PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-icon-theme

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ROM Mimetypes #2505

Open maxtron95 opened 3 years ago

maxtron95 commented 3 years ago

Continuing from #2501

maxtron95 commented 3 years ago

@varlesh What do you think of these Sega ROM mimetypes?


varlesh commented 3 years ago


varlesh commented 3 years ago

I mean only Sega CD or if SEGA have name on mime. Other icons better use from that template: image Sorry i'm confused with that more roms))

varlesh commented 3 years ago

or maybe sega cd use inverted version image

varlesh commented 3 years ago

@creepertron95 You are right on Suggestions. Only little fixes

varlesh commented 3 years ago

Please sorry ...initially i'm not understand you. You are right on suggestions. I can draw some icons

varlesh commented 3 years ago

@creepertron95 16px/32px/64px mime on templates wrong, it's bug... right size 32 = 28x22 (or nearby) right size 64 = 56x44 (or nearby) right size 16 = 16x13 (or nearby)

varlesh commented 3 years ago

@creepertron95 don't worry, i'm fix this later

varlesh commented 3 years ago

mimes need draw as apps sizes.... but initially it' was with wrong sizes. It's old bug

varlesh commented 3 years ago

it's fixed templates mimetypes.tar.gz

varlesh commented 3 years ago

@creepertron95 Hi. About paper icon. Will be good centered logo on horizontal & vertical too. See example: image Green square its area for center logo. It's temporary square will be deleted after manipulations. On right panel you can enable sticking to corners & stick with pads centers image Now move logo with mouse on green square and it will stick Don't forget about pixel align Main priority - it's horizontal center... but vertical important too Sometime logo have not good sizes, i know it. And not allways we can draw all logos in center... but we will try)))

varlesh commented 3 years ago

Nintendo 3DS roms conflict with image/x-3ds mimetype (3D Studio image): I fix that...

Also i'm not found info about Nintendo Switch ROM's, only XCI not merged PR (openned 2 years ago): Not available NSP & NSZ too

varlesh commented 3 years ago

@creepertron95 Also i'm added other icon names for Wii roms on your msg

varlesh commented 3 years ago

Now it's not similar, but not confused 3D Studio users: image

varlesh commented 3 years ago

maxtron95 commented 3 years ago

@varlesh If that is the 3D Studio filetype (aka 3DS Max), then should the filetype use the 3D Studio Max logo instead? (It's also the filetype of a 3D model type used in 3DS Max and other 3D software programs.)


varlesh commented 3 years ago

Sure...My opinion, it's hack nintendo rom only. I think mimetipes not right detect: Also as i know 3ds mime for 3D Studio it's legacy format... maybe now not used?

maxtron95 commented 3 years ago

@varlesh Should we include the mimetypes for other retro computer systems here as well? (Apple, Atari ST, Amiga)

varlesh commented 3 years ago

@creepertron95 at your request. It's not critical))

maxtron95 commented 3 years ago

OK, but, I probably will include Atari ST, I have the Hatari emulator installed and it introduces 4 new mimetypes we don't have in the theme yet.


luisrguerra commented 3 years ago

N64 roms are using .iso mime type icon, someting that is strange because Nintendo 64 use cartridge. The N64 rom are .n64 and .z65 . Both files are only used for nintendo 64 emulators.

.z64 file type. .n64 file type

My sugestion of design: 22x N64-Console-Set

Nintendo 64 logo vector .svg:

luisrguerra commented 3 years ago

My sugestions for .gb and .gbc

Gameboy (.gb) vector images svg:

Gameboy Color (.gbc) vector images svg:

Obs: ".gb" and ".gbc" are mainly used for emulation. ".gb" is used by outdated genetic scientific program on windows.

Images for reference: 2587d659eb8693911ecb299cb2415327 y1s202rqu3f01

Material Design Gameboy Icon svg: