Pega88 / chainlink-gcp

Hosting a Chainlink node on Kubernetes using Terraform
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Eth Node inaccessible #5

Open blackramit opened 3 years ago

blackramit commented 3 years ago

For those who come along, I ran into this issue after firing up the GKE environment and noticing my Pods were going through CrashLoopBackOff. I was getting a 502 from the targeted Eth Node in

devadmin@ThunderCloud:/mnt/e/Development/chainlink-gcp$ kubectl logs pod/chainlink-75dd5b6bdf-8b7zc --tail 15
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [DEBUG] SELECT count(*) FROM "migrations"  WHERE (id = $1) gormigrate.v1@v1.6.0/gormigrate.go:389 rows_affected=0 time=0.002688183
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [DEBUG] SELECT count(*) FROM "migrations"  WHERE (id = $1) gormigrate.v1@v1.6.0/gormigrate.go:389 rows_affected=0 time=0.0018155
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [DEBUG] SELECT count(*) FROM "migrations"  WHERE (id = $1) gormigrate.v1@v1.6.0/gormigrate.go:389 rows_affected=0 time=0.000888291
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [DEBUG] SELECT count(*) FROM "migrations"  WHERE (id = $1) gormigrate.v1@v1.6.0/gormigrate.go:389 rows_affected=0 time=0.000422136
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [DEBUG] SELECT count(*) FROM "migrations"  WHERE (id = $1) gormigrate.v1@v1.6.0/gormigrate.go:389 rows_affected=0 time=0.000611819
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [DEBUG] P2P_PEER_ID was not set, using the first available key chainlink/application.go:255     peerID=p2p_12D3KooWLpuf9HMEni3HUn45EA1YQLxMbFLPN8jQ2SNCpiYXLoKz
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [DEBUG] Off-chain reporting disabled                       chainlink/application.go:186
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [WARN]  /chainlink/.password has overly permissive file permissions, reducing them from -rw-r--r-- to -rw------- cmd/local_client.go:168
2021-09-03T18:35:03Z [WARN]  open /chainlink/.password: read-only file system   cmd/local_client.go:60
2021-09-03T18:35:04Z [INFO]  Unlocked account 0x9f08E5d2130714dd0dE0944a9C9deF7EFe77E638 store/key_store.go:76            address=0x9f08E5d2130714dd0dE0944a9C9deF7EFe77E638
2021-09-03T18:35:05Z [DEBUG] Unlocked P2P key                                   offchainreporting/keystore.go:56 peerID=p2p_12D3KooWLpuf9HMEni3HUn45EA1YQLxMbFLPN8jQ2SNCpiYXLoKz
2021-09-03T18:35:06Z [DEBUG] Unlocked OCR key                                   offchainreporting/keystore.go:63
2021-09-03T18:35:06Z [INFO]  API exposed for user     cmd/local_client.go:98
2021-09-03T18:35:06Z [DEBUG] eth.Client#Dial(...)                               eth/client.go:127
error starting app: websocket: bad handshake (HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway)

Validated with wscat:

devadmin@ThunderCloud:/mnt/e/Development/chainlink-gcp$ wscat -c wss://
error: Unexpected server response: 502

Setup my own Eth Node on Infura and validated it connects properly:

> devadmin@ThunderCloud:/mnt/e/Development/chainlink-gcp$ wscat -c wss://
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)

Then I modified the with my changes;

resource "kubernetes_config_map" "chainlink-env" {
  metadata {
    name      = "chainlink-env"
    namespace = "chainlink"

  resource "kubernetes_config_map" "chainlink-env" {
  metadata {
    name      = "chainlink-env"
    namespace = "chainlink"

  data = {
    #"env" = file("config/.env")
    ROOT = "/chainlink"
    LOG_LEVEL = "debug"
    ETH_CHAIN_ID = 3
    LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x20fe562d797a42dcb3399062ae9546cd06f63280"
    SECURE_COOKIES = false
    DATABASE_URL = format("postgresql://%s:%s@postgres:5432/chainlink?sslmode=disable",var.postgres_username,random_password.postgres-password.result)
    ETH_URL = "wss://"
Pega88 commented 3 years ago

should indeed not be hardcoded. might be good to move this into the tfvars if you feel like making a PR?