PanchumarthiAbhinav / django-notes-app

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Open PanchumarthiAbhinav opened 9 months ago

PanchumarthiAbhinav commented 9 months ago

Add a field for 'topic' in the note

redex-beta[bot] commented 9 months ago

Task Workflow Details



Don't edit this comment. This comment is managed by Redex for summary and status updates.

Step 1: Clarifications (PENDING)

Redex AI will come up with Clarification Questions related to this development task. Please answer the relevant questions. Avoid any other unrelevant question

Step 2: Change Plan (Revision 2)


Change Plan (Revision 1) ""

Step 3: Pull Request (PENDING)

Redex AI will generate Pull Request and it will be updated here...

redex-beta[bot] commented 9 months ago

Based on the provided context, here are some clarifying questions that would help in accurately developing the requirement to add a 'topic' field to the note in the Django-React application:

  1. Model Update:

    • Should the 'topic' field be a required field in the Note model, or can it be optional (i.e., allowed to be null or blank)?
    • What is the maximum length for the 'topic' field?
    • Should the 'topic' field be a CharField, TextField, or another type of field in the Django model?
  2. Serializer Update:

    • Will the NoteSerializer in api/ require any specific validation for the 'topic' field?
    • Should the 'topic' field be included in the list of fields in the NoteSerializer class?
  3. API Endpoints:

    • Do any of the API endpoints need to be modified to handle filtering or sorting by the 'topic' field?
    • Should the 'topic' field be included in the response of the API endpoints that return note data?
  4. Frontend Changes:

    • How should the 'topic' field be presented in the UI? For example, as a text input, a dropdown selection, or a tag system?
    • In which components should the 'topic' field be displayed or editable? For instance, should it be included in ListItem.js for display and in NotePage.js for editing?
    • Are there any specific design or styling requirements for the 'topic' field in the frontend?
  5. Data Migration:

    • Is there existing data that needs to be migrated to include a 'topic' field, or will this field be empty for existing notes?
  6. Testing:

    • Are there any specific test cases that need to be written or updated in api/ to account for the addition of the 'topic' field?
  7. Database and Migrations:

    • After updating the Note model, a new migration will need to be created. Should I proceed with creating and applying this migration?
  8. Documentation:

    • Should any documentation or comments be updated to reflect the addition of the 'topic' field?
  9. Permissions and Access Control:

    • Are there any permissions or access control rules that need to be considered for the 'topic' field?
  10. Data Validation:

    • Are there any constraints on the values that the 'topic' field can take? For example, should it be unique, or are there any restricted words or characters?

Clarifying these questions will ensure that the 'topic' field is implemented correctly and meets the project's requirements.

If you just want to test us out without providing a lot of answers, Just comment DEFAULT and we will take the workflow forward with assumptions :smiley:

PanchumarthiAbhinav commented 9 months ago


redex-beta[bot] commented 9 months ago

The change plan includes adding a new 'topic' field to the Note model, updating the serializer, views, and tests in the Django API, and updating the React frontend to display and manage the new field.

1. File: api/

Add an optional CharField 'topic' with a max_length of 100 to the 'Note' model.

2. File: api/

Include the 'topic' field in the 'NoteSerializer' fields list. The changes in this file is dependent on: api/

3. File: api/

Update the view functions to handle the 'topic' field in create and update operations. The changes in this file is dependent on: api/

4. File: api/

Update test cases to include the 'topic' field in note creation, retrieval, and update tests. The changes in this file is dependent on: api/

5. File: mynotes/src/pages/NotePage.js

Add a form input for 'topic' and include it in the state and API requests.

6. File: mynotes/src/components/ListItem.js

Display the 'topic' field in the note list items.

Next steps :

After implementing the coding changes, follow these steps:

  1. Lint the code: Run 'flake8' for backend and 'npm run lint' for frontend.
  2. Build the code: Run 'npm run build' for frontend.
  3. Test the code: Run 'python test' for backend and 'npm test' for frontend.
  4. Deploy the code: Deploy the updated code to the staging environment for final testing before production deployment.

Please review the change plan. In case if it needs any modifications, please drop a comment on the issue directly. Then a new revision of change plan and corresponding pull request will be generated

PanchumarthiAbhinav commented 9 months ago

Go ahead with the changes

redex-beta[bot] commented 9 months ago

The change plan involves adding a new 'topic' field to the 'Note' model, updating the serializer and views to handle the new field, and modifying the frontend to allow users to input and view the 'topic' of notes.

1. File: api/

Add a new CharField 'topic' to the 'Note' model with max_length set to 100. This field should be optional, so include 'blank=True' in the field arguments.

2. File: api/

Update the 'NoteSerializer' to include the new 'topic' field in the list of fields to be serialized. The changes in this file is dependent on: api/

3. File: api/

Ensure that the view functions that handle creating and updating notes are updated to include the 'topic' field. This includes updating the 'post' and 'put' methods to process the 'topic' field from the request data. The changes in this file is dependent on: api/

4. File: api/

Add tests for the 'topic' field to ensure that it is properly handled during create, update, and retrieve operations. This includes asserting the presence of the 'topic' field in the response data and testing the field's validation logic. The changes in this file is dependent on: api/

5. File: mynotes/src/pages/NotePage.js

Modify the component to include a new input field for the 'topic' in the note form. Update the state hooks and event handlers to manage the 'topic' value and include it in the API request payloads for note creation and updates.

6. File: mynotes/src/components/ListItem.js

Update the 'ListItem' component to display the 'topic' of each note. This may involve adding a new element to the component's JSX to render the topic.

Next steps :

To take the changes to production, the development team should:

  1. Lint the code using 'flake8' for the backend and 'npm run lint' for the frontend.
  2. Build the frontend with 'npm run build'.
  3. Test the backend with 'python test' and the frontend with 'npm test'.
  4. Deploy the changes to a staging environment to perform integration testing.
  5. Once verified, deploy to production.

Please review the change plan. In case if it needs any modifications, please drop a comment on the issue directly. Then a new revision of change plan and corresponding pull request will be generated

PanchumarthiAbhinav commented 9 months ago


redex-beta[bot] commented 9 months ago

This comment is not actionable:


Please provide a comment that's actionable, so that we can update the change plan and pull request accordingly

PanchumarthiAbhinav commented 9 months ago

go ahead

redex-beta[bot] commented 9 months ago

This comment is not actionable:

go ahead

Please provide a comment that's actionable, so that we can update the change plan and pull request accordingly

PanchumarthiAbhinav commented 9 months ago

no modification are needed, carry on the process

redex-beta[bot] commented 9 months ago

This comment is not actionable:

no modification are needed, carry on the process

Please provide a comment that's actionable, so that we can update the change plan and pull request accordingly

PanchumarthiAbhinav commented 9 months ago

carry on with the process

PanchumarthiAbhinav commented 9 months ago

carry on with the process