part of some data structure, like a column (which is part of a table or query result...)
property graphs?
denoted by some key
source value is bound with "has representation" property
restated as an owl:Axiom
source, property, target
has database cross reference some provenance data item, following rules from above
all explicit entities instantiated from OMOP tables will have a denoting key
these keys are used for the denotation part of the provenance above
when a upstream source assigns stable, actively managed identifiers, those will also be modeled as CRIDs
processes have process boundaries
shortcutted as 'has birth' for people
data items have time stamps
always use datetime columns when available, even if the time component is 00:00:00
all rows in a table could be instantiated with the same static class
rows could be instantiated conditionally, based on some value
limited to affirmative mappings?
or with fall-through generic case, ie for OMOP concept codes of 0
row could be instantiated with into coarse buckets (like diagnosis vs treatment for procedures)
still based on mappings from OMOP concept IDs to OBO classes in the TURBO ontology
still could include a fall-through case for un-mapped concept IDs
Mentioning is used to link instances, even if they have been instantiated coarsely, to the URI for the source concept
single vs multiple vocabularies?
Concept IDs can be tied to a vocabulary via the OMOP concept table. Some mappings or mentioning situations may require examination of the vocabulary. Synthea measurements come from LOINC and SNOMED. Drug exposures come from CVX and RxNORM (although we may exclusively instantiate RxNORMs to start.)
counting RDF instances vs rows
some of the modeling decisions will decrease the counts
no fall-through case for instantiating
required visit/encounter part-hood
person table
includes RID, GID, DOB
visit_occurrence table
rows conditionally instantiated based on their visit_concept_id
"participation" = realization of role
OMOP predetermines the ordering of visits
assessment of visit/encounter dates probably necessary for other sources
procedure_occurrence table
coarse bucketing of procedure types
plus two 1:1 mappings: IM injection and physical exam
"participation" = realization of role
part-hood relative to encounters
a provenance data item is about the procedure and mentions the source code's URI
units also require affirmative mapping and are instantiated with supporting provenance
not modeling patient qualities or measurement processes
date-stamping (no process boundaries)
might be possible to ties the measurement datums into OMOP processes?!
not currently instantiating categorical or ordinal measurements
measurement itself mentions the source code's URI
condition_occurrence table
One might argue that these rows are records of disease processes that the person participated in.We are currently instantiating them statically as diagnoses.
diagnoses themselves mention a code URI
SNOMED, not ICD, in the case of Synthea
date-stamping (no process boundaries, despite availability of end date)
visit/encounter parthood
person/patient aboutness
drug_exposure table
In progress. Currently intending to exclusively model "prescription written" records with RxNorm codes, not "administered in outpatient setting"/CVX.
provenance styles
Mentioning is used to link instances, even if they have been instantiated coarsely, to the URI for the source concept
single vs multiple vocabularies?
Concept IDs can be tied to a vocabulary via the OMOP concept table. Some mappings or mentioning situations may require examination of the vocabulary. Synthea measurements come from LOINC and SNOMED. Drug exposures come from CVX and RxNORM (although we may exclusively instantiate RxNORMs to start.)
counting RDF instances vs rows
person table
visit_occurrence table
procedure_occurrence table
measurement table
condition_occurrence table
One might argue that these rows are records of disease processes that the person participated in. We are currently instantiating them statically as diagnoses.
despite availability of end date)drug_exposure table
In progress. Currently intending to exclusively model "prescription written" records with RxNorm codes, not "administered in outpatient setting"/CVX.