Paleoclim-CNRS / netcdf_editor_app
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Netcdf Editor App

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Checkout the Documentation for more info.

Deploying to local server

Images are automatically built using the github actions pipeline see these are automatically pushed to dockerhub and are therefore accesible for everyone:

To deploy these locally you need to:

  1. Copy contents of docker-compose.yaml
  2. Replace ${NGINX_PORT} by the desired port on the server / local machine
  3. In flask_app and panel_app remove the env_file line and add the contents of config/*.prod into each corresponding enviroment
  4. run docker-compose up --build -d (you can scale workers with --scale python_worker=3 where python_worker is the name of the service in docker-compose)

Multipage stack images:

Single page app:


The test suite uses pytest and coverage.

To run the tests either run

python -m pytest tests/


coverage run -m pytest && coverage report