PaulFreund / Chat

Chat - A Windows 8 XMPP Messenger
MIT License
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Lang Pack #1

Closed bbilginn closed 11 years ago

bbilginn commented 11 years ago

Hi, I would like to make Turkish translation. How I can help you?

PaulFreund commented 11 years ago

Hi :) Great !

The translations are located in Chat/Strings/##/Resources.resw where ## is the language code. To add a new language you have to add a new folder to the Strings folder ( called tr for turkish ) with a Resources.resw file in it. I suggest copying the en folder and replacing the strings with turkish ones.

If you don't have Win8 / VS2012 and can't edit the project you can also edit a copy of the english Resources.resw manually (its just XML) and upload the file afterwards so I can include it.

Your help is highly appreciated! Thanks

bbilginn commented 11 years ago

Thanks :+1: I took the fork. I giving notice to merge.