PartnerRobotChallengeVirtual / common-unity

Common Unity project for the competitions
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Support for multiple points in trajectories #1

Open samiamlabs opened 6 years ago

samiamlabs commented 6 years ago


I have been playing around with the simulation over the weekend and noticed that the joint trajectory interface currently only uses the first trajectory point.

If you want to use Moveit you also need an action interface for the trajectory controllers. I forked this repo and added support for multiple trajectory points.

Got Moveit working by setting up action servers on the ROS side. Here is a video of that:

Is there a specific reason you have chosen to use trajectory interfaces to the simulator instead of ros_control compatible hardware interfaces (position, velocity, effort) like in gazebo?

t-inamura commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion. We also think that the API which specifies multiple points to design a trajectory is useful. One of the current limitations is unified API among real and virtual HSR robot should be released as an official software package. The software package for the real HSR does not have the multiple point specification, which is developed by TOYOTA. We'd like to ask TOYOTA how to release such a useful and convenient APIs. If TOYOTA and our team can release upgrade package, we'll inform on this issue and wiki page.
