v3-admin-vite is a free and open source middle and background management system basic solution, based on mainstream framework such as Vue3, TypeScript, Element-Plus, Pinia and Vite.
Vue3:The latest Vue3 composition API using Vue3 + script setup
Element Plus:Vue3 version of Element UI
Pinia: An alternative to Vuex in Vue3
Vite:Really fast
Vue Router:router
TypeScript:JavaScript With Syntax For Types
PNPM:Faster, disk space saving package management tool
Scss:Consistent with Element Plus
CSS variable:Mainly controls the layout and color of the item
ESlint:Code verification
Prettier: Code formatting
Axios: Promise based HTTP client (encapsulated)
UnoCSS: Real-time atomized CSS engine with high performance and flexibility
Annotation:Each configuration item is written with as detailed comments as possible
Mobile Compatible: The layout is compatible with mobile page resolution
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⚡ Introduction
v3-admin-vite is a free and open source middle and background management system basic solution, based on mainstream framework such as Vue3, TypeScript, Element-Plus, Pinia and Vite.
⚡ 简介
一个免费开源的中后台管理系统基础解决方案,基于 Vue3、TypeScript、Element-Plus、Pinia 和 Vite 等主流技术.