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Uniprot Metazoan database not downloaded due to changes in UniProt REST API #52

Open IdoBar opened 1 year ago

IdoBar commented 1 year ago

The script fails to download the UniProt Metazoa database due to changes to the API. This is what comes back from the download command:

$ curl -o uniprot_metazoa_33208.fasta.gz ""
$ cat uniprot_metazoa_33208.fasta.gz
Search result downloads have now moved to Please consult for guidance on changes.

I tried implementing the changes suggested by the new API guide with the command below, but it doesn't download anything.

curl -o uniprot_metazoa_33208.fasta.gz  ""

Thanks, Ido

sevragorgia commented 1 year ago

Hi Ido,

you can replace the old ulr with something looking like this:


changing the taxonomy ID accordingly, that should do the work.



sevragorgia commented 1 year ago

The issue with the metazoa UniProt database and whatever other database to be downloaded from the UniProt is that the API was changed, and the legacy option must be fixed too.

The new REST API requires pagination if more than 10,000,000 records are to be downloaded. This makes things a bit more complicated but possible.

Please note that I drafted this bash script only to make the download work and that it can probably be much more efficient and elegant, but I don't have time to improve it.

#test using cyanobacterial proteins (2010 in total) change the url to download the metazoan dataset after testing


while [ "$url" != "" ]

echo "Downloading $url"

curl -D head $url >>test.gz

url=`grep link head | cut -f 2 -d " " | sed 's/[;]//g' | sed 's/(/%28/g' | sed 's/)/%29/g' | sed 's/id:/id%3A/g' | sed 's/[<>]//g'`

echo $page >>head



This will download 2,010 cyanobacterial proteins from UniProt and write the headers necessary to proceed in the file head. In this file, you should find a number (5 in this case) indicating the number of pages of 500 records the script downloaded. You should check this is the correct number (!) by dividing the number of sequences to download by 500 (the number of records on each page).

For metazoa, there are 34,470,675 proteins in the database (checked 12.06.2023). You can do the math.

The URL for Metazoa looks like this:

#metazoa url

Generally, you can build the URLs by replacing the taxonomy_id with the appropriate number. You need to replace your taxonomy ID in the following part of the URL %3AYOUR_TAX_ID_HERE%29%29. The %3A before and %29%29 after the TAX_ID are mandatory.

I did not test for the (larger) metazoan file, so I would appreciate it if you could report the results.

Oh, and I am assuming you will do this from a Linux OS.