PennTURBO / semantic-engine

TURBO semantic engine (Drivetrain). Transforms source-dependent RDF data into a source-independent, semantically rich RDF model.
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Consolidated mapping decision points #49

Open turbomam opened 5 years ago

turbomam commented 5 years ago

provenance styles





Mentioning is used to link instances, even if they have been instantiated coarsely, to the URI for the source concept

single vs multiple vocabularies?

Concept IDs can be tied to a vocabulary via the OMOP concept table. Some mappings or mentioning situations may require examination of the vocabulary. Synthea measurements come from LOINC and SNOMED. Drug exposures come from CVX and RxNORM (although we may exclusively instantiate RxNORMs to start.)

counting RDF instances vs rows

person table

visit_occurrence table

procedure_occurrence table

measurement table

condition_occurrence table

One might argue that these rows are records of disease processes that the person participated in. We are currently instantiating them statically as diagnoses.

drug_exposure table

In progress. Currently intending to exclusively model "prescription written" records with RxNorm codes, not "administered in outpatient setting"/CVX.