PatrickF1 /

Fish shell plugin to colorize man pages
MIT License
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No color output Ubuntu 24 fish with starship prompt #9

Open vepain opened 2 days ago

vepain commented 2 days ago

I tested your fish plugin on Ubuntu 22 and Ubuntu 24. The only thing that seems different is their respective version of starship prompt (same terminal app with same profile configuration.

For Ubuntu 22.04

> starship --version
starship 1.17.1

For Ubuntu 24.04

> starship --version
starship 1.20.1

Both Ubuntu 22 and 24 output:

> fish --version
fish, version 3.7.1
> fisher --version
fisher, version 4.4.5
> functions man
# Defined in /home/profchep/.config/fish/functions/ @ line 1
function man --description 'Run man with added colors'
    set --local --export MANPATH $MANPATH

    # special case for NetBSD and FreeBSD: set MANPATH if not already set
    # see
    if test -z "$MANPATH"
        if set path (command man -p 2>/dev/null)
            set MANPATH (string replace --regex '[^/]+$' '' $path)
            set MANPATH ""

    # prepend the directory of fish manpages to MANPATH
    set fish_manpath $__fish_data_dir/man
    if test -d $fish_manpath
        set --prepend MANPATH $fish_manpath

    cless (command --search man) $argv
> functions cless
# Defined in /home/profchep/.config/fish/functions/ @ line 1
function cless --description 'Configure less to colorize styled text using environment variables before executing a command that will use less'
    set -x LESS_TERMCAP_md (set_color --bold 0280A5) # start bold
    set -x LESS_TERMCAP_me (set_color normal) # end bold
    set -x LESS_TERMCAP_us (set_color --underline 5BA502) # start underline
    set -x LESS_TERMCAP_ue (set_color normal) # end underline
    set -x LESS_TERMCAP_so (set_color --reverse F0CB02) # start standout
    set -x LESS_TERMCAP_se (set_color normal) # end standout

> echo $PAGER
vepain commented 2 days ago

Note that decors/fish-colored-man works