PaoloCuscela / Cards

Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 5.
MIT License
4.2k stars 274 forks source link

Open Card Programmatically #99

Closed Ragazzetto closed 5 years ago

Ragazzetto commented 5 years ago

Grazie Paolo per lo stupendo lavoro !!

Un informazione ... c'è un modo per aprire la detailView di una card via codice ?

Grazie in anticipo

Thanks Paolo for the wonderful job!

An information ... is there a way to open the detailView of a card via code ?

Thank you in advance


phr85 commented 5 years ago

It's a workaround but you can try this: DispatchQueue.main.async { let card = self.viewWithTag(1000) as! CardGroupSliding card.touchesBegan(Set(arrayLiteral: UITouch()), with: UIEvent()) card.touchesEnded(Set(arrayLiteral: UITouch()), with: UIEvent()) }

Ragazzetto commented 5 years ago

Thank you @phr85
I'll try as soon as I can. Thank you so much!


Ragazzetto commented 5 years ago

Yes !! Works perfectly! Thank you very much @phr85