PeerHerholz / bids_bep16_conv

A small package to implement conversions between BEP-16 (Diffusion Derivatives) compliant datasets and other/existing software outputs.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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missing .json file HBN QSIprep dataset #1

Closed PeerHerholz closed 1 year ago

PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Hi @arokem,

I just added a small function to download the QSIprep-processed HBN data from OSF. However, given the current state outlined in PR 24 the respective .json would be missing. For now, I only included the data of sub-NDAREK918EC2 (based on the QC scores).

Could you maybe have a look/provide some pointers re the json file? I looked on S3 but didn't find the fitting one and was thus wondering if this is due to my lack of knowledge or if it's actually not there.

It would be great to hear from you re this.

Cheers, Peer

arokem commented 1 year ago

No, you're correct that qsiprep did not produce the json files, but I think that it would be rather straightforward to generate the json in this case, based on the instructions here:

    "Sources": ["bids:raw:sub-NDAREK918EC2/ses-HBNsiteSI/dwi/sub-NDAREK918EC2_ses-HBNsiteSI_acq-64dir_dwi.nii.gz",
    "SpatialReference": "bids:raw:sub-NDAREK918EC2/ses-HBNsiteSI/anat/sub-NDAREK918EC2_ses-HBNsiteSI_T1w.nii.gz"

In addition to propagating the original metadata that are in the json for the raw data files that are here

PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Hi Ariel,

thank you very much for your message and helpful information.

Just to be sure: I would need to create the json via two steps:

However, shouldn't there also be pipeline-related information? Sorry, I haven't work with that type of derivative yet.

Thanks again, best, Peer

arokem commented 1 year ago

Yes. I think that's all correct.

I think that you can use the dataset_description file here for the pipeline information.

PeerHerholz commented 1 year ago

Fix via this commit.