langsamer macht.

Ein Raspberry macht, meiner Meinung nur sinn, als VPN client, oder ohne Ebesucher. Falls du noch einen rumliegen hast, kannst du das natürlich gerne ausprobieren.

@engageub Looks like a promising and with more features packed project then mine. Would really like if you would implement Ebesucher is one of the most paying passive income not just for me. Would be really beneficial if you would add it, too.

The implementation may be more difficult, because there is a need of a browser using the Surfbar with user information. If you think of implementing it, you have to find some container (or create it) that doesn't stop rendering if no connection is established (got some problems with VNC, guacamole was the rescue. But some (like kasmweb) were working, too. I thought some time ago, to enhance ebesucher docker output gain:

  1. Hardware Acceleration (webgl in docker wasn't working, so it was way slower then native. Some newer Containers are supporting it now)
  2. Chrome in Wine (To get a browser with windows system is paying off even better, so i thought to emulate windows broswer behaviour)
engageub commented 1 year ago

Hi Pakobbix, Thank you for having a look at the project. I tried your code already for ebesucher in arm architecture and it did not work well for me. So I used it manually by running 6 instances of firefox with 6 different proxies. It was consuming about 1-2GB of RAM space for each instance of firefox. I had my own script in place to restart firefox every one hour. It was not running in background though. I was making about $1 per day from these 6 instances. But the odds of running it was the CPU utilization which also has be considered when comparing with running multiple docker instances of the internet sharing apps. There is one more problem, I found that it asks for captcha on starting the browser. So I had to write another script which reloads the page after a minute and the captcha disappeared on the surfbar page. This was my automation for running multiple instances of firefox. In terms of steps that I used here they are:

  1. Create multiple profiles of firefox and added proxy to each instance.
  2. Created a userscript to reload the page after a minute on surfbar when captcha appeared.
  3. Created a shell script to restart these instances every one hour. This was successful and I received payouts from ebesucher. Containers may not be required since firefox has the ability to create new profiles and each profile can be assigned a proxy. It just ads an extra overload if docker is used for each firefox instance. This can be done with chrome as well since chrome can be started with different profiles and each profile can have a proxy assigned.
    I know this since I created a project where I handled 300 instances of firefox(multiproxy) with autologin and auto withdrawal and its not hard for me to implement this one. VNC and others are not required since firefox has inbuilt feature to specify proxy. Try to use the default features instead of adding extra layers unless necessary since we also need to consider CPU and memory usage and its not a Game where we consider the look and feel. It has to run in the background by taking single few inputs and run with less resources. I have not compared the payment in different browsers yet. May be you know it well. Linux has chromium browser, but I have not tried on that. I only used firefox and now I stopped using it since I am running multiple docker instances on my PC which are paying better.

Regarding your script, I am not sure if you considered reloading the page after a minute, so I guess that was the reason why I was not making money with your script. May be you can have a look at it when you get time.

Thank you

Pakobbix commented 1 year ago

@engageub tbh, ebesucher is a sucker to implement.

I may forgot half of the steps i had to do but just for clarification:

  1. ebesucher got a way to check for website rendering (with some tricks, you can run it headless, but you will be blocked if sites wouldn't render and you will earn nothing.)
  2. I don't know why, but if you (just like my script does) set the startpage for the surfbar via flag/env the surfbar won't run, you will earn nothing. (Just came out recently by an user)
  3. My script does several things to restart/reload wait for profile to be cleaned (if you have to much cached data, you earnings will drop).
  4. VNC is necessary for the ebesucher addon configuration (Surfbar name where to collect the points and privacy has to be checked).
  5. Chrome should run better, but i just stumbled over JLesage's Firefox docker that works without cutting the rendering and got enough customization to reduce overhead as much as possible and a way for the user to check in on the surfbar if he wants to.
  6. Usually you should get around 550 Points per hour, per Instance. If you run it in Jlesage docker. You will get 700 Points per instance/hour if you run it native. I researched it a bit and the only difference was webgl support. So the websites get software rendered, that uses more CPU and is slower.

I also created a python script, that uses chrome, creates a new profile and together with the undetected-chromium and selenium, i was able to let it run for ~1100 points per instance/hour, because the script can interact with the surfbar. Skipping all 0 point sites and even detecting if the surfbar is running/got stuck at all and restarts/reloads if necessary), but i got some family issues right before i could finish it (currently it runs only for 1 hour despite the endless loop and works only on windows, on linux, the surfbar always shows 0 points site without exception).

The main priority for me was getting the python script running because of the much better point outage. (around 1,15$ per day/instance) but i don't know when I can finish it.

Also I think, if we continue to discuss it, we should move into your issue section.

engageub commented 1 year ago

Sorry to hear about your family issues. I hope they get resolved soon and everything be back as normal. The earnings also depend on the location, so its different for me here. I saw from articles that German proxies pay more for ebesucher. I am aware of all these tools already, except that I don't know the difference in the earnings from each of these tools. May be its the timing that makes the values different, since it may not run the websites with the same cost in a given hour. I am not sure what websites come in a given hour but I appreciate your efforts on researching more into the earnings of ebesucher. Good to hear about your python selenium code getting more points per hour. I am not going to implement this soon but considering different OS architectures, using docker to ensure that same version of Firefox is utilized across different machines is an effective way to maintain consistency in the process.

In the step4 mentioned above, I have not used VNC to connect and click on privacy settings or the username. This can be done by already clicking in the extension and saving that data to your file. I only set the username in the config file before running and have not used VNC. I used translator to understand what you have written in German. We are good here to close the conversation regarding ebesucher. Please take care of your family.

Thank you

engageub commented 1 year ago

Hi, Hope you are doing well and got your family problems resolved. Just for the info, I have added code to support ebesucher and mysterium with multiproxy support. Docker containers with chrome are already available online. But I have implemented it with firefox since it was well tested. My firefox config is only 11 MB in size but your config is about 35 MB. So you might have added some extra configs or did not clear history while saving the profile data. I recently found that they check if IP's are from same subnet and also if same version of firefox is used. Either it waits for ~1900 seconds or we need to solve captcha manually to proceed further. The message appeared when I used 10 proxies from same subnet.

Thank you

engageub commented 1 year ago

Just an info. Chrome support with recaptcha solver has been added. You may have a look and try and see how much it pays in your country.

Thank you