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CanDestroy and CanPlaceOn tags from serialized item stacks are lost when switching between Spigot and Paper. #6689

Closed blablubbabc closed 2 months ago

blablubbabc commented 3 years ago

Expected behavior

Server owners being able to freely switch between Spigot and Paper back and forth without risking serialized item data to be lost.

Observed/Actual behavior

A user of one of my plugins, which uses the Bukkit ItemStack config serialization API to save and load item stacks to and from config files, complained about the CanDestroy and CanPlaceOn item tags being lost when they switched from using Spigot to using Paper. I assume the same issue applies in the opposite direction as well, when switching from Paper back to Spigot.

Steps/models to reproduce

As per below explanation for the cause of this issue, I assume the same issue also applies when serializing an item stack with this CanDestroy tag on Paper, switching from Paper to Spigot, and attempting to load the item stack there. The serialized item stack data on Paper, which Spigot will not know and therefore ignore, will look like this:

==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
v: 2730
  ==: ItemMeta
  meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
  - minecraft:iron_ore

Plugin list


The underlying cause of the issue should be apparent, but if wanted, I can prepare a more minimal reproduction plugin that simply saves and loads an item stack to and from the plugin's config file.

Paper version

Checking version, please wait... This server is running Paper version git-Paper-295 (MC: 1.17.1) (Implementing API version 1.17.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: f905057) You are running the latest version Previous version: git-Paper-280 (MC: 1.17.1)



My assumption is that the issue is caused by the following patch:

On Spigot, the CanDestroy and CanPlaceOn item tags are serialized as part of the unhandledTags (under key internal). On Paper, these tags have been removed from Spigot's unhandledTags and treated separately during serialization and deserialization: They are serialized under the keys CanDestroy and CanPlaceOn inside configs.

The problem with this is that Paper ignores any already serialized data for these tags that may previously have been saved by Spigot as part of the internal / unhandledTags. And the other way around, Spigot ignores any data that Paper may have previously saved under the CanDestroy and CanPlaceOn keys.

I see two possible solutions:

electronicboy commented 3 years ago

I can imagine supporting migrating from spigot, but, trying to support both of them would be pretty shoddy, the item meta system was never designed to deal with such cases, nor is bouncing between platforms something we support

Machine-Maker commented 2 months ago

We've decided to close this as won't fix. Since this, we've introduced other changes in the form of fixes to the serialization/deserialization logic for stacks that just makes trying to maintain backwards compat not feasible.