PalMuc / TransPi

TransPi – a comprehensive TRanscriptome ANalysiS PIpeline for de novo transcriptome assembly
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KEGG warn message #40

Open vruggieri opened 2 years ago

vruggieri commented 2 years ago

Thanks for providing this nice pipeline! I run an analysis with the following command: ./nextflow run --all --maxReadLen 143 --k 25,35,55,75,85 --reads '/media/server2/Data_2Gb/Melongena/Data/Trimmed/Trimmed/provaR673_HP/R673HP831val_R[1,2].fastq.gz' --outdir /media/server2/Data_2Gb/Melongena/TransPi_R673_HP8 -profile docker --skipQC

Everthing was ok, except that the pipeline ended with a KEGG warning message: "WARN: Access to undefined parameter skipKegg -- Initialise it to a default value eg. params.skipKegg = some_value" annotation. Indedd in the trinotate folder the KEGG report file is empty as well as the kegg section in the html.

Any suggestion for that issue?

Thank you in advance

dpaz-corals commented 2 years ago

@PalMuc did you find any solution to this issue?

vruggieri commented 2 years ago

Not yet. I'm still getting the same issue.

AlexGaithuma commented 1 year ago

try adding the option: --withkegg

in your command

./nextflow run --all --maxReadLen 143 --k 25,35,55,75,85 --reads '/media/server2/Data_2Gb/Melongena/Data/Trimmed/Trimmed/provaR673_HP/R673HP831val_R[1,2].fastq.gz' --outdir /media/server2/Data_2Gb/Melongena/TransPi_R673_HP8 -profile docker --skipQC