Papierkorb / bindgen

Binding and wrapper generator for C/C++ libraries
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support nested anonymous types #85

Open HertzDevil opened 4 years ago

HertzDevil commented 4 years ago

Currently, Bindgen doesn't support nested anonymous types at all:

struct T {
  struct { int x, y; } point;
  struct { float u, v; };
classes: { T: T }
  T: { copy_structure: true }
lib Binding
  struct T
    point : T::(anonymous)*
    unnamed_arg_0 : T::(anonymous)*

  # SanityCheck will complain about the inaccessible (anonymous) types
  # x, y, u, and v are entirely missing

There are many examples of these types in the wild, mostly C struct / union compounds: (union support would be in a separate issue)

 *  Get the SDL joystick layer binding for this controller button/axis mapping
typedef struct SDL_GameControllerButtonBind
    SDL_GameControllerBindType bindType;

        int button;
        int axis;
        struct {
            int hat;
            int hat_mask;
        } hat;
    } value;

} SDL_GameControllerButtonBind;

Successfully parsing the nested types is the first step to supporting these classes, whether they are wrapped or not. This issue could be broken down into several tasks:

At the end, Binding::T should look like the following:

lib Binding
  struct T
    point : T_Unnamed0
    u : Float32
    v : Float32
  struct T_Unnamed0
    x : Int32
    y : Int32

Or if there is a Crystal wrapper:

class T
  @unwrap : Binding::T*

  def point : ??? end
  def point=(point : ???) end

  def u : Int32 end
  def u=(u : Int32) : Void end
  def v : Int32 end
  def v=(v : Int32) : Void end