We will continue to find the coordinates automatically through reverse geocoding. It's not easy to set that up in Directus, so we'll write to Directus any missing coordinates during the nightly sync.
This also sets up the basic skeleton for npm run sync-directus by reading the Places table. Directus operates in terms of a numeric ID for places, but our JSON files expect a string PlaceId. So this new function returns a helpful mapping between those two key types.
We will continue to find the coordinates automatically through reverse geocoding. It's not easy to set that up in Directus, so we'll write to Directus any missing coordinates during the nightly sync.
This also sets up the basic skeleton for
npm run sync-directus
by reading the Places table. Directus operates in terms of a numeric ID for places, but our JSON files expect a stringPlaceId
. So this new function returns a helpful mapping between those two key types.