PennyDreadfulMTG / perf-reports

2 stars 7 forks source link

Exceeded slow_query limit (420.4 > 60.0) in mysql: ``` #61721

Open vorpal-buildbot opened 1 year ago

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago
    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Worthy Knight', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Cult Conscript', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Crackling Doom', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Sol Talisman', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Brute Suit', 'Leonin Bola', 'Harmonize', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Recoup', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Zuran Orb', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Path of Discovery', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Despise', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Rise // Fall', 'Think Twice', 'Black Knight', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Hedron Archive', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Village Messenger', 'Tail Swipe', 'Rags // Riches', 'Essence Scatter', 'Zof Consumption', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Bring the Ending', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Deep Analysis', 'Quickling', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Wonder', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Fog', 'Soulflayer', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Buried Ruin', 'Fumigate', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Strategic Planning', 'Spirit Link', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Staff of Domination', 'Hour of Promise', 'Baffling End', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Aetherspouts', 'Patch Up', 'Reckless Waif', 'Blood Knight', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Strike It Rich', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Infest', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Vexing Devil', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Needle Drop', 'Worship', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Geistflame', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Smallpox', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Putrefy', 'Ichorid', 'Sarcomancy', 'Desecration Demon', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Kher Keep', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Chance Encounter', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Condescend', 'Samite Healer', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Mana Bloom', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Not of This World', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Golgari Charm', 'Might of Oaks', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Blind Obedience', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Glorious Protector', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Supreme Will', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Obliterate', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Vapor Snag', 'Champion of Wits', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Costly Plunder', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Demolition Field', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Thran Vigil', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Cut Down', 'Condemn', 'Memorial to War', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Profane Command', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Curiosity', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Light of Hope', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Sorin Markov', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Megrim', 'Mortarpod', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Abzan Charm', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Twiddle', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Fallow Earth', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Choking Sands', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Spectral Shift', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Dragonstorm', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Gavony Township', 'Shardless Agent', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Defiant Strike', 'Never // Return', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Master of Death', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Knight of Glory', 'Silence', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Carrion Wall', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Reckless Rage', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Haunted Mire', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Banish into Fable', 'Bitter Reunion', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Maestros Theater', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Force of Virtue', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Joint Exploration', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Memoricide', 'Combat Thresher', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Karmic Guide', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Collective Effort', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Gruul Turf', 'Crux of Fate', 'Kavu Predator', 'Frogmite', 'Serra Avenger', 'Quicken', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Jund Charm', 'Terminal Agony', 'Tentative Connection', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Peek', 'Gruul Signet', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Terminus', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Relic Axe', 'Waker of Waves', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Jwari Disruption', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Prohibit', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Spawning Breath', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Terastodon', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Nevermore', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Halo Forager', 'Disfigure', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Audacity', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Queen of Ice', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Twinflame', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Froghemoth', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Bonesplitter', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Pelt Collector', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Disallow', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Frost Marsh', 'Wrench Mind', 'Countersquall', 'Incinerate', 'Longbow Archer', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Sign in Blood', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Wild Defiance', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Viscera Seer', 'Necrogoyf', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Hard Evidence', 'Howling Mine', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Tombstalker', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Ultimate Price', 'Terrarion', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Groundswell', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Legion Angel', 'Fell Stinger', 'Putrid Imp', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Shared Discovery', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Neutralize', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Driven // Despair', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Impulse', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Epochrasite', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Identity Crisis', 'Jace Beleren', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Boom // Bust', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Rebuild', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Dawn Charm', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Soaring Drake', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Thragtusk', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Polymorph', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Buried Alive', 'Scute Mob', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Death Baron', 'Lashwrithe', 'Choked Estuary', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Spider Umbra', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Prismari Campus', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Doomskar', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Esper Charm', 'Blightning', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Brain Maggot', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Fetid Pools', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Braid of Fire', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Cleric Class', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Always Watching', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Endless Horizons', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Turn // Burn', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Day of Judgment', 'Ram Through', 'Bridge from Below', 'Perilous Vault', 'Banishing Slash', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Treasure Map', 'Psychic Possession', 'Reaper King', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Reality Heist', 'Master of Etherium', 'Oona''s Grace', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Electrolyze', 'Gods Willing', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Wreak Havoc', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Weirding Wood', 'Bad River', 'Tome Scour', 'Myr Superion', 'Of One Mind', 'Seal of Fire', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Smiting Helix', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Twincast', 'Secret Plans', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Plow Under', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Canyon Slough', 'Desolation Twin', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Cathedral of War', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Silverquill Command', 'Mind Rake', 'Lose Focus', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Sunscour', 'Plague Beetle', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'The Scorpion God', 'Bag of Holding', 'Just the Wind', 'Assault Formation', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Guardian Idol', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Barren Moor', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Jade Mage', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Port Town', 'Bushwhack', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Azorius Charm', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Shriekmaw', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Vision Skeins', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Shock', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Infuriate', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Wargate', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Cling to Dust', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Skull Fracture', 'Soul Warden', 'Go for Blood', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Children of Korlis', 'Evil Twin', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Titania''s Command', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Trading Post', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Tear Asunder', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'It That Betrays', 'Murderous Cut', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Pyroclasm', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Artful Dodge', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Waterfront District', 'Urban Utopia', 'Anticipate', 'Assault Strobe', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Dark Petition', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Rot Wolf', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Dockside Chef', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Cloudblazer', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Mindslaver', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Planar Ally', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Languish', 'Training Grounds', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Mulldrifter', 'Renewed Faith', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Valley Dasher', 'Child of Night', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Cruel Reality', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Slip Through Space', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Profane Procession', 'Persecute', 'Plated Geopede', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Blight Mamba', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Spark Spray', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Boros Garrison', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Jokulhaups', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Sky Scourer', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Story Circle', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Gather the Pack', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Future Sight', 'Rust Goliath', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Field Marshal', 'Carth the Lion', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Realm Razer', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Dive Down', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Mantis Rider', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Sonic Burst', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Natural State', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Possibility Storm', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Wrath of God', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Grapeshot', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Out of Time', 'Bone Dragon', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Evacuation', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Braingeyser', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Light Up the Night', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Leather Armor', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Celestial Flare', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Fatestitcher', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Angel of Grace', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Primal Bellow', 'Frantic Search', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Pain Seer', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Vault Skirge', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Molten Blast', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Turnabout', 'Memnarch', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Hornet Queen', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Mobilized District', 'Risk Factor', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Opt', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Dispatch', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Rotting Rats', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Dark Ritual', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Magister of Worth', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Wild Cantor', 'Spell Burst', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Reckless Charge', 'Vindicate', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Highland Lake', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Twinferno', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Graven Cairns', 'Fecundity', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Witching Well', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Canopy Vista', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Power Sink', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Commune with Spirits', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Annex Sentry', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Reap and Sow', 'Catch // Release', 'Argentum Armor', 'Chatterstorm', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Searing Spear', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Second Sunrise', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Mire''s Toll', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Calciform Pools', 'Biovisionary', 'Into the Story', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Seething Song', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Protean Hulk', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Power Depot', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Devoted Druid', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Fight as One', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Umara Mystic', 'False Summoning', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Genesis', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Stone Rain', 'Blighted Agent', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Stern Lesson', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Aqueous Form', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Ash Zealot', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Restore Balance', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Palace Siege', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Grim Affliction', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Gird for Battle', 'Tribal Flames', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Spare Supplies', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Unwind', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Slagstorm', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Scurry Oak', 'Opulent Palace', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Balefire Liege', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Tribute Mage', 'Xorn', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Withered Wretch', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Plague Stinger', 'Easy Prey', 'Chittering Rats', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Brave the Elements', 'Thran Portal', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Domri Rade', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Network Disruptor', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Planar Bridge', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Ominous Seas', 'Shred Memory', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Azorius Signet', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Endless Detour', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Fabricate', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Cover of Winter', 'Blade Splicer', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Nether Traitor', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Cystbearer', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Ionize', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Hellrider', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Triskelion', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Willow Geist', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Devil''s Play', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Dovescape', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Bolt Hound', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Massacre Girl', 'Wall of Blood', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Putrid Leech', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Rewind', 'Stave Off', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Fire Diamond', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Quarantine Field', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Marble Diamond', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Raging Ravine', 'Game Trail', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Forced Fruition', 'Forbid', 'Giant Killer', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Dread Return', 'Sin Collector', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Fade from Memory', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Vivid Grove', 'Groundbreaker', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Traumatize', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Treasure Mage', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Sins of the Past', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Sylvan Library', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Negate', 'Pilfer', 'Simian Sling', 'Akki Ronin', 'Primal Command', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Bone Saw', 'Bog Wraith', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Morselhoarder', 'Drake Haven', 'Atog', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Time of Need', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Defabricate', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Flame Rift', 'Farseek', 'Tramway Station', 'Temple of Malady', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Giant Growth', 'Dimir Charm', 'Bump in the Night', 'Chain Lightning', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Greater Good', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Wavesifter', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Riddleform', 'Gigadrowse', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Containment Construct', 'Startling Development', 'Repeal', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Mirror Entity', 'Boros Elite', 'Cease-Fire', 'Combat Research', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Brood Birthing', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Grave Titan', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Gutterbones', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Glorybringer', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Nobilis of War', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Fertilid', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Become Immense', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Gideon Jura', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Expedite', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Knight of New Alara', 'True Believer', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Boros Signet', 'Wildfire', 'Palinchron', 'Keep Safe', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Far // Away', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Lightning Strike', 'Curious Pair', 'Circuit Mender', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Season of Growth', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Spectral Procession', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Quicksand', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Runic Shot', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Privileged Position', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Quag Vampires', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Energy Refractor', 'Molten Tributary', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Frost Walker', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Demonic Dread', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Mana Tithe', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Painful Quandary', 'White Knight', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Crash Through', 'Vampiric Link', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Lingering Souls', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Serum Snare', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Call of the Herd', 'Footfall Crater', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Architects of Will', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Go for the Throat', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Venerable Monk', 'Daring Thief', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Dead // Gone', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Combat Courier', 'Flame Javelin', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Gingerbrute', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Dig Up', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Battle Screech', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Pandemonium', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Burst Lightning', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Larger Than Life', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Animation Module', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Commune with Nature', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Tree of Tales', 'Flame Slash', 'Foundry Helix', 'Forked Bolt', 'Clawing Torment', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Purify the Grave', 'Caldera Lake', 'Blood Seeker', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Liliana Vess', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Shambling Shell', 'Blazing Archon', 'Raging Goblin', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Ponder', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Commune with Lava', 'Sudden Edict', 'Revitalize', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Trinket Mage', 'Victim of Night', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Corrupt', 'Tomb Robber', 'Disenchant', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Cankerbloom', 'Lone Rider', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Silundi Vision', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Mystic Snake', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Brave the Sands', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Brainstone', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Rampant Growth', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Wing Shards', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Riftsweeper', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Heartless Act', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Honored Hydra', 'Scattered Groves', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Golden Demise', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Into the Wilds', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Genesis Wave', 'Lizard Blades', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Krosan Grip', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Savage Lands', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Doom Foretold', 'Chronomaton', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Mana Cylix', 'Goblin Matron', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Seed of Hope', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Invigorate', 'Stream of Life', 'Endless One', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Lucky Clover', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Creeping Chill', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Spell Snuff', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Vendetta', 'Undying Evil', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Abiding Grace', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Slitherhead', 'Bond of Insight', 'Temple of Silence', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Norin the Wary', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Trade Secrets', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Voltage Surge', 'Arc Trail', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Worm Harvest', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Mana Leak', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Haze of Rage', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Lightning Rift', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Upheaval', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'The Antiquities War', 'Blood Lust', 'Thought Scour', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Golden Egg', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Trickbind', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Tragic Poet', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Silver Knight', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Blessed Breath', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Court Homunculus', 'Draconic Roar', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Astral Drift', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'River of Tears', 'Generous Visitor', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Frost Titan', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Kami of Transience', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Glistener Elf', 'Collective Defiance', 'Bile Blight', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Fetid Heath', 'Overrun', 'Siege Rhino', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Check for Traps', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Dead Weight', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Ulcerate', 'Necroplasm', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Offalsnout', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Read the Bones', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Solemnity', 'Halimar Depths', 'Unholy Heat', 'Psychic Strike', 'Seal of Removal', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Explore', 'Chief Engineer', 'Frontline Medic', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Arbor Elf', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Favorable Winds', 'Through the Breach', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Scarab Feast', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Primal Surge', 'Harm''s Way', 'Seismic Assault', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Soul Snare', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Shivan Reef', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Pick the Brain', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Winged Portent', 'Putrefax', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Cremate', 'Restoration Angel', 'Obscura Charm', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Umara Wizard', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Tarfire', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Verdant Command', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Undead Augur', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Nekrataal', 'Crab Umbra', 'Omenspeaker', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Filigree Sages', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Dread Statuary', 'Dimir Signet', 'Steel Overseer', 'Shard Volley', 'Curse of Silence', 'Wander in Death', 'Wastes', 'Staggershock', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Fevered Visions', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Nether Spirit', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Memory Lapse', 'Wall of Omens', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Telepathy', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Tempered Steel', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Complicate', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Platinum Angel', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Jackal Pup', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Recross the Paths', 'Divest', 'Glittering Wish', 'Duress', 'River Serpent', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Reanimate', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Universal Automaton', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Augury Owl', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Tithe Taker', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Damn', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Goldhound', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Forever Young', 'Weird Harvest', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Talus Paladin', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Cloudshift', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Acidic Slime', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Breakthrough', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Standing Troops', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Lightning Axe', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Distress', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Dryad Militant', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'All That Glitters', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Font of Fertility', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Distortion Strike', 'Fortified Village', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Dovin Baan', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Ball Lightning', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Drannith Healer', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Grand Architect', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Myr Welder', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Radiant Flames', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Pillage', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Halo Scarab', 'Vivid Crag', 'Dead of Winter', 'Viral Drake', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Blood Artist', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Abundant Growth', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Dispel', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Sultai Charm', 'Sky Terror', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Flooded Grove', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Nest Robber', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Void', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Sleep', 'Rob the Archives', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Bone Shards', 'Reflector Mage', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Guild Globe', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Corpse Cur', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Lost Legacy', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Gust of Wind', 'Shambling Vent', 'Sen Triplets', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Doom Blade', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Soul Diviner', 'Spell Pierce', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Den Protector', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Centaur Garden', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Spore Frog', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Ossification', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Coalition Relic', 'The Celestus', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Sulfur Falls', 'March from the Tomb', 'Banisher Priest', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Into the Roil', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Vector Asp', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Snapback', 'Animate Dead', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Virus Beetle', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Essence Flux', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Dire Tactics', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Altered Ego', 'Wilt', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Skylasher', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Orchard Strider', 'Archaeomancer', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'The Seedcore', 'Simic Charm', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Volt Charge', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Munitions Expert', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Viridian Revel', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Recommission', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Drowner of Hope', 'The Modern Age', 'Rift Sower', 'Vandalblast', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Experiment One', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Tragic Slip', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Notion Thief', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Hateflayer', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Maze Rusher', 'Ground Seal', 'Fast // Furious', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Rune of Might', 'Plunder', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Carnophage', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Collateral Damage', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Enlarge', 'Browbeat', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Rule of Law', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Chitterspitter', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Heartfire', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Slaughter Games', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Myth Realized', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Spirited Companion', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Brain Freeze', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Haunted Dead', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Tangle', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Shredded Sails', 'Auramancer', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Noxious Assault', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Radiant Grove', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Icehide Golem', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Burnished Hart', 'Blessed Respite', 'Elvish Champion', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Sterling Grove', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Zenith Flare', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Midnight Clock', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Generous Patron', 'Regrowth', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Memory Leak', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Terminate', 'Alpha Authority', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Monoskelion', 'Mana Flare', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Exclude', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Ruin Crab', 'Remove Soul', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Endbringer', 'Rift Bolt', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Ally Encampment', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Reveillark', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Detention Sphere', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Undercity Informer', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Light the Way', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Devastating Summons', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Firebolt', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Step Through', 'Angel of Despair', 'Utter End', 'Brute Force', 'Consume the Meek', 'Mission Briefing', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Lightning Spear', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Ivory Tower', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Guided Passage', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Fiery Temper', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Render Silent', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Deny Reality', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Glint Hawk', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Unsummon', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Student of Warfare', 'Vesperlark', 'Fists of Flame', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Last Stand', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Mindcrank', 'Meddling Mage', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Primal Order', 'Fierce Empath', 'Astral Slide', 'Timeless Witness', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Aetherling', 'Narcomoeba', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Aether Adept', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Unburial Rites', 'Regal Force', 'Sky Hussar', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'High Tide', 'Control Magic', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Dissolve', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Army of the Damned', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Needle Spires', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Price of Progress', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Stain the Mind', 'Gruul Charm', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Saproling Burst', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Flame Blitz', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Boomerang', 'Etched Champion', 'Kor Duelist', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Ashen Rider', 'Stitch in Time', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Micromancer', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Glamerdye', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Primal Beyond', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Hostage Taker', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Late to Dinner', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Fertile Ground', 'Dream Trawler', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Cultivate', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Rise and Shine', 'Rune Snag', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Mirrorweave', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Double Vision', 'Mutilate', 'Incendiary Command', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Shore Up', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Castigate', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Revoke Existence', 'Venerable Knight', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Circular Logic', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Deprive', 'Battle of Wits', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Word of Undoing', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Salvage Titan', 'Festival Crasher', 'Setessan Champion', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Assault // Battery', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Temple of Malice', 'Cloudpost', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Stony Silence', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Boros Recruit', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Magma Spray', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Big Score', 'Change the Equation', 'War Falcon', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Time Sieve', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Tangled Islet', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Isolate', 'Stun Sniper', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Magma Jet', 'Compulsive Research', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Mortify', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Soul Shatter', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Destroy Evil', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Bring to Light', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Wood Elves', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Fling', 'Clear the Mind', 'Blazing Specter', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Fume Spitter', 'Myr Servitor', 'Greenseeker', 'Izzet Charm', 'Seasons Past', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Exploding Borders', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Oust', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Commit // Memory', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Pack Rat', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Hit // Run', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Molten Rain', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Runed Halo', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Vivid Creek', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Decree of Justice', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Painful Truths', 'Banefire', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Night Clubber', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Codex Shredder', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Heap Doll', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Obsessive Search', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Graf Harvest', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Aria of Flame', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Flood Plain', 'Hypergenesis', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Mulch', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Mind Spring', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Séance', 'Wight', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Death Cloud', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Infectious Bite', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Glimmerpost', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Experimental Augury', 'Ornithopter', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Precinct Captain', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Dark Salvation', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Animating Faerie', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Master Biomancer', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 420.4, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (107.8 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Empyrial Plate', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Domri Rade', 'Restore Balance', 'It That Betrays', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Highland Lake', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Weird Harvest', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Sterling Grove', 'Lone Rider', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Decree of Justice', 'Raging Goblin', 'Trading Post', 'Rot Wolf', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Mortify', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Serra Avenger', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Into the Roil', 'Glittering Wish', 'Lucky Clover', 'River Serpent', 'Child of Night', 'Traumatize', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Disallow', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Fiery Temper', 'Assault Strobe', 'Quarantine Field', 'Fight as One', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Solemnity', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Bolt Hound', 'Nekrataal', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Drannith Healer', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Stun Sniper', 'Twincast', 'Flame Blitz', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Bond of Insight', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Witching Well', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Spirited Companion', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Genesis Wave', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Fetid Pools', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Demolition Field', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Azorius Signet', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Necrogoyf', 'Worthy Knight', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Fetid Heath', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Essence Flux', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Frogmite', 'Brute Suit', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Complicate', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Scurry Oak', 'Slagstorm', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Polymorph', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Choked Estuary', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Spider Umbra', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Go for Blood', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Dead of Winter', 'True Believer', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Generous Patron', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Victim of Night', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Baffling End', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Last Stand', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Endless One', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Painful Quandary', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Time Sieve', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Hateflayer', 'Goblin Matron', 'Sunscour', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Threats Undetected', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Day of Judgment', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Orchard Strider', 'Cystbearer', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Vesperlark', 'Zof Consumption', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Gruul Signet', 'Patch Up', 'Thragtusk', 'Wild Cantor', 'Wrench Mind', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Gutterbones', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Angel of Grace', 'Soul Warden', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Burst Lightning', 'Memory Lapse', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Angel of Despair', 'Countersquall', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Price of Progress', 'Electrolyze', 'Palinchron', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Reckless Rage', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Buried Alive', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Quicksand', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Invigorate', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Doom Foretold', 'Isolate', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Mana Bloom', 'Groundswell', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Putrefy', 'Training Grounds', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Corpse Cur', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Hostage Taker', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Power Sink', 'Seize the Spoils', 'The Modern Age', 'Draconic Roar', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Deep Analysis', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Forced Fruition', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Mind Spring', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Maze Rusher', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Champion of Wits', 'Notion Thief', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Nether Spirit', 'Vendetta', 'Epochrasite', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Silence', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Crash Through', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Rebuild', 'Shared Discovery', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Cloudpost', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Viral Drake', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Glint Hawk', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Mirror Entity', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Dread Statuary', 'Icehide Golem', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Palace Siege', 'Ancestral Blade', 'War Falcon', 'Bone Dragon', 'Distress', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Negate', 'Breakthrough', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Read the Bones', 'Jund Charm', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Putrid Leech', 'Psychic Strike', 'Runic Shot', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Plague Beetle', 'Rune Snag', 'Lose Focus', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Reason // Believe', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Séance', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Collective Effort', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Protean Hulk', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Chief Engineer', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Golden Egg', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Runed Halo', 'Stitch in Time', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Undercover Operative', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Identity Crisis', 'Catch // Release', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Reap and Sow', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Obsessive Search', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Dimir Signet', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Lightning Rift', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Viscera Seer', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Aetherspouts', 'Morselhoarder', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Cankerbloom', 'Commune with Lava', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Wight', 'Rob the Archives', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Primal Order', 'Energy Refractor', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Magister of Worth', 'Drake Haven', 'Micromancer', 'Dispel', 'Lightning Spear', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Fertilid', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Renewed Faith', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Dockside Chef', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Grave Titan', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Consume the Meek', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Mana Leak', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Bring the Ending', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Flame Slash', 'Artful Dodge', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Dark Ritual', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Atog', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Cease-Fire', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Form of the Dragon', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Barren Moor', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Dark Salvation', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Ash Zealot', 'Urban Utopia', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Spawning Breath', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Knight of Glory', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Hour of Promise', 'Irencrag Feat', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Dead Weight', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Spectral Shift', 'Animate Dead', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Glorious Protector', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Wall of Blood', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Infest', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Silverquill Command', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Boom // Bust', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Plunder', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Bag of Holding', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Cut Down', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Simian Sling', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Giant Killer', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Ultimate Price', 'Damn', 'Condescend', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Distortion Strike', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Far // Away', 'Astral Slide', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Molten Rain', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Arc Trail', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Heap Doll', 'Glistener Elf', 'Mindcrank', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Standing Troops', 'Demonic Dread', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Disenchant', 'Twinferno', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Astral Drift', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Brain Freeze', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Banishing Slash', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Experimental Augury', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Dragonstorm', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Expedite', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Sylvan Library', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Mana Cylix', 'Fast // Furious', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Serum Snare', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Rags // Riches', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Doomskar', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Necroplasm', 'Tree of Tales', 'Reckless Charge', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Terminate', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Magma Spray', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Step Through', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Legion Angel', 'Frantic Search', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Sen Triplets', 'Etched Champion', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Primal Surge', 'Precinct Captain', 'Shriekmaw', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Kor Duelist', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Curiosity', 'Sign in Blood', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Blazing Specter', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Boros Garrison', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Reaper King', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Tombstalker', 'Shardless Agent', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Audacity', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Ponder', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Mutilate', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Foundry Helix', 'Needle Spires', 'Twinflame', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Offalsnout', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Siege Rhino', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Compulsive Research', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Essence Scatter', 'Supreme Will', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Sonic Burst', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Rune of Might', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Blazing Archon', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Blightning', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Dread Return', 'Village Messenger', 'Fling', 'Bone Shards', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Zenith Flare', 'Secret Plans', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Glimmerpost', 'Painful Truths', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Chance Encounter', 'Check for Traps', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Persecute', 'Setessan Champion', 'Pack Rat', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Massacre Girl', 'Planar Ally', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Castigate', 'Upheaval', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Night Clubber', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Defabricate', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Wildfire', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Calciform Pools', 'Hellrider', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Recross the Paths', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Sol Talisman', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Void', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Seal of Removal', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Aetherling', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Titania''s Command', 'Myth Realized', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Vandalblast', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Brave the Sands', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Dive Down', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Rift Sower', 'Dovescape', 'Gingerbrute', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Simic Charm', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Esper Charm', 'Halimar Depths', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Marble Diamond', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Samite Healer', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Rewind', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Disfigure', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Fallow Earth', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Seed of Hope', 'Telepathy', 'Waker of Waves', 'Just the Wind', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Haunted Dead', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Into the Wilds', 'Reflector Mage', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Ball Lightning', 'Twiddle', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Black Knight', 'Pyroclasm', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Mind''s Desire', 'The Flame of Keld', 'White Knight', 'Heartfire', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Staggershock', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Devil''s Play', 'Voltage Surge', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Bone Saw', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Tangled Islet', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Commune with Nature', 'Mystic Snake', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Flame Rift', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Maestros Theater', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Pandemonium', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Carth the Lion', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Natural State', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Impulse', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Harmonize', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Silundi Vision', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Lightning Axe', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Blind Obedience', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Big Score', 'Leonin Bola', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Canopy Vista', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'All That Glitters', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Flood Plain', 'Light of Hope', 'Dispatch', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Cloudshift', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Fog', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Deny Reality', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Elvish Champion', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Temple of Malice', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Bile Blight', 'Condemn', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Shred Memory', 'Nest Robber', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Froghemoth', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Putrefax', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Sleep', 'Unholy Heat', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Saproling Burst', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Canyon Slough', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Relic Axe', 'Psychic Possession', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Death Cloud', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Alpha Authority', 'Queen of Ice', 'Explore', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Virus Beetle', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Fade from Memory', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Unburial Rites', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Always Watching', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Chatterstorm', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Perilous Vault', 'Stave Off', 'Archaeomancer', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Putrid Imp', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Opulent Palace', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Infectious Bite', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Guided Passage', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Peek', 'Recoup', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Blessed Respite', 'Driven // Despair', 'Battle Screech', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Treasure Mage', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Clawing Torment', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Shredded Sails', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Deprive', 'Mobilized District', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Monoskelion', 'Wander in Death', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Mission Briefing', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Perilous Research', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Midnight Clock', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Scattered Groves', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Sin Collector', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Sarcomancy', 'Neutralize', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Volt Charge', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Sudden Edict', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Augury Owl', 'Forked Bolt', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Through the Breach', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Molten Tributary', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Turn // Burn', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Tome Scour', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Chain Lightning', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Terminus', 'Celestial Flare', 'Divest', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Xorn', 'Dryad Militant', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Tragic Slip', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Prohibit', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Thran Portal', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Salvage Titan', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Revoke Existence', 'Altered Ego', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Vault Skirge', 'Soul Snare', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Bog Wraith', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Spark Spray', 'Gavony Township', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Crux of Fate', 'Vindicate', 'Banefire', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Curse of Silence', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Rotting Rats', 'Oust', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Pillage', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Longbow Archer', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Spark Elemental', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'The Scorpion God', 'Tomb Robber', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Footfall Crater', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Hypergenesis', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Strike It Rich', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Nobilis of War', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Blighted Agent', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Genesis', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Detention Sphere', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Cultivate', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Seal of Fire', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Chronomaton', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Vexing Devil', 'Shivan Reef', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Spell Burst', 'Fell Stinger', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Despise', 'Aether Adept', 'Kher Keep', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Experiment One', 'Scute Mob', 'Bonesplitter', 'Fists of Flame', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Field Marshal', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Golden Demise', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Choking Sands', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Gruul Charm', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Dawn Charm', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Forever Young', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Firebolt', 'Umara Mystic', 'Regrowth', 'Ivory Tower', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Primal Beyond', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Cremate', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Greater Good', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Riddleform', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Dig Up', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Weirding Wood', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Krosan Grip', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Become Immense', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Jade Mage', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Rust Goliath', 'Overrun', 'Venerable Knight', 'Light Up the Night', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Terrarion', 'Easy Prey', 'Blade Splicer', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Joint Exploration', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Reality Heist', 'Destroy Evil', 'Brain Maggot', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Plated Geopede', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Tear Asunder', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Languish', 'Might of Oaks', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Bridge from Below', 'Annex Sentry', 'Thran Vigil', 'Spirit Link', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Undercity Informer', 'Circular Logic', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Possibility Storm', 'Halo Forager', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Trickbind', 'Defiant Strike', 'Howling Mine', 'Dream Trawler', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Evil Twin', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Blood Seeker', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Gods Willing', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Terminal Agony', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Leather Armor', 'Call of the Herd', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Molten Blast', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Blood Artist', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Doom Blade', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Larger Than Life', 'Court Homunculus', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Skull Fracture', 'High Tide', 'Centaur Garden', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Quickling', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Tangle', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Master Biomancer', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Mind Rake', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Gust of Wind', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Mirrorweave', 'Incinerate', 'Planar Bridge', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Unsummon', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Savage Lands', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Timeless Witness', 'Stain the Mind', 'Tarfire', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Meddling Mage', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Treasure Map', 'Fabricate', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Wastes', 'Power Depot', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Utopia Tree', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Sky Terror', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Army of the Damned', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Sky Scourer', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Egon, God of Death', 'River of Tears', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Dead // Gone', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Glamerdye', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Soaring Drake', 'Fire Diamond', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Cling to Dust', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Game Trail', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Regal Force', 'Dovin Baan', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Stone Rain', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Tramway Station', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Ruin Crab', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Bad River', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Omenspeaker', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Tribal Flames', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Spell Pierce', 'Trinket Mage', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Shard Volley', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Crab Umbra', 'Unwind', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Exploding Borders', 'Chitterspitter', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Tentative Connection', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Needle Drop', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Karmic Guide', 'Boros Elite', 'Haunted Mire', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Grim Affliction', 'Favorable Winds', 'Soul Diviner', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Myr Servitor', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Creeping Chill', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Brainstone', 'Dire Tactics', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Sorin Markov', 'Rift Bolt', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Sultai Charm', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Biovisionary', 'Dark Petition', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Kami of Transience', 'Fume Spitter', 'Cloudblazer', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Time of Need', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Haze of Rage', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Soul Shatter', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'The Celestus', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Willow Geist', 'Stony Silence', 'Ground Seal', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Verdant Command', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Boros Signet', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Thought Scour', 'Fierce Empath', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Hit // Run', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Privileged Position', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Ossification', 'Browbeat', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Balefire Liege', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Architects of Will', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Corrupt', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Animating Faerie', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Dragon Tempest', 'March from the Tomb', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Seismic Assault', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Change the Equation', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Colossification', 'Winged Portent', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Cathedral of War', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Story Circle', 'Lost Legacy', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Boomerang', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Gruul Turf', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Of One Mind', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Brave the Elements', 'Ornithopter', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Arbor Elf', 'Aria of Flame', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Greenseeker', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Wood Elves', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Ominous Seas', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Frost Walker', 'Think Twice', 'Containment Construct', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Devastating Summons', 'Undying Evil', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Jackal Pup', 'Rampant Growth', 'Ulcerate', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Noxious Assault', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Death Baron', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Soulflayer', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Anticipate', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Memory Leak', 'Commit // Memory', 'Incendiary Command', 'Reveillark', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Go for the Throat', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Evacuation', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Combat Thresher', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Gideon Jura', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Wilt', 'Tribute Mage', 'Reanimate', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Narcomoeba', 'Giant Growth', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Argentum Armor', 'Force of Virtue', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Endbringer', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Azorius Charm', 'Nether Traitor', 'Stern Lesson', 'Festival Crasher', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Shambling Shell', 'Caldera Lake', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Blood Lust', 'Raging Ravine', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Generous Visitor', 'Wonder', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Mana Flare', 'Utter End', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Chittering Rats', 'Out of Time', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Smallpox', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Crackling Doom', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Memnarch', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Zuran Orb', 'Temple of Malady', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Shore Up', 'Ionize', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Fecundity', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Profane Procession', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Wavesifter', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Plague Stinger', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Smiting Helix', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Clear the Mind', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Late to Dinner', 'Mulch', 'Brute Force', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Undead Augur', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Obliterate', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Staff of Domination', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Font of Fertility', 'Fatestitcher', 'Izzet Charm', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Spare Supplies', 'Combat Courier', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Myr Superion', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Animation Module', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Stream of Life', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Shock', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Bump in the Night', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Hornet Queen', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Bushwhack', 'Worm Harvest', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Lingering Souls', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Sins of the Past', 'Plow Under', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Boros Recruit', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Dissolve', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Mantis Rider', 'Golgari Charm', 'Viridian Revel', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Port Town', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Scarab Feast', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Ram Through', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Primal Command', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Never // Return', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Glorybringer', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Talus Paladin', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Frost Titan', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Pick the Brain', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Umara Wizard', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Cult Conscript', 'Filigree Sages', 'Buried Ruin', 'Abzan Charm', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Mulldrifter', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Endless Horizons', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Slitherhead', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Seasons Past', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Exclude', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Cruel Reality', 'Myr Welder', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Jokulhaups', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Blessed Breath', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Realm Razer', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Aqueous Form', 'Memoricide', 'Network Disruptor', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Path of Discovery', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Acidic Slime', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Enlarge', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Children of Korlis', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Goldhound', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Den Protector', 'Searing Spear', 'Daring Thief', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Void Snare', 'Devoted Druid', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'False Summoning', 'Silver Knight', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Blight Mamba', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Riftsweeper', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Quag Vampires', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Coalition Relic', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Trade Secrets', 'Vivid Creek', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Halo Scarab', 'Vector Asp', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Graven Cairns', 'Not of This World', 'Magma Jet', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Fortified Village', 'Waterfront District', 'Steel Overseer', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Radiant Flames', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Lightning Strike', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Mindslaver', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Duress', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Wild Defiance', 'Hedron Archive', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Obscura Charm', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Nevermore', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Wrath of God', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Combat Research', 'Cleric Class', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Carrion Wall', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Gird for Battle', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Seething Song', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Force of Rage', 'Mortarpod', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Farseek', 'Memorial to War', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Desecration Demon', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Fertile Ground', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Blood Knight', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Endless Detour', 'Withered Wretch', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Harm''s Way', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Ashen Rider', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Sky Hussar', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Collective Defiance', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Vapor Snag', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Revitalize', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Liliana Vess', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Vision Skeins', 'Future Sight', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Grapeshot', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Jace Beleren', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Repeal', 'Bring to Light', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Wall of Omens', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Universal Automaton', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Flooded Grove', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Spectral Procession', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Lashwrithe', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Platinum Angel', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Slaughter Games', 'Fumigate', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Wing Shards', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Remove Soul', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Light the Way', 'Skylasher', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Into the Story', 'Frontline Medic', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Radiant Grove', 'Double Vision', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Pelt Collector', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Forbid', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Gigadrowse', 'Terastodon', 'Assault Formation', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Tithe Taker', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'The Antiquities War', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Grand Architect', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Fevered Visions', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Snapback', 'Guardian Idol', 'Wargate', 'Dimir Charm', 'Startling Development', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Geistflame', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Render Silent', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Prismari Campus', 'Megrim', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Gather the Pack', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Lizard Blades', 'Curious Pair', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'The Seedcore', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Flame Javelin', 'Master of Death', 'Reckless Waif', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Season of Growth', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Munitions Expert', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Tail Swipe', 'Hard Evidence', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Assault // Battery', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Codex Shredder', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Collateral Damage', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Rise // Fall', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Cover of Winter', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Primal Bellow', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Restoration Angel', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Guild Globe', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Valley Dasher', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Vampiric Link', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Quicken', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Norin the Wary', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Venerable Monk', 'Groundbreaker', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Kavu Predator', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Banisher Priest', 'Control Magic', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Honored Hydra', 'Auramancer', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Tempered Steel', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Braid of Fire', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Infuriate', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Turnabout', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Battle of Wits', 'Student of Warfare', 'Tragic Poet', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Pain Seer', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Second Sunrise', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Profane Command', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Worship', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Shambling Vent', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Vivid Grove', 'Circuit Mender', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Risk Factor', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Mana Tithe', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Rise and Shine', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Akki Ronin', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Ichorid', 'Vivid Crag', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Ally Encampment', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Braingeyser', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Banish into Fable', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Temple of Silence', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Word of Undoing', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Strategic Planning', 'Purify the Grave', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Desolation Twin', 'Carnophage', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Costly Plunder', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Rule of Law', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Abiding Grace', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Pilfer', 'Burnished Hart', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Spore Frog', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Spell Snuff', 'Brood Birthing', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Frost Marsh', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Master of Etherium', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Recommission', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Opt', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Heartless Act', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Graf Harvest', 'Abundant Growth', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Triskelion', 'Keep Safe', 'Slip Through Space', 'Murderous Cut'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 107.8, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (178.8 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Demonic Dread', 'Control Magic', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Wargate', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Oust', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Viridian Revel', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Fertile Ground', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Plague Stinger', 'Master Biomancer', 'Biovisionary', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Fortified Village', 'Forever Young', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Doom Foretold', 'Isolate', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Colossification', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Endless One', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Obliterate', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Glorybringer', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Virus Beetle', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Serra Avenger', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Thran Portal', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Raging Goblin', 'Molten Tributary', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Future Sight', 'Trickbind', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Commit // Memory', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Regrowth', 'Grapeshot', 'Primal Surge', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Protean Hulk', 'Energy Refractor', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Blind Obedience', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Vandalblast', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Purify the Grave', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Wilt', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Keep Safe', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Frost Titan', 'Creeping Chill', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Heartless Act', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Lightning Spear', 'Curse of Silence', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Dissolve', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Quickling', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Blood Knight', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Clawing Torment', 'Jund Charm', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Despise', 'Arbor Elf', 'Glimmerpost', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Ossification', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Narcomoeba', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Burnished Hart', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Midnight Clock', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Meddling Mage', 'Standing Troops', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Putrid Imp', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Aria of Flame', 'Might of Oaks', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Twinflame', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Game Trail', 'Heap Doll', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Banisher Priest', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Hedron Archive', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Fiery Temper', 'Generous Patron', 'Late to Dinner', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Doomskar', 'Brain Freeze', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Electrolyze', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Plunder', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Groundswell', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Icehide Golem', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Fast // Furious', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Terastodon', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Generous Visitor', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Akki Ronin', 'Time of Need', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Calciform Pools', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Force of Rage', 'March from the Tomb', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Universal Automaton', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Myth Realized', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Reckless Charge', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Spirit Link', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Go for the Throat', 'Mana Bloom', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Sleep', 'Canyon Slough', 'Umara Mystic', 'Terminus', 'Leather Armor', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Vendetta', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Cloudpost', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Plow Under', 'Deprive', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Into the Roil', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Froghemoth', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Marble Diamond', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Crab Umbra', 'Venerable Monk', 'Exploding Borders', 'Brute Force', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Shared Discovery', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Ichorid', 'Into the Story', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Silundi Vision', 'Wrath of God', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Cathedral of War', 'Festival Crasher', 'Mortarpod', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Evacuation', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Runed Halo', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Reap and Sow', 'Stave Off', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Dead Weight', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Temple of Malady', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Pain Seer', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Barren Moor', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Dead of Winter', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Spirited Companion', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Utopia Tree', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Forced Fruition', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Mission Briefing', 'Containment Construct', 'Altered Ego', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Children of Korlis', 'Endless Horizons', 'Tragic Poet', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Unsummon', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Utter End', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Remove Soul', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Thragtusk', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'True Believer', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Dead // Gone', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Flame Slash', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Centaur Garden', 'Stream of Life', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Nobilis of War', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Volt Charge', 'Spell Pierce', 'Witching Well', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Blighted Agent', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Pilfer', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Kami of False Hope', 'The Celestus', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Chance Encounter', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Tribal Flames', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Trading Post', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Leonin Bola', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Shardless Agent', 'Wonder', 'Unwind', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Disallow', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Graven Cairns', 'Dive Down', 'Pelt Collector', 'Distress', 'Through the Breach', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Spectral Procession', 'Zof Consumption', 'Haunted Dead', 'Cease-Fire', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Brute Suit', 'Bone Saw', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Needle Spires', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Rotting Rats', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Terrarion', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Last Stand', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Reaper King', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Fists of Flame', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Nekrataal', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Distortion Strike', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Realm Razer', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Myr Superion', 'Riftsweeper', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Spark Elemental', 'Duress', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Caldera Lake', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Battle Screech', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Dryad Militant', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Runic Shot', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Child of Night', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Spare Supplies', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Ashen Rider', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Hour of Promise', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Skylasher', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Azorius Signet', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Cystbearer', 'Void', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Death Cloud', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Expedite', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Relic Axe', 'Deep Analysis', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Gird for Battle', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Slaughter Games', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Astral Drift', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Of One Mind', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Undercity Informer', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Audacity', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Soul Shatter', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Vesperlark', 'Lightning Rift', 'Far // Away', 'Viral Drake', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Frantic Search', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Lightning Strike', 'Mutilate', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Smallpox', 'Sky Scourer', 'Blazing Specter', 'Groundbreaker', 'Trinket Mage', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Arc Trail', 'Always Watching', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Balefire Liege', 'Undead Augur', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Gideon Jura', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Dark Salvation', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Painful Truths', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Fight as One', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Blight Mamba', 'Fierce Empath', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Weird Harvest', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Disfigure', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Light of Hope', 'Rob the Archives', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Privileged Position', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Burst Lightning', 'Spectral Shift', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Ponder', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Seasons Past', 'Exclude', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Compulsive Research', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Sterling Grove', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Glistener Elf', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Dawn Charm', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Frost Marsh', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Think Twice', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Shred Memory', 'Siege Rhino', 'Halimar Depths', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Field Marshal', 'Stain the Mind', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Cremate', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Persecute', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Wander in Death', 'Kher Keep', 'Mind Spring', 'Giant Killer', 'Wild Defiance', 'Blazing Archon', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Angel of Despair', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Fetid Heath', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Desecration Demon', 'Pyroclasm', 'Magma Jet', 'Skull Fracture', 'Lose Focus', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Smiting Helix', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Mystic Snake', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Jackal Pup', 'Mind Rake', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Tramway Station', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Tectonic Edge', 'River of Tears', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Scattered Groves', 'Maze Rusher', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Grim Affliction', 'Planar Bridge', 'Costly Plunder', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Kor Duelist', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Trade Secrets', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Restoration Angel', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Vindicate', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Curiosity', 'Never // Return', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Acidic Slime', 'Oath of Ajani', 'The Modern Age', 'All That Glitters', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Battle of Wits', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Winged Portent', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Hit // Run', 'Nether Spirit', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Flame Rift', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Radiant Grove', 'Essence Flux', 'Tree of Tales', 'Twiddle', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Light Up the Night', 'Complicate', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Gruul Charm', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Halo Forager', 'Corrupt', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Blightning', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Elvish Champion', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Fabricate', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Collateral Damage', 'Breakthrough', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Salvage Titan', 'Ivory Tower', 'Cleric Class', 'Rift Sower', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Memorial to War', 'Demolition Field', 'Shock', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Check for Traps', 'Esper Charm', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Possibility Storm', 'Animating Faerie', 'Temple of Malice', 'Morselhoarder', 'Silence', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Hypergenesis', 'Rebuild', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Glint Hawk', 'Guided Passage', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Ruin Crab', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Celestial Flare', 'Call of the Herd', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Draconic Roar', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Infectious Bite', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Lone Rider', 'Greenseeker', 'Crux of Fate', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Double Vision', 'Wood Elves', 'Tear Asunder', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Gust of Wind', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Champion of Wits', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Den Protector', 'Mobilized District', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Angel of Grace', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Saproling Burst', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Chain Lightning', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Browbeat', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Shivan Reef', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Braid of Fire', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Myr Welder', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Lizard Blades', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Strategic Planning', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Brave the Sands', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Spawning Breath', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Not of This World', 'Vexing Devil', 'Black Knight', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Abiding Grace', 'Augury Owl', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Assault Formation', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Shredded Sails', 'Painful Quandary', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Perilous Research', 'Secret Plans', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Recoup', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Simian Sling', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Urban Utopia', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Murderous Cut', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Myr Servitor', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Fell Stinger', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Venerable Knight', 'Footfall Crater', 'Restore Balance', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Spore Frog', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Putrid Goblin', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Knight of Glory', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Bad River', 'Dire Tactics', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Izzet Charm', 'Carrion Wall', 'Queen of Ice', 'Goblin Matron', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Bone Shards', 'Primal Order', 'Bonesplitter', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Silverquill Command', 'Ground Seal', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Heartfire', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Thran Vigil', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Repeal', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Mulch', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Etched Champion', 'Fling', 'Blade Splicer', 'Turn // Burn', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Alpha Authority', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Hostage Taker', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Damn', 'Molten Rain', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Harmonize', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Boros Signet', 'Weirding Wood', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Gruul Turf', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Gingerbrute', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Blood Seeker', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Recommission', 'Tentative Connection', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Howling Mine', 'Anticipate', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Auramancer', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Spark Spray', 'Infest', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Fevered Visions', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Molten Blast', 'Vampiric Link', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Student of Warfare', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Bushwhack', 'Tombstalker', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Buried Ruin', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Seismic Assault', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Psychic Strike', 'Patch Up', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Strike It Rich', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Coalition Relic', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Glamerdye', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Halo Scarab', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Clear the Mind', 'Flooded Grove', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Wight', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Read the Bones', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Lost Legacy', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Undying Evil', 'Lashwrithe', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Joint Exploration', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Maestros Theater', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Staggershock', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Steel Overseer', 'Dread Statuary', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Boom // Bust', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Monoskelion', 'Opt', 'Sol Talisman', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Mirrorweave', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Fog', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Soul Warden', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Solemnity', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Golden Egg', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Spider Umbra', 'Bile Blight', 'Argentum Armor', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Tarfire', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Brain Maggot', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Light the Way', 'Dark Ritual', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Nevermore', 'Risk Factor', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Devoted Druid', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Mana Tithe', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Day of Judgment', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Seal of Fire', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Polymorph', 'Flood Plain', 'Noxious Assault', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Choked Estuary', 'Shore Up', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Word of Undoing', 'Wrench Mind', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Death Baron', 'Condemn', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Pick the Brain', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Rune Snag', 'Shard Volley', 'Font of Fertility', 'Bone Dragon', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Condescend', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Ash Zealot', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Seed of Hope', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Bag of Holding', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Magister of Worth', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Destroy Evil', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Bring the Ending', 'Profane Command', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Step Through', 'Forked Bolt', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Fallow Earth', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Cover of Winter', 'Silver Knight', 'Fertilid', 'Haze of Rage', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Memoricide', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Assault // Battery', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Ionize', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Countersquall', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Telepathy', 'Primal Beyond', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Mirror Entity', 'Scute Mob', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Fume Spitter', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Abzan Charm', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Easy Prey', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Thought Scour', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Liliana Vess', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Prismari Campus', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Seething Song', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Reckless Waif', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Void Snare', 'Annex Sentry', 'Rise and Shine', 'Stern Lesson', 'Graf Harvest', 'Terminal Agony', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Force of Virtue', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Setessan Champion', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Jokulhaups', 'Chittering Rats', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Disenchant', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Devastating Summons', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Cult Conscript', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Primal Command', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Rampant Growth', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Grand Architect', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Zuran Orb', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Divest', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Spell Burst', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Psychic Possession', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Prohibit', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Dig Up', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Circuit Mender', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Voltage Surge', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Pack Rat', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Glittering Wish', 'Needle Drop', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Codex Shredder', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Astral Slide', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Essence Scatter', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Tribute Mage', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Fecundity', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Memnarch', 'Tangle', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Sign in Blood', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Power Sink', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Startling Development', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Reality Heist', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'War Falcon', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Sultai Charm', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Identity Crisis', 'Ram Through', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Ball Lightning', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Devil''s Play', 'Offalsnout', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Undercover Operative', 'Precinct Captain', 'High Tide', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Slip Through Space', 'Bring to Light', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Gather the Pack', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Necrogoyf', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Putrefax', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Valley Dasher', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Willow Geist', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Carnophage', 'Notion Thief', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Perilous Vault', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Natural State', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Silent Gravestone', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Dread Return', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Quicksand', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Training Grounds', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Verdant Command', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Temple of Silence', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Revoke Existence', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Reflector Mage', 'Traumatize', 'Ulcerate', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Hard Evidence', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Larger Than Life', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Palinchron', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Cultivate', 'Hellrider', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Waterfront District', 'Grave Titan', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Mindslaver', 'Karmic Guide', 'Tragic Slip', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Daring Thief', 'Render Silent', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Dockside Chef', 'Kavu Predator', 'Cloudblazer', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Legion Angel', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Flame Javelin', 'Castigate', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Path of Discovery', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Highland Lake', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Memory Leak', 'Plated Geopede', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Turnabout', 'Banishing Slash', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Mulldrifter', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Hateflayer', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Farseek', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Profane Procession', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Architects of Will', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Tempered Steel', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Platinum Angel', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Blood Artist', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Become Immense', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Primal Bellow', 'Impulse', 'Fire Diamond', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Shambling Shell', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Regal Force', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Revitalize', 'Animation Module', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Upheaval', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Victim of Night', 'Gruul Signet', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Incinerate', 'Atog', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Lingering Souls', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Banish into Fable', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Wavesifter', 'Kami of Transience', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Court Homunculus', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Glorious Protector', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Firebolt', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Frost Walker', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Dizzy Spell', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Sarcomancy', 'Chronomaton', 'Collected Conjuring', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Circular Logic', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Dispatch', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Mantis Rider', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Supreme Will', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Rewind', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Brood Birthing', 'Norin the Wary', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Night Clubber', 'Treasure Mage', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Megrim', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Golden Demise', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Guild Globe', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Quag Vampires', 'Wall of Blood', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Explore', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Aetherling', 'Gods Willing', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Honored Hydra', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Wing Shards', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Tomb of Urami', 'False Summoning', 'Drake Haven', 'Canopy Vista', 'Carth the Lion', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Pandemonium', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Plague Beetle', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Combat Research', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Orchard Strider', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Overrun', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Blessed Respite', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Sunscour', 'Buried Alive', 'Epochrasite', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Commune with Nature', 'Frontline Medic', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Nest Robber', 'Braingeyser', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Krosan Grip', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Samite Healer', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Consume the Meek', 'Bond of Insight', 'Vision Skeins', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Tithe Taker', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Necroplasm', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Dimir Charm', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Rot Wolf', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Jade Mage', 'River Serpent', 'Dragonstorm', 'Vivid Grove', 'Aetherspouts', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Collective Defiance', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Rule of Law', 'Soul Snare', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Recross the Paths', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Genesis', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Haunted Mire', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Decree of Justice', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Fetid Pools', 'Collective Effort', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Goldhound', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Network Disruptor', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Mana Cylix', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Foulmire Knight', 'The Scorpion God', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Slagstorm', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Defabricate', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Power Depot', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Artful Dodge', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Harm''s Way', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Sins of the Past', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Soul Diviner', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Hornet Queen', 'Village Messenger', 'Sonic Burst', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Longbow Archer', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Lightning Axe', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Terminate', 'Defiant Strike', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Gigadrowse', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Tomb Robber', 'Forbid', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Stony Silence', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Bog Wraith', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Quirion Dryad', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Just the Wind', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Rags // Riches', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Wall of Omens', 'Giant Growth', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Twincast', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Fumigate', 'Doom Blade', 'Negate', 'Boros Recruit', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Enlarge', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Obscura Charm', 'Cut Down', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Worship', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Magma Spray', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Second Sunrise', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Boros Elite', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Season of Growth', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Combat Thresher', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Reanimate', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Tangled Islet', 'Evil Twin', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Omenspeaker', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Cling to Dust', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Umara Wizard', 'Animate Dead', 'Neutralize', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Zenith Flare', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Blood Lust', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Mana Flare', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Countervailing Winds', 'The Seedcore', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Crackling Doom', 'Crash Through', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'White Knight', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Vivid Crag', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Army of the Damned', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Stone Rain', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Opulent Palace', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'The Antiquities War', 'Vivid Creek', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Baffling End', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Fatestitcher', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Sorin Markov', 'Ally Encampment', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Simic Charm', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Timeless Witness', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Planar Ally', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Experiment One', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Shriekmaw', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Sen Triplets', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Dovin Baan', 'Jace Beleren', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Curious Pair', 'Detention Sphere', 'Fade from Memory', 'Experimental Augury', 'Shambling Vent', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Mortify', 'Quicken', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Staff of Domination', 'Cruel Reality', 'Pillage', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Munitions Expert', 'Favorable Winds', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Wastes', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Price of Progress', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Spell Snuff', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Renewed Faith', 'Titania''s Command', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Foundry Helix', 'Boros Garrison', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Endbringer', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Twinferno', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Boomerang', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Sky Hussar', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Vapor Snag', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Driven // Despair', 'Reveillark', 'Incendiary Command', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Rust Goliath', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Reckless Rage', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Threats Undetected', 'Scarab Feast', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Dimir Signet', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Catch // Release', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Brainstone', 'Rise // Fall', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Nether Traitor', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Genesis Wave', 'Desolation Twin', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Abundant Growth', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Soulflayer', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Domri Rade', 'Putrid Leech', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Invigorate', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Worm Harvest', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Story Circle', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Languish', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Micromancer', 'Rift Bolt', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Dream Trawler', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Go for Blood', 'Soaring Drake', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Riddleform', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Tail Swipe', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Raging Ravine', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Radiant Flames', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Worthy Knight', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Bolt Hound', 'Aether Adept', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Flame Blitz', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Corpse Cur', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Snapback', 'Sin Prodder', 'Commune with Lava', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Sky Terror', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Gutterbones', 'Geistflame', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Lucky Clover', 'Sudden Edict', 'Infuriate', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Sin Collector', 'Dovescape', 'Banefire', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Assault Strobe', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Unholy Heat', 'Withered Wretch', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Dark Petition', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Wildfire', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Bump in the Night', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Stun Sniper', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'It That Betrays', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Seal of Removal', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Serum Snare', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Scurry Oak', 'Out of Time', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Mana Leak', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Guardian Idol', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Peek', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Drannith Healer', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Cankerbloom', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Golgari Charm', 'Massacre Girl', 'Xorn', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Memory Lapse', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Blessed Breath', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Ornithopter', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Reason // Believe', 'Azorius Charm', 'Chatterstorm', 'Frogmite', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Endless Detour', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Chitterspitter', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Quarantine Field', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Into the Wilds', 'Slitherhead', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Palace Siege', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Wild Cantor', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Unburial Rites', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Waker of Waves', 'Time Sieve', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Séance', 'Savage Lands', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Triskelion', 'Greater Good', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Vault Skirge', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Talus Paladin', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Viscera Seer', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Sylvan Library', 'Dauntless Escort', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Brave the Elements', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Vector Asp', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Dispel', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Change the Equation', 'Stitch in Time', 'Master of Death', 'Treasure Map', 'Big Score', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Ominous Seas', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Choking Sands', 'Searing Spear', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Mindcrank', 'Tome Scour', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Rune of Might', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Chief Engineer', 'Bridge from Below', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Master of Etherium', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Deny Reality', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Obsessive Search', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Aqueous Form', 'Combat Courier', 'Archaeomancer', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Filigree Sages', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Ultimate Price', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Putrefy', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Cloudshift', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Gavony Township', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Port Town', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Ripjaw Raptor'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 178.8, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (144.8 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Thran Vigil', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Narcomoeba', 'Guardian Idol', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Doom Blade', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Morselhoarder', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Ruin Crab', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Reality Heist', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Frantic Search', 'Viral Drake', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Putrid Leech', 'Unholy Heat', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Doom Foretold', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Karmic Guide', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Harm''s Way', 'Gather the Pack', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Thran Portal', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Bring to Light', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Power Depot', 'Dark Petition', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Army of the Damned', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Rise and Shine', 'Mirror Entity', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Fatestitcher', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Celestial Flare', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Price of Progress', 'River of Tears', 'Control Magic', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Unsummon', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Restore Balance', 'Reckless Charge', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Utter End', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Reckless Rage', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Magma Spray', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Assault Strobe', 'Ichorid', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Wavesifter', 'Wrath of God', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Scute Mob', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Balefire Liege', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Blessed Breath', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Bonesplitter', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Void', 'Combat Thresher', 'Triskelion', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Aetherspouts', 'Jackal Pup', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Seed of Hope', 'Massacre Girl', 'Giant Growth', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Setessan Champion', 'Azorius Signet', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Murderous Cut', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Just the Wind', 'Obsessive Search', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Hateflayer', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Master Biomancer', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Farseek', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Goblin Matron', 'Trinket Mage', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Groundbreaker', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Aether Adept', 'Golden Demise', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Bag of Holding', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Precinct Captain', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Burnished Hart', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Essence Scatter', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Isolate', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Witching Well', 'Magma Jet', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Footfall Crater', 'Solemnity', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Mana Cylix', 'Clawing Torment', 'Vandalblast', 'Lucky Clover', 'Abzan Charm', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Consume the Meek', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Blessed Respite', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Skull Fracture', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Doomwake Giant', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Network Disruptor', 'Recommission', 'Scattered Groves', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Soaring Drake', 'Domri Rade', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Fight as One', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Crackling Doom', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Séance', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Weirding Wood', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Countersquall', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Dryad Militant', 'Valley Dasher', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Commune with Lava', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Fling', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Nether Spirit', 'Soul Diviner', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Golden Egg', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Fog', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Telepathy', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Wildfire', 'Expedite', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Putrefy', 'Tail Swipe', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Boomerang', 'Village Messenger', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Identity Crisis', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Soul Shatter', 'Forever Young', 'Slagstorm', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Flame Javelin', 'It That Betrays', 'Baffling End', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Profane Command', 'Venerable Monk', 'Dimir Signet', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Xorn', 'Fecundity', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Thought Scour', 'Volt Charge', 'Infectious Bite', 'Cystbearer', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Bring the Ending', 'Regal Force', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Savage Lands', 'Grave Titan', 'Forbid', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Bolt Hound', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Graven Cairns', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Memorial to War', 'Generous Visitor', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Gust of Wind', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Choked Estuary', 'Mana Tithe', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Hostage Taker', 'Blazing Specter', 'Persecute', 'Fiery Temper', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Reason // Believe', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Ossification', 'Azorius Charm', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Disenchant', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Go for the Throat', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Lightning Strike', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Cease-Fire', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Brave the Sands', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Angel of Despair', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Bond of Insight', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Brain Freeze', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Gird for Battle', 'Rotting Rats', 'Bile Blight', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Haze of Rage', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Strategic Planning', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Stitch in Time', 'Frost Marsh', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'True Believer', 'Snapback', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Collective Defiance', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Astral Slide', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Sin Prodder', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Raging Ravine', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Stun Sniper', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Greenseeker', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Raging Goblin', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Worm Harvest', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Arc Trail', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Ionize', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Centaur Garden', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Death Baron', 'Divest', 'Guided Passage', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Stain the Mind', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Omenspeaker', 'The Modern Age', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Patch Up', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Fetid Pools', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Cruel Reality', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Terrarion', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Glorybringer', 'Heartfire', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Virus Beetle', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Wall of Omens', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Neutralize', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Hard Evidence', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Haunted Dead', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Daring Thief', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Blade Splicer', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Field Marshal', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Fumigate', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Flood Plain', 'Jade Mage', 'Kavu Predator', 'Wonder', 'Heap Doll', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Experiment One', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Putrid Imp', 'Needle Spires', 'Samite Healer', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Children of Korlis', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Crab Umbra', 'Dockside Chef', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Shock', 'Drannith Healer', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Deprive', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Angel of Grace', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Pandemonium', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Ash Zealot', 'Umara Wizard', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Mutilate', 'Endless Horizons', 'Incendiary Command', 'Spawning Breath', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Undying Evil', 'Fertile Ground', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Chance Encounter', 'Court Homunculus', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Festival Crasher', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Cloudpost', 'Vivid Crag', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Infest', 'Turn // Burn', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Dream Trawler', 'Child of Night', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Halo Scarab', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Altered Ego', 'Void Snare', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Shambling Vent', 'Genesis', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Into the Roil', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Pelt Collector', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Seething Song', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Smiting Helix', 'Repeal', 'Tombstalker', 'Undercover Operative', 'Font of Fertility', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Peek', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Champion of Wits', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Wilt', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Circuit Mender', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Blood Seeker', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Assault // Battery', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Remove Soul', 'Game Trail', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Impulse', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Sins of the Past', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Goldhound', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Breakthrough', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Rewind', 'Blighted Agent', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Myr Servitor', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Vapor Snag', 'Sterling Grove', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Architects of Will', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Terminal Agony', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Artful Dodge', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Bog Wraith', 'Simic Charm', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Audacity', 'Shredded Sails', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Blazing Shoal', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Spirited Companion', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Cloudshift', 'Brute Force', 'Story Circle', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Perilous Research', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Midnight Clock', 'Cathedral of War', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Gods Willing', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Viridian Revel', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Rags // Riches', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Thief of Sanity', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Lost Legacy', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Vesperlark', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Myr Superion', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Student of Warfare', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Read the Bones', 'Distress', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Sleep', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Palinchron', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Twincast', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Carrion Wall', 'Strike It Rich', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Revitalize', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Haunted Mire', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Memory Leak', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Tramway Station', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Force of Virtue', 'Rob the Archives', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Undercity Informer', 'Trading Post', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Carnophage', 'Chittering Rats', 'Gavony Township', 'Deny Reality', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Timeless Witness', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Tragic Poet', 'Mobilized District', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Glamerdye', 'Atog', 'Glimmerpost', 'Energy Refractor', 'Slitherhead', 'Terminate', 'Rule of Law', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Cloudblazer', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Twinflame', 'Siege Rhino', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Filigree Sages', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Ashen Rider', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Chitterspitter', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Season of Growth', 'Dead of Winter', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Power Sink', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Crux of Fate', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Izzet Charm', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Canopy Vista', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Steel Overseer', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Monoskelion', 'Word of Undoing', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Primal Surge', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Argentum Armor', 'Lashwrithe', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Might of Oaks', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Shard Volley', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Realm Razer', 'Fire Diamond', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Fallow Earth', 'Combat Courier', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Runic Shot', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Blight Mamba', 'Worthy Knight', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Sky Terror', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Vivid Creek', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Twinferno', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Fast // Furious', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Dive Down', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Boom // Bust', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Rise // Fall', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Howling Mine', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Auramancer', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Regrowth', 'Double Vision', 'Grapeshot', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Braingeyser', 'Glorious Protector', 'Munitions Expert', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Froghemoth', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Shore Up', 'Talus Paladin', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Doomskar', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Disallow', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Temple of Malice', 'Detention Sphere', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Future Sight', 'Liliana Vess', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Pyroclasm', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Fell Stinger', 'Acidic Slime', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Time of Need', 'Pick the Brain', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Late to Dinner', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Tangle', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Rot Wolf', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Negate', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Lightning Spear', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Castigate', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Battle Screech', 'Sin Collector', 'Turnabout', 'Lightning Rift', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Maze Rusher', 'Mana Leak', 'Light Up the Night', 'Reanimate', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Platinum Angel', 'Notion Thief', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Cover of Winter', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Gladecover Scout', 'River Serpent', 'Molten Rain', 'Chronomaton', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Treasure Mage', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Psychic Strike', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Salvage Titan', 'Dig Up', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Mindslaver', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Ball Lightning', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Guild Globe', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Tome Scour', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Hedron Archive', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Prohibit', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Vision Skeins', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Brain Maggot', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Icehide Golem', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Wight', 'Reaper King', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Grim Affliction', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Knight of Glory', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'High Tide', 'Gingerbrute', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Temple of Silence', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Worship', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Saproling Burst', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Magister of Worth', 'The Scorpion God', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Gutterbones', 'Den Protector', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Dead // Gone', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Shared Discovery', 'Standing Troops', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Waker of Waves', 'Primal Bellow', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Myth Realized', 'Far // Away', 'Incinerate', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Animation Module', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Threats Undetected', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Wall of Blood', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Dimir Charm', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Queen of Ice', 'Aqueous Form', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Bone Saw', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Time Sieve', 'Universal Automaton', 'Tithe Taker', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Into the Wilds', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Dread Statuary', 'Dovin Baan', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Stony Silence', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Thragtusk', 'Jokulhaups', 'Desecration Demon', 'Mirrorweave', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Curiosity', 'Bad River', 'Planar Bridge', 'Hornet Queen', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Draconic Roar', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Fevered Visions', 'Prismari Campus', 'Assault Formation', 'Rift Bolt', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Boros Recruit', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Supreme Will', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Sunscour', 'Venerable Knight', 'Braid of Fire', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Shambling Shell', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Exploding Borders', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Spare Supplies', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Change the Equation', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Seasons Past', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Hellrider', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Megrim', 'Planar Ally', 'Frost Walker', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Tangled Islet', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Combat Research', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Frost Titan', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Calciform Pools', 'Tentative Connection', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Rust Goliath', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Tear Asunder', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Privileged Position', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Go for Blood', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Cleric Class', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Endbringer', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Sarcomancy', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Mortify', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Terminus', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Trickbind', 'Joint Exploration', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Restoration Angel', 'Seismic Assault', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Secret Plans', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Plague Stinger', 'Silverquill Command', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Through the Breach', 'Coalition Relic', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Clear the Mind', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Black Knight', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Sudden Edict', 'Slaughter Games', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Catch // Release', 'Dawn Charm', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Exclude', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Reap and Sow', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Demolition Field', 'Lone Rider', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Sky Scourer', 'Trade Secrets', 'Flame Blitz', 'Zof Consumption', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Animating Faerie', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Never // Return', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Condescend', 'Despise', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Orchard Strider', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Infuriate', 'Shred Memory', 'Dispel', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Tree of Tales', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Enlarge', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Brood Birthing', 'Vampiric Link', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Serra Avenger', 'Port Town', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Reflector Mage', 'Shardless Agent', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'War Falcon', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Ulcerate', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Master of Death', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Putrefax', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Destroy Evil', 'Wing Shards', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Experimental Augury', 'Reveillark', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Endless Detour', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Mana Bloom', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Nether Traitor', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Frogmite', 'Spark Elemental', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Of One Mind', 'Plague Beetle', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Micromancer', 'Banish into Fable', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Brute Suit', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Dovescape', 'Driven // Despair', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Seal of Fire', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Esper Charm', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Terastodon', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Blood Knight', 'Corrupt', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Dragonstorm', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Chatterstorm', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Zenith Flare', 'Silundi Vision', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Sylvan Library', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Cultivate', 'Groundswell', 'Painful Quandary', 'Slip Through Space', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Offalsnout', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Wrench Mind', 'Creeping Chill', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Quicksand', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Burst Lightning', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Winged Portent', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Traumatize', 'Glittering Wish', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Lose Focus', 'Overrun', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Corpse Cur', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Needle Drop', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Fae of Wishes', 'False Summoning', 'Spirit Link', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Undead Augur', 'Bone Dragon', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Serum Snare', 'Vivid Grove', 'Bushwhack', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Silver Knight', 'Ally Encampment', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Keep Safe', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Chief Engineer', 'Heartless Act', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Fetid Heath', 'Memnarch', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Treasure Map', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Polymorph', 'Vault Skirge', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Sonic Burst', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Alpha Authority', 'Arbor Elf', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Withered Wretch', 'Blightning', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Primal Order', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Stern Lesson', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Mulch', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Psychic Possession', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Devastating Summons', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Rebuild', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Quicken', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Rune Snag', 'Vendetta', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Stave Off', 'Recoup', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Nekrataal', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Desolation Twin', 'Mana Flare', 'Riftsweeper', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Explore', 'Silence', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Nobilis of War', 'Flame Rift', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Utopia Tree', 'Codex Shredder', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Blood Artist', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Render Silent', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Tomb Robber', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Light of Hope', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Verdant Command', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Death Cloud', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Easy Prey', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Mind Rake', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Pack Rat', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Forced Fruition', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Buried Alive', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Wargate', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Spell Snuff', 'Frontline Medic', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Generous Patron', 'Pilfer', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Twiddle', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Hit // Run', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Vector Asp', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Recross the Paths', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Gruul Charm', 'Glistener Elf', 'Boros Garrison', 'Fists of Flame', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Mission Briefing', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Brave the Elements', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Bone Shards', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Costly Plunder', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Memoricide', 'Barren Moor', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Drake Haven', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Pillage', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Devoted Druid', 'Abundant Growth', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Drowned Secrets', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Boros Elite', 'Defiant Strike', 'Spectral Procession', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Quag Vampires', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Anticipate', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Seal of Removal', 'Forked Bolt', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Possibility Storm', 'Augury Owl', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Mindcrank', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Staff of Domination', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Fade from Memory', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Aria of Flame', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Risk Factor', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Deep Analysis', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Searing Spear', 'Marble Diamond', 'Dark Ritual', 'Legion Angel', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Memory Lapse', 'Fierce Empath', 'Genesis Wave', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Norin the Wary', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Big Score', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Blazing Archon', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Spider Umbra', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Blood Lust', 'Night Clubber', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Lizard Blades', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Tarfire', 'Bridge from Below', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Dispatch', 'Primal Beyond', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Soul Snare', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Essence Flux', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Mantis Rider', 'Training Grounds', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Banefire', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Mystic Snake', 'Wander in Death', 'Jund Charm', 'Ground Seal', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Cult Conscript', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Sen Triplets', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Upheaval', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Soul Warden', 'Whip of Erebos', 'All That Glitters', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Harmonize', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Evil Twin', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Opulent Palace', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Revoke Existence', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Quarantine Field', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Ultimate Price', 'Shivan Reef', 'Voltage Surge', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Curious Pair', 'Electrolyze', 'Curse of Silence', 'Spell Pierce', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Perilous Vault', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Giant Killer', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Ram Through', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Renewed Faith', 'Sky Hussar', 'Compulsive Research', 'Boros Signet', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Rune of Might', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Master of Etherium', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Sol Talisman', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Highland Lake', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Gruul Signet', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Commune with Nature', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Profane Procession', 'Dead Weight', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Animate Dead', 'Palace Siege', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Not of This World', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Myr Welder', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Fume Spitter', 'Urban Utopia', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Cremate', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Greater Good', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Protean Hulk', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Foundry Helix', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Ponder', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Simian Sling', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Canyon Slough', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Radiant Grove', 'Mind Spring', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Pain Seer', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Runed Halo', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Glint Hawk', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Banishing Slash', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Biovisionary', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Mulldrifter', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Path of Discovery', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Akki Ronin', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Condemn', 'Spell Burst', 'Astral Drift', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'The Celestus', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Natural State', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Last Stand', 'Painful Truths', 'Dissolve', 'Gruul Turf', 'Crash Through', 'Lightning Axe', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Plow Under', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Flame Slash', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Fortified Village', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Kher Keep', 'Out of Time', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Complicate', 'Second Sunrise', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Demonic Dread', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Willow Geist', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Plated Geopede', 'Cankerbloom', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Vexing Shusher', 'The Seedcore', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Scarab Feast', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Tribute Mage', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Maestros Theater', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Disfigure', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Bump in the Night', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Unwind', 'March from the Tomb', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Soulflayer', 'Abiding Grace', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Kami of Transience', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Longbow Archer', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Scurry Oak', 'Titania''s Command', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Endless One', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Grand Architect', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Purify the Grave', 'Rampant Growth', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Cut Down', 'Elvish Champion', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Caldera Lake', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Reckless Waif', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Banisher Priest', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Choking Sands', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Primal Command', 'Zuran Orb', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Radiant Flames', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Stone Rain', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Containment Construct', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Blind Obedience', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Step Through', 'Tormenting Voice', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Obscura Charm', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Weird Harvest', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Defabricate', 'Necrogoyf', 'Oust', 'Aetherling', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Browbeat', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Staggershock', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Ivory Tower', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Shriekmaw', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Vexing Devil', 'Victim of Night', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Nevermore', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Plunder', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Flooded Grove', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Become Immense', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Valiant Changeling', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Favorable Winds', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Meddling Mage', 'Languish', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Gideon Jura', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Evacuation', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Gigadrowse', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Umara Mystic', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Ornithopter', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Annex Sentry', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Firebolt', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Quickling', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Halo Forager', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Smallpox', 'Hypergenesis', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Dire Tactics', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Always Watching', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Damn', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Duress', 'Molten Tributary', 'The Antiquities War', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Opt', 'Larger Than Life', 'Colossification', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Unburial Rites', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Rift Sower', 'Lingering Souls', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Collective Effort', 'Sultai Charm', 'Jace Beleren', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Graf Harvest', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Cling to Dust', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Mortarpod', 'Carth the Lion', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Noxious Assault', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Archaeomancer', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Devil''s Play', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Chain Lightning', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Vindicate', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Buried Ruin', 'Relic Axe', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Wood Elves', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Waterfront District', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Tribal Flames', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Spore Frog', 'Decree of Justice', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Obliterate', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Banishing Stroke', 'White Knight', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Sign in Blood', 'Brainstone', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Day of Judgment', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Call of the Herd', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Wild Defiance', 'Leather Armor', 'Force of Rage', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Stream of Life', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Molten Blast', 'Tragic Slip', 'Startling Development', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Check for Traps', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Nest Robber', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Wastes', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Fertilid', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Commit // Memory', 'Think Twice', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Viscera Seer', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Light the Way', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Invigorate', 'Battle of Wits', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Dizzy Spell', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Hour of Promise', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Tempered Steel', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Golgari Charm', 'Epochrasite', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Skylasher', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Leonin Bola', 'Dark Salvation', 'Wild Cantor', 'Sorin Markov', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Dread Return', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Halimar Depths', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Fabricate', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Kor Duelist', 'Riddleform', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Geistflame', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Circular Logic', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Krosan Grip', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Etched Champion', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Collateral Damage', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Honored Hydra', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Into the Story', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Necroplasm', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Temple of Malady', 'Spectral Shift', 'Ominous Seas', 'Spark Spray', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Distortion Strike', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Blazing Hellhound'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 144.8, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (80.6 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Tyvar''s Stand', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Brute Suit', 'Commune with Lava', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Twincast', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Desecration Demon', 'Biovisionary', 'Sky Terror', 'Vision Skeins', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Putrefy', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Forked Bolt', 'Generous Patron', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Silver Knight', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Reality Heist', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Utopia Tree', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Neutralize', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Palinchron', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Fume Spitter', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Cloudshift', 'Balefire Liege', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Quicksand', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Magma Spray', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Magma Jet', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Thran Portal', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Combat Thresher', 'The Scorpion God', 'Scurry Oak', 'Collective Defiance', 'Supreme Will', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Urban Evolution', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Buried Alive', 'Upheaval', 'Dragonstorm', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Vapor Snag', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Aether Adept', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Distress', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Tangled Islet', 'Quarantine Field', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Smallpox', 'Sign in Blood', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Realm Razer', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Languish', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Marble Diamond', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Cult Conscript', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Opulent Palace', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Rot Wolf', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Seismic Assault', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Dovescape', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Second Wind', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Abzan Charm', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Harm''s Way', 'Acidic Slime', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Mortarpod', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Ponder', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Mana Bloom', 'Vivid Crag', 'Precinct Captain', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Recoup', 'Mindslaver', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Haunted Dead', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Wood Elves', 'Salvage Titan', 'Barren Moor', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Evil Twin', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Fast // Furious', 'Cultivate', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Circuit Mender', 'Recross the Paths', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Glorybringer', 'Damn', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Utter End', 'White Knight', 'Undercover Operative', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Court Homunculus', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Snapback', 'Archaeomancer', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Ral Zarek', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'March from the Tomb', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Price of Progress', 'Ashen Rider', 'Nest Robber', 'Palace Siege', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Blood Seeker', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Ornithopter', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Brokers Charm', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Knight of Glory', 'Arc Trail', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Azorius Charm', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Soaring Drake', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Master of Etherium', 'Ivory Tower', 'Siege Rhino', 'Golden Egg', 'Frost Marsh', 'Vivid Creek', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Dark Salvation', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Genesis Wave', 'Network Disruptor', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Willow Geist', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Voltage Surge', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Doomskar', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Plated Geopede', 'Treasure Map', 'Strike It Rich', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Into the Roil', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Fight as One', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Profane Command', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Light the Way', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Fog', 'Silence', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Devil''s Play', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Blood Lust', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Boros Recruit', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Noxious Assault', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Moment of Craving', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Titania''s Command', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Omenspeaker', 'Vendetta', 'Raging Goblin', 'Astral Drift', 'Incendiary Command', 'Rise and Shine', 'Worship', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Seal of Removal', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Dissolve', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Startling Development', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Cloudpost', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Forever Young', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Haunted Mire', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Audacity', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Stern Lesson', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Animate Dead', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Fell Stinger', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Crack the Earth', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Timeless Witness', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Lizard Blades', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Bolt Hound', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Restoration Angel', 'Of One Mind', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Dire Tactics', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Chance Encounter', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Pilfer', 'Game Trail', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Blessed Breath', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Soul Snare', 'Setessan Champion', 'Quicken', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Battle of Wits', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Primal Surge', 'Dead // Gone', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Wing Shards', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Leonin Bola', 'Cystbearer', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Altered Ego', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Risk Factor', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Nether Spirit', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Sarcomancy', 'Ulcerate', 'Hour of Promise', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Doom Blade', 'Viscera Seer', 'Spore Frog', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Purify the Grave', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Blighted Agent', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Memorial to War', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Far // Away', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Temple of Malady', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Regrowth', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Radiant Grove', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Wargate', 'Repeal', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Architects of Will', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Cankerbloom', 'Fetid Pools', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Sonic Burst', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Coalition Relic', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Font of Fertility', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Grapeshot', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Think Twice', 'Dawn Charm', 'Fertilid', 'Skylasher', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Identity Crisis', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Frontline Medic', 'Goblin Matron', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Séance', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Bag of Holding', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Master of Death', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Slip Through Space', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Black Knight', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Doom Foretold', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Double Vision', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Perilous Vault', 'Gruul Turf', 'Gods Willing', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Mindcrank', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Valley Dasher', 'Into the Story', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Shred Memory', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Glorious Protector', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Fumigate', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Chronomaton', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'It That Betrays', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Essence Scatter', 'Meddling Mage', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Sudden Edict', 'Decree of Justice', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Elvish Champion', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'River Serpent', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Disfigure', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Step Through', 'Dockside Chef', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Curse of Silence', 'Heap Doll', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Trading Post', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Hateflayer', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Pick the Brain', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Zof Consumption', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Countersquall', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Brain Maggot', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Caldera Lake', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Domri Rade', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Viridian Revel', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Blind Obedience', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Rise // Fall', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Brood Birthing', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Reconstruction', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Primal Bellow', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Stream of Life', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Fiery Justice', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Trickbind', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Evacuation', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Chain Lightning', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Flood Plain', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Stave Off', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Mirror Entity', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Primal Amulet', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Choking Sands', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Tramway Station', 'Stony Silence', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Painful Truths', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Village Messenger', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Training Grounds', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Vector Asp', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Spirit Link', 'Lightning Spear', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Circular Logic', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Ruin Raider', 'Consume the Meek', 'Crash Through', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Kavu Predator', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Braid of Fire', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Twinferno', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Volt Charge', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Larger Than Life', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Port Town', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Tempered Steel', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Pilfering Imp', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Megrim', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Check for Traps', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Chatterstorm', 'Dread Statuary', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Forbid', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Bad River', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Creeping Chill', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Commit // Memory', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Shambling Shell', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Withered Wretch', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Burst Lightning', 'Wild Defiance', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Force of Virtue', 'Renewed Faith', 'Fevered Visions', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Dream Trawler', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Fallow Earth', 'Distortion Strike', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Universal Automaton', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Slagstorm', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Kher Keep', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Triskelion', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Spell Burst', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Spider Umbra', 'Glint Hawk', 'Ground Seal', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Centaur Garden', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Putrefax', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Endless One', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Profane Procession', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Epochrasite', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Ram Through', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Wrath of God', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Pain Seer', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Undead Augur', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Notion Thief', 'The Modern Age', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Mission Briefing', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Karmic Guide', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Expedite', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Void Snare', 'Ominous Seas', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Fortified Village', 'Filigree Sages', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Forced Fruition', 'Oust', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Ball Lightning', 'Wander in Death', 'Minor Misstep', 'Hedron Archive', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'The Antiquities War', 'Runed Halo', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Corpse Cur', 'Brute Force', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Izzet Charm', 'Jackal Pup', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Generous Visitor', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Hard Evidence', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Frost Titan', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Drannith Healer', 'Rewind', 'Relic Axe', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Turnabout', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Icehide Golem', 'Big Score', 'Change the Equation', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Canopy Vista', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Essence Flux', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Planar Ally', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Reckless Charge', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Grave Titan', 'Molten Tributary', 'Unsummon', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Putrid Imp', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Vexing Devil', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Tragic Slip', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Stain the Mind', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Reckless Rage', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Blood Knight', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Giant Growth', 'Clawing Torment', 'Patch Up', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Banefire', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Psychic Possession', 'Staff of Domination', 'Platinum Angel', 'Gather the Pack', 'Sultai Charm', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Standing Troops', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Power Sink', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Twiddle', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Tome Scour', 'Midnight Clock', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Overrun', 'Soulflayer', 'Bone Saw', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Honored Hydra', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Mana Leak', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Devoted Druid', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Azorius Signet', 'Silverquill Command', 'Abiding Grace', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Second Sunrise', 'Ultimate Price', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Flame Blitz', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Bump in the Night', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Memory Leak', 'Tarfire', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Reap and Sow', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Aqueous Form', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Army of the Damned', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Voidslime', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Slitherhead', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Master Biomancer', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Tombstalker', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Graf Harvest', 'Boros Garrison', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Children of Korlis', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Umara Wizard', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Dread Return', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Needle Drop', 'Stitch in Time', 'Exclude', 'Banish into Fable', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Mirrorweave', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Mana Flare', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Morselhoarder', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Bond of Insight', 'Death Cloud', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Goldhound', 'Bring the Ending', 'Blazing Specter', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Cleric Class', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Hornet Queen', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Curious Pair', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Golden Demise', 'Lost Legacy', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Memnarch', 'Temple of Silence', 'Undercity Informer', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Legion Angel', 'Shore Up', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Festival Crasher', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Detention Sphere', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Collateral Damage', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Brainstone', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Plunder', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Buried Ruin', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Chief Engineer', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Favorable Winds', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Mystic Snake', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Demolition Field', 'Mana Cylix', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Lesser Masticore', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Mulch', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Hit // Run', 'Shardless Agent', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Terminal Agony', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Massacre Girl', 'Myr Servitor', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Shard Volley', 'Heartfire', 'True Believer', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Bring to Light', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Last Stand', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Bone Shards', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Sleep', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Always Watching', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Liliana Vess', 'Groundswell', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Shared Discovery', 'Nobilis of War', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Terastodon', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Scarab Feast', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Wily Goblin', 'Opt', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Carth the Lion', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Bile Blight', 'Harmonize', 'Defiant Strike', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Munitions Expert', 'Wight', 'Canyon Slough', 'Hellrider', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Combat Courier', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Sky Scourer', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Primal Command', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Reason // Believe', 'Gigadrowse', 'Shambling Vent', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Polymorph', 'Steel Overseer', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Tail Swipe', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Fabricate', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Vivid Grove', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Regal Force', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Rule of Law', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Field Marshal', 'Glimmerpost', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Desolation Twin', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Sterling Grove', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Blight Mamba', 'The Celestus', 'Time Sieve', 'Thran Vigil', 'Groundbreaker', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Persecute', 'Magister of Worth', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Energy Refractor', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Froghemoth', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Dispatch', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Maestros Theater', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Wonder', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Exploding Borders', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Seething Song', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Myr Superion', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Endbringer', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Queen of Ice', 'Den Protector', 'Baffling End', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Soul Shatter', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Spirited Companion', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Frogmite', 'Bonesplitter', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Micromancer', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Painful Quandary', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Blazing Archon', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Annex Sentry', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Greater Good', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Glistener Elf', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Wall of Omens', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Endless Horizons', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Worthy Knight', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Fade from Memory', 'Heartless Act', 'Traumatize', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Power Depot', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Infest', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Spark Elemental', 'Gust of Wind', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Commune with Nature', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Sylvan Library', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Wall of Blood', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Mulldrifter', 'Waterfront District', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Pillage', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Seasons Past', 'Force of Rage', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Riftsweeper', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Cathedral of War', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Venerable Knight', 'Gruul Charm', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Cremate', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Deny Reality', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Sen Triplets', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Rift Bolt', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Gutterbones', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Drake Haven', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Lightning Strike', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Pelt Collector', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Terminate', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Sunscour', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Dark Ritual', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Never // Return', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Joint Exploration', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Vault Skirge', 'Collective Effort', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Rune of Might', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Myth Realized', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Reveillark', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Mutilate', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Pyroclasm', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Cut Down', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Trinket Mage', 'Recommission', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Duress', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Memoricide', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Rebuild', 'Worm Harvest', 'Highland Lake', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Plague Beetle', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Silundi Vision', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Krosan Grip', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Dimir Charm', 'Boomerang', 'Gingerbrute', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Wrench Mind', 'Shredded Sails', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Gavony Township', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Halo Forager', 'Condescend', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Geistflame', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Weird Harvest', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Smiting Helix', 'Calciform Pools', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Vandalblast', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Dispel', 'Endless Detour', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Possibility Storm', 'Demonic Dread', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Plow Under', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Esper Charm', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Blessed Respite', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Rampant Growth', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Lone Rider', 'Dreamstealer', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Curiosity', 'Fiery Temper', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Draconic Roar', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Terminus', 'Dread Presence', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Wavesifter', 'Quag Vampires', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Disenchant', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Auramancer', 'Weirding Wood', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Giant Killer', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Serra Avenger', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Twinflame', 'Peek', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Jokulhaups', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Driven // Despair', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Tentative Connection', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Aetherspouts', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Jund Charm', 'Footfall Crater', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Urban Utopia', 'Cloudblazer', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Fling', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Guild Globe', 'Genesis', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Easy Prey', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Norin the Wary', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Become Immense', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Fertile Ground', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Runic Shot', 'Champion of Wits', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Astral Slide', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Reaper King', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Alpha Authority', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Stun Sniper', 'Anticipate', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Colossification', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Gideon Jura', 'Guardian Idol', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Costly Plunder', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Braingeyser', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Day of Judgment', 'Late to Dinner', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Myr Welder', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Control Magic', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Halimar Depths', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Flame Javelin', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Fatestitcher', 'Dive Down', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Seal of Fire', 'Rust Goliath', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Season of Growth', 'Dead of Winter', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Mantis Rider', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Molten Rain', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Wilt', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Enlarge', 'Not of This World', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Divest', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Rift Sower', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Codex Shredder', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Shock', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Just the Wind', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Memory Lapse', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Halo Scarab', 'Nevermore', 'Wildfire', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Assault // Battery', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Sorin Markov', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Winged Portent', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Obliterate', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Seed of Hope', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Orchard Strider', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Obscura Charm', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Revitalize', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Celestial Flare', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Tribal Flames', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Scute Mob', 'Death Baron', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Graven Cairns', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Slaughter Games', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Leather Armor', 'Treasure Mage', 'Might of Oaks', 'Revoke Existence', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Clear the Mind', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Frost Walker', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Aetherling', 'Mortify', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'False Summoning', 'River of Tears', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Offalsnout', 'Infuriate', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Mobilized District', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Lucky Clover', 'Abundant Growth', 'Sin Collector', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Go for Blood', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Guided Passage', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Glittering Wish', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Boros Signet', 'Gird for Battle', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Zenith Flare', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Electrolyze', 'Browbeat', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Akki Ronin', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Vampiric Link', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Cease-Fire', 'Nekrataal', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Skull Fracture', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Tribute Mage', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Brain Freeze', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Fire Diamond', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Mana Tithe', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Virus Beetle', 'Vindicate', 'Greenseeker', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Choked Estuary', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Keep Safe', 'Shriekmaw', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Burnished Hart', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Howling Mine', 'Flame Slash', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Containment Construct', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Lightning Rift', 'Render Silent', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Samite Healer', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Nether Traitor', 'Soul Warden', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Verdant Command', 'Tangle', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Maze''s End', 'Banishing Slash', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Gruul Signet', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Secret Plans', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Perilous Research', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Farseek', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Animating Faerie', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Time of Need', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Quickling', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Read the Bones', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Restore Balance', 'Thought Scour', 'Night Clubber', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Primal Beyond', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Grand Architect', 'Invigorate', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Complicate', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Ash Zealot', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Kami of Transience', 'Scattered Groves', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Narcomoeba', 'Unholy Heat', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Serum Snare', 'Haze of Rage', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Simian Sling', 'Primal Order', 'Telepathy', 'Golgari Charm', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Tragic Poet', 'Incinerate', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Compulsive Research', 'Lose Focus', 'Combat Research', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Blade Splicer', 'Rags // Riches', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Shivan Reef', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Child of Night', 'Monoskelion', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Brave the Sands', 'Banisher Priest', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Dimir Signet', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Cover of Winter', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Boros Elite', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Word of Undoing', 'Light Up the Night', 'Prohibit', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Bushwhack', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Tomb Robber', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Dead Weight', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Future Sight', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Zuran Orb', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Obsessive Search', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Catch // Release', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Threats Undetected', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Crux of Fate', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Putrid Leech', 'Boom // Bust', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Out of Time', 'Plague Stinger', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Natural State', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Unwind', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Blood Artist', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Assault Formation', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Rune Snag', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Planar Bridge', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Flooded Grove', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Mind Spring', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Cling to Dust', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Unburial Rites', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Reckless Waif', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Spectral Procession', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Terrarion', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Ruin Crab', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Explore', 'Into the Wilds', 'Void', 'Glamerdye', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Talus Paladin', 'Dark Petition', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Ionize', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Waker of Waves', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Dovin Baan', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Stone Rain', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Molten Blast', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Murderous Cut', 'Psychic Strike', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Turn // Burn', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Fists of Flame', 'Sins of the Past', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Bridge from Below', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Bog Wraith', 'Solemnity', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Fetid Heath', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Necroplasm', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Corrupt', 'Radiant Flames', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Necrogoyf', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Through the Breach', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Spare Supplies', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Bone Dragon', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Lingering Souls', 'Bygone Bishop', 'High Tide', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Spell Snuff', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Angel of Grace', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Tree of Tales', 'Needle Spires', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Soul Diviner', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Go for the Throat', 'Saproling Burst', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Tithe Taker', 'Riddleform', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Cruel Reality', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Spectral Shift', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Atog', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Despise', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Spark Spray', 'Impulse', 'Thragtusk', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Castigate', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Kor Duelist', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Rotting Rats', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Carrion Wall', 'Path of Discovery', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Brave the Elements', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Deprive', 'Angel of Despair', 'Sol Talisman', 'Xorn', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Spell Pierce', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Viral Drake', 'Isolate', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'All That Glitters', 'Negate', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Experimental Augury', 'Carnophage', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Foundry Helix', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Simic Charm', 'Blightning', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Fecundity', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Defabricate', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Etched Champion', 'Sky Hussar', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Fierce Empath', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Wild Cantor', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Reanimate', 'Lightning Axe', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Ichorid', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Jace Beleren', 'Firebolt', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Crackling Doom', 'Privileged Position', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Arbor Elf', 'Devastating Summons', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Prismari Campus', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Aria of Flame', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Pack Rat', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Spawning Breath', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Trade Secrets', 'Witching Well', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Venerable Monk', 'Ally Encampment', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Chitterspitter', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Argentum Armor', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Rob the Archives', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Crab Umbra', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Sticky Fingers', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Raging Ravine', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Undying Evil', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Artful Dodge', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Flame Rift', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Student of Warfare', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Ossification', 'Experiment One', 'Jade Mage', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Protean Hulk', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Breakthrough', 'War Falcon', 'Daring Thief', 'Sin Prodder', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Assault Strobe', 'Grim Affliction', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Maze Rusher', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Battle Screech', 'Temple of Malice', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Wastes', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Mind Rake', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Condemn', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Deep Analysis', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Victim of Night', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Reflector Mage', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Infectious Bite', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Pandemonium', 'Story Circle', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Umara Mystic', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Destroy Evil', 'Longbow Archer', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Strategic Planning', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Hostage Taker', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Dryad Militant', 'Vesperlark', 'Tear Asunder', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'The Seedcore', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Frantic Search', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Light of Hope', 'Disallow', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Hypergenesis', 'Augury Owl', 'Chittering Rats', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Dig Up', 'Call of the Herd', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Remove Soul', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Staggershock', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Animation Module', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Searing Spear', 'Savage Lands', 'Lashwrithe', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 80.6, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (100.4 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Cryptolith Rite', 'Grapeshot', 'Perilous Research', 'Bone Saw', 'Riddleform', 'Slip Through Space', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Threats Undetected', 'Minor Misstep', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Primal Surge', 'Crab Umbra', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Ultimate Price', 'Bog Wraith', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Barren Moor', 'Pillage', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Lupine Prototype', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Tomb Robber', 'Stern Lesson', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Bag of Holding', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Rule of Law', 'Always Watching', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Nobilis of War', 'Cruel Reality', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Into the Roil', 'Seething Song', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Reveillark', 'Lashwrithe', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Grim Affliction', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Boros Recruit', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Universal Automaton', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Golden Egg', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Countersquall', 'Spell Pierce', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Tribute Mage', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Lone Rider', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Castigate', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Remove Soul', 'Obscura Charm', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Traumatize', 'Nether Traitor', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Wildfire', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Brave the Elements', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Saproling Burst', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Army of the Damned', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Mobilized District', 'Kami of Transience', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Restoration Angel', 'Glistener Elf', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Halo Scarab', 'Blessed Breath', 'Dive Down', 'Master Biomancer', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Farseek', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Stony Silence', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Izzet Charm', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Scarab Feast', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Commune with Lava', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Mana Leak', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Breakthrough', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Spell Snuff', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Shock', 'Realm Razer', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Leather Armor', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Stitch in Time', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Rust Goliath', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Abzan Charm', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Fog', 'Identity Crisis', 'Heartfire', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Worship', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Time Sieve', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Last Stand', 'Cankerbloom', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Primal Amulet', 'Essence Flux', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Light the Way', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Seasons Past', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Blade Splicer', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Supreme Will', 'Vendetta', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Fetid Pools', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Gird for Battle', 'Frogmite', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Terminal Agony', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Shambling Shell', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Sarcomancy', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Shriekmaw', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Choked Estuary', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Lightning Rift', 'Highland Lake', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Knight of Glory', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Waterfront District', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Infest', 'Spider Umbra', 'Monoskelion', 'Defiant Strike', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Withered Wretch', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Chatterstorm', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Spark Spray', 'Path of Discovery', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Halo Forager', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Ram Through', 'Shard Volley', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Putrefax', 'Rise and Shine', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Aqueous Form', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Essence Scatter', 'Haunted Mire', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Game Trail', 'Prohibit', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Profane Procession', 'Primal Might', 'Krosan Grip', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'River of Tears', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Fade from Memory', 'Dovin Baan', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Keep Safe', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Children of Korlis', 'Field Marshal', 'Gust of Wind', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Bring to Light', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Complicate', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Atog', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Tangled Islet', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Strategic Planning', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Fierce Empath', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Jund Charm', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Silence', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Divest', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Viridian Revel', 'Demolition Field', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Fortified Village', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Fists of Flame', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Become Immense', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Rewind', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Buried Ruin', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Dead of Winter', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Ornithopter', 'Gods Willing', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Braingeyser', 'Glint Hawk', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Circuit Mender', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Glorious Protector', 'Groundswell', 'Notion Thief', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Mind Rake', 'Carrion Wall', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Devil''s Play', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Memnarch', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Sultai Charm', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Flooded Grove', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Corpse Cur', 'Clear the Mind', 'Murderous Cut', 'Quag Vampires', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Soul Diviner', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Explore', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Silverquill Command', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Reflector Mage', 'Aetherspouts', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Serra Avenger', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Dread Return', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Quarantine Field', 'Sky Hussar', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Standing Troops', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Polymorph', 'Twiddle', 'Banishing Slash', 'Putrefy', 'Filigree Sages', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Renewed Faith', 'Force of Virtue', 'Death Cloud', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Soaring Drake', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Soul Shatter', 'Volt Charge', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Graf Harvest', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Tragic Slip', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Sin Prodder', 'Titania''s Command', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Unsummon', 'Far // Away', 'Costly Plunder', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Nether Spirit', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Longbow Archer', 'Reason // Believe', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Creeping Chill', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Tree of Tales', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Read the Bones', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Ally Encampment', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Azorius Charm', 'Invigorate', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Worthy Knight', 'Plated Geopede', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Jade Mage', 'Desecration Demon', 'Think Twice', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Consume the Meek', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Silundi Vision', 'Expedite', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Astral Slide', 'Giant Killer', 'Garruk Relentless', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Distress', 'Balefire Liege', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Combat Research', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Blood Seeker', 'Never // Return', 'Fume Spitter', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Wild Defiance', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Heap Doll', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Network Disruptor', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Destroy Evil', 'Combat Courier', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Zof Consumption', 'Augury Owl', 'Terminate', 'Sorin Markov', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Blighted Agent', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Psychic Strike', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Battle of Wits', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Seal of Removal', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Undercover Operative', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Smallpox', 'Sen Triplets', 'Chitterspitter', 'Willow Geist', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Calciform Pools', 'Caldera Lake', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Blazing Archon', 'Guild Globe', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Auramancer', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Gruul Signet', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Forced Fruition', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Spectral Procession', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Tramway Station', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Deprive', 'Season of Growth', 'Reap and Sow', 'Lose Focus', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Disfigure', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Dimir Charm', 'Regal Force', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Glamerdye', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Terrarion', 'Future Sight', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Fallow Earth', 'Stone Rain', 'Languish', 'Tithe Taker', 'Call of the Herd', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Stain the Mind', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Hour of Promise', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Commit // Memory', 'Crash Through', 'Firebolt', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Planar Ally', 'It That Betrays', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Ral Zarek', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Molten Blast', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Circular Logic', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Fumigate', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Power Depot', 'Experimental Augury', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Ball Lightning', 'Fell Stinger', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Brain Freeze', 'Repeal', 'Burst Lightning', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Bond of Insight', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Etched Champion', 'Froghemoth', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Esper Charm', 'Micromancer', 'Experiment One', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Ground Seal', 'Frost Marsh', 'Dream Trawler', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Vindicate', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Deep Analysis', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Double Vision', 'Kavu Predator', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Commune with Nature', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Hedron Archive', 'Winged Portent', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Tempered Steel', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Dovescape', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Incinerate', 'Bone Shards', 'Runic Shot', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Annex Sentry', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Condemn', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Weird Harvest', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Bushwhack', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Anticipate', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Force of Rage', 'Battle Screech', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Staff of Domination', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Wall of Omens', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Molten Tributary', 'Valley Dasher', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'The Celestus', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Collateral Damage', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Undercity Informer', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Glare of Subdual', 'March from the Tomb', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Second Sunrise', 'Boros Signet', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Putrid Imp', 'Darkblast', 'Brave the Sands', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Electrolyze', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Rob the Archives', 'Dryad Militant', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Spore Frog', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Coalition Relic', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Aether Adept', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Venerable Knight', 'Distortion Strike', 'Light of Hope', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Collective Effort', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Trading Post', 'Frost Walker', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Spectral Shift', 'Xorn', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Patch Up', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Might of Oaks', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Precinct Captain', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Staggershock', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Tarfire', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Raging Ravine', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Marble Diamond', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Soulflayer', 'Icehide Golem', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Evil Twin', 'Control Magic', 'Genesis', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Just the Wind', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Honored Hydra', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Doom Blade', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Peek', 'Dawn Charm', 'Moment of Craving', 'Deny Reality', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Flame Blitz', 'Harmonize', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Ruin Crab', 'Akki Ronin', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Braid of Fire', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Steel Overseer', 'Crackling Doom', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Dockside Chef', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Sonic Burst', 'Late to Dinner', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Painful Quandary', 'Browbeat', 'Wilt', 'Twincast', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Tangle', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Foundry Helix', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Canopy Vista', 'Corrupt', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Aetherling', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Of One Mind', 'Megrim', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Enlarge', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Sudden Edict', 'Primal Command', 'Argentum Armor', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Mortify', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Kher Keep', 'Setessan Champion', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Vector Asp', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Turnabout', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Condescend', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Fight as One', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Possibility Storm', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Shared Discovery', 'Price of Progress', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Snapback', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Necrogoyf', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Orchard Strider', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Dread Presence', 'Blood Knight', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Hornet Queen', 'Morselhoarder', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Pain Seer', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Sylvan Library', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Wargate', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Maze''s End', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Putrid Leech', 'Vesperlark', 'True Believer', 'Smiting Helix', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Plague Stinger', 'Sins of the Past', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Light Up the Night', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Halimar Depths', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Master of Death', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Detention Sphere', 'Queen of Ice', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Fiery Justice', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Wrath of God', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Archaeomancer', 'Cystbearer', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Wonder', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Ponder', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Shambling Vent', 'Greater Good', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Skylasher', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Profane Command', 'Rot Wolf', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Dead Weight', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Seismic Assault', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Goldhound', 'Karmic Guide', 'The Scorpion God', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Golden Demise', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Skull Fracture', 'Story Circle', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Lightning Axe', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Stream of Life', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Child of Night', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Harm''s Way', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Treasure Map', 'Mystic Snake', 'Obliterate', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Chief Engineer', 'Goblin Matron', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Overgrowth', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Virus Beetle', 'Dead // Gone', 'Gideon Jura', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Biovisionary', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Forked Bolt', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Infectious Bite', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Zenith Flare', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Restore Balance', 'Sky Scourer', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Pelt Collector', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Radiant Grove', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Rune of Might', 'Riftsweeper', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Decree of Justice', 'Reckless Rage', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Cover of Winter', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Stun Sniper', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Blood Artist', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Crack the Earth', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Abiding Grace', 'Vivid Grove', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Daring Thief', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Assault Strobe', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Undying Evil', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Epochrasite', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Ivory Tower', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Catch // Release', 'Norin the Wary', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Opt', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Flame Javelin', 'Reckless Waif', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Heartless Act', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Burnished Hart', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'All That Glitters', 'Spell Burst', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Endbringer', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Carnophage', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Needle Spires', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Carth the Lion', 'Voltage Surge', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Idyllic Grange', 'False Summoning', 'Opulent Palace', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Big Score', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Thran Portal', 'Thran Vigil', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Wing Shards', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Pyroclasm', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Golgari Charm', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Reanimate', 'Serum Snare', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Offalsnout', 'Fatestitcher', 'Damn', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Spark Elemental', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Stave Off', 'Mission Briefing', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Angel of Despair', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Mana Tithe', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Vault Skirge', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Chronomaton', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Spawning Breath', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Ichorid', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Cultivate', 'Curiosity', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Recoup', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Urban Evolution', 'Gutterbones', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Hostage Taker', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Oona''s Grace', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Doom Foretold', 'Nevermore', 'Bonesplitter', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Gruul Turf', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Combat Thresher', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Venerable Monk', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Pick the Brain', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Bring the Ending', 'Fecundity', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Wavesifter', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Twinflame', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Festival Crasher', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Reconstruction', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Fast // Furious', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Sterling Grove', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Spirit Link', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Brute Force', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Wood Elves', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Arc Trail', 'Sunscour', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Wander in Death', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Assault // Battery', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Mana Cylix', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Generous Patron', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Tribal Flames', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Magister of Worth', 'Time of Need', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Wastes', 'Psychatog', 'Bolt Hound', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Leonin Bola', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Cloudpost', 'Triskelion', 'Undead Augur', 'Hellrider', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Wrench Mind', 'Groundbreaker', 'Driven // Despair', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Shred Memory', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Footfall Crater', 'Defabricate', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Baffling End', 'Banefire', 'Upheaval', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Cathedral of War', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Glimmerpost', 'Fevered Visions', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Dark Ritual', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Favorable Winds', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Step Through', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Altered Ego', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Bad River', 'Vexing Devil', 'River Serpent', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Maze Rusher', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Magma Spray', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Voidslime', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Memoricide', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Privileged Position', 'Student of Warfare', 'Frantic Search', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Brain Maggot', 'Vivid Crag', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Rise // Fall', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Jace Beleren', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Shredded Sails', 'Drake Haven', 'Mindcrank', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Tombstalker', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Mulldrifter', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Utter End', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Brokers Charm', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Cult Conscript', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Dig Up', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Collective Defiance', 'Hypergenesis', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Endless Horizons', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Curse of Silence', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Bump in the Night', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Purify the Grave', 'Terastodon', 'Blackmail', 'Bone Dragon', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Fertile Ground', 'Cut Down', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Terminus', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Radiant Flames', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Viral Drake', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Fiery Temper', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Molten Rain', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Not of This World', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Blazing Specter', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Angel of Grace', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Myth Realized', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Ashen Rider', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Prismari Campus', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Gingerbrute', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Wild Cantor', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Animation Module', 'Artful Dodge', 'Grand Architect', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Into the Wilds', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Port Town', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Celestial Flare', 'High Tide', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Exclude', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Samite Healer', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Palace Siege', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Forever Young', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Black Knight', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Containment Construct', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Render Silent', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Alpha Authority', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Exploding Borders', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Myr Superion', 'Primal Beyond', 'Chance Encounter', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Negate', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Rune Snag', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Brainstone', 'Frost Titan', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Plague Beetle', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Guided Passage', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Genesis Wave', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Dispatch', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Animate Dead', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Ruin Raider', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Font of Fertility', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Spare Supplies', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Canyon Slough', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Perilous Vault', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Mantis Rider', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Slaughter Games', 'Architects of Will', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Chain Lightning', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Seed of Hope', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Go for Blood', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Isolate', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Sky Terror', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Nest Robber', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Sign in Blood', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Gather the Pack', 'Unburial Rites', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Trinket Mage', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Turn // Burn', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Generous Visitor', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Jackal Pup', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Doomskar', 'Trade Secrets', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Startling Development', 'Honored Heirloom', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Spirited Companion', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Dimir Signet', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Drannith Healer', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Temple of Silence', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Thragtusk', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Séance', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Village Messenger', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Silver Knight', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Kor Duelist', 'Void Snare', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Howling Mine', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Azorius Signet', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Quickling', 'Guardian Idol', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Zuran Orb', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Memory Leak', 'Plunder', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Day of Judgment', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Rags // Riches', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Sleep', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Myr Welder', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Vampiric Link', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Boom // Bust', 'Painful Truths', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Giant Growth', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Change the Equation', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Meddling Mage', 'Demonic Dread', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Strike It Rich', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Revoke Existence', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Magma Jet', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Slagstorm', 'Utopia Tree', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Maestros Theater', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Treasure Mage', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Death Baron', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Hateflayer', 'Lizard Blades', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Palinchron', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Searing Spear', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Lucky Clover', 'Memorial to War', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Umara Mystic', 'Tragic Poet', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Wily Goblin', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Despise', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Weirding Wood', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Scute Mob', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Waker of Waves', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Jokulhaups', 'Mortarpod', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Banisher Priest', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Blightning', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Fabricate', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Unholy Heat', 'Vivid Creek', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Myr Servitor', 'Compulsive Research', 'Temple of Malady', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Power Sink', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Natural State', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Twinferno', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Cling to Dust', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Shardless Agent', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Devoted Druid', 'Liliana Vess', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Raging Goblin', 'War Falcon', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'The Antiquities War', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Reality Heist', 'Tail Swipe', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Sol Talisman', 'The Modern Age', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Buried Alive', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Soul Warden', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Hard Evidence', 'Wall of Blood', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Massacre Girl', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Flame Rift', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Impulse', 'Aria of Flame', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Gavony Township', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Mana Bloom', 'Audacity', 'Endless One', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Champion of Wits', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Curious Pair', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Pandemonium', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Mana Flare', 'Siege Rhino', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Recommission', 'Incendiary Command', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Mind Spring', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Munitions Expert', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Tear Asunder', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Rampant Growth', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Domri Rade', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Boros Elite', 'Night Clubber', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Forbid', 'Astral Drift', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Shore Up', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Simic Charm', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Primal Order', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Recross the Paths', 'Tentative Connection', 'Worm Harvest', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Mulch', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Cease-Fire', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Simian Sling', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Dread Statuary', 'Gigadrowse', 'Overrun', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Scurry Oak', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Haze of Rage', 'Cleric Class', 'Blind Obedience', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Wight', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Out of Time', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Secret Plans', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Fertilid', 'Scattered Groves', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Trickbind', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Haunted Dead', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Vision Skeins', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Oust', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Glittering Wish', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Assault Formation', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Lost Legacy', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Disenchant', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Lightning Spear', 'Reaper King', 'Energy Refractor', 'Psychic Possession', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Relic Axe', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Savage Lands', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Void', 'Easy Prey', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Quicksand', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Rift Sower', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Elvish Champion', 'Vigor', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Crux of Fate', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Geistflame', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Victim of Night', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Fetid Heath', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Verdant Command', 'Viscera Seer', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Plow Under', 'Glorybringer', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Chittering Rats', 'Bile Blight', 'Word of Undoing', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Persecute', 'Court Homunculus', 'Blessed Respite', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Disallow', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Clawing Torment', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Grave Titan', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Necroplasm', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Narcomoeba', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Brute Suit', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Cloudblazer', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Into the Story', 'Dissolve', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Urban Utopia', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Mindslaver', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Planar Bridge', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Go for the Throat', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Pilfer', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Bridge from Below', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Thornwood Falls', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Hit // Run', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Flood Plain', 'Quicken', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Protean Hulk', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Shivan Reef', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Obsessive Search', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Sin Collector', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Ominous Seas', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Second Wind', 'Noxious Assault', 'Timeless Witness', 'Revitalize', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Choking Sands', 'Endless Detour', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Runed Halo', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Through the Breach', 'Joint Exploration', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Legion Angel', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Seal of Fire', 'Risk Factor', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Neutralize', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Greenseeker', 'Acidic Slime', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Ulcerate', 'The Seedcore', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Mirror Entity', 'Animating Faerie', 'Arbor Elf', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Unwind', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Check for Traps', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Colossification', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Brood Birthing', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Dark Salvation', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Gruul Charm', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Fling', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Telepathy', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Reckless Charge', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Banish into Fable', 'Mutilate', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Witching Well', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Lightning Strike', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Midnight Clock', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Training Grounds', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Dragonstorm', 'Umara Wizard', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Desolation Twin', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Boros Garrison', 'Mirrorweave', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Codex Shredder', 'Flame Slash', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Lingering Souls', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Thought Scour', 'Slitherhead', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Needle Drop', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Centaur Garden', 'Devastating Summons', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Pack Rat', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Platinum Angel', 'Salvage Titan', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'White Knight', 'Vapor Snag', 'Blight Mamba', 'Blood Lust', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Ossification', 'Infuriate', 'Evacuation', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Rotting Rats', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Ash Zealot', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Primal Bellow', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Cremate', 'Soul Snare', 'Regrowth', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Rebuild', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Dreamstealer', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Graven Cairns', 'Abundant Growth', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Vandalblast', 'Temple of Malice', 'Dark Petition', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Fire Diamond', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Ionize', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Solemnity', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Omenspeaker', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Memory Lapse', 'Cloudshift', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Draconic Roar', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Talus Paladin', 'Frontline Medic', 'Nekrataal', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Boomerang', 'Master of Etherium', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Tome Scour', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Rift Bolt', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Dire Tactics', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Dispel', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Den Protector', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Duress', 'Larger Than Life', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 100.4, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (63.5 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Rhys the Redeemed', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Divest', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Chronomaton', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Zuran Orb', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Magister of Worth', 'Desolation Twin', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Molten Tributary', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Voltage Surge', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Disenchant', 'Shared Discovery', 'Mobilized District', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Master Biomancer', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Slip Through Space', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Unburial Rites', 'Myr Superion', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Shriekmaw', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Hateflayer', 'Blessed Breath', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Go for the Throat', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Turn // Burn', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Primal Order', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Xorn', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Savage Lands', 'Burnished Hart', 'Artful Dodge', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Army of the Damned', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Wildfire', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Sudden Edict', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Gutterbones', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Haze of Rage', 'Nest Robber', 'Chittering Rats', 'Bump in the Night', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Chatterstorm', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Nevermore', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Obsessive Search', 'Stern Lesson', 'Coalition Relic', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Wight', 'Story Circle', 'Bone Dragon', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Vault Skirge', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Fog', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Fume Spitter', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Treasure Mage', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Perilous Vault', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Genesis', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Cut Down', 'Grave Titan', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Quickling', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Wily Goblin', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Wilt', 'Midnight Clock', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Calciform Pools', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Compulsive Research', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Season of Growth', 'Into the Story', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Opt', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Celestial Flare', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Startling Development', 'Word of Undoing', 'Spawning Breath', 'Necroplasm', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Tombstalker', 'Rebuild', 'Dark Petition', 'Dire Tactics', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Lucky Clover', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Crab Umbra', 'Village Messenger', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Flood Plain', 'Bonesplitter', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Spell Burst', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Viridian Revel', 'Sky Hussar', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Fast // Furious', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Perilous Research', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Risk Factor', 'Micromancer', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Sign in Blood', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Dread Statuary', 'Fists of Flame', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Double Vision', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Flame Slash', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Bolt Hound', 'Maze''s End', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Of One Mind', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Liliana Vess', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Reckless Rage', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Weirding Wood', 'Putrefax', 'Gavony Township', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Graf Harvest', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Think Twice', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Magma Jet', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Carnophage', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Notion Thief', 'Dispel', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Patch Up', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Burst Lightning', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Boros Elite', 'War Falcon', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Duress', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Detention Sphere', 'Urban Evolution', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Primal Bellow', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Stain the Mind', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Simic Charm', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Identity Crisis', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Generous Patron', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Sins of the Past', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Relic Axe', 'Gruul Turf', 'Standing Troops', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Death Baron', 'Molten Rain', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Brute Suit', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Reanimate', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Supreme Will', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Pandemonium', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Buried Ruin', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Creeping Chill', 'Glimmerpost', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Foundry Helix', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Scarab Feast', 'Doom Blade', 'Guided Passage', 'Snapback', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Chain Lightning', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Grim Affliction', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Quicksand', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Solemnity', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Ominous Seas', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Clawing Torment', 'Lone Rider', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Spark Spray', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Halimar Depths', 'Reality Heist', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Vision Skeins', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Dead of Winter', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Monoskelion', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Precinct Captain', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Champion of Wits', 'Orchard Strider', 'Bring the Ending', 'Flame Rift', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Caldera Lake', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Worm Harvest', 'Profane Procession', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Curiosity', 'Simian Sling', 'Shock', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Needle Spires', 'Tramway Station', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Wild Defiance', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Hit // Run', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Magma Spray', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Collective Defiance', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Mana Leak', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Recommission', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Azorius Signet', 'Terastodon', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Soulflayer', 'Mutilate', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Crackling Doom', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Child of Night', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Cling to Dust', 'Astral Slide', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Tentative Connection', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Banishing Slash', 'Vendetta', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Twinflame', 'Canopy Vista', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Altered Ego', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Sky Terror', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Gather the Pack', 'Choking Sands', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Blood Seeker', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Serra Avenger', 'Spore Frog', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Tomb Robber', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Battle of Wits', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Pyroclasm', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Realm Razer', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Silundi Vision', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Guild Globe', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Molten Blast', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Profane Command', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Frost Titan', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Revitalize', 'Palinchron', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Blind Obedience', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Vesperlark', 'Bag of Holding', 'Trade Secrets', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Void Snare', 'Second Wind', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Cloudpost', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Infuriate', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Aether Adept', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Twincast', 'Purify the Grave', 'Tangled Islet', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Brain Freeze', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Tragic Poet', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Terrarion', 'Network Disruptor', 'Moment of Craving', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Shambling Vent', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Sorin Markov', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Essence Scatter', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Hard Evidence', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Dispatch', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Strategic Planning', 'Bile Blight', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Sonic Burst', 'Mirrorweave', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Tree of Tales', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Zenith Flare', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Greenseeker', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Vandalblast', 'Blessed Respite', 'Blade Splicer', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Trickbind', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Ruin Raider', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Codex Shredder', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Price of Progress', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Thought Scour', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Dead // Gone', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Psychatog', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Distress', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Through the Breach', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Memoricide', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Memnarch', 'Gust of Wind', 'Blightning', 'Into the Wilds', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Nether Traitor', 'Gird for Battle', 'Wall of Omens', 'Reaper King', 'Regal Force', 'Browbeat', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Threats Undetected', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Grand Architect', 'Tribal Flames', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Aetherspouts', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Seal of Removal', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Ponder', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Reveillark', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Dimir Charm', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Vapor Snag', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Carrion Wall', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Aria of Flame', 'Chance Encounter', 'Mindcrank', 'Blight Mamba', 'Umara Mystic', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Withered Wretch', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Sultai Charm', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Gingerbrute', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Wastes', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Graven Cairns', 'Balefire Liege', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Silverquill Command', 'All That Glitters', 'Howling Mine', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Platinum Angel', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Acidic Slime', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Waterfront District', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Decree of Justice', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Mind Rake', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Riftsweeper', 'Wing Shards', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Vivid Crag', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Ionize', 'Mission Briefing', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Experiment One', 'Auramancer', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Fertilid', 'Plague Stinger', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Undercover Operative', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'High Tide', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Kami of Transience', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Change the Equation', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Worthy Knight', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Hour of Promise', 'Trinket Mage', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Halo Scarab', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Turnabout', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Arc Trail', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Forbid', 'Become Immense', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Plunder', 'Dryad Militant', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Read the Bones', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Lightning Strike', 'Palace Siege', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Scattered Groves', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Wood Elves', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Wrath of God', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Cease-Fire', 'Staff of Domination', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Deep Analysis', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Evil Twin', 'Aetherling', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Crux of Fate', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Path of Discovery', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Reckless Waif', 'Umara Wizard', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Gigadrowse', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Dragonstorm', 'Animation Module', 'Psychic Possession', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Step Through', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Jund Charm', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Skylasher', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Runed Halo', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Remove Soul', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Annex Sentry', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Blood Artist', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Protean Hulk', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Shore Up', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Rob the Archives', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Sky Scourer', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Natural State', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Frantic Search', 'Barren Moor', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Soul Shatter', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Canyon Slough', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Court Homunculus', 'Boom // Bust', 'Etched Champion', 'Animate Dead', 'Recross the Paths', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Dread Presence', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Urban Utopia', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Fierce Empath', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Haunted Dead', 'Raging Goblin', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Death Cloud', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Dead Weight', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Force of Rage', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Flooded Grove', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Call of the Herd', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Epochrasite', 'Frost Marsh', 'Void', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Sterling Grove', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Night Clubber', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Marble Diamond', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Shred Memory', 'Munitions Expert', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Myth Realized', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Tempered Steel', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Cruel Reality', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Karmic Guide', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Skull Fracture', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Gruul Charm', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Force of Virtue', 'Render Silent', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Longbow Archer', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Dark Salvation', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Damn', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Traumatize', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Cleric Class', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Braingeyser', 'Mirror Entity', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Countersquall', 'Argentum Armor', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Den Protector', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'False Summoning', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Reflector Mage', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Bad River', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Destroy Evil', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Rags // Riches', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Archaeomancer', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Nether Spirit', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Demolition Field', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Abundant Growth', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Unwind', 'Shard Volley', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Putrefy', 'Containment Construct', 'Samut, the Tested', 'White Knight', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Sunscour', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Castigate', 'Rune Snag', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Glamerdye', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Ash Zealot', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Defabricate', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Pack Rat', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Draconic Roar', 'Arbor Elf', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Seething Song', 'Memory Leak', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Bone Shards', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Glorybringer', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Esper Charm', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Crack the Earth', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Assault Strobe', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Wonder', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Privileged Position', 'Bog Wraith', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Cankerbloom', 'Light Up the Night', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Astral Drift', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Shardless Agent', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Spell Pierce', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Keep Safe', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Maestros Theater', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Big Score', 'Hypergenesis', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Terminate', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Meddling Mage', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Kher Keep', 'Queen of Ice', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Quag Vampires', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Rotting Rats', 'Opulent Palace', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Leather Armor', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Myr Welder', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Jade Mage', 'Salvage Titan', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Minor Misstep', 'Mana Flare', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Energy Refractor', 'Glittering Wish', 'Stave Off', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Firebolt', 'Light of Hope', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Abzan Charm', 'Sin Prodder', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Fertile Ground', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Sen Triplets', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Prohibit', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Restore Balance', 'Radiant Grove', 'Daring Thief', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Norin the Wary', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Rust Goliath', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Pain Seer', 'Slitherhead', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Spare Supplies', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Tail Swipe', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Venerable Monk', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Psychic Strike', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Soul Snare', 'The Seedcore', 'Slagstorm', 'Sin Collector', 'Mana Bloom', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Painful Quandary', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Abiding Grace', 'Venerable Knight', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Dive Down', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Incendiary Command', 'Goldhound', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Ram Through', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Froghemoth', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Jokulhaups', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Obliterate', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Lashwrithe', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Quarantine Field', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Prismari Campus', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Genesis Wave', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Noxious Assault', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Just the Wind', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Akki Ronin', 'Banisher Priest', 'The Antiquities War', 'Waker of Waves', 'Check for Traps', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Wavesifter', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Massacre Girl', 'Banefire', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Terminus', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Clear the Mind', 'Sylvan Library', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Halo Forager', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Glint Hawk', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Negate', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Favorable Winds', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Twiddle', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Dockside Chef', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Quicken', 'Planar Bridge', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Sarcomancy', 'Mana Cylix', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Mortarpod', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Brokers Charm', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Recoup', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Secret Plans', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Lightning Rift', 'Combat Courier', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Cathedral of War', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Pick the Brain', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Dissolve', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Raging Ravine', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Revoke Existence', 'Necrogoyf', 'Buried Alive', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Brave the Sands', 'Possibility Storm', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Evacuation', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Stony Silence', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Geistflame', 'Undercity Informer', 'Brain Maggot', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Rise // Fall', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Fabricate', 'Power Depot', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Undead Augur', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Fatestitcher', 'Centaur Garden', 'Flame Javelin', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Memory Lapse', 'Reckless Charge', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Lingering Souls', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Hostage Taker', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Hellrider', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Endbringer', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Consume the Meek', 'Port Town', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Wrench Mind', 'Knight of Glory', 'Angel of Grace', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Vigor', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Boros Signet', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Despise', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Exploding Borders', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Painful Truths', 'Into the Roil', 'Driven // Despair', 'Silver Knight', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Augury Owl', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Forked Bolt', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Ichorid', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Ivory Tower', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Tangle', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Ornithopter', 'Plated Geopede', 'Silence', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Spectral Procession', 'Fiery Temper', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Frogmite', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Spectral Shift', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Corpse Cur', 'Mystic Snake', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Angel of Despair', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Ossification', 'Scute Mob', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Fecundity', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Guardian Idol', 'Fortified Village', 'Soaring Drake', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Footfall Crater', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Taurean Mauler', 'River of Tears', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Dovescape', 'Rift Sower', 'Witching Well', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Carth the Lion', 'Vector Asp', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Cloudshift', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Explore', 'Forced Fruition', 'Circular Logic', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Verdant Command', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Myr Servitor', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'It That Betrays', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Giant Killer', 'Time of Need', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Reason // Believe', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Telepathy', 'Narcomoeba', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Ulcerate', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Day of Judgment', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Experimental Augury', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Rot Wolf', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Crash Through', 'Trading Post', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Master of Etherium', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Wall of Blood', 'Tithe Taker', 'Mulch', 'Enlarge', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Last Stand', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Rift Bolt', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Forever Young', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Honored Hydra', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Giant Growth', 'Primal Might', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Domri Rade', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Blazing Archon', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Hedron Archive', 'Devil''s Play', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Isolate', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Late to Dinner', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Dread Return', 'Shivan Reef', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Persecute', 'Light the Way', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Festival Crasher', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Zof Consumption', 'Thragtusk', 'Aqueous Form', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Cystbearer', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Joint Exploration', 'Braid of Fire', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Rampant Growth', 'Primal Amulet', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Memorial to War', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Easy Prey', 'Sol Talisman', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Polymorph', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Worship', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Maze Rusher', 'Murderous Cut', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Endless One', 'Seal of Fire', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'True Believer', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Pelt Collector', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Brood Birthing', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Devastating Summons', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Heartless Act', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Future Sight', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Regrowth', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Go for Blood', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Haunted Mire', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Renewed Faith', 'Ground Seal', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Rewind', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Utopia Tree', 'Radiant Flames', 'Upheaval', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Fade from Memory', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Mortify', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Mind Spring', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Temple of Malice', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Chitterspitter', 'Lost Legacy', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Reconstruction', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Combat Research', 'Kor Duelist', 'Combat Thresher', 'Spark Elemental', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Thran Portal', 'Tribute Mage', 'Tear Asunder', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Stream of Life', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Mindslaver', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Dreamstealer', 'Condemn', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Larger Than Life', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Stone Rain', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Thran Vigil', 'Alpha Authority', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Defiant Strike', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Lizard Blades', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Cremate', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Wild Cantor', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Endless Horizons', 'Fumigate', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Rule of Law', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Baffling End', 'Deny Reality', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Soul Diviner', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Power Sink', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Putrid Leech', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Dovin Baan', 'Atog', 'Condescend', 'Children of Korlis', 'Exclude', 'March from the Tomb', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Gruul Signet', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Fallow Earth', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Corrupt', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Elvish Champion', 'Ball Lightning', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Runic Shot', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Siege Rhino', 'Bond of Insight', 'Jace Beleren', 'Boros Garrison', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Circuit Mender', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Spider Umbra', 'Ultimate Price', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Bone Saw', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Vivid Grove', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Lose Focus', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Viscera Seer', 'Disallow', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Grapeshot', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Curious Pair', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Harm''s Way', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Commit // Memory', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Restoration Angel', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Leonin Bola', 'Control Magic', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Frontline Medic', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Battle Screech', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Font of Fertility', 'The Celestus', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Frost Walker', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Boomerang', 'Boros Recruit', 'Wild Mongrel', 'The Modern Age', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Lightning Spear', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Temple of Malady', 'Dark Ritual', 'Blackmail', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Viral Drake', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Shredded Sails', 'Languish', 'Blood Knight', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Chief Engineer', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Training Grounds', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Incinerate', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Willow Geist', 'Catch // Release', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Collateral Damage', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Master of Death', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Blazing Specter', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Overrun', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Distortion Strike', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Repeal', 'Banish into Fable', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Always Watching', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Ral Zarek', 'Brave the Elements', 'Pillage', 'Complicate', 'Farseek', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Offalsnout', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Tragic Slip', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Mulldrifter', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Ashen Rider', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Bring to Light', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Dawn Charm', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Legion Angel', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Desecration Demon', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Primal Command', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Cultivate', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Overgrowth', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Fight as One', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Groundswell', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Seasons Past', 'Black Knight', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Pilfer', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Essence Flux', 'Spell Snuff', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Curse of Silence', 'Out of Time', 'Deprive', 'Icehide Golem', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Tarfire', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Glistener Elf', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Cover of Winter', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Primal Beyond', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Temple of Silence', 'Filigree Sages', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Putrid Imp', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Ally Encampment', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Infectious Bite', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Highland Lake', 'Shambling Shell', 'Utter End', 'Plague Beetle', 'Oust', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Saproling Burst', 'Biovisionary', 'Blood Lust', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Impulse', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Gods Willing', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Gideon Jura', 'Samite Healer', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Choked Estuary', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Second Sunrise', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Nekrataal', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Architects of Will', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Generous Visitor', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Rise and Shine', 'Smallpox', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Winged Portent', 'Blighted Agent', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Setessan Champion', 'Demonic Dread', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Glorious Protector', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Voidslime', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Séance', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Game Trail', 'Neutralize', 'Seismic Assault', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Doomskar', 'Valley Dasher', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Golden Egg', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Brainstone', 'Sleep', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Dig Up', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Vindicate', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Peek', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'River Serpent', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Victim of Night', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Ruin Crab', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Smiting Helix', 'Stitch in Time', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Plow Under', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Anticipate', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Terminal Agony', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Cult Conscript', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Slaughter Games', 'Devoted Druid', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Far // Away', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Expedite', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Fiery Justice', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Disfigure', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Virus Beetle', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Universal Automaton', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Treasure Map', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Scurry Oak', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Vivid Creek', 'Jackal Pup', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Artful Maneuver', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Spirited Companion', 'Harmonize', 'Goblin Matron', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Animating Faerie', 'Drannith Healer', 'Golden Demise', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'The Scorpion God', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Groundbreaker', 'Lightning Axe', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Cloudblazer', 'Mana Tithe', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Spirit Link', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Greater Good', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Searing Spear', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Flame Blitz', 'Collective Effort', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Unsummon', 'Bridge from Below', 'Titania''s Command', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Megrim', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Steel Overseer', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Endless Detour', 'Serum Snare', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Heap Doll', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Twinferno', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Assault Formation', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Tome Scour', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Mantis Rider', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Darkblast', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Fell Stinger', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Primal Surge', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Fevered Visions', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Costly Plunder', 'Drake Haven', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Doom Foretold', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Timeless Witness', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Assault // Battery', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Weird Harvest', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Breakthrough', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Planar Ally', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Infest', 'Izzet Charm', 'Wander in Death', 'Reap and Sow', 'Needle Drop', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Soul Warden', 'Azorius Charm', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Fetid Pools', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Dream Trawler', 'Fetid Heath', 'Field Marshal', 'Heartfire', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Krosan Grip', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Invigorate', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Bushwhack', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Time Sieve', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Fire Diamond', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Stun Sniper', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Rune of Might', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Golgari Charm', 'Vexing Devil', 'Dimir Signet', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Electrolyze', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Kavu Predator', 'Student of Warfare', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Staggershock', 'Brute Force', 'Undying Evil', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Audacity', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Not of This World', 'Might of Oaks', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Commune with Lava', 'Wargate', 'Strike It Rich', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Talus Paladin', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Riddleform', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Colossification', 'Vampiric Link', 'Commune with Nature', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Omenspeaker', 'Triskelion', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Never // Return', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Obscura Charm', 'Volt Charge', 'Unholy Heat', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Nobilis of War', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Hornet Queen', 'Seed of Hope', 'Morselhoarder', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Fling', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 63.5, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (83.3 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Tranquil Garden', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Megrim', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Rise and Shine', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Energy Refractor', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Scurry Oak', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Frost Walker', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Mindcrank', 'Always Watching', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Anticipate', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'The Celestus', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Bag of Holding', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Mana Tithe', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Lightning Strike', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Swarm Shambler', 'War Falcon', 'Endless Detour', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Aether Adept', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Into the Wilds', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Dread Presence', 'Standing Troops', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Atog', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Skull Fracture', 'Blind Obedience', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Burnished Hart', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Heap Doll', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Needle Spires', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Riftsweeper', 'Temple of Silence', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Zof Consumption', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Blightning', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Scythe Tiger', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Second Sunrise', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Reflector Mage', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Stern Lesson', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Spectral Shift', 'Howling Mine', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Remove Soul', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Countersquall', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Maze Rusher', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Necroplasm', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Dispel', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'The Antiquities War', 'Bushwhack', 'Obscura Charm', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Offalsnout', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Demolition Field', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Obsessive Search', 'Moment of Craving', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Boros Signet', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Incinerate', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Strike It Rich', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Nekrataal', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Demonic Dread', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Greenseeker', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Last Stand', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Orchard Strider', 'Saproling Burst', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Volt Charge', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Ruin Crab', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Soul Snare', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Glorybringer', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Mana Leak', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Hellrider', 'Gigadrowse', 'Tragic Slip', 'Twinflame', 'Ash Zealot', 'Chain Lightning', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Mana Flare', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Winged Portent', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Canyon Slough', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Epochrasite', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Soul Warden', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Lose Focus', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Withered Wretch', 'Grave Titan', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Into the Story', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Genesis Wave', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Slitherhead', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Check for Traps', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Primal Amulet', 'Massacre Girl', 'Quickling', 'Cult Conscript', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Seasons Past', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Incendiary Command', 'Elvish Champion', 'Of One Mind', 'Profane Command', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Clear the Mind', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Icehide Golem', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Meddling Mage', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Spare Supplies', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Read the Bones', 'Chatterstorm', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Dread Return', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Cankerbloom', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Opulent Palace', 'Reckless Charge', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Mind Spring', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Argentum Armor', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Myr Servitor', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Raging Ravine', 'Essence Flux', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Trickbind', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Combat Research', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'The Modern Age', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Identity Crisis', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Tribute Mage', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Void Snare', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'True Believer', 'Vivid Crag', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Renewed Faith', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Easy Prey', 'Annex Sentry', 'Akki Ronin', 'Cease-Fire', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Sleep', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Repeal', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Vesperlark', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Fiery Justice', 'Forbid', 'Raging Goblin', 'Salvage Titan', 'Light Up the Night', 'Crash Through', 'Deny Reality', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Lost Legacy', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Harm''s Way', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Spell Snuff', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Spectral Procession', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Quicksand', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Pashalik Mons', 'River of Tears', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Wake Thrasher', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Pack Rat', 'Reason // Believe', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Combat Thresher', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Simian Sling', 'Viscera Seer', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Abiding Grace', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Sterling Grove', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Steel Overseer', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Architects of Will', 'Tree of Tales', 'Dream Trawler', 'Festival Crasher', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Forever Young', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Tribal Flames', 'Choked Estuary', 'Bonesplitter', 'Rust Goliath', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Animating Faerie', 'Golgari Charm', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Ashen Rider', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Detention Sphere', 'Children of Korlis', 'Shred Memory', 'Xorn', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Molten Rain', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Soul Shatter', 'Blood Artist', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Nest Robber', 'Mana Bloom', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Fiery Temper', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Desolation Twin', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Psychic Possession', 'Soaring Drake', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Buried Alive', 'Ossification', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Waterfront District', 'Through the Breach', 'Utopia Tree', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Bolt Hound', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Student of Warfare', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Plunder', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Fabricate', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Flooded Grove', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Bone Dragon', 'Brokers Charm', 'Forked Bolt', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Defabricate', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Threats Undetected', 'Wander in Death', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Tome Scour', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Step Through', 'Sorin Markov', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Omenspeaker', 'Palace Siege', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Driven // Despair', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Blessed Respite', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Rot Wolf', 'Double Vision', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Terastodon', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Fetid Heath', 'Despise', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Strategic Planning', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Highland Lake', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Esper Charm', 'Terminus', 'Protean Hulk', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Twincast', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Purify the Grave', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Distortion Strike', 'Scarab Feast', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Titania''s Command', 'Ball Lightning', 'Angel of Despair', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Hit // Run', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Scattered Groves', 'Painful Truths', 'Dockside Chef', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Light the Way', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Court Homunculus', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Combat Courier', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Harmonize', 'Reckless Rage', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Shock', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Ral Zarek', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Cloudblazer', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Molten Tributary', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Consume the Meek', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Bone Saw', 'Recross the Paths', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Boros Elite', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Squirrel Nest', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Frantic Search', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Bump in the Night', 'Tomb Robber', 'Ultimate Price', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Serra Avenger', 'Breakthrough', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Curiosity', 'Spark Elemental', 'Assault Strobe', 'Bad River', 'Unsummon', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Crackling Doom', 'Radiant Grove', 'Thought Scour', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Primal Order', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Might of Oaks', 'Seal of Removal', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Terrarion', 'Leonin Bola', 'Nether Spirit', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Astral Drift', 'Canopy Vista', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'High Tide', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Lashwrithe', 'Flame Slash', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Pick the Brain', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Pandemonium', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Devil''s Play', 'Future Sight', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Story Circle', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Go for Blood', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Pillage', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Audacity', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Silver Knight', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Hostage Taker', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Mindslaver', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Plague Beetle', 'Grim Affliction', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Sin Collector', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Sen Triplets', 'Thran Portal', 'Barren Moor', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Ruin Raider', 'Dig Up', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Stave Off', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Joint Exploration', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Network Disruptor', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Silverquill Command', 'Exclude', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Deep Analysis', 'Tear Asunder', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Dire Tactics', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Hard Evidence', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Drannith Healer', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Turn // Burn', 'Duress', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Silence', 'Wight', 'Caldera Lake', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Cathedral of War', 'Utter End', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Commit // Memory', 'White Knight', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Skylasher', 'Daring Thief', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Nether Traitor', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Astral Slide', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Savage Lands', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Mystic Snake', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Pyroclasm', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Corpse Cur', 'Chief Engineer', 'Zenith Flare', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Ponder', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Smiting Helix', 'Larger Than Life', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Day of Judgment', 'Natural State', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Call of the Herd', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Devastating Summons', 'Flame Rift', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Terminal Agony', 'Celestial Flare', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Shardless Agent', 'Reap and Sow', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Experimental Augury', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Triskelion', 'Compulsive Research', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Carnophage', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Sunscour', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Rags // Riches', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Banish into Fable', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Containment Construct', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Dawn Charm', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Lucky Clover', 'Mulldrifter', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Crack the Earth', 'Froghemoth', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Death Cloud', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Victim of Night', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Voidslime', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Weird Harvest', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Planar Ally', 'Defiant Strike', 'Mission Briefing', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Willow Geist', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Sultai Charm', 'Rebuild', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Regal Force', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'It That Betrays', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Legion Angel', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Shredded Sails', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Burst Lightning', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Zuran Orb', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Blazing Specter', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Sonic Burst', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Vision Skeins', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Coalition Relic', 'Searing Spear', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Commune with Lava', 'Tentative Connection', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Runed Halo', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Samite Healer', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Hateflayer', 'Memory Leak', 'Vandalblast', 'Reveillark', 'Deprive', 'Putrefy', 'Wrench Mind', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Staff of Domination', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Perilous Vault', 'Bring to Light', 'Footfall Crater', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Leather Armor', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Cling to Dust', 'Virus Beetle', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Dimir Charm', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Training Grounds', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Munitions Expert', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Glistener Elf', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Precinct Captain', 'Ornithopter', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Field Marshal', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Costly Plunder', 'Psychic Strike', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Cut Down', 'Hornet Queen', 'Undercover Operative', 'Jackal Pup', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Tithe Taker', 'Boom // Bust', 'Dark Ritual', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Dragonstorm', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Colossification', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Brainstone', 'Augury Owl', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Disallow', 'Rift Sower', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Time of Need', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Slip Through Space', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Isolate', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Halo Scarab', 'Evacuation', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Brute Force', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Frost Marsh', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Honor of the Pure', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Buried Ruin', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Battle of Wits', 'Rule of Law', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Supreme Will', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Control Magic', 'Prohibit', 'Worm Harvest', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Sol Talisman', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Far // Away', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Ominous Seas', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Nevermore', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Mystic Monastery', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Runic Shot', 'Mortarpod', 'Aria of Flame', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Knight of Glory', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Chronomaton', 'Firebolt', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Blood Lust', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Azorius Charm', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Cultivate', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Collateral Damage', 'Stony Silence', 'Wild Cantor', 'Séance', 'Assault Formation', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Gather the Pack', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Maestros Theater', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Bring the Ending', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Slaughter Games', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Ground Seal', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Power Depot', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Commune with Nature', 'Scute Mob', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Fevered Visions', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Child of Night', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Dread Statuary', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Blackmail', 'The Scorpion God', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Kami of Transience', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Chance Encounter', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Overrun', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Distress', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Arbor Elf', 'Abzan Charm', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Norin the Wary', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Seed of Hope', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Soul Diviner', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Fecundity', 'Valley Dasher', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Infest', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Doom Blade', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Big Score', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Painful Quandary', 'Monoskelion', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Thragtusk', 'Brave the Sands', 'Plague Stinger', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Pelt Collector', 'Think Twice', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Siege Rhino', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Calciform Pools', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Undying Evil', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Tragic Poet', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Morselhoarder', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'False Summoning', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Golden Egg', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Doomskar', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Negate', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Braid of Fire', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Haunted Dead', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Longbow Archer', 'Biovisionary', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Fight as One', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Glint Hawk', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Giant Killer', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Worthy Knight', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Talus Paladin', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Invigorate', 'Evil Twin', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Ivory Tower', 'Frogmite', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Cloudshift', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Plated Geopede', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Goldhound', 'Memory Lapse', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Darkblast', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Vapor Snag', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Essence Scatter', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Brood Birthing', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Rob the Archives', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Brain Maggot', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Quicken', 'Dovescape', 'Riddleform', 'Terminate', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Honored Hydra', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Notion Thief', 'Explore', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Disenchant', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Domri Rade', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Aetherling', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Mobilized District', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Plow Under', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Cleric Class', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Lingering Souls', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Undercity Informer', 'Planar Bridge', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Arc Trail', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Jokulhaups', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Krosan Grip', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Jund Charm', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Persecute', 'Venerable Monk', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Battle Screech', 'Fire Diamond', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Word of Undoing', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Hedron Archive', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Wargate', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Tramway Station', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Kher Keep', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Trading Post', 'Marble Diamond', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Memnarch', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Gavony Township', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Revoke Existence', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Black Knight', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Memorial to War', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Divest', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Doom Foretold', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Cruel Reality', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Animation Module', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Lightning Axe', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Pilfer', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Crab Umbra', 'Sarcomancy', 'Sky Hussar', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Rise // Fall', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Fog', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Magma Jet', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Fell Stinger', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Frost Titan', 'Not of This World', 'Fade from Memory', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Go for the Throat', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Gideon Jura', 'Cover of Winter', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Dispatch', 'Stun Sniper', 'Palinchron', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Unburial Rites', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Putrid Leech', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Blight Mamba', 'Corrupt', 'Vexing Devil', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Fume Spitter', 'Stream of Life', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Gust of Wind', 'Spell Burst', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Wavesifter', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Tarfire', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Mantis Rider', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Witching Well', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Lightning Spear', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Catch // Release', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Boomerang', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Bond of Insight', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Giant Growth', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Aqueous Form', 'Reckless Waif', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Haze of Rage', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Decree of Justice', 'Aetherspouts', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Heartless Act', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Glamerdye', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Midnight Clock', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Izzet Charm', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Wing Shards', 'Collective Defiance', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Reanimate', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Secret Plans', 'Vigor', 'Archaeomancer', 'Micromancer', 'Putrefax', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Startling Development', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Carrion Wall', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Animate Dead', 'Mortify', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Relic Axe', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Endbringer', 'Twinferno', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Jade Mage', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Wild Defiance', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Cystbearer', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Ritual of Soot', 'March from the Tomb', 'Azorius Signet', 'Favorable Winds', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Shard Volley', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Primal Surge', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Bone Shards', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Weirding Wood', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'All That Glitters', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Fortified Village', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Second Wind', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Silundi Vision', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Trade Secrets', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Jace Beleren', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Halo Forager', 'Impulse', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Memoricide', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Obliterate', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Ulcerate', 'Verdant Command', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Noxious Assault', 'Slagstorm', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Glittering Wish', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Umara Wizard', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Goblin Matron', 'Drake Haven', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Disfigure', 'Wrath of God', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Voltage Surge', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Experiment One', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Village Messenger', 'Psychatog', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Groundswell', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Blighted Agent', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Desecration Demon', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Destroy Evil', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Render Silent', 'Viral Drake', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Karmic Guide', 'Keep Safe', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Fumigate', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Primal Might', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Change the Equation', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Trinket Mage', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Oust', 'Never // Return', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Blessed Breath', 'Regrowth', 'Spirit Link', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Venerable Knight', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Narcomoeba', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Grand Architect', 'Minor Misstep', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Guided Passage', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Dead // Gone', 'Gods Willing', 'Myr Welder', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Viridian Revel', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Sky Terror', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Spore Frog', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Wall of Omens', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Baffling End', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Banisher Priest', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Auramancer', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Forced Fruition', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Complicate', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Shambling Vent', 'Braingeyser', 'Alpha Authority', 'Quarantine Field', 'Mutilate', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Gutterbones', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Greater Good', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Power Sink', 'Grapeshot', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Spark Spray', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Dreamstealer', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Infuriate', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Platinum Angel', 'Smallpox', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Urban Evolution', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Mulch', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Shivan Reef', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Glorious Protector', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Chittering Rats', 'Filigree Sages', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Tangled Islet', 'Hypergenesis', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Umara Mystic', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Brave the Elements', 'Pain Seer', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Clawing Torment', 'Magister of Worth', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Fists of Flame', 'Infectious Bite', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Glimmerpost', 'Etched Champion', 'Profane Procession', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Liliana Vess', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Telepathy', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Spirited Companion', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Codex Shredder', 'Expedite', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Altered Ego', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Turnabout', 'Wildfire', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Shared Discovery', 'Dead of Winter', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Sky Scourer', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Wilt', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Needle Drop', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Night Clubber', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Restoration Angel', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Barbed Sextant', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Tangle', 'Reaper King', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Unwind', 'Traumatize', 'Into the Roil', 'Wall of Blood', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Kor Duelist', 'Undead Augur', 'Blade Splicer', 'Gruul Signet', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Balefire Liege', 'Halimar Depths', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Circular Logic', 'Electrolyze', 'Blood Seeker', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Circuit Mender', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Time Sieve', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Fertile Ground', 'Vivid Grove', 'Worship', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Carth the Lion', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Snapback', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Opt', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Rewind', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'River Serpent', 'Entomber Exarch', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Kavu Predator', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Myr Superion', 'Condemn', 'Choking Sands', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Realm Razer', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Sins of the Past', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Reconstruction', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Rotting Rats', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Vindicate', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Rune Snag', 'Reality Heist', 'Ichorid', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Brute Suit', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Patch Up', 'Tombstalker', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Cremate', 'Dive Down', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Fatestitcher', 'Abundant Growth', 'Spell Pierce', 'Guardian Idol', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Quag Vampires', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Dimir Signet', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Game Trail', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Foundry Helix', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Waker of Waves', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Force of Rage', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Dryad Militant', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Perilous Research', 'Shambling Shell', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Treasure Map', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Acidic Slime', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Late to Dinner', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Thran Vigil', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Browbeat', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Void', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Recommission', 'Genesis', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Stain the Mind', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Universal Automaton', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Spawning Breath', 'Damn', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Serum Snare', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Wastes', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Den Protector', 'Endless Horizons', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Condescend', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Vault Skirge', 'Sign in Blood', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Stone Rain', 'Font of Fertility', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Geistflame', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Tail Swipe', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Master of Death', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Hour of Promise', 'Artful Dodge', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Deeproot Champion', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Price of Progress', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Become Immense', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Tempered Steel', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Primal Beyond', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Castigate', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Flood Plain', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Fast // Furious', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Endless One', 'Gruul Turf', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Mirror Entity', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Mirrorweave', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Timeless Witness', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Heartfire', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Sylvan Library', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Solemnity', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Rift Bolt', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Mana Cylix', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Revitalize', 'Prismari Campus', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Neutralize', 'Golden Demise', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Seismic Assault', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Light of Hope', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Molten Blast', 'Maze''s End', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Flame Blitz', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Enlarge', 'Graven Cairns', 'Shore Up', 'Exploding Borders', 'Death Baron', 'Urban Utopia', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Treasure Mage', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Myth Realized', 'Wily Goblin', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Vivid Creek', 'Army of the Damned', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Brain Freeze', 'Cloudpost', 'Lightning Rift', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Bog Wraith', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Port Town', 'Bile Blight', 'Out of Time', 'Farseek', 'Necrogoyf', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Recoup', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Fierce Empath', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Centaur Garden', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Sin Prodder', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Generous Visitor', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Unholy Heat', 'Boros Garrison', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Chitterspitter', 'Draconic Roar', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Stitch in Time', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Overgrowth', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Guild Globe', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Crux of Fate', 'Lone Rider', 'Lizard Blades', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Blazing Archon', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Rampant Growth', 'Radiant Flames', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Staggershock', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Path of Discovery', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Boros Recruit', 'Devoted Druid', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Sudden Edict', 'Simic Charm', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Magma Spray', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Wood Elves', 'Languish', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Graf Harvest', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Curious Pair', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Fallow Earth', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Dovin Baan', 'Ally Encampment', 'Ionize', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Dark Petition', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Season of Growth', 'Murderous Cut', 'Soulflayer', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Shriekmaw', 'Haunted Mire', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Ram Through', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Fling', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Groundbreaker', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Mind Rake', 'Blood Knight', 'Gruul Charm', 'The Seedcore', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Rune of Might', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Temple of Malady', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Angel of Grace', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Twiddle', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Upheaval', 'Restore Balance', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Just the Wind', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Wonder', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Risk Factor', 'Creeping Chill', 'Dissolve', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Nobilis of War', 'Bridge from Below', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Polymorph', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Dead Weight', 'Dark Salvation', 'Setessan Champion', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Temple of Malice', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Vampiric Link', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Flame Javelin', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Assault // Battery', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Master of Etherium', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Vendetta', 'Master Biomancer', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Champion of Wits', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Gingerbrute', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Peek', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Force of Virtue', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Curse of Silence', 'Seal of Fire', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Vector Asp', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Spider Umbra', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Seething Song', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Primal Command', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Primal Bellow', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Fertilid', 'Fetid Pools', 'Generous Patron', 'Collective Effort', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Queen of Ice', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Privileged Position', 'Banefire', 'Possibility Storm', 'Frontline Medic', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Banishing Slash', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Gird for Battle', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Putrid Imp'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 83.3, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (60.2 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Mindlash Sliver', 'Evacuation', 'Perilous Vault', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Soul Shatter', 'Planar Ally', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Decree of Justice', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Tithe Taker', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Evil Twin', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Unholy Heat', 'The Scorpion God', 'Rune Snag', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Chronomaton', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Heartfire', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Banefire', 'Daring Thief', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Mobilized District', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Game Trail', 'Clear the Mind', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Gird for Battle', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Brainstone', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Rot Wolf', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Mortify', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Carrion Wall', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Aria of Flame', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Seething Song', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Become Immense', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Domri Rade', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Student of Warfare', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Mana Leak', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Vigor', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Lost Legacy', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Mana Flare', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Mortarpod', 'Primal Beyond', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Fevered Visions', 'Glittering Wish', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Sleep', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Nether Traitor', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Master of Etherium', 'Shock', 'Victim of Night', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Withered Wretch', 'Fists of Flame', 'Guided Passage', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Knight of Glory', 'Rule of Law', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Reconstruction', 'Aqueous Form', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Froghemoth', 'Grasping Dunes', 'High Tide', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Blighted Agent', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Ram Through', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Wilt', 'Glint Hawk', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Primal Might', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Driven // Despair', 'Chief Engineer', 'Ground Seal', 'Blessed Breath', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Assault // Battery', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Upheaval', 'Never // Return', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Bump in the Night', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Stone Rain', 'Void', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Canopy Vista', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Second Wind', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Cleric Class', 'Needle Spires', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Of One Mind', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Lightning Axe', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Izzet Charm', 'Forbid', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Generous Patron', 'Death Baron', 'Vindicate', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Weird Harvest', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Cease-Fire', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Honored Hydra', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'The Antiquities War', 'Gruul Turf', 'Umara Wizard', 'Shredded Sails', 'Cover of Winter', 'Wonder', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'March from the Tomb', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Elvish Champion', 'Second Sunrise', 'Sultai Charm', 'Caldera Lake', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Hostage Taker', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Kavu Predator', 'Dead // Gone', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Tempered Steel', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Footfall Crater', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Rune of Might', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Sylvan Library', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Raging Goblin', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Molten Rain', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Vivid Grove', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Augury Owl', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Darkblast', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Sterling Grove', 'Mirrorweave', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Slaughter Games', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Terminus', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Staff of Domination', 'Oust', 'Pandemonium', 'Mindslaver', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Ruin Raider', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Mana Cylix', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Giant Killer', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Vivid Crag', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Codex Shredder', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Farseek', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Boros Signet', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Into the Roil', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Black Knight', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Hellrider', 'Telepathy', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Fatestitcher', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Overgrowth', 'Bile Blight', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Chittering Rats', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Path of Discovery', 'It That Betrays', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Lone Rider', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Reanimate', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Countersquall', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Skull Fracture', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Cling to Dust', 'Carth the Lion', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Baffling End', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Terminal Agony', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Pyroclasm', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Wing Shards', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Quickling', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Urban Utopia', 'Enlarge', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Lightning Rift', 'Deny Reality', 'Castigate', 'Clawing Torment', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Reality Heist', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Ral Zarek', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Trade Secrets', 'Dig Up', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Deprive', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Vendetta', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Undercity Informer', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Golden Egg', 'Arc Trail', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Highland Lake', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Through the Breach', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Spell Burst', 'Venerable Monk', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Exploding Borders', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Blackmail', 'Renewed Faith', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Artful Dodge', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Filigree Sages', 'Silence', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Reaper King', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Ultimate Price', 'Scattered Groves', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Dread Statuary', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Mana Tithe', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Gust of Wind', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Primal Order', 'Murderous Cut', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Thought Scour', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Identity Crisis', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Possibility Storm', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Startling Development', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Gingerbrute', 'Bolt Hound', 'Universal Automaton', 'Shore Up', 'Snapback', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'The Celestus', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Lucky Clover', 'Sonic Burst', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Palinchron', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Chance Encounter', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Forced Fruition', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Marble Diamond', 'Infectious Bite', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Thran Portal', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Gideon Jura', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Viscera Seer', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Memoricide', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Step Through', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Vision Skeins', 'Consume the Meek', 'Glamerdye', 'Architects of Will', 'Boros Recruit', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Privileged Position', 'Sin Prodder', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Salvage Titan', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Stun Sniper', 'Ornithopter', 'Arbor Elf', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Negate', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Sins of the Past', 'Guild Globe', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Braid of Fire', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Sudden Edict', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Spirited Companion', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Hard Evidence', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Dead Weight', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Leather Armor', 'Goblin Matron', 'Master of Death', 'Secret Plans', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Doom Foretold', 'Astral Drift', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Kami of Transience', 'War Falcon', 'Wrath of God', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Hour of Promise', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Willow Geist', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Siege Rhino', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Tombstalker', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Guardian Idol', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Browbeat', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Giant Growth', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Bone Dragon', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Shred Memory', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Groundbreaker', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Favored Hoplite', 'True Believer', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Maze''s End', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Polymorph', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Vapor Snag', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Cruel Reality', 'Dread Return', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Grave Titan', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Massacre Girl', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Cremate', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Greenseeker', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Sarcomancy', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Steel Overseer', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Dark Petition', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Painful Truths', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Seal of Fire', 'Auramancer', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Joint Exploration', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Commune with Nature', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Reason // Believe', 'Golgari Charm', 'Wild Defiance', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Plague Beetle', 'Lose Focus', 'Worm Harvest', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Dream Trawler', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Smallpox', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Brute Suit', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Zof Consumption', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Cystbearer', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Collective Defiance', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Myr Servitor', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Turn // Burn', 'Ponder', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Exclude', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Collateral Damage', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Patch Up', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Talus Paladin', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Bring to Light', 'Mantis Rider', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Scute Mob', 'Thran Vigil', 'Tomb Robber', 'Battle of Wits', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Network Disruptor', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Weirding Wood', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Go for Blood', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Unwind', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Power Sink', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Blood Knight', 'Slitherhead', 'Altered Ego', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Cloudshift', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Larger Than Life', 'Into the Story', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Bridge from Below', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Distortion Strike', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Psychic Possession', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Flood Plain', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Drake Haven', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Titania''s Command', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Radiant Grove', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Barren Moor', 'Blightning', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'White Knight', 'Defiant Strike', 'Rebuild', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Quicksand', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Magma Jet', 'Grand Architect', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Deftblade Elite', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Curse of Silence', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Graf Harvest', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Master Biomancer', 'Frontline Medic', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Memory Lapse', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Banisher Priest', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Devastating Summons', 'Isolate', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Rob the Archives', 'Tarfire', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Plunder', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Festival Crasher', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Planar Bridge', 'Choked Estuary', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Just the Wind', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Catch // Release', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Angel of Despair', 'Smiting Helix', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Disallow', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Icehide Golem', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Fabricate', 'Go for the Throat', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Assault Strobe', 'Blind Obedience', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Groundswell', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Undead Augur', 'Gods Willing', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Silundi Vision', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Wavesifter', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Sorin Markov', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Dispatch', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Flame Blitz', 'Utter End', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Infest', 'Experiment One', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Rise // Fall', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Brain Maggot', 'Profane Procession', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Crackling Doom', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Boros Garrison', 'Frost Marsh', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Glistener Elf', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Overrun', 'Ball Lightning', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Invigorate', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Mana Bloom', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Winged Portent', 'Brokers Charm', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Prismari Campus', 'Mulldrifter', 'Blood Seeker', 'Terminate', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Silver Knight', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Cloudpost', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Court Homunculus', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Moment of Craving', 'Corpse Cur', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Serum Snare', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Traumatize', 'Etched Champion', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Flame Rift', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Umara Mystic', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Graven Cairns', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Demonic Dread', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Endless Horizons', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Complicate', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Dark Salvation', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Crab Umbra', 'Pain Seer', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Temple of Malice', 'Heap Doll', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Village Messenger', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Seed of Hope', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Riftsweeper', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Rags // Riches', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Disenchant', 'Vault Skirge', 'Noxious Assault', 'Plague Stinger', 'Nest Robber', 'Frantic Search', 'Spare Supplies', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Den Protector', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Necroplasm', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Gruul Charm', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Legion Angel', 'Control Magic', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Glimmerpost', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Tribal Flames', 'Gigadrowse', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Frogmite', 'Molten Tributary', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Genesis Wave', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Skylasher', 'Blade Splicer', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Blazing Specter', 'Endless One', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Putrefax', 'Ancient Grudge', 'False Summoning', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Think Twice', 'Tangled Islet', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Nevermore', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Halimar Depths', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Glorious Protector', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Shriekmaw', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Regrowth', 'Astral Slide', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Calciform Pools', 'Draconic Roar', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Combat Courier', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Setessan Champion', 'Death Cloud', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Putrefy', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Creeping Chill', 'Munitions Expert', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Frost Walker', 'Time of Need', 'Tear Asunder', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Orchard Strider', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Spawning Breath', 'Xorn', 'Simian Sling', 'Mission Briefing', 'Sky Scourer', 'Sunscour', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Vivid Creek', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Hit // Run', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Acidic Slime', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Restoration Angel', 'Timeless Witness', 'Brood Birthing', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Maestros Theater', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Choking Sands', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Karmic Guide', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Ionize', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Undying Evil', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Crack the Earth', 'Undercover Operative', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Vampiric Link', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Tree of Tales', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Saproling Burst', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Harmonize', 'Wight', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Dryad Militant', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Rise and Shine', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Séance', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Hornet Queen', 'Shambling Shell', 'Children of Korlis', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Fade from Memory', 'Azorius Signet', 'Halo Forager', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Force of Rage', 'Future Sight', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Coalition Relic', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Dimir Charm', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Supreme Will', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Circuit Mender', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Myth Realized', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Check for Traps', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Threats Undetected', 'Riddleform', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Notion Thief', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Reap and Sow', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Greater Good', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Wily Goblin', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Recommission', 'Boros Elite', 'Reckless Charge', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Foundry Helix', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Trickbind', 'Containment Construct', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Chitterspitter', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Dragonstorm', 'Wastes', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Corrupt', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Volt Charge', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Tragic Slip', 'Void Snare', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Bad River', 'Mind Rake', 'Megrim', 'Viridian Revel', 'Explore', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Blazing Shoal', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Shared Discovery', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Sign in Blood', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Chatterstorm', 'Wall of Omens', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Dreamstealer', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Worthy Knight', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Geistflame', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Jade Mage', 'Drannith Healer', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Light of Hope', 'Queen of Ice', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Plated Geopede', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Necrogoyf', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Anticipate', 'Monoskelion', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Myr Welder', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Recross the Paths', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Revitalize', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Circular Logic', 'Vexing Devil', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Palace Siege', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Opulent Palace', 'Jackal Pup', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Brave the Elements', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Jokulhaups', 'Essence Scatter', 'Fume Spitter', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Wrench Mind', 'Spark Spray', 'Celestial Flare', 'Tentative Connection', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Utopia Tree', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Infuriate', 'Generous Visitor', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Endbringer', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Mirror Entity', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Balefire Liege', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Wild Cantor', 'Incendiary Command', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Worship', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Animate Dead', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Spell Snuff', 'Curious Pair', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Aetherling', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Collective Effort', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Haze of Rage', 'Pick the Brain', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Howling Mine', 'Temple of Malady', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Relic Axe', 'Dovescape', 'Double Vision', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Experimental Augury', 'Commune with Lava', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Hedron Archive', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Forever Young', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Distress', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Compulsive Research', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Stony Silence', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Battle Screech', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Regal Force', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Repeal', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Bring the Ending', 'Dissolve', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Protean Hulk', 'Child of Night', 'Dive Down', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Blight Mamba', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Simic Charm', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Hypergenesis', 'Verdant Command', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Scarab Feast', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Lightning Spear', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Twincast', 'Centaur Garden', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Searing Spear', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Grim Affliction', 'Buried Ruin', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Gruul Signet', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Not of This World', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Treasure Mage', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Waterfront District', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Primal Surge', 'Fertilid', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Plow Under', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Rust Goliath', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Read the Bones', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Sin Collector', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Render Silent', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Colossification', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Offalsnout', 'Zenith Flare', 'Easy Prey', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Blood Lust', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Mind Spring', 'Spider Umbra', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Fecundity', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Urban Evolution', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Wall of Blood', 'Stain the Mind', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Psychatog', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Quag Vampires', 'Angel of Grace', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Aetherspouts', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Reckless Waif', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Flame Javelin', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Meddling Mage', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Tangle', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Bond of Insight', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Price of Progress', 'Brain Freeze', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Morselhoarder', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Waker of Waves', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Crash Through', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Cankerbloom', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Strike It Rich', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Liliana Vess', 'Fierce Empath', 'Opt', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Condemn', 'Vector Asp', 'Commit // Memory', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Favorable Winds', 'Breakthrough', 'Ulcerate', 'Obsessive Search', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Late to Dinner', 'Fell Stinger', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Unburial Rites', 'Tome Scour', 'Pack Rat', 'Boom // Bust', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Burnished Hart', 'Fetid Heath', 'Combat Research', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Twinflame', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Defabricate', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Fumigate', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Cultivate', 'Dark Ritual', 'Flame Slash', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Unsummon', 'Peek', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Forked Bolt', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Persecute', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Shard Volley', 'Strategic Planning', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Champion of Wits', 'The Modern Age', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Deep Analysis', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Haunted Dead', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Expedite', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Rift Bolt', 'Canyon Slough', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Spectral Procession', 'Samite Healer', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Might of Oaks', 'Kher Keep', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Reflector Mage', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Buried Alive', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Gather the Pack', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Terastodon', 'Call of the Herd', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Lingering Souls', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Pilfer', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Incinerate', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Word of Undoing', 'Dimir Signet', 'Esper Charm', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Valley Dasher', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'River Serpent', 'Reckless Rage', 'Mystic Snake', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Burst Lightning', 'Audacity', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Detention Sphere', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Akki Ronin', 'Banishing Slash', 'Annex Sentry', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Primal Bellow', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Soulflayer', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'River of Tears', 'Dockside Chef', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Harm''s Way', 'Wildfire', 'Spirit Link', 'Voidslime', 'Leonin Bola', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Putrid Imp', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Cut Down', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Blessed Respite', 'Pelt Collector', 'Always Watching', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Fog', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Purify the Grave', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Carnophage', 'Last Stand', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Brave the Sands', 'Tribute Mage', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Font of Fertility', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Sky Terror', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Devoted Druid', 'Seal of Removal', 'Argentum Armor', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Thragtusk', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Obscura Charm', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Into the Wilds', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Scurry Oak', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Twinferno', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Energy Refractor', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Minor Misstep', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Devil''s Play', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Platinum Angel', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Biovisionary', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Bushwhack', 'Ally Encampment', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Impulse', 'Soul Warden', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Blazing Archon', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Ivory Tower', 'Wargate', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Narcomoeba', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Staggershock', 'Bag of Holding', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'The Seedcore', 'Slip Through Space', 'Ruin Crab', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Army of the Damned', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Halo Scarab', 'Goldhound', 'Fire Diamond', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Cult Conscript', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Heartless Act', 'Witching Well', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Serra Avenger', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Dawn Charm', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Quarantine Field', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Omenspeaker', 'Atog', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Disfigure', 'Voltage Surge', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Prohibit', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Fallow Earth', 'Golden Demise', 'Norin the Wary', 'Viral Drake', 'Firebolt', 'Doom Blade', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Fling', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Krosan Grip', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Shardless Agent', 'Realm Razer', 'Costly Plunder', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Keep Safe', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Turnabout', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Slagstorm', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Venerable Knight', 'Doomskar', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Blood Artist', 'Raging Ravine', 'Jace Beleren', 'Dead of Winter', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Gutterbones', 'Wooded Bastion', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Memorial to War', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Rotting Rats', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Obliterate', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Fetid Pools', 'Midnight Clock', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Gavony Township', 'Frost Titan', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Tragic Poet', 'Desolation Twin', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Shivan Reef', 'Primal Amulet', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Soul Diviner', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Stitch in Time', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Savage Lands', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Runic Shot', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Micromancer', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Story Circle', 'Damn', 'Silverquill Command', 'Chain Lightning', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Fight as One', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Day of Judgment', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Jund Charm', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Needle Drop', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Profane Command', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Risk Factor', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Magma Spray', 'Magister of Worth', 'Sky Hussar', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Virus Beetle', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Crux of Fate', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Assault Formation', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Painful Quandary', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Kor Duelist', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Spore Frog', 'Bone Shards', 'Sol Talisman', 'Quicken', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Precinct Captain', 'Glorybringer', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Spell Pierce', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Vesperlark', 'Twiddle', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Hateflayer', 'Ominous Seas', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Power Depot', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Destroy Evil', 'Training Grounds', 'Fast // Furious', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Temple of Silence', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Haunted Mire', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Brute Force', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Abiding Grace', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Rift Sower', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Azorius Charm', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Grapeshot', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Field Marshal', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Dread Presence', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Bog Wraith', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Boomerang', 'Fiery Justice', 'Dire Tactics', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Revoke Existence', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Far // Away', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Putrid Leech', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Time Sieve', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Lightning Strike', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Port Town', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Vandalblast', 'Aether Adept', 'Change the Equation', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Banish into Fable', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Season of Growth', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Ash Zealot', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Light the Way', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Ichorid', 'Seismic Assault', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Nether Spirit', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Pillage', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Nekrataal', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Mulch', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Cloudblazer', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Longbow Archer', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Zuran Orb', 'Curiosity', 'Ashen Rider', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Divest', 'Spectral Shift', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Soul Snare', 'Wood Elves', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Rampant Growth', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Force of Virtue', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Archaeomancer', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Memory Leak', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Standing Troops', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Alpha Authority', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Radiant Flames', 'Desecration Demon', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Myr Superion', 'Bonesplitter', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Fortified Village', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Remove Soul', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Natural State', 'Animation Module', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Fiery Temper', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Psychic Strike', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Shambling Vent', 'Perilous Research', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Abzan Charm', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Animating Faerie', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Terrarion', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Neutralize', 'Runed Halo', 'Dispel', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Dovin Baan', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Languish', 'All That Glitters', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Maze Rusher', 'Mutilate', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Condescend', 'Stern Lesson', 'Wander in Death', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Demolition Field', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Spark Elemental', 'Molten Blast', 'Soaring Drake', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Fertile Ground', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Reveillark', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Restore Balance', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Bone Saw', 'Rewind', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Essence Flux', 'Stream of Life', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Primal Command', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Ossification', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Nobilis of War', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Trading Post', 'Braingeyser', 'Tramway Station', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Seasons Past', 'Abundant Growth', 'Genesis', 'Combat Thresher', 'Sen Triplets', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Despise', 'Duress', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Flooded Grove', 'Memnarch', 'Stave Off', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Mindcrank', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Triskelion', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Night Clubber', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Endless Detour', 'Out of Time', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Cathedral of War', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Lizard Blades', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Lashwrithe', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Treasure Map', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Tail Swipe', 'Trinket Mage', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Electrolyze', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Light Up the Night', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Solemnity', 'Epochrasite', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Recoup', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Big Score', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Rakdos Cackler'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 60.2, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (81.7 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Cremate', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Astral Drift', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Giant Killer', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Ulcerate', 'Dreamstealer', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Neutralize', 'Sin Collector', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Frost Walker', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Legion Angel', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Dread Return', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Heartfire', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Animation Module', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Reap and Sow', 'Domri Rade', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Archaeomancer', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Renewed Faith', 'Pelt Collector', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Molten Tributary', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Frogmite', 'Wastes', 'Check for Traps', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Languish', 'Regrowth', 'Glimmerpost', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Lightning Strike', 'Castigate', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Soul Diviner', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Ral Zarek', 'Tragic Slip', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Void Snare', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Doom Foretold', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Wavesifter', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'War Falcon', 'Gutterbones', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Canopy Vista', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Ashen Rider', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Soul Shatter', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Haunted Mire', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Spawning Breath', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Ruin Raider', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Death Baron', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Glorybringer', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Nevermore', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Triskelion', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Phantasmagorian', 'It That Betrays', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Tear Asunder', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Child of Night', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Primal Order', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Void', 'Bump in the Night', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Narcomoeba', 'Wrath of God', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Sudden Edict', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Primal Beyond', 'Myth Realized', 'Leather Armor', 'Altered Ego', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Calciform Pools', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Vigor', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Wight', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Render Silent', 'Azorius Signet', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Mystic Snake', 'Doomskar', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Pandemonium', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Carnophage', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Caldera Lake', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Hit // Run', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Electrolyze', 'Driven // Despair', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Guild Globe', 'Endless Horizons', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Favorable Winds', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Crux of Fate', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Recross the Paths', 'Forced Fruition', 'Dread Presence', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Plague Beetle', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Restoration Angel', 'Think Twice', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Form of the Dragon', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Spirit Link', 'Battle Screech', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Light Up the Night', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Cruel Reality', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Rewind', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Dead of Winter', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Dead Weight', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Esper Charm', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Profane Command', 'Into the Roil', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Energy Refractor', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Mind Spring', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Primal Might', 'Tramway Station', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Go for the Throat', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Breakthrough', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Unwind', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Frontline Medic', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Urban Evolution', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Wily Goblin', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Banish into Fable', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Gods Willing', 'Commune with Lava', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Banisher Priest', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Obscura Storefront', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Ivory Tower', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Opt', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Kami of Transience', 'Stern Lesson', 'Froghemoth', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Ground Seal', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Groundswell', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'True Believer', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Quicken', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Maestros Theater', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Blightning', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Army of the Damned', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Notion Thief', 'Mana Tithe', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Forked Bolt', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Graven Cairns', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Destroy Evil', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Condescend', 'Tribal Flames', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'All That Glitters', 'Golden Egg', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Gingerbrute', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Coalition Relic', 'Tarfire', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Through the Breach', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Bad River', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Golden Demise', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Twincast', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Noxious Assault', 'Vindicate', 'Thought Scour', 'Countersquall', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Palinchron', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Vivid Crag', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Glamerdye', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Coiling Oracle', 'River Serpent', 'Wall of Omens', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Second Sunrise', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Trading Post', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Prismari Campus', 'Scarab Feast', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Blazing Specter', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Grave Titan', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Go for Blood', 'Animating Faerie', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Generous Visitor', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Telepathy', 'Slagstorm', 'Primal Bellow', 'Memory Leak', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Light the Way', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Shock', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Molten Rain', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Boros Signet', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Searing Spear', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Always Watching', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Condemn', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Dragonstorm', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Sky Scourer', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Jackal Pup', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Elvish Champion', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Tomb Robber', 'Talus Paladin', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Fists of Flame', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Second Wind', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Nekrataal', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Silvergill Adept', 'White Knight', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Flooded Grove', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Putrid Imp', 'Collective Defiance', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Reality Heist', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Dawn Charm', 'Brainstone', 'Psychic Strike', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Spirited Companion', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Wing Shards', 'Double Vision', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Chittering Rats', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Terminus', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Dead // Gone', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Undead Augur', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Harm''s Way', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Tribute Mage', 'Lose Focus', 'Doom Blade', 'Salvage Titan', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Hateflayer', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Master Biomancer', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Viscera Seer', 'Omenspeaker', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Gruul Turf', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Celestial Flare', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Lightning Axe', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Raging Goblin', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Spectral Procession', 'Raging Ravine', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Frost Titan', 'Skull Fracture', 'Blessed Breath', 'Demonic Dread', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Auramancer', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Rise // Fall', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Serra Avenger', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Mana Cylix', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Fade from Memory', 'Rust Goliath', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Nether Spirit', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Viral Drake', 'Myr Superion', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Witching Well', 'Brute Force', 'Distortion Strike', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Mirrorweave', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Spider Umbra', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Canyon Slough', 'Lone Rider', 'Unholy Heat', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Demolition Field', 'March from the Tomb', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'The Seedcore', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Spell Burst', 'Blood Lust', 'Scattered Groves', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Trickbind', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Titania''s Command', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Overrun', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Umara Mystic', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Hornet Queen', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Deep Analysis', 'Kor Duelist', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Light of Hope', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Game Trail', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Minor Misstep', 'Exclude', 'Experimental Augury', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Consume the Meek', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Plague Stinger', 'Mission Briefing', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Rift Bolt', 'Blood Artist', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Seal of Fire', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Disenchant', 'Spark Spray', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Shambling Shell', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Braingeyser', 'Abzan Charm', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Blind Obedience', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Become Immense', 'Sky Terror', 'Staff of Domination', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Buried Alive', 'Terastodon', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Training Grounds', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Buried Ruin', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Fierce Empath', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Guided Passage', 'Sylvan Library', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Jund Charm', 'Temple of Malice', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Bone Saw', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Corrupt', 'Aether Adept', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Genesis Wave', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Devil''s Play', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Battle of Wits', 'Treasure Map', 'Vampiric Link', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Stony Silence', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Corpse Cur', 'Painful Quandary', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Spark Elemental', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Scurry Oak', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Bridge from Below', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Fast // Furious', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Story Circle', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Fortified Village', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Blighted Agent', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Primal Surge', 'Leonin Bola', 'Filigree Sages', 'Sin Prodder', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Saproling Burst', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Strategic Planning', 'Brain Maggot', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Spare Supplies', 'Evil Twin', 'Defiant Strike', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Rags // Riches', 'Fell Stinger', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Tentative Connection', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Flame Blitz', 'Blackmail', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Shared Discovery', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Brute Suit', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Stream of Life', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Terminal Agony', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Magister of Worth', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Greater Good', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Assault Formation', 'Vision Skeins', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Joint Exploration', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Utopia Tree', 'Bond of Insight', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Persecute', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Hypergenesis', 'The Scorpion God', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Verdant Command', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Sunscour', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Sarcomancy', 'Shred Memory', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Boros Recruit', 'Umara Wizard', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Last Stand', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Despise', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Frost Marsh', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Blessed Respite', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Epochrasite', 'Draconic Roar', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Pilfer', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Worm Harvest', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Cultivate', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Boros Garrison', 'Radiant Flames', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Atog', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Read the Bones', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Forbid', 'Izzet Charm', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Temple of Malady', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Aetherspouts', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Boomerang', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Restore Balance', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Relic Axe', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Crab Umbra', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Ominous Seas', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Sorin Markov', 'Stitch in Time', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Sleep', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Polymorph', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Abundant Growth', 'Obscura Charm', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Damn', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Enter the Unknown', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Complicate', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Dovescape', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Mind Rake', 'Quarantine Field', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Creeping Chill', 'Combat Thresher', 'Enlarge', 'Seismic Assault', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Quag Vampires', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Change the Equation', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Identity Crisis', 'Fight as One', 'Negate', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Worthy Knight', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Myr Welder', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Smallpox', 'Dryad Militant', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Reanimate', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Putrid Leech', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Gird for Battle', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Heartless Act', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Aqueous Form', 'Vapor Snag', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Force of Rage', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Field Marshal', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Spell Pierce', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Viridian Revel', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Platinum Angel', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Savage Lands', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Megrim', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Fog', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Infest', 'Nether Traitor', 'Zuran Orb', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Norin the Wary', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Drannith Healer', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Skylasher', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Nest Robber', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Soul Warden', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Distress', 'Thragtusk', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Dire Tactics', 'Endless Detour', 'Drake Haven', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Gust of Wind', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Golgari Charm', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Flame Rift', 'Combat Courier', 'Séance', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Price of Progress', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Abiding Grace', 'Planar Ally', 'Valley Dasher', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Black Knight', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Champion of Wits', 'Shriekmaw', 'Combat Research', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Night Clubber', 'Day of Judgment', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Burst Lightning', 'Fecundity', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Hostage Taker', 'Blood Seeker', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Moment of Craving', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Genesis', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Sign in Blood', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Invigorate', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Goblin Matron', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Dimir Charm', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Balefire Liege', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Reckless Charge', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Bring the Ending', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Strike It Rich', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Vandalblast', 'High Tide', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Dispatch', 'Glittering Wish', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Wood Elves', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Remove Soul', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Endbringer', 'Silver Knight', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Silverquill Command', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Quicksand', 'The Modern Age', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Turnabout', 'Cult Conscript', 'Footfall Crater', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Circular Logic', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Invasive Surgery', 'River of Tears', 'Primal Amulet', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Meddling Mage', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Rune of Might', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Heap Doll', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Jace Beleren', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Simian Sling', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Radiant Grove', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Kavu Predator', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Into the Story', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Choked Estuary', 'Curse of Silence', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Halo Forager', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Evacuation', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Seal of Removal', 'Control Magic', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Thran Portal', 'Arc Trail', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Explore', 'Carth the Lion', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Clear the Mind', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Runed Halo', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Fumigate', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Riftsweeper', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Harmonize', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Divest', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Ruin Crab', 'Big Score', 'Dark Petition', 'Standing Troops', 'Daring Thief', 'Plated Geopede', 'Wrench Mind', 'Forever Young', 'Weirding Wood', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Orchard Strider', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Dark Salvation', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Highland Lake', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Memnarch', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Ossification', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Chance Encounter', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Vesperlark', 'Vivid Creek', 'Wargate', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Den Protector', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Season of Growth', 'Psychic Possession', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Cathedral of War', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Psychatog', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Blade Splicer', 'Choking Sands', 'Sins of the Past', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Dread Statuary', 'Knight of Glory', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Gruul Signet', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Detention Sphere', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Catch // Release', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Colossification', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Patch Up', 'Incendiary Command', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Death Cloud', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Angel of Despair', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Vexing Devil', 'Tome Scour', 'Just the Wind', 'Sultai Charm', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Cloudblazer', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Precinct Captain', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Word of Undoing', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Cystbearer', 'Cling to Dust', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Offalsnout', 'Cloudshift', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Bring to Light', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Pack Rat', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Hedron Archive', 'Molten Blast', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Commune with Nature', 'Spell Snuff', 'Smiting Helix', 'Sonic Burst', 'Queen of Ice', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Ash Zealot', 'Rise and Shine', 'Trinket Mage', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Twinflame', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Morselhoarder', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Infuriate', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Bolt Hound', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Etched Champion', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Shardless Agent', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Tangle', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Dissolve', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Realm Razer', 'Mantis Rider', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Magma Jet', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Honored Hydra', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Incinerate', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Haze of Rage', 'Slitherhead', 'Shredded Sails', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Undercity Informer', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Bushwhack', 'Brain Freeze', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Goldhound', 'Icehide Golem', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Acidic Slime', 'Mutilate', 'Lightning Rift', 'Nobilis of War', 'Necroplasm', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Chatterstorm', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Timeless Witness', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Worship', 'Essence Flux', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Possibility Storm', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Expedite', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Bone Dragon', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Massacre Girl', 'Wild Cantor', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Pillage', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Shivan Reef', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Akki Ronin', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Hour of Promise', 'Circuit Mender', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Silence', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Artful Dodge', 'Fungal Reaches', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Dispel', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Late to Dinner', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Of One Mind', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Costly Plunder', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Banefire', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Micromancer', 'Ball Lightning', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Commit // Memory', 'Deprive', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Containment Construct', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Simic Charm', 'Weird Harvest', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Desecration Demon', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Animate Dead', 'Monoskelion', 'Fallow Earth', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Fire Diamond', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Pain Seer', 'Snapback', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Impulse', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Path of Discovery', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Urban Utopia', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Universal Automaton', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Karmic Guide', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Rune Snag', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Firebolt', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Undercover Operative', 'Cloudpost', 'Keep Safe', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Blood Knight', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Memory Lapse', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Wall of Blood', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Fertilid', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Duress', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Vector Asp', 'Cleric Class', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Victim of Night', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Upheaval', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Jade Mage', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Architects of Will', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Fertile Ground', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Student of Warfare', 'Recoup', 'Fling', 'Lizard Blades', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Master of Death', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Assault // Battery', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Perilous Research', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Network Disruptor', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Winged Portent', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Solemnity', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Carrion Wall', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Brave the Sands', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Tithe Taker', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Liliana Vess', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Thran Vigil', 'Shard Volley', 'Soaring Drake', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Mulch', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Fetid Heath', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Tree of Tales', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Pick the Brain', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Crack the Earth', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Slip Through Space', 'Grapeshot', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Fume Spitter', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Court Homunculus', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Rebuild', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Palace Siege', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Stain the Mind', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Cut Down', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Stone Rain', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Assault Strobe', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Devastating Summons', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Ponder', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Dark Ritual', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Profane Procession', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Mulldrifter', 'Shore Up', 'Tail Swipe', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Staggershock', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Reveillark', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Barren Moor', 'Howling Mine', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Curiosity', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Port Town', 'Annex Sentry', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Bag of Holding', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Boros Elite', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Halimar Depths', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Traumatize', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Never // Return', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Putrefy', 'Seething Song', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Memoricide', 'Pyroclasm', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Reckless Rage', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Gideon Jura', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Children of Korlis', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Ram Through', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Mobilized District', 'Dig Up', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Time Sieve', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Reflector Mage', 'Runic Shot', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Serum Snare', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Privileged Position', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Hard Evidence', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Reckless Waif', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Generous Patron', 'Disallow', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Maze Rusher', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Wonder', 'Zof Consumption', 'Cankerbloom', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Munitions Expert', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Frantic Search', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Codex Shredder', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Twiddle', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Regal Force', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Force of Virtue', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Riddleform', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Glorious Protector', 'Dimir Signet', 'Glistener Elf', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Mortify', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Ultimate Price', 'Banishing Slash', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Centaur Garden', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Might of Oaks', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Vivid Grove', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Quickling', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Steel Overseer', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Terminate', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Greenseeker', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Bone Shards', 'Exploding Borders', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Boom // Bust', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Plunder', 'Revoke Existence', 'Venerable Knight', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Murderous Cut', 'Repeal', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Ally Encampment', 'Larger Than Life', 'Ionize', 'Chronomaton', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Dream Trawler', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Deny Reality', 'Browbeat', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Gather the Pack', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Natural State', 'Font of Fertility', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Vendetta', 'Baffling End', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Slaughter Games', 'Future Sight', 'Clawing Torment', 'Endless One', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Myr Servitor', 'Silundi Vision', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Protean Hulk', 'Lashwrithe', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Desolation Twin', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Lingering Souls', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Lost Legacy', 'Needle Drop', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Glint Hawk', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Venerable Monk', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Jokulhaups', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Not of This World', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Seed of Hope', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Prohibit', 'Angel of Grace', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Putrefax', 'Turn // Burn', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Brood Birthing', 'Twinferno', 'Dovin Baan', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Plow Under', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Stave Off', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Longbow Archer', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Flame Javelin', 'Tragic Poet', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Spore Frog', 'Geistflame', 'Treasure Mage', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Magma Spray', 'Unsummon', 'Step Through', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Tangled Islet', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Oust', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Curious Pair', 'Wilt', 'Rampant Growth', 'Haunted Dead', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Vault Skirge', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Obliterate', 'Undying Evil', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Festival Crasher', 'Farseek', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Sen Triplets', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Chain Lightning', 'Essence Scatter', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Brave the Elements', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Kher Keep', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Mana Flare', 'Utter End', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Audacity', 'Waterfront District', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Mindcrank', 'Disfigure', 'Fiery Temper', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Isolate', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Call of the Herd', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Krosan Grip', 'Necrogoyf', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'The Antiquities War', 'Power Depot', 'Supreme Will', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Aria of Flame', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Grand Architect', 'Sky Hussar', 'Anticipate', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Time of Need', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Wild Defiance', 'Fevered Visions', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Tempered Steel', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Setessan Champion', 'Shambling Vent', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Mana Leak', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Into the Wilds', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Maze''s End', 'Ichorid', 'Fatestitcher', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Reconstruction', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Burnished Hart', 'Chitterspitter', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Devoted Druid', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Foundry Helix', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Experiment One', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Mindslaver', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Rot Wolf', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Sterling Grove', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Guardian Idol', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Crash Through', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Giant Growth', 'Scute Mob', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Rob the Archives', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Memorial to War', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'False Summoning', 'Bog Wraith', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Cease-Fire', 'Dockside Chef', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Zenith Flare', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Bonesplitter', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Easy Prey', 'Astral Slide', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Mana Bloom', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Decree of Justice', 'Xorn', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Fetid Pools', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Hellrider', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Out of Time', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Azorius Charm', 'Village Messenger', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Blazing Archon', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Fiery Justice', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Rift Sower', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Infectious Bite', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Chief Engineer', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Obsessive Search', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Brokers Charm', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Gavony Township', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Flame Slash', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Threats Undetected', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Wander in Death', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Mortarpod', 'Crackling Doom', 'Mirror Entity', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Painful Truths', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Overgrowth', 'Argentum Armor', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Willow Geist', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Seasons Past', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Peek', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Needle Spires', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Secret Plans', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Revitalize', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Planar Bridge', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Stun Sniper', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Reason // Believe', 'Volt Charge', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Biovisionary', 'Arbor Elf', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Withered Wretch', 'Temple of Silence', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Purify the Grave', 'Reaper King', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Risk Factor', 'Alpha Authority', 'Unburial Rites', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Voidslime', 'Graf Harvest', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Recommission', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Spectral Shift', 'Flood Plain', 'Grim Affliction', 'Cover of Winter', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Lightning Spear', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Tombstalker', 'Dive Down', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Sol Talisman', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Primal Command', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Halo Scarab', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Gruul Charm', 'Wildfire', 'Startling Development', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Siege Rhino', 'Soul Snare', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Rotting Rats', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Midnight Clock', 'Augury Owl', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Ornithopter', 'Power Sink', 'Far // Away', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Compulsive Research', 'Blight Mamba', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Gigadrowse', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Perilous Vault', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Aetherling', 'Marble Diamond', 'Opulent Palace', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Increasing Confusion', 'The Celestus', 'Voltage Surge', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Rule of Law', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Master of Etherium', 'Braid of Fire', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Bile Blight', 'Samite Healer', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Groundbreaker', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Trade Secrets', 'Waker of Waves', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Darkblast', 'Soulflayer', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Virus Beetle', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Collateral Damage', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Fabricate', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Collective Effort', 'Terrarion', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Defabricate', 'Lucky Clover', 'Lord of the Undead'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 81.7, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (132.1 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Defabricate', 'Halo Scarab', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Devil''s Play', 'Argentum Armor', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Collective Effort', 'Pack Rat', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Scurry Oak', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Braingeyser', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Solemnity', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Incinerate', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Turnabout', 'High Tide', 'Chronomaton', 'Flame Slash', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Plague Stinger', 'Raging Goblin', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Dryad Militant', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Wild Defiance', 'Stun Sniper', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Minor Misstep', 'Blood Lust', 'Vapor Snag', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Putrid Imp', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Willow Geist', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Brain Maggot', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Gingerbrute', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Riddleform', 'Tragic Slip', 'Army of the Damned', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Drannith Stinger', 'The Celestus', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Zenith Flare', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Rune Snag', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Creeping Chill', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Cruel Reality', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Cankerbloom', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Sin Collector', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Wily Goblin', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Offalsnout', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Spider Umbra', 'Bond of Insight', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Think Twice', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Hellrider', 'Footfall Crater', 'Pilfer', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Tangled Islet', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Sylvan Library', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Seed of Hope', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Peek', 'Tribute Mage', 'Monoskelion', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Glamerdye', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Identity Crisis', 'Blood Knight', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Mana Bloom', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Gruul Signet', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Pain Seer', 'Barren Moor', 'Disenchant', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Doom Foretold', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Ral Zarek', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Plunder', 'Trade Routes', 'Animation Module', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Go for the Throat', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Fling', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Restore Balance', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Colossification', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Wing Shards', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Ally Encampment', 'Sorin Markov', 'Centaur Garden', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Savage Lands', 'Bring the Ending', 'Harm''s Way', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Twincast', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Future Sight', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Just the Wind', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Angel of Grace', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Dread Return', 'Expedite', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Slagstorm', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Hypergenesis', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Stitch in Time', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Tomb Robber', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Voltage Surge', 'Tome Scour', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Late to Dinner', 'Decree of Justice', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Port Town', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Consuming Vapors', 'The Scorpion God', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Night Clubber', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Forced Fruition', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Urban Utopia', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Web of Inertia', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Precinct Captain', 'Not of This World', 'Desecration Demon', 'Fortified Village', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Heap Doll', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Flame Blitz', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Memory Leak', 'Risk Factor', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Giant Killer', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Font of Fertility', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Trinket Mage', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Psychatog', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Boom // Bust', 'Traumatize', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Liliana Vess', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Glimmerpost', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Reap and Sow', 'Kor Duelist', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Glorybringer', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Hard Evidence', 'Sonic Burst', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Murderous Cut', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Sign in Blood', 'Circuit Mender', 'Regrowth', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Staggershock', 'Fade from Memory', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Brute Suit', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Recommission', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Putrefy', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Fetid Pools', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Master of Death', 'Network Disruptor', 'Favorable Winds', 'Filigree Sages', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Rise and Shine', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Privileged Position', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Saproling Burst', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Chitterspitter', 'Karmic Guide', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Sunscour', 'Spore Frog', 'Baffling End', 'Bone Shards', 'Arbor Elf', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Control Magic', 'Quag Vampires', 'Frogmite', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Painful Quandary', 'Valley Dasher', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Venerable Knight', 'Undying Evil', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Groundbreaker', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Crack the Earth', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Light of Hope', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Krosan Grip', 'Universal Automaton', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Fated Retribution', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Deep Analysis', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Cleric Class', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Kher Keep', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Magister of Worth', 'Into the Roil', 'Tail Swipe', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Doom Blade', 'Temple of Silence', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Possibility Storm', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Blazing Archon', 'Reconstruction', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Serum Snare', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Reason // Believe', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Knight of Glory', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Force of Virtue', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Hostage Taker', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Tempered Steel', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Dispel', 'Fiery Temper', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Vexing Devil', 'Treasure Map', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Plague Beetle', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Generous Visitor', 'Terminal Agony', 'Assault Strobe', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Collective Defiance', 'Time of Need', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Grave Titan', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Gideon Jura', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Celestial Flare', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Longbow Archer', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Brave the Elements', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Slip Through Space', 'Winged Portent', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Venerable Monk', 'Larger Than Life', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Ponder', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Magma Jet', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Never // Return', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Reaper King', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Crackling Doom', 'Jade Mage', 'Electrolyze', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Shred Memory', 'Bog Wraith', 'Bone Dragon', 'Boros Elite', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Glint Hawk', 'River Serpent', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Perilous Vault', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Commune with Lava', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Twinferno', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Complicate', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Lingering Souls', 'Temple of Malice', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Shardless Agent', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Ultimate Price', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Dissolve', 'Ram Through', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Archaeomancer', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Leonin Bola', 'Choking Sands', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'The Antiquities War', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Maze Rusher', 'Rob the Archives', 'Fertilid', 'Power Depot', 'Aqueous Form', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Boros Recruit', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Lizard Blades', 'Queen of Ice', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Planar Ally', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Sin Prodder', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Leather Armor', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Siege Rhino', 'Out of Time', 'Undead Augur', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Fetid Heath', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Ornithopter', 'Catch // Release', 'Trickbind', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Samite Healer', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Utter End', 'Standing Troops', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Village Messenger', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Desolation Twin', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Blighted Agent', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Lone Rider', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Curse of Silence', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Vesperlark', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Blight Mamba', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Burst Lightning', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Rust Goliath', 'Bridge from Below', 'Bant Charm', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Midnight Clock', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Bonesplitter', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Defiant Strike', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Abundant Growth', 'Mortarpod', 'Marble Diamond', 'Gutterbones', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Joint Exploration', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Flame Rift', 'Wight', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Worship', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Zof Consumption', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Sen Triplets', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Noxious Assault', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Dockside Chef', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Bag of Holding', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Tarfire', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Shambling Shell', 'Legion Angel', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Recross the Paths', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Memnarch', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Groundswell', 'Reckless Rage', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Serra Avenger', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Tithe Taker', 'Secret Plans', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Pillage', 'Reckless Charge', 'Slitherhead', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Timeless Witness', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Zuran Orb', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Unholy Heat', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Hateflayer', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Quicken', 'Heartless Act', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Vindicate', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Micromancer', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Spawning Breath', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Of One Mind', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Blightning', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Rift Bolt', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Day of Judgment', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Boros Signet', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Infuriate', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Esper Charm', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Primal Surge', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Sudden Edict', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Hornet Queen', 'Threats Undetected', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Gird for Battle', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Endbringer', 'Codex Shredder', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Compulsive Research', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'March from the Tomb', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Wastes', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Unsummon', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Flame Javelin', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'River of Tears', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Flood Plain', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Meddling Mage', 'Putrefax', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Deprive', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Snapback', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Isolate', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Goblin Matron', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Umara Mystic', 'Seeker of the Way', 'War Falcon', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Dispatch', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Wargate', 'Death Baron', 'Damn', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Primal Order', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Gigadrowse', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Polymorph', 'Devoted Druid', 'Blind Obedience', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Raging Ravine', 'Tramway Station', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Haunted Dead', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Cling to Dust', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Anticipate', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Recoup', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Mobilized District', 'Power Sink', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Reveillark', 'Smiting Helix', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Unburial Rites', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Annex Sentry', 'Upheaval', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Clawing Torment', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Force of Rage', 'Worthy Knight', 'Vision Skeins', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Far // Away', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Always Watching', 'Infectious Bite', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Reflector Mage', 'Tribal Flames', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Izzet Charm', 'Dead // Gone', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Dreamstealer', 'Champion of Wits', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Morselhoarder', 'Battle Screech', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Consume the Meek', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Runed Halo', 'Cloudblazer', 'Rune of Might', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Mana Tithe', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Relic Axe', 'Molten Blast', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Kavu Predator', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Myth Realized', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Double Vision', 'Reality Heist', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Ominous Seas', 'Haunted Mire', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Gruul Turf', 'Kami of Transience', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Silverquill Command', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Impulse', 'Bring to Light', 'Chief Engineer', 'Soaring Drake', 'Primal Amulet', 'Training Grounds', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Halo Forager', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Umara Wizard', 'Golgari Charm', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Séance', 'Greenseeker', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Drake Haven', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Combat Research', 'Spirited Companion', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Myr Servitor', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Undercity Informer', 'Combat Courier', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Ulcerate', 'Steel Overseer', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Brokers Charm', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Carrion Wall', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Frost Titan', 'Dream Trawler', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Brainstone', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Terminate', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Stave Off', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Sleep', 'Circular Logic', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Cystbearer', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Scattered Groves', 'Carth the Lion', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Howling Mine', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Massacre Girl', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Soulflayer', 'Field Marshal', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Pelt Collector', 'Fight as One', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Forbid', 'Spell Pierce', 'Cultivate', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Guardian Idol', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'The Seedcore', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Geistflame', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Step Through', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Grand Architect', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Spirit Link', 'Fire Diamond', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Jund Charm', 'Scarab Feast', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Weird Harvest', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Persecute', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Crab Umbra', 'Silundi Vision', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Mystic Snake', 'Rags // Riches', 'Etched Champion', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Sky Hussar', 'Golden Egg', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Profane Procession', 'Sterling Grove', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Vector Asp', 'Sol Talisman', 'Sky Terror', 'Architects of Will', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Volt Charge', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Notion Thief', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Reckless Waif', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Grim Affliction', 'Oust', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Dead of Winter', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Banisher Priest', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Forked Bolt', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Banish into Fable', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Frontline Medic', 'Twinflame', 'Undercover Operative', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Overgrowth', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Searing Spear', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Molten Rain', 'Supreme Will', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Abiding Grace', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Mulldrifter', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Render Silent', 'Brute Force', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Spark Spray', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Enlarge', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Tragic Poet', 'Necroplasm', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Chittering Rats', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Golden Demise', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Wildfire', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Mana Leak', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Chance Encounter', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Munitions Expert', 'Rampant Growth', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Thought Scour', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Dread Presence', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Restoration Angel', 'Corpse Cur', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Spare Supplies', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Realm Razer', 'Path of Discovery', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Genesis', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Scute Mob', 'Astral Slide', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Languish', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Detention Sphere', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Riftsweeper', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Primal Command', 'Tree of Tales', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Corrupt', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Abzan Charm', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Void', 'Memoricide', 'Lightning Spear', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Azorius Charm', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Second Wind', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Ash Zealot', 'Calciform Pools', 'Spell Snuff', 'Assault // Battery', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Protean Hulk', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Glorious Protector', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Disallow', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Hedron Archive', 'Dawn Charm', 'Curiosity', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Explore', 'Needle Drop', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Last Stand', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Nevermore', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Megrim', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Xorn', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Nether Spirit', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Bad River', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Halimar Depths', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Wood Elves', 'Canopy Vista', 'Fell Stinger', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Spectral Procession', 'Dive Down', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Viscera Seer', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Wavesifter', 'Wall of Blood', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Auramancer', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Cease-Fire', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Aether Adept', 'Energy Refractor', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Patch Up', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Carnophage', 'Seismic Assault', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Big Score', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Quarantine Field', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Soul Warden', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Evil Twin', 'Elvish Champion', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Vigor', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Blessed Respite', 'Domri Rade', 'Cut Down', 'Choked Estuary', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Mind Rake', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Mutilate', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Graven Cairns', 'Endless One', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Fabricate', 'Shambling Vent', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Experiment One', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Festival Crasher', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Renewed Faith', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Seal of Fire', 'Mana Cylix', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'False Summoning', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Game Trail', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Word of Undoing', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Mindslaver', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Fists of Flame', 'Smallpox', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Guided Passage', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Graf Harvest', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Omenspeaker', 'Assault Formation', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Sky Scourer', 'Repeal', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Fast // Furious', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Psychic Strike', 'Void Snare', 'Gather the Pack', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Viridian Revel', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Crux of Fate', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Worm Harvest', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Obscura Charm', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Mantis Rider', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Farseek', 'Master of Etherium', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Revitalize', 'Wilt', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Maestros Theater', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Necrogoyf', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Disfigure', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Primal Beyond', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Seal of Removal', 'Virus Beetle', 'Seething Song', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Obsessive Search', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Glittering Wish', 'Mission Briefing', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Altered Ego', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Rise // Fall', 'Dimir Charm', 'Aria of Flame', 'Dig Up', 'Prohibit', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Forever Young', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Natural State', 'Containment Construct', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Cremate', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Blazing Specter', 'Burnished Hart', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Moment of Craving', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Blade Splicer', 'Akki Ronin', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Chain Lightning', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Giant Growth', 'Magma Spray', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Evacuation', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Silver Knight', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Silence', 'Pick the Brain', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Fiery Justice', 'Mulch', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Return to Dust', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Waterfront District', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Buried Alive', 'Mindcrank', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Plow Under', 'Driven // Despair', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Stasis Snare', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Exploding Borders', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Nest Robber', 'Student of Warfare', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Myr Welder', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Aetherling', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Frost Walker', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Exclude', 'Brood Birthing', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Mind Spring', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Brain Freeze', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'The Modern Age', 'Stony Silence', 'Angel of Despair', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Wall of Omens', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Pyroclasm', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Narcomoeba', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Collateral Damage', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Vivid Grove', 'Jace Beleren', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Duress', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Utopia Tree', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Castigate', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Lightning Rift', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Jokulhaups', 'Rewind', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Opulent Palace', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Cloudpost', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Despise', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Clear the Mind', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Frost Marsh', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Verdant Command', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Shard Volley', 'Court Homunculus', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Artful Dodge', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Breakthrough', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Remove Soul', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Grapeshot', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Sins of the Past', 'Blackmail', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Fumigate', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Soul Snare', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Trading Post', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Arc Trail', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Deny Reality', 'Opt', 'Condemn', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Read the Bones', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Boomerang', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Needle Spires', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Strike It Rich', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Goldhound', 'Fog', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Norin the Wary', 'Weirding Wood', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Into the Wilds', 'Overrun', 'Story Circle', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Vampiric Link', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Ball Lightning', 'Quicksand', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Astral Drift', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Into the Story', 'Darkblast', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Dovin Baan', 'Skylasher', 'Coalition Relic', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Easy Prey', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Frantic Search', 'Infest', 'Second Sunrise', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Season of Growth', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Shredded Sails', 'Epochrasite', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Setessan Champion', 'Distortion Strike', 'Augury Owl', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Soul Shatter', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Maze''s End', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Voidslime', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Time Sieve', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Molten Tributary', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Thran Portal', 'Dark Salvation', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Treasure Mage', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Commit // Memory', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Light Up the Night', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Go for Blood', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Flooded Grove', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Ruin Raider', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Trade Secrets', 'Platinum Angel', 'Palace Siege', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Battle of Wits', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Myr Superion', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Guild Globe', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Shared Discovery', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Skyclave Shade', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Greater Good', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Spectral Shift', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Curious Pair', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Draconic Roar', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Temple of Malady', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Regal Force', 'Devastating Summons', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Fallow Earth', 'Mana Flare', 'Daring Thief', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Pandemonium', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Buried Ruin', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Tombstalker', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Hour of Promise', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Skull Fracture', 'Spell Burst', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Rot Wolf', 'Nekrataal', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Become Immense', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Simian Sling', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Titania''s Command', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Lucky Clover', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Essence Scatter', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Crash Through', 'Withered Wretch', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Experimental Augury', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Change the Equation', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Ivory Tower', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Keep Safe', 'Fevered Visions', 'Prismari Campus', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Primal Might', 'Combat Thresher', 'Simic Charm', 'Dark Petition', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Dead Weight', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Ruin Crab', 'Lightning Strike', 'Endless Horizons', 'Genesis Wave', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Bolt Hound', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Caldera Lake', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Spark Elemental', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Shivan Reef', 'Terminus', 'Talus Paladin', 'Shock', 'Rebuild', 'Condescend', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Planar Bridge', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Unwind', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Runic Shot', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Light the Way', 'True Believer', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Lost Legacy', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Plated Geopede', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Animate Dead', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Sultai Charm', 'Vendetta', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Bone Saw', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Commune with Nature', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Quickling', 'Fierce Empath', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Wild Cantor', 'Rule of Law', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Price of Progress', 'Lashwrithe', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Dark Ritual', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Demolition Field', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Distress', 'Acidic Slime', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Countersquall', 'Icehide Golem', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Check for Traps', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Ground Seal', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Endless Detour', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Cloudshift', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Staff of Domination', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Rift Sower', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Demonic Dread', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Tentative Connection', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Witching Well', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Strategic Planning', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Sarcomancy', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Telepathy', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Triskelion', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Ionize', 'Honored Hydra', 'Tear Asunder', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Shore Up', 'Fume Spitter', 'Dragonstorm', 'Turn // Burn', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Bile Blight', 'Rotting Rats', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Bump in the Night', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Brave the Sands', 'Biovisionary', 'Fertile Ground', 'Shriekmaw', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Atog', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Blessed Breath', 'Reanimate', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Firebolt', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Vault Skirge', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Death Cloud', 'Child of Night', 'Wrath of God', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Fatestitcher', 'Soul Diviner', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Thragtusk', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Wonder', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Profane Command', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Foundry Helix', 'Children of Korlis', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Thran Vigil', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Gust of Wind', 'Blood Seeker', 'Costly Plunder', 'Ashen Rider', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Gods Willing', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Highland Lake', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Destroy Evil', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Stream of Life', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Dire Tactics', 'Black Knight', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Radiant Flames', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Mirror Entity', 'Primal Bellow', 'Twiddle', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Urban Evolution', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Froghemoth', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Vivid Creek', 'Nether Traitor', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Might of Oaks', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Glistener Elf', 'Master Biomancer', 'Cathedral of War', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Alpha Authority', 'Ichorid', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Animating Faerie', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Victim of Night', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Ossification', 'Radiant Grove', 'Banishing Slash', 'Obliterate', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Putrid Leech', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Neutralize', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Essence Flux', 'Viral Drake', 'Doomskar', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Braid of Fire', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Tangle', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Dovescape', 'Purify the Grave', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Chatterstorm', 'Canyon Slough', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Lose Focus', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Waker of Waves', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Vivid Crag', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Slaughter Games', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Stern Lesson', 'Nobilis of War', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Balefire Liege', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Mortify', 'Memory Lapse', 'Fecundity', 'Cover of Winter', 'Gavony Township', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Through the Breach', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Invigorate', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Incendiary Command', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Wander in Death', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Harmonize', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Negate', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Terastodon', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Stone Rain', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Cult Conscript', 'All That Glitters', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Hit // Run', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Demonic Bargain', 'It That Betrays', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Call of the Herd', 'Aetherspouts', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Palinchron', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Vandalblast', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'White Knight', 'Dimir Signet', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Boros Garrison', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Heartfire', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Azorius Signet', 'Banefire', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Blood Artist', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Dread Statuary', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Gruul Charm', 'Audacity', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Bushwhack', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Psychic Possession', 'Orchard Strider', 'Wrench Mind', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Divest', 'Lightning Axe', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Seasons Past', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Memorial to War', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Painful Truths', 'Browbeat', 'Generous Patron', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Mirrorweave', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Jackal Pup', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Salvage Titan', 'Startling Development', 'Revoke Existence', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Perilous Research', 'Den Protector', 'Haze of Rage', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Terrarion', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Drannith Healer', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Stain the Mind'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 132.1, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (1896.9 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Kher Keep', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Tithe Taker', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Brute Force', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Tarfire', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Spectral Procession', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Deep Analysis', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Xorn', 'Condemn', 'Anticipate', 'Saproling Burst', 'Power Sink', 'Soulflayer', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Dryad Militant', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Bant Charm', 'Jace Beleren', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Biovisionary', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Dispatch', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Network Disruptor', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Dark Petition', 'Union of the Third Path', 'River Serpent', 'Silverquill Command', 'Chain Lightning', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Quickling', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Slagstorm', 'Purify the Grave', 'Rise // Fall', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Genesis', 'Magma Jet', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Nobilis of War', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Aria of Flame', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Game Trail', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Blood Knight', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Skull Fracture', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Opt', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Reanimate', 'Dark Ritual', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Astral Slide', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Double Vision', 'Boros Signet', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Raging Ravine', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Sol Talisman', 'Fevered Visions', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Witching Well', 'Despise', 'Midnight Clock', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Might of Oaks', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Spawning Breath', 'Browbeat', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Infuriate', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Trinket Mage', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Memnarch', 'Myth Realized', 'Highland Lake', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Dovescape', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Not of This World', 'Port Town', 'Memoricide', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Dream Trawler', 'Glittering Wish', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Braid of Fire', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Lightning Strike', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Chance Encounter', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Golden Egg', 'Radiant Flames', 'Aetherling', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Reckless Charge', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Black Knight', 'Disallow', 'Flood Plain', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Stun Sniper', 'Moment of Craving', 'Meddling Mage', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Etched Champion', 'Coalition Relic', 'Mutilate', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Drake Haven', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Invigorate', 'Jokulhaups', 'Rune of Might', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Thragtusk', 'Ulcerate', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Ionize', 'Go for the Throat', 'Viridian Revel', 'Foundry Helix', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Defabricate', 'Web of Inertia', 'Electrolyze', 'Crux of Fate', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Trade Routes', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Eternal Scourge', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Palinchron', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Battlefield Forge', 'False Summoning', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Lose Focus', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Maze''s End', 'Cankerbloom', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Seed of Hope', 'Restore Balance', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Brave the Elements', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Ruin Raider', 'Haze of Rage', 'Polymorph', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Primal Beyond', 'Mirror Entity', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Skylasher', 'Firebolt', 'Gingerbrute', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Gods Willing', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Munitions Expert', 'Shardless Agent', 'Knight of Glory', 'Plague Stinger', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Victim of Night', 'Rune Snag', 'Solemnity', 'Crack the Earth', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Sunscour', 'Restoration Angel', 'The Antiquities War', 'Field Marshal', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Bolt Hound', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Astral Drift', 'Clear the Mind', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Architects of Will', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Champion of Wits', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Arc Trail', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Fierce Empath', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Natural State', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Worm Harvest', 'Vault Skirge', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Lone Rider', 'Consume the Meek', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Unsummon', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Flame Slash', 'Brave the Sands', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Slaughter Games', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Minor Misstep', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Cloudshift', 'Mana Leak', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Student of Warfare', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Mystic Snake', 'Bog Wraith', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Lightning Rift', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Steel Overseer', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Jackal Pup', 'Myr Welder', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Profane Procession', 'Longbow Archer', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Ominous Seas', 'Offalsnout', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Spider Umbra', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Pick the Brain', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Cult Conscript', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Unholy Heat', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Death Cloud', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Fatestitcher', 'Withered Wretch', 'Battle of Wits', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Sterling Grove', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Flame Blitz', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Tombstalker', 'Grave Titan', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Lightning Spear', 'Brokers Charm', 'Palace Siege', 'Divest', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Abzan Charm', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Vigor', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Fortified Village', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Bonesplitter', 'Bridge from Below', 'Sky Scourer', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Pandemonium', 'Hedron Archive', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Platinum Angel', 'Ivory Tower', 'Maze Rusher', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Mindslaver', 'Devastating Summons', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Wall of Omens', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Willow Geist', 'Bushwhack', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Footfall Crater', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Searing Spear', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Gigadrowse', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Corpse Cur', 'Soul Snare', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'The Celestus', 'Privileged Position', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Gruul Charm', 'Terminal Agony', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Incendiary Command', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Time Sieve', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Centaur Garden', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Evacuation', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Plague Beetle', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Primal Amulet', 'Renewed Faith', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Waterfront District', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Essence Flux', 'Seasons Past', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Forked Bolt', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Silence', 'Groundswell', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Wargate', 'Cease-Fire', 'Wall of Blood', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Gavony Township', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Render Silent', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Mindcrank', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Norin the Wary', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Curse of Silence', 'True Believer', 'War Falcon', 'Driven // Despair', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Vandalblast', 'Energy Refractor', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Path of Discovery', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Harmonize', 'Dead of Winter', 'Assault // Battery', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Boomerang', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Deprive', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Boom // Bust', 'Choked Estuary', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Catch // Release', 'Smallpox', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Golden Demise', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Brain Maggot', 'Boros Garrison', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Child of Night', 'Desolation Twin', 'Mulch', 'Collateral Damage', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Fabricate', 'Animate Dead', 'Rewind', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Cleric Class', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Flame Javelin', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Seal of Fire', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Regrowth', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Incinerate', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Quag Vampires', 'Sorin Markov', 'Burst Lightning', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Drannith Healer', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Ral Zarek', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Jund Charm', 'Blasphemous Act', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'River of Tears', 'Dead // Gone', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Aetherspouts', 'Putrefy', 'Cover of Winter', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Chitterspitter', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Go for Blood', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Memory Lapse', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Halo Forager', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Dissolve', 'Primal Surge', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Ground Seal', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Second Wind', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Fallow Earth', 'Scattered Groves', 'Argentum Armor', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Reveillark', 'Myr Servitor', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Farseek', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Twiddle', 'Collective Defiance', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Corrupt', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Larger Than Life', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Brood Birthing', 'Explore', 'Memory Leak', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Spare Supplies', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Vivid Grove', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Regal Force', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Hellrider', 'Of One Mind', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Tree of Tales', 'Setessan Champion', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Treasure Mage', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Nekrataal', 'Cathedral of War', 'Thought Scour', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Obsessive Search', 'Bone Shards', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Perilous Vault', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Vendetta', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Master of Etherium', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Volt Charge', 'Twinflame', 'Filigree Sages', 'Through the Breach', 'Blessed Breath', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Vindicate', 'Breakthrough', 'Atog', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Tome Scour', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Harm''s Way', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Choking Sands', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Bile Blight', 'Fire Diamond', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Ball Lightning', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Neutralize', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Tragic Poet', 'Mortarpod', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Last Stand', 'Molten Tributary', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Banish into Fable', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Circuit Mender', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Balefire Liege', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Omenspeaker', 'Wily Goblin', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Temple of Malice', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Forbid', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Condescend', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Queen of Ice', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Dawn Charm', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Cruel Reality', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Decree of Justice', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Complicate', 'Angel of Grace', 'Mind Rake', 'Frontline Medic', 'Fertile Ground', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Gird for Battle', 'Putrid Imp', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Spell Burst', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Combat Thresher', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Trading Post', 'Greenseeker', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Banefire', 'Infectious Bite', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Magister of Worth', 'Daring Thief', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Wavesifter', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Demonic Dread', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Negate', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Identity Crisis', 'Radiant Grove', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Leonin Bola', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Gutterbones', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Primal Order', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Myr Superion', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Turnabout', 'Weird Harvest', 'Fecundity', 'Silver Knight', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Mind Spring', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Krosan Tusker', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Endless Detour', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Voltage Surge', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Altered Ego', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Lingering Souls', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Shambling Shell', 'Price of Progress', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Liliana Vess', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Prismari Campus', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Cremate', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Abiding Grace', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Telepathy', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Utopia Tree', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Groundbreaker', 'Overgrowth', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Just the Wind', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Clawing Torment', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Disfigure', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Zof Consumption', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Pyroclasm', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Riddleform', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Zenith Flare', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Shock', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Seismic Assault', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Mana Cylix', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Morselhoarder', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Frantic Search', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Rise and Shine', 'Bring the Ending', 'Brain Freeze', 'Defiant Strike', 'Read the Bones', 'Shriekmaw', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Become Immense', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Forever Young', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Shared Discovery', 'Stain the Mind', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Repeal', 'Commit // Memory', 'Opulent Palace', 'Curiosity', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Pelt Collector', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Isolate', 'Persecute', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Talus Paladin', 'Samite Healer', 'Viral Drake', 'Murderous Cut', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Animation Module', 'Tragic Slip', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Canopy Vista', 'Tribal Flames', 'Blazing Archon', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Psychic Strike', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Azorius Signet', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Auramancer', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Generous Patron', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Unwind', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Fetid Heath', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Void', 'Heap Doll', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Threats Undetected', 'Carnophage', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Bump in the Night', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Standing Troops', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Geistflame', 'Glint Hawk', 'Impulse', 'Artful Dodge', 'Devil''s Play', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Pack Rat', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Venerable Knight', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Mana Flare', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Damn', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Dead Weight', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Reckless Waif', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Costly Plunder', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Tempered Steel', 'Golgari Charm', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Bad River', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Rift Bolt', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Lost Legacy', 'Future Sight', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Guardian Idol', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Spell Snuff', 'Serum Snare', 'Ornithopter', 'Patch Up', 'Magma Spray', 'Duress', 'Crab Umbra', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Venerable Monk', 'Codex Shredder', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Sins of the Past', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Trickbind', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Putrid Leech', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Dreamstealer', 'Fell Stinger', 'March from the Tomb', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Dread Presence', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Never // Return', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Icehide Golem', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Wilt', 'Zuran Orb', 'Court Homunculus', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Twincast', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Time of Need', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Abundant Growth', 'Blessed Respite', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Soul Warden', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Gruul Turf', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Curious Pair', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Reaper King', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Simic Charm', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Power Depot', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Titania''s Command', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Day of Judgment', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Spark Spray', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Endless One', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Tribute Mage', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Spirit Link', 'Boros Elite', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Soul Shatter', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Vapor Snag', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Reap and Sow', 'Into the Wilds', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Fumigate', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Worship', 'Domri Rade', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Nether Spirit', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Honored Hydra', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Flame Rift', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Painful Truths', 'Valley Dasher', 'The Seedcore', 'Burnished Hart', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Halimar Depths', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Commune with Lava', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Distortion Strike', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Stern Lesson', 'Cystbearer', 'Cloudblazer', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Azorius Charm', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Pain Seer', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Shard Volley', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Pillage', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Molten Blast', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Froghemoth', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Wrath of God', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Gust of Wind', 'Dragonstorm', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Fertilid', 'Upheaval', 'Urban Evolution', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Ossification', 'Shred Memory', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Annex Sentry', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Tail Swipe', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Undead Augur', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Viscera Seer', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Combat Courier', 'Primal Bellow', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Precinct Captain', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Doom Foretold', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Void Snare', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Soul Diviner', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Buried Alive', 'Devoted Druid', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Twinferno', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Fated Retribution', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Planar Ally', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Mulldrifter', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Blight Mamba', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Slip Through Space', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Second Sunrise', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Wild Defiance', 'Dig Up', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Blighted Agent', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Compulsive Research', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Training Grounds', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Traumatize', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Painful Quandary', 'Alpha Authority', 'Memorial to War', 'Ruin Crab', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Undying Evil', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Angel of Despair', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Boros Recruit', 'Mana Tithe', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Battle Screech', 'Creeping Chill', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Goldhound', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Bring to Light', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Stasis Snare', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Baffling End', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Runic Shot', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Barren Moor', 'Rule of Law', 'Wastes', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Carth the Lion', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Smiting Helix', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Spark Elemental', 'Demolition Field', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Font of Fertility', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Bond of Insight', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'White Knight', 'Rot Wolf', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Umara Mystic', 'Blightning', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Strategic Planning', 'Tear Asunder', 'Draconic Roar', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'The Modern Age', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Séance', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Hit // Run', 'Leather Armor', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Gideon Jura', 'Utter End', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Kor Duelist', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Hornet Queen', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Rust Goliath', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Braingeyser', 'Reconstruction', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Caldera Lake', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Assault Formation', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Rags // Riches', 'Keep Safe', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Scute Mob', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Crash Through', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Weirding Wood', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Wildfire', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Triskelion', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Chronomaton', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Mobilized District', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Blood Artist', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Orchard Strider', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Force of Rage', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Dive Down', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Sarcomancy', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Quarantine Field', 'Tangled Islet', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Frogmite', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Wing Shards', 'Archaeomancer', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Prohibit', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Hostage Taker', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Slitherhead', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Overrun', 'Rob the Archives', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Mortify', 'Runed Halo', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Blade Splicer', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Fetid Pools', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Dispel', 'Primal Might', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Genesis Wave', 'Sleep', 'Recommission', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Serra Avenger', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Army of the Damned', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Micromancer', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Timeless Witness', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Out of Time', 'Psychic Possession', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Profane Command', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Treasure Map', 'Kami of Transience', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Spell Pierce', 'Krosan Grip', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Legion Angel', 'Mirrorweave', 'Bone Dragon', 'Hateflayer', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Doomskar', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Shredded Sails', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Experimental Augury', 'Rotting Rats', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'All That Glitters', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Always Watching', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Revoke Existence', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Control Magic', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Think Twice', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Arbor Elf', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Colossification', 'Animating Faerie', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Undercity Informer', 'Detention Sphere', 'Generous Visitor', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Fists of Flame', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Children of Korlis', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Crackling Doom', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Rebuild', 'Night Clubber', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Desecration Demon', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Step Through', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Brute Suit', 'Esper Charm', 'Putrefax', 'Tentative Connection', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Reality Heist', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Sen Triplets', 'Howling Mine', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Simian Sling', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Evil Twin', 'Sky Hussar', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Graf Harvest', 'Frost Titan', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Stone Rain', 'Scarab Feast', 'Staff of Domination', 'Maestros Theater', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Glamerdye', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Guided Passage', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Sin Prodder', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Expedite', 'Shore Up', 'Turn // Burn', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Big Score', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Kessig Prowler', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Cultivate', 'Stitch in Time', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Distress', 'Dread Statuary', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Endbringer', 'Containment Construct', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Ponder', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Favorable Winds', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Notion Thief', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Perilous Research', 'Terminus', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Karmic Guide', 'Wood Elves', 'Wistful Thinking', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Giant Killer', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Cerulean Drake', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Vision Skeins', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Spectral Shift', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Commune with Nature', 'Into the Story', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Molten Rain', 'Easy Prey', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Disenchant', 'Seething Song', 'Hard Evidence', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Infest', 'Dockside Chef', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Cloudpost', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Commence the Endgame', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Castigate', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Reflector Mage', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Quicksand', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Raging Goblin', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Experiment One', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Change the Equation', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Darkblast', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Heartfire', 'Glorious Protector', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Nether Traitor', 'Nest Robber', 'Chittering Rats', 'Primal Command', 'Obliterate', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Burning Inquiry', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Hour of Promise', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Grim Affliction', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Temple of Malady', 'Vesperlark', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Risk Factor', 'Bag of Holding', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Staggershock', 'Exploding Borders', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Season of Growth', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Voidslime', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Cling to Dust', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Sonic Burst', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Winged Portent', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Sin Collector', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Vampiric Link', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Psychatog', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Late to Dinner', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Plated Geopede', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Acidic Slime', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Thran Vigil', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Stream of Life', 'Fiery Justice', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Glorybringer', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Lightning Axe', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Goblin Matron', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Megrim', 'Greater Good', 'Ichorid', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Temple of Silence', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Banishing Slash', 'Fiery Temper', 'Village Messenger', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Graven Cairns', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Rift Sower', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Collective Effort', 'Supreme Will', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Haunted Dead', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Ultimate Price', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Virus Beetle', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Peek', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Forced Fruition', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Recross the Paths', 'Savage Lands', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Cut Down', 'Fog', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Ashen Rider', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Recoup', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Essence Scatter', 'Dire Tactics', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Call of the Herd', 'Ash Zealot', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Dimir Charm', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Vivid Crag', 'Banisher Priest', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Augury Owl', 'Aether Adept', 'The Scorpion God', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Mission Briefing', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Into the Roil', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Nevermore', 'Sultai Charm', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Wrench Mind', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Ally Encampment', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Obscura Charm', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Spore Frog', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Countersquall', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Snapback', 'Salvage Titan', 'Startling Development', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Stave Off', 'Plunder', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Audacity', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Necrogoyf', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Monoskelion', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Umara Wizard', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Sylvan Library', 'Dimir Signet', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Bone Saw', 'Soaring Drake', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Canyon Slough', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Story Circle', 'Universal Automaton', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Guild Globe', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Glimmerpost', 'Blood Lust', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Buried Ruin', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Reason // Believe', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Jade Mage', 'Languish', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Izzet Charm', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Force of Virtue', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Terrarion', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Gruul Signet', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Akki Ronin', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Assault Strobe', 'Vector Asp', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Seal of Removal', 'Spirited Companion', 'Master Biomancer', 'Check for Traps', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Fling', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Relic Axe', 'Wight', 'Marble Diamond', 'Protean Hulk', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Circular Logic', 'Kavu Predator', 'Fight as One', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Haunted Mire', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Plow Under', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Light of Hope', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Stony Silence', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Mana Bloom', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Trade Secrets', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Dread Return', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Blind Obedience', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Hypergenesis', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Master of Death', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'High Tide', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Remove Soul', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Tramway Station', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Calciform Pools', 'Giant Growth', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Frost Marsh', 'Lizard Blades', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Lucky Clover', 'Undercover Operative', 'Akroan Crusader', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Death Baron', 'Grand Architect', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Blackmail', 'Vexing Devil', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Riftsweeper', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Unburial Rites', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Narcomoeba', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Realm Razer', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Needle Drop', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Planar Bridge', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Enlarge', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Terminate', 'Rampant Growth', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Thran Portal', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Fume Spitter', 'Strike It Rich', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Revitalize', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Tangle', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Gather the Pack', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Ram Through', 'Mantis Rider', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Massacre Girl', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Needle Spires', 'Dark Salvation', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Grapeshot', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Terastodon', 'Festival Crasher', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Sky Terror', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Halo Scarab', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Waker of Waves', 'Vivid Creek', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Quicken', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Blazing Specter', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Celestial Flare', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Combat Research', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Epochrasite', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Chief Engineer', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Far // Away', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Light Up the Night', 'Oust', 'It That Betrays', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Secret Plans', 'Wild Cantor', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Verdant Command', 'Tomb Robber', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Sign in Blood', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Worthy Knight', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Siege Rhino', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Shambling Vent', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Blood Seeker', 'Lashwrithe', 'Fast // Furious', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Frost Walker', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Heartless Act', 'Return to Dust', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Endless Horizons', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Wonder', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Silundi Vision', 'Noxious Assault', 'Word of Undoing', 'Elvish Champion', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Necroplasm', 'Sudden Edict', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Carrion Wall', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Destroy Evil', 'Aqueous Form', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Deny Reality', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Brainstone', 'Exclude', 'Possibility Storm', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Reckless Rage', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Shivan Reef', 'Dovin Baan', 'Doom Blade', 'Wander in Death', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Flooded Grove', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Glistener Elf', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Light the Way', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Urban Utopia', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Den Protector', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Scurry Oak', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Fade from Memory', 'Joint Exploration', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Pilfer', 'Chatterstorm', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Wrenn''s Resolve'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 1896.9, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (81.7 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Goblin Grenade', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Kor Duelist', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Vesperlark', 'War Falcon', 'Port Town', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Curious Pair', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Bone Shards', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'It That Betrays', 'Brute Suit', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Riftsweeper', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Tribal Flames', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Dream Trawler', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Carth the Lion', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Psychatog', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Condemn', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Forever Young', 'Tomb Robber', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Den Protector', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Dovescape', 'Wight', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Putrefy', 'Putrefax', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Viscera Seer', 'Chatterstorm', 'Divest', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Massacre Girl', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Canyon Slough', 'Lose Focus', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Worthy Knight', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Guardian Idol', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Mana Bloom', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Vivid Crag', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Endless One', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Undead Augur', 'Burnished Hart', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Seasons Past', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Ulcerate', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Jund Charm', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Venerable Knight', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Terminate', 'Boomerang', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Bad River', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Go for the Throat', 'Tangled Islet', 'Kami of Transience', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Fortified Village', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Myth Realized', 'Silver Knight', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Out of Time', 'Waker of Waves', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Death Cloud', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Brute Force', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Fetid Pools', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Slip Through Space', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Detention Sphere', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Forked Bolt', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Jokulhaups', 'Mindslaver', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Leather Armor', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Assault Strobe', 'Day of Judgment', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Deprive', 'Argentum Masticore', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Change the Equation', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Essence Flux', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Banish into Fable', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Endless Horizons', 'Devoted Druid', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Kavu Predator', 'Frost Titan', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Trinket Mage', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Treasure Map', 'Ruin Raider', 'Salvage Titan', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Blood Lust', 'Evacuation', 'Unwind', 'Molten Blast', 'Twiddle', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Vision Skeins', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Endbringer', 'The Scorpion God', 'Dead Weight', 'Devil''s Play', 'Distortion Strike', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'River of Tears', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Quarantine Field', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Path of Discovery', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Pilfer', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Season of Growth', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Bone Saw', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Runic Shot', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Fists of Flame', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Orchard Strider', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Lightning Strike', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Harmonize', 'Umara Mystic', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Primal Command', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Reveillark', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Dark Salvation', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Calciform Pools', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Firebolt', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Mana Flare', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Sterling Grove', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Biovisionary', 'Terrarion', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Complicate', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Traumatize', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Ichorid', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Fecundity', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Daring Thief', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Saproling Burst', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Cover of Winter', 'Gideon Jura', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Gruul Charm', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Colossification', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Savage Lands', 'Howling Mine', 'Overrun', 'Tear Asunder', 'Twincast', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Fatestitcher', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Mirrorweave', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Ornithopter', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Slagstorm', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Revoke Existence', 'Ram Through', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Bushwhack', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Creeping Chill', 'Black Knight', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Putrid Leech', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Cremate', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Filigree Sages', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Brainstone', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Spider Umbra', 'Tree of Tales', 'Spectral Procession', 'Mantis Rider', 'Frogmite', 'Quickling', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Carrion Wall', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Drannith Healer', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Brave the Elements', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Into the Roil', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Cruel Reality', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Buried Alive', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Abiding Grace', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Circular Logic', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Dryad Militant', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Braingeyser', 'Myr Welder', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Boom // Bust', 'Shambling Shell', 'Sky Terror', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Meddling Mage', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Wrench Mind', 'Natural State', 'Augury Owl', 'Primal Bellow', 'Glimmerpost', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Undercity Informer', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Turn // Burn', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Aetherspouts', 'Primal Order', 'Fast // Furious', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Of One Mind', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Spirited Companion', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Flood Plain', 'Realm Razer', 'Heartless Act', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Painful Quandary', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Runed Halo', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Reanimate', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Nether Traitor', 'Stone Rain', 'Ponder', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Time of Need', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Seismic Assault', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Wily Goblin', 'Blackmail', 'Force of Rage', 'Izzet Charm', 'Defabricate', 'Easy Prey', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Memory Leak', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Maestros Theater', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Ruin Crab', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Sorin Markov', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Terminal Agony', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Molten Tributary', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Blessed Respite', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Painful Truths', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Snapback', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Braid of Fire', 'Desecration Demon', 'Quag Vampires', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Annex Sentry', 'Future Sight', 'Mana Cylix', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Seal of Removal', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Vigor', 'Crackling Doom', 'Wild Cantor', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Temple of Silence', 'Heartfire', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Argentum Armor', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Flame Rift', 'Secret Plans', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Primal Amulet', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Draconic Roar', 'Glorious Protector', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Precinct Captain', 'Setessan Champion', 'Gods Willing', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Brokers Charm', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Gavony Township', 'Breakthrough', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Persecute', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Haunted Mire', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Incinerate', 'Xorn', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Dimir Charm', 'Karmic Guide', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Sultai Charm', 'Legion Angel', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Volt Charge', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Memory Lapse', 'Twinflame', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Fabricate', 'Sins of the Past', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Soaring Drake', 'Dark Petition', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Upheaval', 'Leonin Bola', 'Fumigate', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Primal Beyond', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Umara Wizard', 'Weird Harvest', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Fetid Heath', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Rise and Shine', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Shriekmaw', 'Anticipate', 'Reflector Mage', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Crack the Earth', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Second Wind', 'March from the Tomb', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Collective Defiance', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Double Vision', 'Sleep', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Longbow Archer', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Simic Charm', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Chittering Rats', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Sudden Edict', 'Court Homunculus', 'Plague Stinger', 'The Celestus', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Guided Passage', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Might of Oaks', 'Village Messenger', 'Battle of Wits', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Sky Hussar', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Burst Lightning', 'Cathedral of War', 'Animating Faerie', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Void Snare', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Morselhoarder', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Prismari Campus', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Control Magic', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Choked Estuary', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Murderous Cut', 'Web of Inertia', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Second Sunrise', 'River Serpent', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Explore', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Tithe Taker', 'Molten Rain', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Soul Warden', 'Brain Maggot', 'Reason // Believe', 'Carnophage', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Tramway Station', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Searing Spear', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Magma Jet', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Gruul Signet', 'Winged Portent', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Energy Refractor', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Read the Bones', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Always Watching', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Planar Ally', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Jace Beleren', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Stain the Mind', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Sign in Blood', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Fertilid', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Stitch in Time', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Crab Umbra', 'Restore Balance', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Utopia Tree', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Blessed Breath', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Army of the Damned', 'Time Sieve', 'Aether Adept', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Hit // Run', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'High Tide', 'Blightning', 'Cultivate', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Sunscour', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Grapeshot', 'Silundi Vision', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Just the Wind', 'Unholy Heat', 'Chronomaton', 'Forced Fruition', 'Weirding Wood', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Radiant Flames', 'Putrid Imp', 'Glistener Elf', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Abzan Charm', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Dispatch', 'Mutilate', 'Buried Ruin', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Fire Diamond', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Champion of Wits', 'Electrolyze', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Child of Night', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Tempered Steel', 'Lightning Rift', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Pillage', 'Obsessive Search', 'Collateral Damage', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Chief Engineer', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Audacity', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Blood Seeker', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Bring to Light', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Condescend', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Light the Way', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Groundswell', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Sin Prodder', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Wing Shards', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Cloudpost', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Talus Paladin', 'Render Silent', 'Dread Presence', 'Noxious Assault', 'Never // Return', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Giant Growth', 'Smiting Helix', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Mystic Snake', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Nevermore', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Séance', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Gigadrowse', 'Spore Frog', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Angel of Grace', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Mortarpod', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Privileged Position', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Negate', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Hard Evidence', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Scarab Feast', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Impulse', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Master of Etherium', 'Fog', 'Regal Force', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Unburial Rites', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Halo Forager', 'Artful Dodge', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Barren Moor', 'Threats Undetected', 'Identity Crisis', 'Waterfront District', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Boros Garrison', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Profane Procession', 'Micromancer', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Spawning Breath', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Exploding Borders', 'Relic Axe', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Spectral Shift', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Hellrider', 'Trickbind', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Return to Dust', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Brain Freeze', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Obscura Charm', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Doom Foretold', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Cleric Class', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Spell Burst', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Glittering Wish', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Doomskar', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Wild Defiance', 'Damn', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'False Summoning', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Through the Breach', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Death Baron', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Platinum Angel', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Azorius Signet', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Necroplasm', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Greater Good', 'Aria of Flame', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Fevered Visions', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Protean Hulk', 'Tombstalker', 'Wander in Death', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Stun Sniper', 'Ashen Rider', 'Zuran Orb', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Turnabout', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Memnarch', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Blazing Specter', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'White Knight', 'Blood Knight', 'Recoup', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Plague Beetle', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Rob the Archives', 'Sol Talisman', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Boros Signet', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Centaur Garden', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Treasure Mage', 'Undying Evil', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Chain Lightning', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Sylvan Library', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Viral Drake', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Slaughter Games', 'Grim Affliction', 'Into the Wilds', 'Needle Drop', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Children of Korlis', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Staggershock', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Acidic Slime', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Mulldrifter', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Network Disruptor', 'Patch Up', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Light Up the Night', 'Tribute Mage', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Mobilized District', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Spirit Link', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Spell Snuff', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Regrowth', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Bolt Hound', 'Farseek', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Festival Crasher', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Nether Spirit', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Lashwrithe', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Consume the Meek', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Tragic Poet', 'Opt', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Liliana Vess', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Trade Routes', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Field Marshal', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Mirror Entity', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Battle Screech', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Flooded Grove', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Haze of Rage', 'Abundant Growth', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Temple of Malady', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Maze''s End', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Become Immense', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Ball Lightning', 'Crux of Fate', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Invigorate', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Soul Shatter', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Grand Architect', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Commit // Memory', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Training Grounds', 'Plow Under', 'Pelt Collector', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Generous Visitor', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Master Biomancer', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Cankerbloom', 'Rags // Riches', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Esper Charm', 'Browbeat', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Animate Dead', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Willow Geist', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Arc Trail', 'Haunted Dead', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Vector Asp', 'Baffling End', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'All That Glitters', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Soul Diviner', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Shambling Vent', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Utter End', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Dovin Baan', 'Expedite', 'Riddleform', 'Scattered Groves', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Deep Analysis', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Astral Slide', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Architects of Will', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Last Stand', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Wall of Blood', 'Dimir Signet', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Wrath of God', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Ultimate Price', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Rune Snag', 'Peek', 'Vivid Grove', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Ivory Tower', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Notion Thief', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'The Antiquities War', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Wood Elves', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Animation Module', 'The Modern Age', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Power Depot', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Azorius Charm', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Timeless Witness', 'Spare Supplies', 'Reckless Rage', 'Perilous Vault', 'Palace Siege', 'Hornet Queen', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Go for Blood', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Desolation Twin', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Shard Volley', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Combat Research', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Startling Development', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Holdout Settlement', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Undercover Operative', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Into the Story', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Sarcomancy', 'Zof Consumption', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Endless Detour', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Gird for Battle', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Memorial to War', 'Forbid', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Brave the Sands', 'Stave Off', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Trade Secrets', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Narcomoeba', 'Fallow Earth', 'Bond of Insight', 'Aqueous Form', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Infectious Bite', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Disfigure', 'Pandemonium', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Arbor Elf', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Greenseeker', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Seething Song', 'Vapor Snag', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Sky Scourer', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Reconstruction', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Froghemoth', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Skylasher', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Urban Utopia', 'Vampiric Link', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Late to Dinner', 'Marble Diamond', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Evil Twin', 'Reckless Charge', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Thragtusk', 'Universal Automaton', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Obliterate', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Price of Progress', 'Pyroclasm', 'Genesis', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Master of Death', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Essence Scatter', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Dark Ritual', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Trading Post', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Omenspeaker', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Renewed Faith', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Dead // Gone', 'Word of Undoing', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Verdant Command', 'Magister of Worth', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Bone Dragon', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Rot Wolf', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Mulch', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Pain Seer', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Skull Fracture', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Wall of Omens', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Mind Rake', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Drake Haven', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Shivan Reef', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Ossification', 'Caldera Lake', 'Glamerdye', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Groundbreaker', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Radiant Grove', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Venerable Monk', 'Sen Triplets', 'Possibility Storm', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Glorybringer', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Blight Mamba', 'Unsummon', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Chitterspitter', 'Witching Well', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Dawn Charm', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Pack Rat', 'Dire Tactics', 'Countersquall', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Siege Rhino', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Virus Beetle', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'True Believer', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Fiery Temper', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Withered Wretch', 'Magma Spray', 'Rebuild', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Disenchant', 'Knight of Glory', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Spell Pierce', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Purify the Grave', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Commune with Lava', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Flame Slash', 'Myr Superion', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Silence', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Big Score', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Costly Plunder', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Reckless Waif', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Collective Effort', 'Ominous Seas', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Deny Reality', 'Blood Artist', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Brood Birthing', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Experiment One', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Defiant Strike', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Larger Than Life', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Void', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Thraben Inspector', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Demolition Field', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Dread Return', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Cult Conscript', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Altered Ego', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Dig Up', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Jade Mage', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Solemnity', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Mortify', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Triskelion', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Gust of Wind', 'Bump in the Night', 'Curiosity', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Geistflame', 'Planar Bridge', 'Boros Recruit', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Rune of Might', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Disallow', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Frost Walker', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Hypergenesis', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Halo Scarab', 'Urban Evolution', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Mind Spring', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Gather the Pack', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Highland Lake', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Shardless Agent', 'Dead of Winter', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Font of Fertility', 'Graf Harvest', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Palinchron', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Assault Formation', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Psychic Possession', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Fume Spitter', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Sin Collector', 'Fling', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Krosan Grip', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Choking Sands', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Terastodon', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Halimar Depths', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Rift Bolt', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Vault Skirge', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Force of Virtue', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Fell Stinger', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Golgari Charm', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Combat Courier', 'Castigate', 'Think Twice', 'Tome Scour', 'Revitalize', 'Wilt', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Golden Demise', 'Restoration Angel', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Fated Retribution', 'Banefire', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Dragonstorm', 'Banishing Slash', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Mindcrank', 'Twinferno', 'Frontline Medic', 'Pick the Brain', 'Tragic Slip', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Risk Factor', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Destroy Evil', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Shore Up', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Angel of Despair', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Samite Healer', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Cloudshift', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Containment Construct', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Dread Statuary', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Reap and Sow', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Vivid Creek', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Incendiary Command', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Circuit Mender', 'Frost Marsh', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Scurry Oak', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Compulsive Research', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Overgrowth', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Favorable Winds', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Strike It Rich', 'Voidslime', 'Dreamstealer', 'Ground Seal', 'Etched Champion', 'Lone Rider', 'Gutterbones', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Norin the Wary', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Bonesplitter', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Foundry Helix', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Bog Wraith', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Infest', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Kher Keep', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Distress', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Worm Harvest', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Goldhound', 'Hedron Archive', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Dockside Chef', 'Maze Rusher', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Atog', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Combat Thresher', 'Exclude', 'Fade from Memory', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Ionize', 'Stony Silence', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Zenith Flare', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Stream of Life', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Reaper King', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Keep Safe', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Lost Legacy', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Myr Servitor', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Wildfire', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Flame Javelin', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Polymorph', 'Staff of Domination', 'Fiery Justice', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Nobilis of War', 'Serra Avenger', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Fight as One', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Profane Command', 'Nekrataal', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Thought Scour', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Tail Swipe', 'Plated Geopede', 'Shredded Sails', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Celestial Flare', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Lingering Souls', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Aetherling', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Prohibit', 'Cling to Dust', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Titania''s Command', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Archaeomancer', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Night Clubber', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Curse of Silence', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Devastating Summons', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Megrim', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Bile Blight', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Ally Encampment', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Neutralize', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Soul Snare', 'Harm''s Way', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Terminus', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Thran Portal', 'Blade Splicer', 'Rift Sower', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Bant Charm', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Ash Zealot', 'Gruul Turf', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Epochrasite', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Isolate', 'Reality Heist', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Raging Goblin', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Serum Snare', 'Domri Rade', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Slitherhead', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Frantic Search', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Wargate', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Corpse Cur', 'Cut Down', 'Student of Warfare', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Codex Shredder', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Seed of Hope', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Quicken', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Primal Surge', 'Not of This World', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Vendetta', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Glint Hawk', 'Canopy Vista', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Tangle', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Sonic Burst', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Tentative Connection', 'Worship', 'Smallpox', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Scute Mob', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Call of the Herd', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Necrogoyf', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Offalsnout', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Driven // Despair', 'Ral Zarek', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Simian Sling', 'Temple of Malice', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Raging Ravine', 'Blind Obedience', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Infuriate', 'Wake Thrasher', 'The Seedcore', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Opulent Palace', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Heap Doll', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Moment of Craving', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Cloudblazer', 'Gingerbrute', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Corrupt', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Cease-Fire', 'Cystbearer', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Generous Patron', 'Jackal Pup', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Lightning Spear', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Munitions Expert', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Flourishing Fox', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Story Circle', 'Steel Overseer', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Fierce Empath', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Silverquill Command', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Experimental Augury', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Doom Blade', 'Lizard Blades', 'Elvish Champion', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Bag of Holding', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Rule of Law', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Hostage Taker', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Dive Down', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Soulflayer', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Seal of Fire', 'Mana Leak', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Far // Away', 'Lightning Axe', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Voltage Surge', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Stasis Snare', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Catch // Release', 'Rotting Rats', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Recommission', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Queen of Ice', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Giant Killer', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Languish', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Duress', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Dispel', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Valley Dasher', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Graven Cairns', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Decree of Justice', 'Memoricide', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Check for Traps', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Guild Globe', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Hour of Promise', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Primal Might', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Vexing Devil', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Monoskelion', 'Strategic Planning', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Spark Spray', 'Grave Titan', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Chance Encounter', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Footfall Crater', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Flame Blitz', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Darkblast', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Wistful Thinking', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Telepathy', 'Step Through', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Clawing Torment', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Rewind', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Recross the Paths', 'Assault // Battery', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Supreme Will', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Bring the Ending', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Auramancer', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Shred Memory', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Genesis Wave', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Wonder', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Crash Through', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Quicksand', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Viridian Revel', 'Honored Hydra', 'Hateflayer', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Minor Misstep', 'Bridge from Below', 'Vandalblast', 'Dissolve', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Needle Spires', 'Mission Briefing', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Boros Elite', 'Coalition Relic', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Icehide Golem', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Tarfire', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Wastes', 'Goblin Matron', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Shock', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Vindicate', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Astral Drift', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Enlarge', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Golden Egg', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Spark Elemental', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Midnight Clock', 'Shared Discovery', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Akki Ronin', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Lucky Clover', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Blazing Archon', 'Victim of Night', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Rise // Fall', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Plunder', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Perilous Research', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Light of Hope', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Balefire Liege', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Power Sink', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Repeal', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Clear the Mind', 'Wavesifter', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Demonic Dread', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Blighted Agent', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Psychic Strike', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Rust Goliath', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Fertile Ground', 'Improbable Alliance', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Nest Robber', 'Despise', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Thran Vigil', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Alpha Authority', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Game Trail', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Remove Soul', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Oust', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Stern Lesson', 'Standing Troops', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Banisher Priest', 'Commune with Nature', 'Rampant Growth', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Joint Exploration', 'Mana Tithe', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Thirst for Knowledge'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 81.7, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (130.7 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Protean Hulk', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Threats Undetected', 'Wood Elves', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Howling Mine', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Gideon Jura', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Gird for Battle', 'Unholy Heat', 'Maze''s End', 'Scurry Oak', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Collective Effort', 'It That Betrays', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Willow Geist', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Shredded Sails', 'Scute Mob', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Season of Growth', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Collateral Damage', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Rise and Shine', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Utopia Tree', 'Sterling Grove', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Umara Mystic', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Sultai Charm', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Sky Scourer', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Greater Good', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Blade Splicer', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Far // Away', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Fated Retribution', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Ponder', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Blazing Archon', 'Night Clubber', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Big Score', 'Void Snare', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Catch // Release', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Unwind', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Winged Portent', 'Jace Beleren', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Heartfire', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Crab Umbra', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Chance Encounter', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Astral Drift', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Breakthrough', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Infest', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Myth Realized', 'Jund Charm', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Hedron Archive', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Thran Portal', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Bone Shards', 'Rift Sower', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Ash Zealot', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Word of Undoing', 'Witching Well', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Devoted Druid', 'Corrupt', 'Hornet Queen', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Temple of Silence', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Dimir Signet', 'Vigor', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Gigadrowse', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Just the Wind', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Rob the Archives', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Generous Visitor', 'Izzet Charm', 'Out of Time', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Urban Utopia', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Psychatog', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Port Town', 'Into the Wilds', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Tramway Station', 'Boros Elite', 'Nether Traitor', 'Victim of Night', 'Spirited Companion', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Abzan Charm', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Graf Harvest', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Mulldrifter', 'Wrench Mind', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Siege Rhino', 'Kami of Transience', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Rags // Riches', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Celestial Flare', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Golgari Charm', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Brain Freeze', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Return to Dust', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Psychic Possession', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Disallow', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Trading Post', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Electrolyze', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Dream Trawler', 'Wrath of God', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Court Homunculus', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Bridge from Below', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Obliterate', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Unsummon', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Glint Hawk', 'Liliana Vess', 'Aria of Flame', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Buried Alive', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Stain the Mind', 'Cloudshift', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Cultivate', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Colossification', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Master of Death', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Banishing Slash', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Anticipate', 'Call of the Herd', 'Remove Soul', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Combat Thresher', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Filigree Sages', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Quarantine Field', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Dark Salvation', 'High Tide', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Master Biomancer', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Realm Razer', 'Wall of Omens', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Glittering Wish', 'Xorn', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Aetherling', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Guardian Idol', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Chittering Rats', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Cease-Fire', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Flooded Grove', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Twincast', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Hateflayer', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Into the Roil', 'Greenseeker', 'Crackling Doom', 'Tarfire', 'Generous Patron', 'Turnabout', 'Mana Cylix', 'Vendetta', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Demolition Field', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Brave the Sands', 'Zuran Orb', 'Overgrowth', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Vindicate', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Reanimate', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'War Falcon', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Magma Jet', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Favorable Winds', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Force of Rage', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Bump in the Night', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Savage Lands', 'River of Tears', 'Gruul Charm', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Slip Through Space', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Flame Rift', 'Rune Snag', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Abundant Growth', 'Bad River', 'Shivan Reef', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Incinerate', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Gingerbrute', 'Wight', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Bile Blight', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Volt Charge', 'Festival Crasher', 'Plow Under', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Forked Bolt', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Bond of Insight', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Silent Departure', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Snapback', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Dark Ritual', 'Tribal Flames', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Combat Research', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Mind Rake', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Memory Leak', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Browbeat', 'Languish', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Curiosity', 'Frost Walker', 'Queen of Ice', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Carrion Wall', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Darkblast', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Brood Birthing', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Genesis', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Boros Recruit', 'Evacuation', 'Farseek', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Battle Screech', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Frantic Search', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Heartless Act', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Endbringer', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Tombstalker', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Lightning Axe', 'Skylasher', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Child of Night', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Wastes', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Fade from Memory', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Golden Egg', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Identity Crisis', 'Prohibit', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Calciform Pools', 'Stern Lesson', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Molten Tributary', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Blood Seeker', 'Aether Adept', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Venerable Knight', 'Sarcomancy', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Double Vision', 'Reap and Sow', 'Stone Rain', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Rise // Fall', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Thran Vigil', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Crux of Fate', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Alpha Authority', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Azorius Charm', 'Time Sieve', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Keldon Marauders', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Exploding Borders', 'Halo Forager', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Fertilid', 'Of One Mind', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Angel of Grace', 'Polymorph', 'Mulch', 'Pyroclasm', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Blessed Respite', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Cloudblazer', 'Second Sunrise', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Reckless Waif', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Vivid Crag', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Urban Evolution', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Enlarge', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Forced Fruition', 'Through the Breach', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Sign in Blood', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Combat Courier', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Mana Flare', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Terminal Agony', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Corpse Cur', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Blood Knight', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Primal Command', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Stasis Snare', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Boomerang', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Akki Ronin', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Gavony Township', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Deny Reality', 'Scarab Feast', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Spore Frog', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Stream of Life', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Sudden Edict', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Stave Off', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Opulent Palace', 'Children of Korlis', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Lucky Clover', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Power Sink', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Mana Leak', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Dryad Militant', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Psychic Strike', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Necroplasm', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Chain Lightning', 'Fierce Empath', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Soaring Drake', 'Clear the Mind', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Etched Champion', 'Narcomoeba', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Fortified Village', 'Ally Encampment', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Distortion Strike', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Buried Ruin', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Telepathy', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Vandalblast', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Dig Up', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Cankerbloom', 'Dockside Chef', 'Acidic Slime', 'Utter End', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Reconstruction', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Sky Hussar', 'Azorius Signet', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Micromancer', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Brainstone', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Devastating Summons', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Fast // Furious', 'Training Grounds', 'Traumatize', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Prismari Campus', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Relic Axe', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Lost Legacy', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Treasure Map', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Tree of Tales', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Glorious Protector', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Maze Rusher', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Dead of Winter', 'Massacre Girl', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Obscura Charm', 'Crack the Earth', 'Den Protector', 'Honor of the Pure', 'The Modern Age', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Altered Ego', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Icehide Golem', 'Aqueous Form', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Twiddle', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Lesser Masticore', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Bonesplitter', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Rewind', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Spell Pierce', 'Twinflame', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Reveillark', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Omenspeaker', 'Shardless Agent', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Primal Beyond', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Void', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Mirror Entity', 'Ral Zarek', 'Dire Tactics', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Smiting Helix', 'Crash Through', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Primal Surge', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Never // Return', 'Weirding Wood', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Baffling End', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Staggershock', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Experiment One', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Rebuild', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Braid of Fire', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Mirrorweave', 'Doom Foretold', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Mind Spring', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Blood Lust', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Repeal', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Precinct Captain', 'Light the Way', 'Secret Plans', 'Flood Plain', 'Recross the Paths', 'Incendiary Command', 'Spark Spray', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Molten Rain', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Triskelion', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Myr Servitor', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Kor Duelist', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Clawing Torment', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Tail Swipe', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Distress', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Tribute Mage', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Memoricide', 'Astral Slide', 'Blackmail', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Future Sight', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Caldera Lake', 'Archaeomancer', 'Lizard Blades', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Day of Judgment', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Vector Asp', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Doom Blade', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'The Seedcore', 'Might of Oaks', 'Decree of Justice', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Animation Module', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Cling to Dust', 'Maestros Theater', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Wild Defiance', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Heap Doll', 'Marble Diamond', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Blasphemous Act', 'White Knight', 'Energy Refractor', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Doomskar', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Containment Construct', 'Cathedral of War', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Reckless Rage', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Vampiric Link', 'Mortarpod', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Draconic Roar', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Tentative Connection', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Staff of Domination', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Mutilate', 'Munitions Expert', 'Leonin Bola', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Spell Snuff', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Revitalize', 'Golden Demise', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Silundi Vision', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Blind Obedience', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Krosan Grip', 'Forbid', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Mobilized District', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Recommission', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Negate', 'Carnophage', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Jade Mage', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Stitch in Time', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'All That Glitters', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Séance', 'Castigate', 'Wild Cantor', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Animating Faerie', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Fling', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Reckless Charge', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Battle of Wits', 'Terminus', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Seismic Assault', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Fume Spitter', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Pandemonium', 'Shambling Vent', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Rune of Might', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Setessan Champion', 'Radiant Flames', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Light of Hope', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Arbor Elf', 'Silverquill Command', 'Pelt Collector', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Render Silent', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Talus Paladin', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Primal Bellow', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Pack Rat', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Rule of Law', 'Fists of Flame', 'Vapor Snag', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Riddleform', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Tangle', 'Driven // Despair', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Become Immense', 'Flame Blitz', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Quag Vampires', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Shriekmaw', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Solemnity', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Giant Growth', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Footfall Crater', 'Dive Down', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Blight Mamba', 'Plague Stinger', 'Radiant Grove', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Raging Ravine', 'Step Through', 'Perilous Vault', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Thought Scour', 'Boros Garrison', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Memnarch', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Fumigate', 'Pick the Brain', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Putrefax', 'Canopy Vista', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Force of Virtue', 'Slaughter Games', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Putrid Imp', 'Molten Blast', 'Always Watching', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Ball Lightning', 'Zenith Flare', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Sin Collector', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Daring Thief', 'Planar Bridge', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Seasons Past', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Thragtusk', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Boros Signet', 'Brave the Elements', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Dreamstealer', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Saproling Burst', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Haunted Mire', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Frontline Medic', 'Runed Halo', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Bog Wraith', 'Cremate', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Destroy Evil', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Nevermore', 'Carth the Lion', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Profane Command', 'Minor Misstep', 'Possibility Storm', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Megrim', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Necrogoyf', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Ionize', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Web of Inertia', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Harm''s Way', 'Undying Evil', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Temple of Malady', 'Kavu Predator', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Isolate', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Standing Troops', 'Brokers Charm', 'Kher Keep', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Seed of Hope', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Morselhoarder', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Memory Lapse', 'Aetherspouts', 'Dispatch', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Vivid Grove', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Endless One', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Trade Secrets', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Commit // Memory', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Natural State', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Champion of Wits', 'Undercover Operative', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Augury Owl', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Death Cloud', 'Genesis Wave', 'Collective Defiance', 'Flame Javelin', 'Hypergenesis', 'Tithe Taker', 'Haze of Rage', 'Gruul Turf', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Tragic Slip', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Desolation Twin', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Master of Etherium', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Read the Bones', 'Lone Rider', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Architects of Will', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Fiery Temper', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Impulse', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Fecundity', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Argentum Armor', 'Peek', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Unburial Rites', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Soul Diviner', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Shore Up', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Evil Twin', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Putrid Leech', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Joint Exploration', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Sins of the Past', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Plunder', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Lingering Souls', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Mana Bloom', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Mana Tithe', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Banisher Priest', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Wavesifter', 'Despise', 'Gutterbones', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Primal Might', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Opt', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Lashwrithe', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Explore', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Easy Prey', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Riftsweeper', 'Blightning', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Wildfire', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Halo Scarab', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Fetid Heath', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Guided Passage', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Glimmerpost', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Grand Architect', 'Bolt Hound', 'Perilous Research', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Spawning Breath', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Timeless Witness', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Foundry Helix', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Devil''s Play', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Runic Shot', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Ground Seal', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Price of Progress', 'Moment of Craving', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Geistflame', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Endless Horizons', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Reflector Mage', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Withered Wretch', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Goblin Matron', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Froghemoth', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Biovisionary', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Power Depot', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Wily Goblin', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Deep Analysis', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Knight of Glory', 'Defabricate', 'Chronomaton', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Braingeyser', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Chief Engineer', 'Banish into Fable', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Hostage Taker', 'Firebolt', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Titania''s Command', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Ram Through', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Hour of Promise', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Wonder', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Dread Statuary', 'Wall of Blood', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Magister of Worth', 'Curious Pair', 'True Believer', 'Pilfer', 'Worthy Knight', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Not of This World', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Mantis Rider', 'Soul Shatter', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Font of Fertility', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Umara Wizard', 'Jokulhaups', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Trade Routes', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Plague Beetle', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Abiding Grace', 'Blessed Breath', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Vesperlark', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Dread Presence', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Cleric Class', 'Platinum Angel', 'Orchard Strider', 'Worm Harvest', 'Notion Thief', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Frogmite', 'Trickbind', 'Honored Hydra', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Artful Dodge', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Village Messenger', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Legion Angel', 'Ulcerate', 'Fertile Ground', 'Fight as One', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Searing Spear', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Twinferno', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Essence Scatter', 'Bone Saw', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Serra Avenger', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Go for Blood', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Tome Scour', 'Planar Ally', 'Time of Need', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Voidslime', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Fog', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Circular Logic', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Dovin Baan', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Condescend', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Sky Terror', 'Deprive', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Palace Siege', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Keep Safe', 'Endless Detour', 'Spectral Shift', 'Bone Dragon', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Sunscour', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Centaur Garden', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Lose Focus', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Late to Dinner', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Mystic Snake', 'Undercity Informer', 'Samite Healer', 'Tempered Steel', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Voltage Surge', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Commune with Nature', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Ivory Tower', 'Lightning Spear', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Terminate', 'Dragonstorm', 'Assault // Battery', 'Waterfront District', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Grim Affliction', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Wander in Death', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Spell Burst', 'Bag of Holding', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Viscera Seer', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Game Trail', 'Obsessive Search', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Brain Maggot', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Giant Killer', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Patch Up', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Fevered Visions', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Bant Charm', 'Groundbreaker', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Curse of Silence', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Balefire Liege', 'Grave Titan', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'False Summoning', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Expedite', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Think Twice', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Vault Skirge', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Nether Spirit', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Arc Trail', 'Choked Estuary', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Shared Discovery', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Jackal Pup', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Ominous Seas', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Karmic Guide', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Needle Drop', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Wargate', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Simic Charm', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Pain Seer', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Groundswell', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Neutralize', 'Audacity', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Overrun', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Worship', 'Vivid Creek', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Stony Silence', 'Quicksand', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Choking Sands', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Spark Elemental', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Exclude', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Damn', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Strike It Rich', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'River Serpent', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Leather Armor', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Epochrasite', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Terastodon', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Pillage', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Venerable Monk', 'Regal Force', 'Hellrider', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Ashen Rider', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Ossification', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Duress', 'Spare Supplies', 'Vexing Devil', 'Tear Asunder', 'Disfigure', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Cystbearer', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Seething Song', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Murderous Cut', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Flame Slash', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Annex Sentry', 'Fiery Justice', 'Commune with Lava', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Virus Beetle', 'Last Stand', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Countersquall', 'Burnished Hart', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Primal Order', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Circuit Mender', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Bring the Ending', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Control Magic', 'Stun Sniper', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Supreme Will', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Quickling', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Restore Balance', 'Norin the Wary', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Codex Shredder', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Vision Skeins', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Sen Triplets', 'Invigorate', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Into the Story', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Renewed Faith', 'Student of Warfare', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Raging Goblin', 'Lightning Rift', 'Gods Willing', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Sleep', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Painful Truths', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Meddling Mage', 'Scattered Groves', 'Atog', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Network Disruptor', 'Treasure Mage', 'Demonic Dread', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Check for Traps', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Silver Knight', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Condemn', 'Blood Artist', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Silence', 'Startling Development', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Sin Prodder', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Rift Bolt', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Guild Globe', 'Cruel Reality', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Seal of Removal', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Trinket Mage', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Glamerdye', 'Detention Sphere', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Spider Umbra', 'Putrefy', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Chatterstorm', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Steel Overseer', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Light Up the Night', 'Desecration Demon', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Forever Young', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Weird Harvest', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Barren Moor', 'Ornithopter', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Regrowth', 'Troll Ascetic', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Sorin Markov', 'Frost Titan', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Auramancer', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Fabricate', 'Nest Robber', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Undead Augur', 'Memorial to War', 'Banefire', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Painful Quandary', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Terrarion', 'Essence Flux', 'Story Circle', 'Fallow Earth', 'Profane Procession', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Tragic Poet', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Blazing Specter', 'Temple of Malice', 'Shard Volley', 'The Celestus', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Spirit Link', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Primal Amulet', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Rotting Rats', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Needle Spires', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Slitherhead', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Costly Plunder', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Valley Dasher', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Larger Than Life', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Field Marshal', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Dawn Charm', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Universal Automaton', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Chitterspitter', 'Creeping Chill', 'Mindcrank', 'Ruin Crab', 'Coalition Relic', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Soul Warden', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Salvage Titan', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Path of Discovery', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Sylvan Library', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Glorybringer', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Hard Evidence', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Elvish Champion', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Harmonize', 'Longbow Archer', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Privileged Position', 'Soulflayer', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Cover of Winter', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Ultimate Price', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Shock', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Black Knight', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Drannith Healer', 'Strategic Planning', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Rust Goliath', 'Halimar Depths', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Waker of Waves', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Blighted Agent', 'Rampant Growth', 'Second Wind', 'Cult Conscript', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Persecute', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Dispel', 'Haunted Dead', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Gruul Signet', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Shred Memory', 'Spectral Procession', 'Grapeshot', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Mission Briefing', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Death Baron', 'Bushwhack', 'Goldhound', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Recoup', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Drake Haven', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Offalsnout', 'Graven Cairns', 'Gather the Pack', 'Experimental Augury', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Dimir Charm', 'Infuriate', 'Viridian Revel', 'Mindslaver', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Dovescape', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Assault Strobe', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Fell Stinger', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Zof Consumption', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Brute Suit', 'Upheaval', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Palinchron', 'Purify the Grave', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Sonic Burst', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Magma Spray', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Glistener Elf', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Cloudpost', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Mortify', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Risk Factor', 'Midnight Clock', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Shambling Shell', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Gust of Wind', 'Nobilis of War', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Assault Formation', 'Dread Return', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Boom // Bust', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Frost Marsh', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Bring to Light', 'Domri Rade', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Consume the Meek', 'Lightning Strike', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Fire Diamond', 'Oust', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Quicken', 'Slagstorm', 'Simian Sling', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Sol Talisman', 'Dead Weight', 'Fatestitcher', 'Viral Drake', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Rot Wolf', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Tomb Robber', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'The Scorpion God', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Brute Force', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Canyon Slough', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Nekrataal', 'Plated Geopede', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Reason // Believe', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'The Antiquities War', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Restoration Angel', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Serum Snare', 'March from the Tomb', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Reality Heist', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Cut Down', 'Go for the Throat', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Wing Shards', 'Noxious Assault', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Angel of Despair', 'Reaper King', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Divest', 'Turn // Burn', 'Smallpox', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Revoke Existence', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Compulsive Research', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Fetid Pools', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Skull Fracture', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Dark Petition', 'Hit // Run', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Infectious Bite', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Verdant Command', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Change the Equation', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Ruin Raider', 'Kami of False Hope', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Myr Superion', 'Tangled Islet', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Defiant Strike', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Disenchant', 'Myr Welder', 'Animate Dead', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Highland Lake', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Esper Charm', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Dead // Gone', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Ichorid', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Seal of Fire', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Army of the Damned', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Monoskelion', 'Complicate', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Wilt', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Soul Snare', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Dissolve', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Burst Lightning'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 130.7, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (72.9 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Kami of Transience', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Blind Obedience', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Lose Focus', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Damn', 'Bonesplitter', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Quarantine Field', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Urban Evolution', 'Rust Goliath', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Hornet Queen', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Gust of Wind', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Umara Mystic', 'Seal of Removal', 'Desolation Twin', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Glamerdye', 'Infectious Bite', 'Might of Oaks', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Saproling Burst', 'Siege Rhino', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Gingerbrute', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Fume Spitter', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Ominous Seas', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Obsessive Search', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Easy Prey', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Gavony Township', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Gruul Turf', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Frost Titan', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Second Wind', 'Howling Mine', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Greenseeker', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Fallow Earth', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Glorybringer', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Blessed Breath', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Reconstruction', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Guided Passage', 'Reason // Believe', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Burnished Hart', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Twinferno', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Web of Inertia', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Into the Wilds', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Maze Rusher', 'Primal Amulet', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Fumigate', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Commune with Lava', 'Gideon Jura', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'White Knight', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Magma Spray', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Squadron Hawk', 'War Falcon', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Shred Memory', 'Ruin Raider', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Boom // Bust', 'Esper Charm', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Rune of Might', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Sins of the Past', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Bad River', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Fevered Visions', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Flood Plain', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Dark Ritual', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Frontline Medic', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Vector Asp', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Thran Portal', 'Bump in the Night', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Ram Through', 'Wildfire', 'Wonder', 'Forbid', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Become Immense', 'Treasure Mage', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Frost Walker', 'Needle Spires', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Temple of Malady', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Plague Stinger', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Reveillark', 'Willow Geist', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Abiding Grace', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Braingeyser', 'Stave Off', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Farseek', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Dread Return', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Dryad Militant', 'Wily Goblin', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Highland Lake', 'Leonin Bola', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Exclude', 'Harm''s Way', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Overrun', 'Maze''s End', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Dread Presence', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Path of Discovery', 'Mortify', 'Clear the Mind', 'Rise // Fall', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Primal Might', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Natural State', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Curiosity', 'Banefire', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Expedite', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Moment of Craving', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Rags // Riches', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Sudden Edict', 'Lightning Rift', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Mantis Rider', 'River of Tears', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Universal Automaton', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Auramancer', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Gird for Battle', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Rewind', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Simic Charm', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Obscura Charm', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Stun Sniper', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Compulsive Research', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Training Grounds', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Upheaval', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Reap and Sow', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Pick the Brain', 'Nobilis of War', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Crack the Earth', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Prohibit', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Tangle', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Tail Swipe', 'Soulflayer', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Return to Dust', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Sky Hussar', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Rule of Law', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Orchard Strider', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Cremate', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Tithe Taker', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Devil''s Play', 'Languish', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Memory Leak', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Angel of Despair', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Fight as One', 'Molten Rain', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Mortarpod', 'Gruul Charm', 'Possibility Storm', 'Crab Umbra', 'The Scorpion God', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Turnabout', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Daring Thief', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Spare Supplies', 'Dream Trawler', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Fertile Ground', 'Calciform Pools', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Bone Saw', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Dragonstorm', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Assault // Battery', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Turn // Burn', 'Seething Song', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Worship', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Master of Death', 'Thran Vigil', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Opulent Palace', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Font of Fertility', 'Light the Way', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Check for Traps', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Network Disruptor', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Hedron Archive', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Brood Birthing', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Dispel', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Void Snare', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Curse of Silence', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Barren Moor', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Fade from Memory', 'Terrarion', 'Nether Traitor', 'Runic Shot', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Hit // Run', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Restore Balance', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Pandemonium', 'Silundi Vision', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Combat Courier', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Pilfer', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Sultai Charm', 'Graven Cairns', 'Minor Misstep', 'Wild Defiance', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Wrench Mind', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Primal Surge', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Nest Robber', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Change the Equation', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Browbeat', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Defabricate', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Word of Undoing', 'Reckless Rage', 'Doom Blade', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Brain Freeze', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Bring the Ending', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Boros Elite', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Demonic Dread', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Joint Exploration', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Wastes', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Coalition Relic', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Runed Halo', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Increasing Ambition', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Astral Slide', 'Blighted Agent', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Hateflayer', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Mutilate', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Foundry Helix', 'Infuriate', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Leather Armor', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Mana Tithe', 'Fire Diamond', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Talus Paladin', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Costly Plunder', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Experiment One', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Carrion Wall', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Radiant Flames', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Incendiary Command', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Myr Servitor', 'Treasure Map', 'Consume the Meek', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Ossification', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Cruel Reality', 'Tree of Tales', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Bring to Light', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Viridian Revel', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Raging Ravine', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Aether Adept', 'Wavesifter', 'Waterfront District', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Fists of Flame', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Timeless Witness', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Protean Hulk', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Akki Ronin', 'Mana Leak', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Pyroclasm', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Driven // Despair', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Fetid Heath', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Privileged Position', 'Zuran Orb', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Psychic Strike', 'Disallow', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Big Score', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Second Sunrise', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Arc Trail', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Spark Spray', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Giant Killer', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Death Baron', 'Condescend', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Chain Lightning', 'Chance Encounter', 'Time of Need', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Riftsweeper', 'Myr Superion', 'Smiting Helix', 'Wight', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Strike It Rich', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Kavu Predator', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Anticipate', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Spirit Link', 'Blazing Archon', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Evil Twin', 'Last Stand', 'Ash Zealot', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Biovisionary', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Distortion Strike', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Elvish Champion', 'Mobilized District', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Lingering Souls', 'Cult Conscript', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Ground Seal', 'Bile Blight', 'Solemnity', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Silverquill Command', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Haze of Rage', 'The Celestus', 'Ornithopter', 'Experimental Augury', 'Drannith Healer', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Jackal Pup', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Lightning Spear', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Spell Burst', 'Glint Hawk', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Blightning', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Impulse', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Read the Bones', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Force of Virtue', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Cover of Winter', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Shambling Shell', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Recoup', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Psychatog', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Out of Time', 'Buried Alive', 'Skylasher', 'The Modern Age', 'Rune Snag', 'Offalsnout', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Identity Crisis', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Molten Tributary', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Unsummon', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Vigor', 'Reflector Mage', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Pain Seer', 'Scurry Oak', 'Radiant Grove', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Castigate', 'Restoration Angel', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Blessed Alliance', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Colossification', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Goldhound', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Quicksand', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Ally Encampment', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Reanimate', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Regal Force', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Dire Tactics', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Dive Down', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Wrath of God', 'Blood Knight', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Threats Undetected', 'Dreamstealer', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Staggershock', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Needle Drop', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Tangled Islet', 'Twiddle', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Explore', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Overgrowth', 'Sleep', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Trickbind', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Primal Beyond', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Blight Mamba', 'Circular Logic', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Haunted Mire', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Weird Harvest', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Vampiric Link', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Twincast', 'Architects of Will', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Altered Ego', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Buried Ruin', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Snapback', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Crux of Fate', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Sterling Grove', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Stain the Mind', 'Flooded Grove', 'Brute Force', 'Demolition Field', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Chronomaton', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Always Watching', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'High Tide', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Centaur Garden', 'Precinct Captain', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Power Sink', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Heartfire', 'Halo Scarab', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Cleric Class', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Peek', 'Canyon Slough', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Patch Up', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Putrid Leech', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Savage Lands', 'Spectral Procession', 'Silent Departure', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Mirrorweave', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Risk Factor', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Viral Drake', 'Maestros Theater', 'Jace Beleren', 'Polymorph', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Voidslime', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Generous Patron', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Soul Warden', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Omenspeaker', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Dovin Baan', 'Guild Globe', 'Silver Knight', 'Spell Snuff', 'Heartless Act', 'Child of Night', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'River Serpent', 'Soul Shatter', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Master Biomancer', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Rift Sower', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Sarcomancy', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Mana Cylix', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Chatterstorm', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Day of Judgment', 'Victim of Night', 'Bog Wraith', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Fiery Justice', 'Dread Statuary', 'Terminus', 'Plated Geopede', 'Primal Command', 'Burst Lightning', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Vivid Crag', 'Memory Lapse', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Destroy Evil', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Port Town', 'Brokers Charm', 'Corrupt', 'Price of Progress', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Caldera Lake', 'Neutralize', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Gigadrowse', 'Power Depot', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Kor Duelist', 'Duress', 'Essence Scatter', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Sonic Burst', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Putrefy', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'It That Betrays', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Greater Good', 'Wilt', 'Gruul Signet', 'Boomerang', 'Essence Flux', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Lone Rider', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Oust', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Battle Screech', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Chitterspitter', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Molten Blast', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Triskelion', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Black Knight', 'Memnarch', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Thought Scour', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Mindcrank', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Wall of Omens', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Ivory Tower', 'Alpha Authority', 'Sin Prodder', 'Ionize', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Psychic Possession', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Dimir Charm', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Viscera Seer', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Venerable Monk', 'Utter End', 'Desecration Demon', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Exploding Borders', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Battle of Wits', 'Vendetta', 'Complicate', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Winged Portent', 'Graf Harvest', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Pelt Collector', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Stream of Life', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Combat Thresher', 'Spirited Companion', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Incinerate', 'Forked Bolt', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Fortified Village', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Flame Slash', 'Planar Bridge', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Remove Soul', 'Baffling End', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Recommission', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Aetherling', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Electrolyze', 'Undercity Informer', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Kher Keep', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Vapor Snag', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Goblin Matron', 'Spell Pierce', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Prismari Campus', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Vindicate', 'Halo Forager', 'Vesperlark', 'Aqueous Form', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Jund Charm', 'Infest', 'Shivan Reef', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Cease-Fire', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Urban Utopia', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Golden Demise', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Not of This World', 'Palinchron', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Boros Recruit', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Azorius Charm', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Icehide Golem', 'Liliana Vess', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Brain Maggot', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Carnophage', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Render Silent', 'Queen of Ice', 'Bone Shards', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Magma Jet', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Keep Safe', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Repeal', 'Blade Splicer', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Haunted Dead', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Dispatch', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Flame Javelin', 'Light Up the Night', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Forced Fruition', 'Containment Construct', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Hard Evidence', 'Longbow Archer', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Cut Down', 'Catch // Release', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Fated Retribution', 'Vandalblast', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Wargate', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Endbringer', 'Mind Spring', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Revitalize', 'Deprive', 'Boros Signet', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Fell Stinger', 'Riddleform', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Children of Korlis', 'Carth the Lion', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Time Sieve', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Slip Through Space', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Morselhoarder', 'Voltage Surge', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Etched Champion', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Steel Overseer', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Epochrasite', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Disfigure', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Banisher Priest', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Sky Terror', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Rob the Archives', 'Persecute', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Endless Detour', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Into the Roil', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Lizard Blades', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Startling Development', 'Into the Story', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Grim Affliction', 'Vault Skirge', 'Mulch', 'Xorn', 'Salvage Titan', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Witching Well', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Tribal Flames', 'Night Clubber', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Ponder', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Reaper King', 'Dawn Charm', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Geistflame', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Frost Marsh', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Rebuild', 'Bag of Holding', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Thragtusk', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Larger Than Life', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Spider Umbra', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Rot Wolf', 'Ball Lightning', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Cankerbloom', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Army of the Damned', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Sunscour', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Augury Owl', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Wall of Blood', 'Celestial Flare', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Hellrider', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Shared Discovery', 'Worm Harvest', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Commune with Nature', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Massacre Girl', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Favorable Winds', 'Grand Architect', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Plague Beetle', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Choked Estuary', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Dead Weight', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Force of Rage', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Collateral Damage', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Profane Procession', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Temple of Silence', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Go for the Throat', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Shredded Sails', 'Rotting Rats', 'Death Cloud', 'Verdant Command', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Primal Order', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Scattered Groves', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Curious Pair', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Chittering Rats', 'Bond of Insight', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Seasons Past', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Glorious Protector', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Nekrataal', 'Profane Command', 'Story Circle', 'Telepathy', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Putrid Imp', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Setessan Champion', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Forever Young', 'Blood Seeker', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Krosan Grip', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Titania''s Command', 'Far // Away', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Necrogoyf', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Silence', 'Volt Charge', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Soul Snare', 'Dissolve', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Undead Augur', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Fling', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Endless Horizons', 'Spawning Breath', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Angel of Grace', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Meddling Mage', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Reality Heist', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Aria of Flame', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Audacity', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Undying Evil', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Hypergenesis', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Ashen Rider', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Mirror Entity', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Deny Reality', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Slaughter Games', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Twinflame', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Defiant Strike', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Obliterate', 'Enlarge', 'Vexing Devil', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Acidic Slime', 'Brave the Elements', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Court Homunculus', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Tome Scour', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Legion Angel', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Creeping Chill', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Weirding Wood', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Valley Dasher', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Ichorid', 'Ruin Crab', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Pillage', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Generous Visitor', 'Serra Avenger', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Banish into Fable', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Circuit Mender', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Soul Diviner', 'Monoskelion', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Light of Hope', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Umara Wizard', 'Terminal Agony', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Fog', 'Memoricide', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Unwind', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Dockside Chef', 'Shock', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Vivid Grove', 'Ulcerate', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Magister of Worth', 'Insolent Neonate', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'All That Glitters', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Tribute Mage', 'Tempered Steel', 'Dimir Signet', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Rise and Shine', 'Platinum Angel', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Quickling', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Necroplasm', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Quicken', 'True Believer', 'Spark Elemental', 'Trinket Mage', 'Blood Artist', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Marble Diamond', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Munitions Expert', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Mulldrifter', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Bushwhack', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Fatestitcher', 'Supreme Will', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Rift Bolt', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Detention Sphere', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Isolate', 'Frogmite', 'Terastodon', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Worthy Knight', 'Utopia Tree', 'Season of Growth', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Fertilid', 'Standing Troops', 'Codex Shredder', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Wander in Death', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Double Vision', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Narcomoeba', 'Festival Crasher', 'Ultimate Price', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Opt', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Tragic Poet', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Commit // Memory', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Never // Return', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Glistener Elf', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Purify the Grave', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Giant Growth', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Harmonize', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Bridge from Below', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Cloudblazer', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Trade Routes', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Jade Mage', 'Call of the Herd', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Spore Frog', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Mana Flare', 'Plow Under', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Secret Plans', 'Kabira Takedown', 'The Antiquities War', 'Crash Through', 'Tramway Station', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Countersquall', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Endless One', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Plunder', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Spectral Shift', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Draconic Roar', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Séance', 'Murderous Cut', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Boros Garrison', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Seed of Hope', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Megrim', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Unholy Heat', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Abzan Charm', 'Micromancer', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Dovescape', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Staff of Domination', 'Noxious Assault', 'Cultivate', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Mission Briefing', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Hostage Taker', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Soaring Drake', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Hour of Promise', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Banishing Slash', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Sky Scourer', 'Shambling Vent', 'Evacuation', 'Artful Dodge', 'Renewed Faith', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Vivid Creek', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Stone Rain', 'Regrowth', 'Scarab Feast', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Wing Shards', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Perilous Vault', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Sol Talisman', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Distress', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Skull Fracture', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'March from the Tomb', 'Student of Warfare', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Lucky Clover', 'Tarfire', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Realm Razer', 'Just the Wind', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Firebolt', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Stony Silence', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Future Sight', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Annex Sentry', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Master of Etherium', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Braid of Fire', 'Nether Spirit', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Doom Foretold', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Wild Cantor', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Primal Bellow', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Step Through', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Waker of Waves', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Strategic Planning', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Genesis', 'Mystic Snake', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Fetid Pools', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Shardless Agent', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Go for Blood', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Lodestone Golem', 'False Summoning', 'Traumatize', 'Animating Faerie', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Dead of Winter', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Corpse Cur', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Filigree Sages', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Chief Engineer', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Stern Lesson', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Crackling Doom', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Of One Mind', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Dark Petition', 'Control Magic', 'Den Protector', 'Searing Spear', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Zof Consumption', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Mindslaver', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Cystbearer', 'Tragic Slip', 'Rampant Growth', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Midnight Clock', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Temple of Malice', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Grave Titan', 'Flame Rift', 'Lost Legacy', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Arbor Elf', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Invigorate', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Argentum Armor', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Terminate', 'Mana Bloom', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Stasis Snare', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Champion of Wits', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Trading Post', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Cloudpost', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Clawing Torment', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Sin Collector', 'Sen Triplets', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Bolt Hound', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Groundbreaker', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Frantic Search', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Undercover Operative', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Late to Dinner', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Dark Salvation', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Samite Healer', 'Atog', 'Azorius Signet', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Field Marshal', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Fast // Furious', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Glittering Wish', 'Painful Quandary', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Karmic Guide', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Brave the Sands', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Guardian Idol', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Fiery Temper', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Negate', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Drake Haven', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Disenchant', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Unburial Rites', 'Collective Defiance', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Mind Rake', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Raging Goblin', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Despise', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Flame Blitz', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Golgari Charm', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Domri Rade', 'Relic Axe', 'Smallpox', 'Perilous Research', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Animation Module', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Golden Egg', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Devastating Summons', 'Gather the Pack', 'Dig Up', 'Aetherspouts', 'Condemn', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Glimmerpost', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Darkblast', 'Cathedral of War', 'Lightning Strike', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Zenith Flare', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Knight of Glory', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Sorin Markov', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Village Messenger', 'Genesis Wave', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Reckless Charge', 'Lightning Axe', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Blessed Respite', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Memorial to War', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Virus Beetle', 'Recross the Paths', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Breakthrough', 'Energy Refractor', 'Tear Asunder', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Halimar Depths', 'Decree of Justice', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Cling to Dust', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Devoted Druid', 'Shriekmaw', 'Putrefax', 'Gutterbones', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Shard Volley', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Collective Effort', 'Stitch in Time', 'Froghemoth', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Revoke Existence', 'Grapeshot', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'The Seedcore', 'Gods Willing', 'Archaeomancer', 'Game Trail', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Groundswell', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Heap Doll', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Myr Welder', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Planar Ally', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Assault Strobe', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Deep Analysis', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Fabricate', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Simian Sling', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Balefire Liege', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Think Twice', 'Izzet Charm', 'Vision Skeins', 'Slitherhead', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Scute Mob', 'Seal of Fire', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Quag Vampires', 'Nevermore', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Tentative Connection', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Fierce Empath', 'Notion Thief', 'Void', 'Doomskar', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Dead // Gone', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Lashwrithe', 'Bone Dragon', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Pack Rat', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Myth Realized', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Brainstone', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Cloudshift', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Assault Formation', 'Abundant Growth', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Jokulhaups', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Shore Up', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Norin the Wary', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Canopy Vista', 'Deafening Clarion', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Palace Siege', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Withered Wretch', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Sylvan Library', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Blackmail', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Astral Drift', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Honored Hydra', 'Divest', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Brute Suit', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Blood Lust', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Serum Snare', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Wood Elves', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Slagstorm', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Ral Zarek', 'Animate Dead', 'Bant Charm', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Painful Truths', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Choking Sands', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Tomb Robber', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Blazing Specter', 'Sign in Blood', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Seismic Assault', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Combat Research', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Through the Breach', 'Venerable Knight', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Trade Secrets', 'Fecundity', 'Footfall Crater', 'Reckless Waif', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Tombstalker', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Sickening Dreams'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 72.9, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (4403.0 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Wild Cantor', 'Bond of Insight', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Harm''s Way', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Second Wind', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Shore Up', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Offalsnout', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Kavu Predator', 'Ashen Rider', 'Ally Encampment', 'Anticipate', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Pilfer', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Slitherhead', 'Wight', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Master of Death', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Dive Down', 'Energy Refractor', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Go for the Throat', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Renewed Faith', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Twinferno', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Gavony Township', 'Lost Legacy', 'Collateral Damage', 'Dragonstorm', 'Astral Slide', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Molten Tributary', 'Spectral Procession', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Collective Defiance', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Essence Flux', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Temple of Malice', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Reality Heist', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Far // Away', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Workshop Warchief', 'White Knight', 'Leonin Bola', 'Realm Razer', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Demolition Field', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Second Sunrise', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Halo Forager', 'Power Depot', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Spectral Shift', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Browbeat', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Fertilid', 'Assault // Battery', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Tail Swipe', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Blood Knight', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Grave Titan', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Goldhound', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Simic Charm', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Tome Scour', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Quickling', 'Sol Talisman', 'Mortify', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Into the Wilds', 'Control Magic', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Army of the Damned', 'Memory Leak', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Undead Augur', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Dryad Militant', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Pick the Brain', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Gods Willing', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Twincast', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Perilous Research', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Countersquall', 'Ruin Raider', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Port Town', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Shambling Vent', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Crash Through', 'Bonesplitter', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Pelt Collector', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Bolt Hound', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Undying Evil', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Unsummon', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Thragtusk', 'Plated Geopede', 'Withered Wretch', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Oust', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Glamerdye', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Gird for Battle', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Pillage', 'Crack the Earth', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Utter End', 'Brave the Elements', 'Arc Trail', 'Atog', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Viral Drake', 'Primal Amulet', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Wander in Death', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Bag of Holding', 'Dark Salvation', 'Master of Etherium', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Vapor Snag', 'Think Twice', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Terminal Agony', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Balefire Liege', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Tragic Poet', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Fast // Furious', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Riddleform', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Flame Blitz', 'Bring the Ending', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Stasis Snare', 'Larger Than Life', 'Radiant Flames', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Banefire', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Silver Knight', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Giant Growth', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Worthy Knight', 'Unburial Rites', 'Urban Evolution', 'Of One Mind', 'Repeal', 'Epochrasite', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Centaur Garden', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Mortarpod', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Mobilized District', 'Putrid Imp', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Deprive', 'Cystbearer', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Calciform Pools', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Mana Cylix', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Abiding Grace', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Trinket Mage', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Domri Rade', 'Halo Scarab', 'Ultimate Price', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Cloudblazer', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Commune with Nature', 'Primal Might', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Mirrorweave', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Fetid Heath', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Regal Force', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Séance', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Planar Bridge', 'Talus Paladin', 'Scurry Oak', 'Time Sieve', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Glimmerpost', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Dovin Baan', 'Prismari Campus', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Aether Adept', 'Game Trail', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Shriekmaw', 'Endless Detour', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Knight of Glory', 'Samite Healer', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Spark Elemental', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Venerable Knight', 'Slip Through Space', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Never // Return', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Sign in Blood', 'Staff of Domination', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Treasure Map', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Neutralize', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Training Grounds', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Cremate', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Myr Servitor', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Containment Construct', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Reflector Mage', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Font of Fertility', 'Planar Ally', 'Serum Snare', 'Battle Screech', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Brain Freeze', 'Mindslaver', 'Wargate', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Notion Thief', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Rob the Archives', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Runic Shot', 'Turnabout', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Dawn Charm', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Children of Korlis', 'Wildfire', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Patch Up', 'Temple of Silence', 'Wrench Mind', 'Groundswell', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Glittering Wish', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Driven // Despair', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Ruin Crab', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Choked Estuary', 'Raging Ravine', 'Skull of Orm', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Exclude', 'Dispatch', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Flame Javelin', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Baffling End', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Waker of Waves', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Distress', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Restoration Angel', 'False Summoning', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Rift Bolt', 'Fog', 'Shardless Agent', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Glorious Protector', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Fiery Justice', 'Endbringer', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Rot Wolf', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Mana Flare', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Aetherling', 'Ornithopter', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Detention Sphere', 'Glorybringer', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Searing Spear', 'Terastodon', 'Gruul Turf', 'Haunted Mire', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Quicken', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Upheaval', 'Greenseeker', 'Lightning Axe', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Rise and Shine', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Frogmite', 'Aetherspouts', 'Mulldrifter', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Lucky Clover', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Reaper King', 'Threats Undetected', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Devastating Summons', 'Slagstorm', 'Lightning Spear', 'Combat Courier', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Saproling Burst', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Plunder', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Generous Visitor', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Stony Silence', 'Chitterspitter', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Strategic Planning', 'Reckless Charge', 'Blood Artist', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Fetid Pools', 'Artful Dodge', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Battle of Wits', 'Chain Lightning', 'Primal Beyond', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Astral Drift', 'Blood Lust', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Viscera Seer', 'Zuran Orb', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Grand Architect', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Crackling Doom', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Genesis', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Stun Sniper', 'Terrarion', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Divest', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Intervention Pact', 'Costly Plunder', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Frost Titan', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Recommission', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Seismic Assault', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Seal of Removal', 'Drannith Healer', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Lose Focus', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Riftsweeper', 'Argentum Armor', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Augury Owl', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Infuriate', 'Destroy Evil', 'Abundant Growth', 'Aqueous Form', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Nobilis of War', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Negate', 'Gutterbones', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Impulse', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Enlarge', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Light the Way', 'Clear the Mind', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Sin Prodder', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Forked Bolt', 'Acidic Slime', 'Myth Realized', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Animating Faerie', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Telepathy', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Maestros Theater', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Cruel Reality', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Tangled Islet', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Barren Moor', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Frost Marsh', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'River Serpent', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Frontline Medic', 'Bone Shards', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Harmonize', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'All That Glitters', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Fight as One', 'Cleric Class', 'Rampant Growth', 'Sudden Edict', 'Sorin Markov', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Soul Snare', 'Blazing Specter', 'Trade Routes', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Recross the Paths', 'Utopia Tree', 'Hard Evidence', 'Sterling Grove', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Grim Affliction', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Slaughter Games', 'Golden Demise', 'Deny Reality', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Shared Discovery', 'Gust of Wind', 'Sonic Burst', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Cult Conscript', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Boros Recruit', 'Micromancer', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Primal Command', 'Mystic Snake', 'Power Sink', 'Noxious Assault', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Flame Rift', 'The Scorpion God', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Spawning Breath', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Defiant Strike', 'Cease-Fire', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Lingering Souls', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Tempered Steel', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Myr Welder', 'Painful Truths', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Umara Mystic', 'March from the Tomb', 'Word of Undoing', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Shred Memory', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Read the Bones', 'Buried Ruin', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Bant Charm', 'Maze''s End', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Needle Spires', 'Devoted Druid', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Grasslands', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Champion of Wits', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Hypergenesis', 'Combat Research', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Banish into Fable', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Fated Retribution', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Highland Lake', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Buried Alive', 'Hateflayer', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Might of Oaks', 'Burst Lightning', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Haze of Rage', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Elvish Champion', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Flooded Grove', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Snapback', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Desecration Demon', 'Braid of Fire', 'Vendetta', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Compulsive Research', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Magister of Worth', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Meddling Mage', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Regrowth', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Draconic Roar', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Mana Tithe', 'Salvage Titan', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Narcomoeba', 'Isolate', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Into the Story', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Blight Mamba', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Leather Armor', 'Assault Strobe', 'Brute Force', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Jace Beleren', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Invigorate', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Spark Spray', 'Crux of Fate', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Change the Equation', 'Foundry Helix', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Wrath of God', 'Tree of Tales', 'Molten Rain', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Forever Young', 'Stream of Life', 'Weird Harvest', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Voidslime', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Ivory Tower', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Rewind', 'Supreme Will', 'Zof Consumption', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Queen of Ice', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Rift Sower', 'Ash Zealot', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Frost Walker', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Dead of Winter', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Gruul Signet', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Check for Traps', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Jackal Pup', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Flood Plain', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Quicksand', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Bridge from Below', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Maze Rusher', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Brain Maggot', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Reckless Waif', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Silence', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Force of Rage', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Needle Drop', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Into the Roil', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Doom Blade', 'Ominous Seas', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'It That Betrays', 'Primal Surge', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Rune Snag', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Tramway Station', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Hit // Run', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Radiant Grove', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Dockside Chef', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Audacity', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Stern Lesson', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Raging Goblin', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Tombstalker', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Festival Crasher', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Rags // Riches', 'Bushwhack', 'Expedite', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Wavesifter', 'War Falcon', 'Victim of Night', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Obsessive Search', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Putrid Leech', 'Universal Automaton', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Cloudpost', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Nest Robber', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Twiddle', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Pyroclasm', 'Celestial Flare', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Fertile Ground', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Dead Weight', 'Wilt', 'Archaeomancer', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'High Tide', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Bog Wraith', 'Shard Volley', 'Shredded Sails', 'Rust Goliath', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Graf Harvest', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Forbid', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Hellrider', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Sarcomancy', 'Cultivate', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Network Disruptor', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Seed of Hope', 'Easy Prey', 'Duress', 'Megrim', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Smiting Helix', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Murderous Cut', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Guided Passage', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Serra Avenger', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Black Knight', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Fume Spitter', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Putrefy', 'Reap and Sow', 'Farseek', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Relic Axe', 'Flame Slash', 'Circuit Mender', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Heap Doll', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Dark Petition', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Sins of the Past', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Legion Angel', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Mana Leak', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Nether Traitor', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Animation Module', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Ossification', 'Banishing Slash', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Myr Superion', 'Gideon Jura', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Vesperlark', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Trade Secrets', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Wall of Blood', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Spell Burst', 'Temple of Malady', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'The Modern Age', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Icehide Golem', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Steel Overseer', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Glint Hawk', 'Gingerbrute', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Vivid Crag', 'Rebuild', 'Breakthrough', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Field Marshal', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Obliterate', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Mana Bloom', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Seal from Existence', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Force of Virtue', 'Overgrowth', 'Skylasher', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Revitalize', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Cling to Dust', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Umara Wizard', 'Froghemoth', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Tithe Taker', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Perilous Vault', 'Dimir Charm', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Condemn', 'Overrun', 'Siege Rhino', 'Dread Statuary', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Fierce Empath', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Dovescape', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Codex Shredder', 'Death Cloud', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Turn // Burn', 'Disenchant', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Sin Collector', 'Bile Blight', 'Recoup', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Guild Globe', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Putrefax', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Brave the Sands', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Trading Post', 'Languish', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Seething Song', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Canyon Slough', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Possibility Storm', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Lone Rider', 'Haunted Dead', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Village Messenger', 'Chief Engineer', 'Reanimate', 'Sky Scourer', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Wonder', 'Consume the Meek', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Endless Horizons', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Vision Skeins', 'Ray of Revelation', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Urban Utopia', 'Lightning Strike', 'Psychic Possession', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Hostage Taker', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Seal of Fire', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Profane Procession', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Demonic Dread', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Fevered Visions', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Blood Seeker', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Dig Up', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Arbor Elf', 'Vault Skirge', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Fire Diamond', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Curiosity', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Worm Harvest', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Burnished Hart', 'Guardian Idol', 'Stitch in Time', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Castigate', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Colossification', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Boros Signet', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Scattered Groves', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Dispel', 'Sky Terror', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Soul Warden', 'Soulflayer', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Evil Twin', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Corpse Cur', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Dark Ritual', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Distortion Strike', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Boom // Bust', 'Spell Snuff', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Lashwrithe', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Time of Need', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Midnight Clock', 'Ral Zarek', 'Carnophage', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Reason // Believe', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Blade Splicer', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Reckless Rage', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Evacuation', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Pack Rat', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Nekrataal', 'Volt Charge', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Soaring Drake', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Joint Exploration', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Memorial to War', 'Cloudshift', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Always Watching', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Gigadrowse', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Hornet Queen', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Commune with Lava', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Platinum Angel', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Banisher Priest', 'Fade from Memory', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Wastes', 'Plague Beetle', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Standing Troops', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Desolation Twin', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Deep Analysis', 'Disfigure', 'Drake Haven', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Twinflame', 'Web of Inertia', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Wily Goblin', 'Infectious Bite', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Kami of Transience', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Blessed Breath', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Sleep', 'Dream Trawler', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Polymorph', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Despise', 'Fell Stinger', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Primal Bellow', 'Abzan Charm', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Biovisionary', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Glistener Elf', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Condescend', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Double Vision', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Collective Effort', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Simian Sling', 'Death Baron', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Opulent Palace', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Tragic Slip', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Darkblast', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Story Circle', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Stave Off', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Chronomaton', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Sultai Charm', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Wild Defiance', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Combat Thresher', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Rotting Rats', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Frantic Search', 'Silent Departure', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Palace Siege', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Kher Keep', 'Invasive Surgery', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Chance Encounter', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Primal Order', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Assault Formation', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Honored Hydra', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Necroplasm', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Bring to Light', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Caldera Lake', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Void Snare', 'Disallow', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Natural State', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Hive Mind', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Essence Scatter', 'Mindcrank', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Obscura Charm', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Master Biomancer', 'Groundbreaker', 'Solemnity', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Mind Spring', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Liliana Vess', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Gather the Pack', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Fumigate', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Psychic Strike', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Last Stand', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Skull Fracture', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Lizard Blades', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Walk the Aeons', 'True Believer', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Pandemonium', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Magma Spray', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Carth the Lion', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Devil''s Play', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Giant Killer', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Ulcerate', 'Vigor', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Tarfire', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Become Immense', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Commit // Memory', 'Jokulhaups', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Ball Lightning', 'Bump in the Night', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Memory Lapse', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Angel of Grace', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Spore Frog', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Tomb Robber', 'Defabricate', 'Worship', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Wood Elves', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Dreamstealer', 'The Antiquities War', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Dead // Gone', 'Tribal Flames', 'Plow Under', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Electrolyze', 'Krosan Grip', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Remove Soul', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Vandalblast', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Late to Dinner', 'Experiment One', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Undercover Operative', 'Ichorid', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Generous Patron', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Mirror Entity', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Dread Return', 'Call of the Herd', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Startling Development', 'Brute Suit', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Scute Mob', 'Palinchron', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Vector Asp', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Through the Breach', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Prohibit', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Cover of Winter', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Plague Stinger', 'Vampiric Link', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Akki Ronin', 'Dread Presence', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Ponder', 'Boros Elite', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Experimental Augury', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Necrogoyf', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Monoskelion', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Titania''s Command', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Clawing Torment', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Spell Pierce', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Coalition Relic', 'Ionize', 'Creeping Chill', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Fatestitcher', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Future Sight', 'Angel of Despair', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Filigree Sages', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Curse of Silence', 'Willow Geist', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Corrupt', 'Render Silent', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'The Celestus', 'Quag Vampires', 'Terminate', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Fortified Village', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Doom Foretold', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Terminus', 'Savage Lands', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Pain Seer', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Rune of Might', 'Ram Through', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Spirited Companion', 'Dire Tactics', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Keep Safe', 'Magma Jet', 'Virus Beetle', 'Reveillark', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Opt', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Longbow Archer', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Hedron Archive', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Memnarch', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Zenith Flare', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Fiery Temper', 'Reconstruction', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'River of Tears', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Geistflame', 'Smallpox', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Day of Judgment', 'Jund Charm', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Triskelion', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Traumatize', 'Strike It Rich', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Howling Mine', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Student of Warfare', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'The Seedcore', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Tentative Connection', 'Big Score', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Izzet Charm', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Mind Rake', 'Blind Obedience', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Fists of Flame', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Sky Hussar', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Cathedral of War', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Braingeyser', 'Risk Factor', 'Halimar Depths', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Ground Seal', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Catch // Release', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Karmic Guide', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Scarab Feast', 'Venerable Monk', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Psychatog', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Damn', 'Graven Cairns', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Minor Misstep', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Animate Dead', 'Molten Blast', 'Unwind', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Choking Sands', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Sunscour', 'Trickbind', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Child of Night', 'Hour of Promise', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Brainstone', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Incinerate', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Nevermore', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Mulch', 'Light of Hope', 'Marble Diamond', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Stain the Mind', 'Kor Duelist', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Dissolve', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Explore', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Persecute', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Nether Spirit', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Xorn', 'Viridian Revel', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Unholy Heat', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Firebolt', 'Exploding Borders', 'Fecundity', 'Purify the Grave', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Cut Down', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Goblin Matron', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Silundi Vision', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Wall of Omens', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Night Clubber', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Sylvan Library', 'Staggershock', 'Secret Plans', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Hammerhand', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Heartfire', 'Moment of Craving', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Privileged Position', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Crab Umbra', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Spider Umbra', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Azorius Signet', 'Waterfront District', 'Genesis Wave', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Memoricide', 'Treasure Mage', 'Soul Diviner', 'Vindicate', 'Decree of Justice', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Blessed Respite', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Mutilate', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Canopy Vista', 'Annex Sentry', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Sen Triplets', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Daring Thief', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Lightning Rift', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Void', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Fling', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Vivid Creek', 'Seasons Past', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Footfall Crater', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Vivid Grove', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Gruul Charm', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Shambling Shell', 'Complicate', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Shock', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Den Protector', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Precinct Captain', 'Wing Shards', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Morselhoarder', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Blackmail', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Return to Dust', 'Norin the Wary', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Golgari Charm', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Just the Wind', 'Bad River', 'Setessan Champion', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Witching Well', 'Architects of Will', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Path of Discovery', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Chatterstorm', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Bone Dragon', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Step Through', 'Thran Portal', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Carrion Wall', 'Rule of Law', 'Quirion Dryad', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Stone Rain', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Timeless Witness', 'Painful Quandary', 'Heartless Act', 'Spare Supplies', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Forced Fruition', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Light Up the Night', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Curious Pair', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Undercity Informer', 'Mission Briefing', 'Bone Saw', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Aria of Flame', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Incendiary Command', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Verdant Command', 'Circular Logic', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Spirit Link', 'Blightning', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Orchard Strider', 'Vexing Devil', 'Chittering Rats', 'Identity Crisis', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Altered Ego', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Alpha Authority', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Winged Portent', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Valley Dasher', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Etched Champion', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Greater Good', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Doomskar', 'Restore Balance', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Price of Progress', 'Shivan Reef', 'Azorius Charm', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Out of Time', 'Quarantine Field', 'Fabricate', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Runed Halo', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Boomerang', 'Blazing Archon', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Court Homunculus', 'Voltage Surge', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Rise // Fall', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Favorable Winds', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Silverquill Command', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Weirding Wood', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Infest', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Protean Hulk', 'Munitions Expert', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Omenspeaker', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Peek', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Season of Growth', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Fallow Earth', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Revoke Existence', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Thought Scour', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Grapeshot', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Jade Mage', 'Profane Command', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Brood Birthing', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Nine Lives', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Golden Egg', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Blighted Agent', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Massacre Girl', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Go for Blood', 'Soul Shatter', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Boros Garrison', 'Tear Asunder', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Tribute Mage', 'Endless One', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Esper Charm', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Not of This World', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Thran Vigil', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Tangle', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Mantis Rider', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Brokers Charm', 'Auramancer', 'Dimir Signet', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Cankerbloom', 'Diregraf Ghoul'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 4403.0, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (4420.4 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Maze''s End', 'Exploding Borders', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Ultimate Price', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Dovescape', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Go for Blood', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Geistflame', 'Children of Korlis', 'Siege Rhino', 'Centaur Garden', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Memorial to War', 'Champion of Wits', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Force of Rage', 'Myr Superion', 'Disallow', 'Sin Collector', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Bolt Hound', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Read the Bones', 'Despise', 'Generous Patron', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Braingeyser', 'Shred Memory', 'Boros Elite', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Akki Ronin', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Army of the Damned', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Deep Analysis', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Unburial Rites', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Sorin Markov', 'Dawn Charm', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Ash Zealot', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Exclude', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Worm Harvest', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Heap Doll', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Coalition Relic', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Dark Petition', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Samite Healer', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Ponder', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Dissolve', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Highland Lake', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Turnabout', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Mortify', 'Price of Progress', 'Grave Titan', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Complicate', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Sonic Burst', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Cruel Reality', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Simic Charm', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Wight', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Void Snare', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Howling Mine', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Doomskar', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Spell Snuff', 'Vindicate', 'Soul Diviner', 'Pandemonium', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Into the Roil', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Mana Bloom', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Maestros Theater', 'Grasslands', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Putrefy', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Wrath of God', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Master Biomancer', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'True Believer', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Bushwhack', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Filigree Sages', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Doom Blade', 'Curse of Silence', 'Radiant Flames', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Mind Rake', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Of One Mind', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Ral Zarek', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Azorius Signet', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Bile Blight', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Bring the Ending', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Condemn', 'Tangle', 'Trinket Mage', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Fevered Visions', 'Heartfire', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Tome Scour', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Plague Stinger', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Reason // Believe', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Child of Night', 'Control Magic', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Rune of Might', 'Combat Research', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Froghemoth', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Ornithopter', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Driven // Despair', 'Groundswell', 'Marble Diamond', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Lizard Blades', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Combat Thresher', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Auramancer', 'Undead Augur', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Shared Discovery', 'Spirit Link', 'Dismal Backwater', 'The Celestus', 'Venerable Monk', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Memnarch', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Hard Evidence', 'Angel of Grace', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Reconstruction', 'Braid of Fire', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Infuriate', 'Reveillark', 'Light Up the Night', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Crackling Doom', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Arc Trail', 'Foundry Helix', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Kor Duelist', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Tree of Tales', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Zof Consumption', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Hour of Promise', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Molten Tributary', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Cathedral of War', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Quarantine Field', 'Field Marshal', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Choking Sands', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Haunted Mire', 'Dimir Charm', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Fast // Furious', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Hammerhand', 'Unholy Heat', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Thran Vigil', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Brain Freeze', 'Hellrider', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Unstable Mutation', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Morselhoarder', 'Stave Off', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Nine Lives', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Never // Return', 'Force of Virtue', 'Quickling', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Recross the Paths', 'Seismic Assault', 'Bog Wraith', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Wild Defiance', 'Secret Plans', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Stun Sniper', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Infest', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Mobilized District', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Brute Suit', 'Flame Slash', 'Harm''s Way', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Wargate', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Banefire', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Mana Leak', 'Vector Asp', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Dream Trawler', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Golden Egg', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Commune with Nature', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Mindcrank', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'River of Tears', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Intervention Pact', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Wall of Omens', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Architects of Will', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Serum Snare', 'Hornet Queen', 'Call of the Herd', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Spectral Procession', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Sudden Edict', 'Timeless Witness', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Terminate', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Strategic Planning', 'Master of Death', 'Story Circle', 'Perilous Research', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Haze of Rage', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Battle of Wits', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Circuit Mender', 'Doom Foretold', 'Skylasher', 'Chitterspitter', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Putrefax', 'Slip Through Space', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Firebolt', 'Skull Fracture', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Groundbreaker', 'Breakthrough', 'Fertile Ground', 'Urban Evolution', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Terminal Agony', 'Commit // Memory', 'Sen Triplets', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Demonic Dread', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Spider Umbra', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Profane Procession', 'Hive Mind', 'High Tide', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Dead of Winter', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Brainstone', 'Staff of Domination', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Baffling End', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Hateflayer', 'Balefire Liege', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Future Sight', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Cult Conscript', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Cloudpost', 'Just the Wind', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Astral Drift', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Solemnity', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Upheaval', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Terminus', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Needle Spires', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Stain the Mind', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Primal Order', 'Offalsnout', 'Krosan Grip', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Scurry Oak', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Tentative Connection', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Spore Frog', 'Psychic Strike', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Path of Discovery', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Silent Departure', 'Cankerbloom', 'Primal Beyond', 'Viridian Revel', 'Twincast', 'Bump in the Night', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Annex Sentry', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Disenchant', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Burnished Hart', 'Terrarion', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Training Grounds', 'Boom // Bust', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Shriekmaw', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Knight of Glory', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Munitions Expert', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Treasure Map', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Forbid', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Protean Hulk', 'Sterling Grove', 'Spare Supplies', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Vapor Snag', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Wastes', 'Restoration Angel', 'Mana Flare', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Power Depot', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Biovisionary', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Umara Mystic', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Blightning', 'Twinflame', 'Tithe Taker', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Think Twice', 'Distress', 'Choked Estuary', 'Greenseeker', 'Animate Dead', 'Restore Balance', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Divest', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Duress', 'Rise and Shine', 'Evacuation', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Celestial Flare', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Flame Rift', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Brave the Elements', 'Painful Quandary', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Grim Affliction', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Thought Scour', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Fume Spitter', 'Endbringer', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Scute Mob', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Buried Ruin', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Aqueous Form', 'Moment of Craving', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Shivan Reef', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Twiddle', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Void', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Boomerang', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Triskelion', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Necroplasm', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Neutralize', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Reckless Waif', 'Scarab Feast', 'Notion Thief', 'Genesis Wave', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Augury Owl', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Nether Spirit', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Ram Through', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Gruul Charm', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Massacre Girl', 'Costly Plunder', 'Fertilid', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Collateral Damage', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Sarcomancy', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Dive Down', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Bag of Holding', 'Brute Force', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Murderous Cut', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Sleep', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Argentum Armor', 'Desecration Demon', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Strike It Rich', 'Wing Shards', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Frost Marsh', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Lone Rider', 'Defiant Strike', 'Seed of Hope', 'Rift Bolt', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Peek', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Soulflayer', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Sins of the Past', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Leather Armor', 'Canopy Vista', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Silver Knight', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Blessed Breath', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Render Silent', 'Fire Diamond', 'Animating Faerie', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Grand Architect', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Bonesplitter', 'Halo Scarab', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Pain Seer', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Waterfront District', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Giant Killer', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Tragic Poet', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Light the Way', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Glint Hawk', 'Frantic Search', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Orchard Strider', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Pack Rat', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Séance', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Plague Beetle', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Trickbind', 'Icehide Golem', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Enlarge', 'Slitherhead', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Riftsweeper', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Psychic Possession', 'Far // Away', 'Guardian Idol', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Wonder', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Relic Axe', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Archaeomancer', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Assault Formation', 'Stony Silence', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Cloudshift', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Canyon Slough', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Harmonize', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Joint Exploration', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'War Falcon', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Into the Wilds', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Lightning Rift', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Primal Might', 'Banish into Fable', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Platinum Angel', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Brokers Hideout', 'The Antiquities War', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Saproling Burst', 'Deprive', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Word of Undoing', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Astral Slide', 'Jackal Pup', 'Pillage', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Den Protector', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Elvish Champion', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Jace Beleren', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Voltage Surge', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Esper Charm', 'Soaring Drake', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Sky Scourer', 'Blazing Archon', 'Might of Oaks', 'Festival Crasher', 'Soul Snare', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Obliterate', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Carnophage', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Greater Good', 'Grapeshot', 'Rift Sower', 'Brave the Sands', 'Runed Halo', 'Giant Growth', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Destroy Evil', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Repeal', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Fiery Temper', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Staggershock', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Quicksand', 'Guild Globe', 'Witching Well', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Rewind', 'Jokulhaups', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Crack the Earth', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Bone Dragon', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Guided Passage', 'Black Knight', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Overgrowth', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Spectral Shift', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Startling Development', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Chronomaton', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Vivid Creek', 'Jund Charm', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Fecundity', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Prismari Campus', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Fated Retribution', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Painful Truths', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Brain Maggot', 'Tragic Slip', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'It That Betrays', 'Tail Swipe', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Trade Routes', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Check for Traps', 'Virus Beetle', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Wildfire', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Temple of Malice', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Memoricide', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Putrid Leech', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Dire Tactics', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Late to Dinner', 'Dispatch', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Volt Charge', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Fabricate', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Mantis Rider', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Haunted Dead', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Reap and Sow', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Gutterbones', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Abzan Charm', 'Patch Up', 'Change the Equation', 'Gird for Battle', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Fatestitcher', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Master of Etherium', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Kavu Predator', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Vendetta', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'River Serpent', 'Pelt Collector', 'Victim of Night', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Minor Misstep', 'The Seedcore', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Putrid Imp', 'Treasure Mage', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Larger Than Life', 'Wrench Mind', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Maze Rusher', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Sign in Blood', 'Spell Pierce', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Buried Alive', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Privileged Position', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Tramway Station', 'Chatterstorm', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Undying Evil', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Step Through', 'Searing Spear', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Obsessive Search', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Longbow Archer', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Nevermore', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Bring to Light', 'Carth the Lion', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Winged Portent', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Umara Wizard', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Energy Refractor', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Drake Haven', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Twinferno', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Audacity', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Mutilate', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Lashwrithe', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Traumatize', 'Village Messenger', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Reality Heist', 'Banisher Priest', 'Through the Breach', 'Double Vision', 'Plated Geopede', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Silverquill Command', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Rise // Fall', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Renewed Faith', 'Risk Factor', 'Commune with Lava', 'Always Watching', 'Shore Up', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Viral Drake', 'Gigadrowse', 'Sol Talisman', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Containment Construct', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Atog', 'Wild Cantor', 'Dead Weight', 'Frost Titan', 'Glimmerpost', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Spell Burst', 'Time Sieve', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Talus Paladin', 'Shredded Sails', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Negate', 'Animation Module', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Tangled Islet', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Possibility Storm', 'Curiosity', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Smiting Helix', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Desolation Twin', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Universal Automaton', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Stern Lesson', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Wall of Blood', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Worthy Knight', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Ball Lightning', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Power Sink', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Serra Ascendant', 'The Modern Age', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Shambling Vent', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Darkblast', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Return to Dust', 'Blight Mamba', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Bond of Insight', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Wood Elves', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Primal Command', 'Shock', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Second Wind', 'Day of Judgment', 'Condescend', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Frontline Medic', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Vigor', 'Raging Goblin', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Brokers Charm', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Willow Geist', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Blood Seeker', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Farseek', 'Threats Undetected', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Leonin Bola', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Profane Command', 'Mulch', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Narcomoeba', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Deny Reality', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Ground Seal', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Chain Lightning', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Supreme Will', 'Izzet Charm', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Banishing Slash', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Become Immense', 'Psychatog', 'Fetid Pools', 'Font of Fertility', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Rotting Rats', 'Languish', 'Soul Shatter', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Palinchron', 'Devil''s Play', 'Tombstalker', 'Undercity Informer', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Skull of Orm', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Endless Horizons', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Tribal Flames', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Aetherling', 'Verdant Command', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Out of Time', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Vault Skirge', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Abundant Growth', 'Calciform Pools', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Dark Ritual', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Assault Strobe', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Mindslaver', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Rampant Growth', 'Soul Warden', 'Honored Hydra', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Chance Encounter', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Hit // Run', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Ichorid', 'Bad River', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Mirror Entity', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Oust', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Network Disruptor', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Dockside Chef', 'Ivory Tower', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Shard Volley', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Gingerbrute', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Titania''s Command', 'Compulsive Research', 'Cover of Winter', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Creeping Chill', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Big Score', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Blessed Respite', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Nether Traitor', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Endless One', 'Opulent Palace', 'Valley Dasher', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Fortified Village', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Waker of Waves', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Rob the Archives', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Nest Robber', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Blazing Specter', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Stasis Snare', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Gods Willing', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Collective Defiance', 'Defabricate', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Magma Jet', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Cloudblazer', 'Stitch in Time', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Chief Engineer', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Zuran Orb', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Glittering Wish', 'Vesperlark', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Natural State', 'Heartless Act', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Lightning Spear', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Consume the Meek', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Bone Saw', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Anticipate', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Goldhound', 'Sultai Charm', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Polymorph', 'Ulcerate', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Gruul Turf', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Utopia Tree', 'Frogmite', 'Crab Umbra', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Angel of Despair', 'Damn', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Blind Obedience', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Magma Spray', 'Forked Bolt', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Last Stand', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Opt', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Jade Mage', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Realm Razer', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Tomb Robber', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Perilous Vault', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Spawning Breath', 'Regrowth', 'Tribute Mage', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Fell Stinger', 'Gruul Signet', 'Mission Briefing', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Weirding Wood', 'Blood Lust', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Reckless Rage', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Blood Artist', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Wilt', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Aria of Flame', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Sky Hussar', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Shardless Agent', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Thragtusk', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Standing Troops', 'Magister of Worth', 'Mulldrifter', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Blood Knight', 'Silence', 'Altered Ego', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Codex Shredder', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Zenith Flare', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Endless Detour', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Unsummon', 'Flame Blitz', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Easy Prey', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Genesis', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Spark Elemental', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Aether Adept', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Meddling Mage', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'The Scorpion God', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Tarfire', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Recoup', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Vivid Grove', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Rune Snag', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Salvage Titan', 'Mystic Snake', 'Fists of Flame', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Crux of Fate', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Boros Garrison', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Radiant Grove', 'Lose Focus', 'Dead // Gone', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Undercover Operative', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Collective Effort', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Invigorate', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Acidic Slime', 'Rule of Law', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Cystbearer', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Identity Crisis', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Runic Shot', 'Queen of Ice', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Keep Safe', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Rot Wolf', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Reckless Charge', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Omenspeaker', 'Death Baron', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Graf Harvest', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Expedite', 'Necrogoyf', 'Flooded Grove', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Weird Harvest', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Hedron Archive', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Flood Plain', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Castigate', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Distortion Strike', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Experimental Augury', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Light of Hope', 'Fallow Earth', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Primal Bellow', 'Wily Goblin', 'Micromancer', 'Azorius Charm', 'Noxious Assault', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Temple of Silence', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Lightning Axe', 'Mortarpod', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Recommission', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Curious Pair', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Arbor Elf', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Steel Overseer', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Dispel', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Simian Sling', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Tear Asunder', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Wander in Death', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Gust of Wind', 'Forced Fruition', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Gideon Jura', 'Voidslime', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Rebuild', 'Nekrataal', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Blade Splicer', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Bone Shards', 'Ruin Raider', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Xorn', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Fight as One', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Viscera Seer', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Frost Walker', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Second Sunrise', 'Drannith Healer', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Monoskelion', 'Terastodon', 'Trading Post', 'Glorybringer', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Mind Spring', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Port Town', 'Student of Warfare', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Cease-Fire', 'Graven Cairns', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Incendiary Command', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Riddleform', 'Ruin Crab', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Dread Statuary', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Halo Forager', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Glistener Elf', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Tempered Steel', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Fierce Empath', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Seasons Past', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Setessan Champion', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Domri Rade', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Hostage Taker', 'Myth Realized', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Cut Down', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Isolate', 'Clear the Mind', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Pyroclasm', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Essence Flux', 'Reanimate', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Quag Vampires', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Footfall Crater', 'Boros Signet', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Cleric Class', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Primal Surge', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Web of Inertia', 'Court Homunculus', 'Lingering Souls', 'Corrupt', 'Raging Ravine', 'Molten Rain', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Artful Dodge', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Forever Young', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Shambling Shell', 'Disfigure', 'Night Clubber', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Cling to Dust', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Dark Salvation', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Alpha Authority', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Cremate', 'Needle Drop', 'Fetid Heath', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Trade Secrets', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Revitalize', 'Vampiric Link', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Ally Encampment', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Karmic Guide', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Regal Force', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Daring Apprentice', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Battle Screech', 'Catch // Release', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Unwind', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Dryad Militant', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Turn // Burn', 'Wavesifter', 'Impulse', 'Golden Demise', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Circular Logic', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Fog', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Memory Lapse', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Dig Up', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Incinerate', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Quicken', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Utter End', 'Mirrorweave', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Ashen Rider', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Game Trail', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Slagstorm', 'All That Glitters', 'Silundi Vision', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Abiding Grace', 'Chittering Rats', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Assault // Battery', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Seething Song', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Stream of Life', 'Boros Recruit', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Spirited Companion', 'Halimar Depths', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'White Knight', 'Prohibit', 'Withered Wretch', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Blighted Steppe', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Glamerdye', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Pick the Brain', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Go for the Throat', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Megrim', 'Fiery Justice', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Clawing Torment', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Devoted Druid', 'Blighted Agent', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Liliana Vess', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Barren Moor', 'Decree of Justice', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Countersquall', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Vivid Crag', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Lightning Strike', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Rust Goliath', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Epochrasite', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Revoke Existence', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Myr Servitor', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Spark Spray', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Lucky Clover', 'Into the Story', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Fumigate', 'Purify the Grave', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Slaughter Games', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Detention Sphere', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Time of Need', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Persecute', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Plow Under', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Electrolyze', 'Evil Twin', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Sylvan Library', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Precinct Captain', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Dimir Signet', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Devastating Summons', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Ionize', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Myr Welder', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'March from the Tomb', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Dread Presence', 'Sin Prodder', 'Dragonstorm', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Generous Visitor', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Norin the Wary', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Bridge from Below', 'Gavony Township', 'Aetherspouts', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Goblin Matron', 'Reflector Mage', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Fade from Memory', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Hypergenesis', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Ossification', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Obscura Charm', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Mana Tithe', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Palace Siege', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Etched Champion', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Thran Portal', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Gather the Pack', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Memory Leak', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Flame Javelin', 'False Summoning', 'Serra Avenger', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Overrun', 'Bant Charm', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Dreamstealer', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Cultivate', 'Essence Scatter', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Ominous Seas', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Lost Legacy', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Telepathy', 'Experiment One', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Corpse Cur', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Worship', 'Sunscour', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Favorable Winds', 'Draconic Roar', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Midnight Clock', 'Kher Keep', 'Vision Skeins', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Snapback', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Mana Cylix', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Seal of Removal', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Savage Lands', 'Urban Utopia', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Season of Growth', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Dread Return', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Legion Angel', 'Reaper King', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Glorious Protector', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Seal from Existence', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Molten Blast', 'Burst Lightning', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Colossification', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Demolition Field', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Golgari Charm', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Fling', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Rags // Riches', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Infectious Bite', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Seal of Fire', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Not of This World', 'Scattered Groves', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Explore', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Dovin Baan', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Sky Terror', 'Caldera Lake', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Vexing Devil', 'Nobilis of War', 'Death Cloud', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Remove Soul', 'Brood Birthing', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Stone Rain', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Planar Ally', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Smallpox', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Crash Through', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Kami of Transience', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Plunder', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Planar Bridge', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Pilfer', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Temple of Malady', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Daring Thief', 'Browbeat', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Combat Courier', 'Blackmail', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Carrion Wall', 'Venerable Knight', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Primal Amulet', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Vandalblast', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Biting-Palm Ninja'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 4420.4, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (65.7 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Kalonian Twingrove', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Power Sink', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Silverquill Command', 'Blessed Breath', 'Wavesifter', 'Brood Birthing', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Vexing Devil', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Future Sight', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Commune with Nature', 'Plague Beetle', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Trickbind', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Detention Sphere', 'Dark Salvation', 'Molten Tributary', 'Voidslime', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Last Stand', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Children of Korlis', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Braid of Fire', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Risk Factor', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Animation Module', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Dreamstealer', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Identity Crisis', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Lightning Spear', 'Turn // Burn', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Radiant Grove', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Curse of Silence', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Frost Walker', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Venerable Monk', 'Chronomaton', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Condescend', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Overgrowth', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Rust Goliath', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Easy Prey', 'Blood Artist', 'Evacuation', 'Castigate', 'Think Twice', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Deprive', 'Strategic Planning', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Mortarpod', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Willow Geist', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Biovisionary', 'Alpha Authority', 'Snapback', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Shambling Shell', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Abzan Charm', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Rift Sower', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Worthy Knight', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Endless Detour', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Dark Ritual', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Lost Legacy', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Cloudpost', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Spirited Companion', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Howling Mine', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Spare Supplies', 'Auramancer', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Soul Snare', 'Wastes', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Isolate', 'Molten Blast', 'Spell Snuff', 'Banefire', 'Gruul Signet', 'Necroplasm', 'Blight Mamba', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Vector Asp', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Wild Cantor', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Winged Portent', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Boros Elite', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Reforge the Soul', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Halo Forager', 'Tangled Islet', 'Prismari Campus', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Memoricide', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Stitch in Time', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Jace Beleren', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Condemn', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Obscuring Aether', 'The Scorpion God', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Frost Titan', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Vivid Grove', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Dragonstorm', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Dispel', 'Evil Twin', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Silundi Vision', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Centaur Garden', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Dead // Gone', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Monoskelion', 'Network Disruptor', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Trading Post', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Shred Memory', 'Unholy Heat', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Fierce Empath', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Terrarion', 'Searing Spear', 'Fog', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Artful Dodge', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Worm Harvest', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Fetid Pools', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Painful Quandary', 'Stream of Life', 'Endless Horizons', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Neutralize', 'Ally Encampment', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Opt', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Boros Garrison', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Magma Spray', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Realm Razer', 'Ichorid', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Astral Slide', 'Brainstone', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Hit // Run', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Buried Ruin', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Aria of Flame', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Glint Hawk', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Mindslaver', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Raging Ravine', 'Shivan Wurm', 'High Tide', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Shivan Reef', 'Graven Cairns', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Greater Good', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Undercity Informer', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Skylasher', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Sorin Markov', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Ulcerate', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Dissolve', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Tail Swipe', 'Skull Fracture', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Magma Jet', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Undercover Operative', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Bone Saw', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Commit // Memory', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Wrench Mind', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Ground Seal', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Pandemonium', 'Recommission', 'Frantic Search', 'Mindcrank', 'Mind Spring', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Tragic Poet', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Wander in Death', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Mana Bloom', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Banish into Fable', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Creeping Chill', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Mana Tithe', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Death Cloud', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Council''s Judgment', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Tempered Steel', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Bant Charm', 'Burnished Hart', 'Energy Refractor', 'Solemnity', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Wrath of God', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Bag of Holding', 'Dread Return', 'Generous Visitor', 'Keep Safe', 'Disenchant', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Seed of Hope', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Painful Truths', 'Umara Mystic', 'Braingeyser', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Curious Pair', 'Deny Reality', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Army of the Damned', 'Season of Growth', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Tomb Robber', 'Exploding Borders', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Stave Off', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Force of Rage', 'Call of the Herd', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Containment Construct', 'Unwind', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Desecration Demon', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Fumigate', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Experimental Augury', 'Greenseeker', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Primal Surge', 'Gavony Township', 'Dread Presence', 'Angel of Grace', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Nest Robber', 'Sudden Edict', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Longbow Archer', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Dead of Winter', 'Bad River', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Utopia Tree', 'Grapeshot', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Crackling Doom', 'Devil''s Play', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Stun Sniper', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Acidic Slime', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Spell Burst', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Karmic Guide', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Battle Screech', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Dire Tactics', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Annex Sentry', 'Withered Wretch', 'Quarantine Field', 'Cruel Reality', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Flame Rift', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Firebolt', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Into the Wilds', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Into the Roil', 'Moment of Craving', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Icehide Golem', 'Sky Scourer', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Valley Dasher', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Renewed Faith', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Exclude', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Virus Beetle', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Siege Rhino', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Animating Faerie', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Spark Spray', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Abundant Growth', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Cultivate', 'Tribal Flames', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Glorious Protector', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Smallpox', 'Price of Progress', 'Lightning Rift', 'March from the Tomb', 'Big Score', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Spark Elemental', 'Waterfront District', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Den Protector', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Rags // Riches', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Tentative Connection', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Cling to Dust', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Rebuild', 'Nobilis of War', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Planar Bridge', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Pick the Brain', 'Krosan Grip', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Always Watching', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Bridge from Below', 'Glamerdye', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Sky Terror', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Harm''s Way', 'Forbid', 'Chatterstorm', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Sylvan Library', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Champion of Wits', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Crack the Earth', 'Blind Obedience', 'Architects of Will', 'Dream Trawler', 'Vault Skirge', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Brokers Charm', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Reveillark', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Scarab Feast', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Fade from Memory', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Destroy Evil', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Dimir Charm', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Reaper King', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Séance', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Perilous Research', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Spirit Link', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Hellrider', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Wonder', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Quickling', 'Nevermore', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Goblin Matron', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Spider Umbra', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Tithe Taker', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Brain Maggot', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Etched Champion', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Shore Up', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Chief Engineer', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Utter End', 'Obliterate', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Filigree Sages', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Titania''s Command', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Dockside Chef', 'Ashen Rider', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Sarcomancy', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Mirror Entity', 'Xorn', 'Rewind', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Setessan Champion', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Stain the Mind', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Blazing Specter', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Astral Drift', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Decree of Justice', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Fury of the Horde', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Gird for Battle', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Compulsive Research', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Silent Departure', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Needle Drop', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Cloudshift', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Hornet Queen', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Lose Focus', 'Rune of Might', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Chain Lightning', 'Read the Bones', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Bolt Hound', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Fast // Furious', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Froghemoth', 'Supreme Will', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Sonic Burst', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Word of Undoing', 'Time Sieve', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Doom Blade', 'Fertile Ground', 'Honored Hydra', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Memory Lapse', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Tome Scour', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Battle of Wits', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Kor Duelist', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Noxious Assault', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Slagstorm', 'Scute Mob', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Smiting Helix', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Staggershock', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Pelt Collector', 'Light Up the Night', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Golden Egg', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Tear Asunder', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Infectious Bite', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Secret Plans', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Control Magic', 'Mobilized District', 'Atog', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Fists of Flame', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Caldera Lake', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Needle Spires', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Profane Procession', 'Rotting Rats', 'Blazing Archon', 'Viscera Seer', 'Gutterbones', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Telepathy', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Dread Statuary', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Arbor Elf', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Quag Vampires', 'Guided Passage', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Fevered Visions', 'Fecundity', 'Vivid Crag', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Just the Wind', 'Legion Angel', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Crab Umbra', 'Assault // Battery', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Savage Lands', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Essence Flux', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Frost Marsh', 'Goldhound', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Primal Amulet', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Upheaval', 'Seal from Existence', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Never // Return', 'Startling Development', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Regrowth', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Victim of Night', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Despise', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Second Wind', 'Putrid Imp', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Double Vision', 'Mission Briefing', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Circular Logic', 'Turnabout', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Go for the Throat', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Daring Thief', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Void', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Lightning Axe', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Not of This World', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Zof Consumption', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Tombstalker', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Reckless Waif', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Barren Moor', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Blighted Agent', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Halo Scarab', 'Sin Prodder', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Fabricate', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Plunder', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Thought Scour', 'Shock', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Drake Haven', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Master Biomancer', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Far // Away', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Arc Trail', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Highland Lake', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Putrid Leech', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Bone Shards', 'Lizard Blades', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Radiant Flames', 'Fling', 'Micromancer', 'False Summoning', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Fire Diamond', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Choked Estuary', 'Narcomoeba', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Altered Ego', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Simian Sling', 'Nether Traitor', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Possibility Storm', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Giant Killer', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Curiosity', 'Vampiric Link', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Aqueous Form', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Aetherspouts', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Overrun', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Chitterspitter', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Leather Armor', 'Hard Evidence', 'Dead Weight', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Opulent Palace', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Myr Welder', 'Draconic Roar', 'Spore Frog', 'Sin Collector', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Rampant Growth', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Riftsweeper', 'Seething Song', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Ash Zealot', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Field Marshal', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Electrolyze', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Ruin Crab', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Explore', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Revoke Existence', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Soul Warden', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Cult Conscript', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Mortify', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Viral Drake', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Tramway Station', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'River of Tears', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Bone Dragon', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Scurry Oak', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Midnight Clock', 'Stasis Snare', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Commence the Endgame', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Umara Wizard', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Soulflayer', 'Kher Keep', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Generous Patron', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Wight', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Putrefy', 'Slaughter Games', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Game Trail', 'Brain Freeze', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Psychic Strike', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Commune with Lava', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Mana Leak', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Heap Doll', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Haunted Dead', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Costly Plunder', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Combat Courier', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Flame Javelin', 'Regal Force', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Coalition Relic', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Duress', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Reason // Believe', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Temple of Malady', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Vigor', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Favorable Winds', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Izzet Charm', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Mulch', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Mystic Snake', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Demolition Field', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Strike It Rich', 'Wildfire', 'Heartless Act', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Experiment One', 'Assault Strobe', 'Dive Down', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Out of Time', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Wilt', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Master of Etherium', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'It That Betrays', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Of One Mind', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Ionize', 'Audacity', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Sen Triplets', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Weird Harvest', 'Go for Blood', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Heartfire', 'Waker of Waves', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Cease-Fire', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Reckless Charge', 'Brave the Elements', 'Banishing Slash', 'Damn', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Worship', 'Privileged Position', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Rise and Shine', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Giant Growth', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Maestros Theater', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Notion Thief', 'Light of Hope', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Flame Blitz', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Golgari Charm', 'Nine Lives', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Universal Automaton', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Larger Than Life', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Dimir Signet', 'Restoration Angel', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Elvish Champion', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Gather the Pack', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Memory Leak', 'Footfall Crater', 'Forced Fruition', 'Bonesplitter', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Graf Harvest', 'Spell Pierce', 'Volt Charge', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Rise // Fall', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Fortified Village', 'Sunscour', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Colossification', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Balefire Liege', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Impulse', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Chittering Rats', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Boomerang', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Ram Through', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Clear the Mind', 'Gruul Turf', 'Unburial Rites', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Step Through', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Palinchron', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Patch Up', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Check for Traps', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Baffling End', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Omenspeaker', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Minor Misstep', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Vesperlark', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Grim Affliction', 'Wild Defiance', 'Farseek', 'Port Town', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Azorius Charm', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Twinflame', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Plated Geopede', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Geistflame', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Bump in the Night', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Nekrataal', 'Cloudblazer', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Combat Research', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Carrion Wall', 'Fatestitcher', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Knight of Glory', 'Rune Snag', 'River Serpent', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Tarfire', 'Psychatog', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Shambling Vent', 'Guardian Idol', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Shredded Sails', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Seasons Past', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Blessed Respite', 'Desolation Twin', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Zenith Flare', 'Expedite', 'Boros Recruit', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Animate Dead', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Orchard Strider', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Stone Rain', 'Reckless Rage', 'Saproling Burst', 'Clawing Torment', 'Master of Death', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Black Knight', 'Dig Up', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Trinket Mage', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Timeless Witness', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Frogmite', 'Lucky Clover', 'Spectral Shift', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Boom // Bust', 'Augury Owl', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Cover of Winter', 'Buried Alive', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Revitalize', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Planar Ally', 'Dispatch', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Defiant Strike', 'Endless One', 'Might of Oaks', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Grave Titan', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Treasure Map', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Darkblast', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Prohibit', 'Zuran Orb', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Disallow', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Banisher Priest', 'Calciform Pools', 'Threats Undetected', 'Fallow Earth', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Argentum Armor', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Cremate', 'Blood Seeker', 'Runed Halo', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Urban Utopia', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Serum Snare', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Corrupt', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Soaring Drake', 'Halimar Depths', 'Rule of Law', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Forever Young', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Venerable Knight', 'Molten Rain', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Ball Lightning', 'Queen of Ice', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Guild Globe', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'The Modern Age', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Blightning', 'Circuit Mender', 'Oust', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Morselhoarder', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Glorybringer', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Pilfer', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Reconstruction', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Incinerate', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Essence Scatter', 'Cankerbloom', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Negate', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Terastodon', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Mind Rake', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Fume Spitter', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Runic Shot', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Ruin Raider', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Demonic Dread', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Wing Shards', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Drannith Healer', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Twiddle', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Talus Paladin', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Hypergenesis', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Cleric Class', 'Myth Realized', 'Aether Adept', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Myr Superion', 'Shriekmaw', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Primal Bellow', 'Gust of Wind', 'Blade Splicer', 'Viridian Revel', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Collective Effort', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Collective Defiance', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Recoup', 'Dovescape', 'Putrefax', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Repeal', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Rift Bolt', 'Light the Way', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Terminate', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Shared Discovery', 'Silence', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Devastating Summons', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Dryad Militant', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Lingering Souls', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Soul Diviner', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Reality Heist', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Brave the Sands', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Purify the Grave', 'Bushwhack', 'Slip Through Space', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Wargate', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Wall of Omens', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Pillage', 'Jund Charm', 'Glistener Elf', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Sins of the Past', 'Harmonize', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Akki Ronin', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Natural State', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Force of Virtue', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Primal Order', 'Staff of Domination', 'Remove Soul', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Tribute Mage', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Consume the Meek', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Blood Knight', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Verdant Command', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Foundry Helix', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Marble Diamond', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Trade Routes', 'Maze Rusher', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Liliana Vess', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Fight as One', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Trade Secrets', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Fiery Temper', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'The Antiquities War', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Haze of Rage', 'Angel of Despair', 'Vivid Creek', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Necrogoyf', 'Sleep', 'Aetherling', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Voltage Surge', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Tangle', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Flame Slash', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Bring the Ending', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Serra Avenger', 'Dawn Charm', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Rob the Archives', 'Ivory Tower', 'Glimmerpost', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Quicken', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Quicksand', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Into the Story', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Ossification', 'Gruul Charm', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Child of Night', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Return to Dust', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Witching Well', 'Fiery Justice', 'Infest', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Sol Talisman', 'Perilous Vault', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Gods Willing', 'Golden Demise', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Scattered Groves', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Flood Plain', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Urban Evolution', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Pack Rat', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Vendetta', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Change the Equation', 'Intervention Pact', 'Ultimate Price', 'Choking Sands', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Pain Seer', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Deep Analysis', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Meddling Mage', 'Silver Knight', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Distortion Strike', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Crash Through', 'All That Glitters', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Grasslands', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Hostage Taker', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Hive Mind', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Thran Portal', 'Defabricate', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Thragtusk', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Weirding Wood', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Carth the Lion', 'Stern Lesson', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Web of Inertia', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Shard Volley', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Cathedral of War', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Forked Bolt', 'Invigorate', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Jackal Pup', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Magister of Worth', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Myr Servitor', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Mutilate', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Void Snare', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Plow Under', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Esper Charm', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Norin the Wary', 'Canyon Slough', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Temple of Silence', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Seismic Assault', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Cut Down', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Rot Wolf', 'Undead Augur', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Mantis Rider', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Primal Might', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Day of Judgment', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Azorius Signet', 'Massacre Girl', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Infuriate', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Kavu Predator', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Shardless Agent', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Gingerbrute', 'Munitions Expert', 'Path of Discovery', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Lone Rider', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Unsummon', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Plague Stinger', 'Dark Petition', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Frontline Medic', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'The Celestus', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Stony Silence', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Spectral Procession', 'Protean Hulk', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Joint Exploration', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Student of Warfare', 'Genesis Wave', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Reanimate', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Domri Rade', 'Wood Elves', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Vindicate', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'War Falcon', 'Complicate', 'Story Circle', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Court Homunculus', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Mana Cylix', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Canopy Vista', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Collateral Damage', 'Temple of Malice', 'Slitherhead', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Bring to Light', 'Fertilid', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Raging Goblin', 'Tragic Slip', 'Catch // Release', 'Browbeat', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Become Immense', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Ornithopter', 'Codex Shredder', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Primal Command', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Gideon Jura', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Doom Foretold', 'Reflector Mage', 'Gigadrowse', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Tree of Tales', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Hammerhand', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Relic Axe', 'Samite Healer', 'Sterling Grove', 'The Seedcore', 'Combat Thresher', 'Haunted Mire', 'Psychic Possession', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Groundswell', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Dovin Baan', 'Wall of Blood', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Festival Crasher', 'Treasure Mage', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Disfigure', 'Twincast', 'Devoted Druid', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Twinferno', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Genesis', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Vandalblast', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Enlarge', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Traumatize', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Salvage Titan', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Sign in Blood', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Power Depot', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Render Silent', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Polymorph', 'Maze''s End', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Steel Overseer', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Hour of Promise', 'Sky Hussar', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Kami of Transience', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Undying Evil', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Lashwrithe', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Groundbreaker', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Divest', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Corpse Cur', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Skull of Orm', 'Flooded Grove', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Iron Apprentice', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Countersquall', 'Ponder', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Through the Breach', 'Celestial Flare', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Ral Zarek', 'Terminal Agony', 'Fetid Heath', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Recross the Paths', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Platinum Angel', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Peek', 'Palace Siege', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Brute Suit', 'Distress', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Soul Shatter', 'Obsessive Search', 'Mirrorweave', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Incendiary Command', 'Abiding Grace', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Pyroclasm', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Nether Spirit', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Memorial to War', 'Fated Retribution', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Offalsnout', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Brute Force', 'Obscura Charm', 'Death Baron', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Spawning Breath', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Late to Dinner', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Burst Lightning', 'Jade Mage', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Bond of Insight', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Seal of Fire', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Triskelion', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Fell Stinger', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Assault Formation', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Endbringer', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Bog Wraith', 'Lightning Strike', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Wily Goblin', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Glittering Wish', 'Village Messenger', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Hedron Archive', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Second Sunrise', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Murderous Cut', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Cystbearer', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Standing Troops', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Precinct Captain', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Archaeomancer', 'Primal Beyond', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Vapor Snag', 'Crux of Fate', 'Time of Need', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Seal of Removal', 'Bile Blight', 'Mana Flare', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Simic Charm', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Sultai Charm', 'Memnarch', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Grand Architect', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Night Clubber', 'Hateflayer', 'Font of Fertility', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'True Believer', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Breakthrough', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Carnophage', 'Terminus', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Riddleform', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Seal of Primordium', 'White Knight', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Epochrasite', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Languish', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Doomskar', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Thran Vigil', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Blood Lust', 'Blackmail', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Mulldrifter', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Persecute', 'Chance Encounter', 'Driven // Despair', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Boros Signet', 'Training Grounds', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Vision Skeins', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Ominous Seas', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Reap and Sow', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Anticipate', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Megrim', 'Leonin Bola', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Crystal Grotto', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Restore Balance', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Jokulhaups', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Profane Command'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 65.7, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (113.3 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Vampire Nighthawk', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Prosperous Thief', 'The Celestus', 'Mortarpod', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Reveillark', 'Frost Walker', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Angel of Grace', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Go for Blood', 'Tomb Robber', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Memnarch', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Castigate', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Chronomaton', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Memorial to War', 'Court Homunculus', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Power Sink', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Become Immense', 'Experiment One', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Grave Titan', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Pick the Brain', 'Forbid', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Disallow', 'Temple of Malice', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Boros Garrison', 'Geistflame', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Primal Bellow', 'Prohibit', 'Explore', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Mindcrank', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Planar Bridge', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Coalition Relic', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Talus Paladin', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Blackmail', 'Gather the Pack', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Web of Inertia', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Seal of Removal', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Annex Sentry', 'Upheaval', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Radiant Grove', 'Stone Rain', 'Audacity', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Mirror Entity', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Giant Growth', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Bone Dragon', 'Precinct Captain', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Army of the Damned', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Wander in Death', 'Pillage', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Brain Freeze', 'War Falcon', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Tombstalker', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Greater Good', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Silent Departure', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Izzet Charm', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Doom Blade', 'Maze''s End', 'Ionize', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Wild Cantor', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Lashwrithe', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Fog', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Raging Goblin', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Wrench Mind', 'Pandemonium', 'Hedron Archive', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Decree of Justice', 'Skylasher', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Commence the Endgame', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Waterfront District', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Fire Diamond', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Footfall Crater', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Moment of Craving', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Urban Evolution', 'Blade Splicer', 'Blood Artist', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Remove Soul', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Reckless Rage', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Risk Factor', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Esper Charm', 'Froghemoth', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Sleep', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Pilfer', 'Genesis', 'Virus Beetle', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Dread Wanderer', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Staggershock', 'Soaring Drake', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Trading Post', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Spectral Shift', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Mulldrifter', 'Rune Snag', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Daring Thief', 'Jokulhaups', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'True Believer', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Ichorid', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Obscura Charm', 'Hive Mind', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Drake Haven', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Runic Shot', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Nekrataal', 'Aetherspouts', 'Tribute Mage', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Ash Zealot', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Chief Engineer', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Soul Warden', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Lost Legacy', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Combat Courier', 'Rob the Archives', 'Soul Shatter', 'Gigadrowse', 'Sky Scourer', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Silverquill Command', 'Light Up the Night', 'Blightning', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Larger Than Life', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Sorin Markov', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Cloudshift', 'Hit // Run', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Frogmite', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Glimmerpost', 'Psychic Strike', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Witching Well', 'Despise', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Narcomoeba', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Pelt Collector', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Commune with Nature', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Dryad Militant', 'Plague Beetle', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Twiddle', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Reckless Waif', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Far // Away', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Brainstone', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Bring to Light', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Blazing Specter', 'Blighted Agent', 'Condemn', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Zof Consumption', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Scattered Groves', 'Grim Affliction', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Infectious Bite', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Lose Focus', 'Distortion Strike', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Fetid Heath', 'Memoricide', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Meddling Mage', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Quickling', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Drannith Healer', 'Restore Balance', 'Shredded Sails', 'Braingeyser', 'Languish', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Gruul Signet', 'Return to Dust', 'Incendiary Command', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Enlarge', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Future Sight', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Snapback', 'Maestros Theater', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Filigree Sages', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Umara Mystic', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Zuran Orb', 'Force of Virtue', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Seismic Assault', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Jade Mage', 'Always Watching', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Nether Spirit', 'Psychic Possession', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Deep Analysis', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Kor Duelist', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Forced Fruition', 'Myr Superion', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Soul Diviner', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Devoted Druid', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Deny Reality', 'High Tide', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Valley Dasher', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Shambling Shell', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Needle Drop', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Notion Thief', 'Brave the Sands', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Mortify', 'Rotting Rats', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Read the Bones', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Vindicate', 'Halimar Depths', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Crux of Fate', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Rags // Riches', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Late to Dinner', 'Frontline Medic', 'Ranger of Eos', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Fume Spitter', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Privileged Position', 'Student of Warfare', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Infest', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Skull of Orm', 'Master of Etherium', 'Tooth and Nail', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Foundry Helix', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Artful Dodge', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Heartfire', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Bond of Insight', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Weird Harvest', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Circuit Mender', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Blessed Breath', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Ground Seal', 'Nine Lives', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Fling', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Alpha Authority', 'Flooded Grove', 'Lightning Axe', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Canyon Slough', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Corpse Cur', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Ruin Raider', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Rule of Law', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Dive Down', 'Field Marshal', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Putrid Leech', 'Clawing Torment', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Vision Skeins', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Protean Hulk', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Second Sunrise', 'Fight as One', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Domri Rade', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Buried Ruin', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Hour of Promise', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Favorable Winds', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Shriekmaw', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Boros Recruit', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Relic Axe', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Wall of Blood', 'Orchard Strider', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Early Harvest', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Blight Mamba', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Gavony Township', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Haunted Dead', 'Vexing Devil', 'Raging Ravine', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Into the Story', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Aether Adept', 'Skull Fracture', 'Aetherling', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Dig Up', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Shared Discovery', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Mission Briefing', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Unsummon', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Restoration Angel', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Tangle', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Stern Lesson', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Think Twice', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Fevered Visions', 'Fertile Ground', 'Trinket Mage', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Glittering Wish', 'Putrefy', 'Undead Augur', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Dark Ritual', 'Mind Rake', 'Icehide Golem', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Minor Misstep', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Brute Force', 'Solemnity', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Krosan Grip', 'Primal Beyond', 'Cloudblazer', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Shambling Vent', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Demonic Dread', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Azorius Signet', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Dawn Charm', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Lone Rider', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Call of the Herd', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Fortified Village', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Munitions Expert', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Memory Lapse', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Sterling Grove', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Twinferno', 'Arbor Elf', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Wilt', 'Golgari Charm', 'Season of Growth', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Simic Charm', 'White Knight', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Buried Alive', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Expedite', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Hostage Taker', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Withered Wretch', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Verdant Command', 'Stave Off', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Spell Snuff', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Cut Down', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Recommission', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Rust Goliath', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Game Trail', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Voidslime', 'Guided Passage', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Lucky Clover', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Patch Up', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Death Cloud', 'Spark Spray', 'Glorybringer', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Spider Umbra', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Tangled Islet', 'Reason // Believe', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Tramway Station', 'Rebuild', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Wily Goblin', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Village Messenger', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Ram Through', 'Flame Slash', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Psychatog', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Vivid Grove', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Never // Return', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Tithe Taker', 'Fabricate', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Haunted Mire', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Distress', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Render Silent', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Slip Through Space', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Myth Realized', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Chain Lightning', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Jace Beleren', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Staff of Domination', 'Howling Mine', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Ball Lightning', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Dread Presence', 'Umara Wizard', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Blind Obedience', 'Bad River', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Vendetta', 'Creeping Chill', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Treasure Mage', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Mobilized District', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Darkblast', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Norin the Wary', 'Spore Frog', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Double Vision', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Defabricate', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Rise // Fall', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Treasure Map', 'Essence Flux', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Bump in the Night', 'Tragic Slip', 'Regrowth', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Atog', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Sol Talisman', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Strike It Rich', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Golden Demise', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Essence Scatter', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Vector Asp', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Stream of Life', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Research // Development', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'False Summoning', 'Twinflame', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Sky Hussar', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Radiant Flames', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Dreamstealer', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Draconic Roar', 'Karmic Guide', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Ominous Seas', 'Terrarion', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Midnight Clock', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Driven // Despair', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Farseek', 'Through the Breach', 'Terastodon', 'Perilous Research', 'Bridge from Below', 'Crab Umbra', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Plague Stinger', 'Not of This World', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Bolt Hound', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Baffling End', 'Halo Forager', 'Shardless Agent', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Sin Collector', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Reaper King', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Fated Retribution', 'Dark Petition', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Out of Time', 'Sins of the Past', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Change the Equation', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Exploding Borders', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Stitch in Time', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Worthy Knight', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Astral Slide', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Banishing Slash', 'Burnished Hart', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Reflector Mage', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Offalsnout', 'Grand Architect', 'Tome Scour', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Venerable Monk', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Rune of Might', 'Children of Korlis', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Primal Command', 'Assault // Battery', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Waker of Waves', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Persecute', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Magma Jet', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Primal Surge', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Trade Secrets', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Dimir Signet', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Grasslands', 'Spell Pierce', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Murderous Cut', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Blood Seeker', 'Boros Elite', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Worship', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Wood Elves', 'Path of Discovery', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Victim of Night', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Shard Volley', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Slagstorm', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Quarantine Field', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Sunscour', 'Collective Defiance', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Gods Willing', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Quag Vampires', 'Spectral Procession', 'Blood Knight', 'Canopy Vista', 'Den Protector', 'Bone Saw', 'Tail Swipe', 'Sonic Burst', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Deprive', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Serum Snare', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Startling Development', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Realm Razer', 'Harm''s Way', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Terminate', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Ally Encampment', 'Shock', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Doomskar', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Containment Construct', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Groundbreaker', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Siege Rhino', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Gird for Battle', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Nether Traitor', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Plunder', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Blessed Respite', 'Disenchant', 'Pyroclasm', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Slitherhead', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Mana Leak', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Crackling Doom', 'Spirited Companion', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Fatestitcher', 'Needle Spires', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Akki Ronin', 'Gingerbrute', 'Joint Exploration', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Complicate', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Cruel Reality', 'Gust of Wind', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Step Through', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Wonder', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Mantis Rider', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Sudden Edict', 'Secret Plans', 'March from the Tomb', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Aria of Flame', 'Twincast', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'The Scorpion God', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Grapeshot', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Biovisionary', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Knight of Glory', 'Fast // Furious', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Strategic Planning', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Blood Lust', 'River of Tears', 'Heap Doll', 'Archaeomancer', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Master of Death', 'Profane Command', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Dark Salvation', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Putrid Imp', 'Gudul Lurker', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Shred Memory', 'Time of Need', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Terminal Agony', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Undercover Operative', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Myr Servitor', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Rift Bolt', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Mana Cylix', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Word of Undoing', 'Sylvan Library', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Hateflayer', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Soulflayer', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Glamerdye', 'Glint Hawk', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'All That Glitters', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Memory Leak', 'Spawning Breath', 'Renewed Faith', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Mulch', 'Primal Rage', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Corrupt', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Massacre Girl', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Shore Up', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Trickbind', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Xorn', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Of One Mind', 'Kami of Transience', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Golden Egg', 'Gideon Jura', 'Fumigate', 'Quicken', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Angel of Despair', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Energy Refractor', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Nobilis of War', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Leonin Bola', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Heartless Act', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Utopia Tree', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Banisher Priest', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Magister of Worth', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Unburial Rites', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Myr Welder', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Check for Traps', 'Damn', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Choked Estuary', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Story Circle', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Groundswell', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Wargate', 'Riveteers Charm', 'River Serpent', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Lightning Spear', 'Harmonize', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Assault Formation', 'Longbow Archer', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Animating Faerie', 'Balefire Liege', 'Codex Shredder', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Bog Wraith', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Necroplasm', 'Riddleform', 'Plow Under', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Carth the Lion', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Brood Birthing', 'Defiant Strike', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Thran Vigil', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Opt', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Blazing Archon', 'Void Snare', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Cremate', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Graf Harvest', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Viscera Seer', 'Goldhound', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Vapor Snag', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Mystic Snake', 'Frost Marsh', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Viral Drake', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Rise and Shine', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Choking Sands', 'Elvish Champion', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Platinum Angel', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Weirding Wood', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Banish into Fable', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Dread Statuary', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Last Stand', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Stain the Mind', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Altered Ego', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Hypergenesis', 'Mind Spring', 'Necrogoyf', 'Goblin Matron', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Crash Through', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Spirit Link', 'Runed Halo', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Smallpox', 'Mana Tithe', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Overgrowth', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Riftsweeper', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Hornet Queen', 'Force of Rage', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Mindslaver', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Spell Burst', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Silence', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Ral Zarek', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Wing Shards', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Bag of Holding', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Rot Wolf', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Morselhoarder', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Jackal Pup', 'Séance', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Calciform Pools', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Polymorph', 'Dire Tactics', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Ulcerate', 'Titania''s Command', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Evil Twin', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Day of Judgment', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Carnophage', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Primal Order', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Frantic Search', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Cleric Class', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Leather Armor', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Burst Lightning', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Battle of Wits', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Wrath of God', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Isolate', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Control Magic', 'Doom Foretold', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Seal from Existence', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Fade from Memory', 'Scurry Oak', 'Incinerate', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Greenseeker', 'Ossification', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Wavesifter', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Revoke Existence', 'Lead the Stampede', 'The Modern Age', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Invigorate', 'Salvage Titan', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Crack the Earth', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Banefire', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Caldera Lake', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Sin Prodder', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Chatterstorm', 'The Seedcore', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Fierce Empath', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Desecration Demon', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Wildfire', 'Endless Detour', 'Timeless Witness', 'Opulent Palace', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Night Clubber', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Price of Progress', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Curious Pair', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Marble Diamond', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Abundant Growth', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Plated Geopede', 'Barren Moor', 'Boros Signet', 'Chittering Rats', 'Ponder', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Condescend', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Queen of Ice', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Bushwhack', 'Brokers Charm', 'Smiting Helix', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Might of Oaks', 'Graven Cairns', 'Hard Evidence', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Utter End', 'Collective Effort', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Halo Scarab', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Monoskelion', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Supreme Will', 'Slaughter Games', 'Firebolt', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Stun Sniper', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Ashen Rider', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Spare Supplies', 'Anticipate', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Vesperlark', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Vampiric Link', 'Turnabout', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Reap and Sow', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Go for the Throat', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Fists of Flame', 'Hyena Umbra', 'The Antiquities War', 'Quicksand', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Sign in Blood', 'Costly Plunder', 'Reality Heist', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Curiosity', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Lightning Rift', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Boom // Bust', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Molten Tributary', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Etched Champion', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Dead // Gone', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Bone Shards', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'It That Betrays', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Dovin Baan', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Cathedral of War', 'Boomerang', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Primal Amulet', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Generous Visitor', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Fecundity', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Seasons Past', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Tarfire', 'Stasis Snare', 'Obscura Storefront', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Clear the Mind', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Fertilid', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Temple of Silence', 'Giant Killer', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Gruul Turf', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Cover of Winter', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Recoup', 'Palace Siege', 'Undercity Informer', 'Pack Rat', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Curse of Silence', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Venerable Knight', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Dispatch', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Tree of Tales', 'Network Disruptor', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Wight', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Dimir Charm', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Steel Overseer', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Serra Avenger', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Celestial Flare', 'Vivid Crag', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Standing Troops', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Tragic Poet', 'Assault Strobe', 'Stony Silence', 'Willow Geist', 'Big Score', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Hellrider', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Seething Song', 'Thran Portal', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Obsessive Search', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Fallow Earth', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Rift Sower', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Lightning Strike', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Viridian Revel', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Wild Defiance', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Experimental Augury', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Lingering Souls', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Repeal', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Oust', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Braid of Fire', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Perilous Vault', 'Highland Lake', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Generous Patron', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Overrun', 'Regal Force', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Cankerbloom', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Combat Thresher', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Mana Flare', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Simian Sling', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Glistener Elf', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Carrion Wall', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Vigor', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Sky Terror', 'Cultivate', 'Urza''s Rage', 'View from Above', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Unwind', 'Fiery Temper', 'Duress', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Molten Rain', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Seal of Fire', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Commit // Memory', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Terminus', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Hammerhand', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Recross the Paths', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Temple of Malady', 'Brute Suit', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Guardian Idol', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Spark Elemental', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Sultai Charm', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Fetid Pools', 'Dream Trawler', 'Rewind', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Cystbearer', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Light the Way', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Triskelion', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Astral Drift', 'Unholy Heat', 'Brave the Elements', 'Colossification', 'Devastating Summons', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Ultimate Price', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Setessan Champion', 'Glorious Protector', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Ornithopter', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Wall of Omens', 'Omenspeaker', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Into the Roil', 'Honored Hydra', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Tentative Connection', 'Endbringer', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Port Town', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Auramancer', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Harrow', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Bonesplitter', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Urban Utopia', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Planar Ally', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Reconstruction', 'Volt Charge', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Fiery Justice', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Forever Young', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Electrolyze', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Mirrorweave', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Browbeat', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Flame Rift', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Neutralize', 'Painful Quandary', 'Curse of Chains', 'Jund Charm', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Destroy Evil', 'Nest Robber', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Negate', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Legion Angel', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Micromancer', 'Abzan Charm', 'Flood Plain', 'Painful Truths', 'Cease-Fire', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Pact of the Titan', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Purify the Grave', 'Peek', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Tear Asunder', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Chitterspitter', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Universal Automaton', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Cling to Dust', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Trade Routes', 'Shivan Reef', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Epochrasite', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Circular Logic', 'Winged Portent', 'Countersquall', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Savage Lands', 'Dead Weight', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Traumatize', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Putrefax', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Death Baron', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Pain Seer', 'Intervention Pact', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Identity Crisis', 'Power Depot', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Just the Wind', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Black Knight', 'Fell Stinger', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Sarcomancy', 'Searing Spear', 'Samite Healer', 'Saproling Burst', 'Architects of Will', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Reckless Charge', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Azorius Charm', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Profane Procession', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Chance Encounter', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Soul Snare', 'Desolation Twin', 'Turn // Burn', 'Aqueous Form', 'Wastes', 'Augury Owl', 'Keep Safe', 'Master Biomancer', 'Threats Undetected', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Genesis Wave', 'Noxious Assault', 'Thought Scour', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Bile Blight', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Kher Keep', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Revitalize', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Boon Satyr', 'Cult Conscript', 'Ruin Crab', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Tempered Steel', 'Child of Night', 'Bant Charm', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Detention Sphere', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Molten Blast', 'Haze of Rage', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Scute Mob', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Endless One', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Abiding Grace', 'Into the Wilds', 'Reanimate', 'Dread Return', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Forked Bolt', 'Evacuation', 'Brain Maggot', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Guild Globe', 'Light of Hope', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Disfigure', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Silundi Vision', 'Training Grounds', 'Dissolve', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Animation Module', 'Font of Fertility', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Animate Dead', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Kavu Predator', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Demolition Field', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Void', 'Breakthrough', 'Exclude', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Palinchron', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Tribal Flames', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Worm Harvest', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Frost Titan', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Vivid Creek', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Seed of Hope', 'Thragtusk', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Bring the Ending', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Compulsive Research', 'Rampant Growth', 'Commune with Lava', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Scarab Feast', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Undying Evil', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Second Wind', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Argentum Armor', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Mutilate', 'Flame Javelin', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Divest', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Zenith Flare', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Dispel', 'Consume the Meek', 'Sen Triplets', 'Easy Prey', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Megrim', 'Dovescape', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Impulse', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Gutterbones', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Dragonstorm', 'Festival Crasher', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Gruul Charm', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Mana Bloom', 'Catch // Release', 'Silver Knight', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Devil''s Play', 'Centaur Garden', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Infuriate', 'Arc Trail', 'Collateral Damage', 'Nevermore', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Liliana Vess', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Lizard Blades', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Prismari Campus', 'Acidic Slime', 'Cloudpost', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Voltage Surge', 'Telepathy', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Magma Spray', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Obliterate', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Battle Screech', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Flame Blitz', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Endless Horizons', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Primal Might', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Possibility Storm', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Dead of Winter', 'Dockside Chef', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Maze Rusher', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Natural State', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Combat Research', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Champion of Wits', 'Vandalblast', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Vault Skirge', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Time Sieve', 'Ivory Tower', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Obscuring Aether'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 113.3, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (69.4 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Wood Elves', 'Mindslaver', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Choked Estuary', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Undead Augur', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Spirit Link', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Wargate', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Crab Umbra', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Brute Force', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Generous Patron', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Sol Talisman', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Condemn', 'Mana Bloom', 'Bad River', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Keep Safe', 'Dream Trawler', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Haunted Dead', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Siege Rhino', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Stitch in Time', 'Reckless Waif', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Bone Dragon', 'Dawn Charm', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Wall of Omens', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Shard Volley', 'Clear the Mind', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Halo Forager', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Canopy Vista', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Rust Goliath', 'Magma Spray', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Audacity', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Experiment One', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Marble Diamond', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Brute Suit', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Queen of Ice', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Spell Snuff', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Regal Force', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Dead // Gone', 'Invigorate', 'Savage Lands', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Farseek', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Ash Zealot', 'Light Up the Night', 'Urban Utopia', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Jokulhaups', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Unholy Heat', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Den Protector', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Shock', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Palinchron', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Mana Leak', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Auramancer', 'Monoskelion', 'Clawing Torment', 'Artful Dodge', 'Upheaval', 'Enlarge', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Painful Truths', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Thran Vigil', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Psychic Possession', 'Chitterspitter', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Rune of Might', 'Death Baron', 'Midnight Clock', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Mulch', 'Triskelion', 'Plated Geopede', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Genesis', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Dovescape', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Skylasher', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Defiant Strike', 'Brain Freeze', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Rise and Shine', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Halimar Depths', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Unwind', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Incendiary Command', 'The Seedcore', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Harrow', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Bond of Insight', 'Voltage Surge', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Hive Mind', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Guild Globe', 'Light of Hope', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Hateflayer', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Urban Evolution', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Morselhoarder', 'Volt Charge', 'Experimental Augury', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Countersquall', 'Cystbearer', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Azorius Charm', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Tragic Slip', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Wavesifter', 'Ivory Tower', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Augury Owl', 'Blood Artist', 'Revoke Existence', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Vapor Snag', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Venerable Monk', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Stone Rain', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Peek', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Wrath of God', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Murderous Cut', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Ball Lightning', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Scute Mob', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Future Sight', 'Terminate', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Radiant Grove', 'Threats Undetected', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Last Stand', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Prohibit', 'Harmonize', 'Fiery Justice', 'Nether Traitor', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Thought Scour', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Trading Post', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Sin Prodder', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Field Marshal', 'Gigadrowse', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Spare Supplies', 'Forced Fruition', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Desolation Twin', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Tarfire', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Spark Elemental', 'Titania''s Command', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Maze''s End', 'Spell Pierce', 'Banish into Fable', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Arc Trail', 'Forever Young', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Combat Research', 'Hostage Taker', 'Guided Passage', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Chance Encounter', 'Vendetta', 'Izzet Charm', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Soul Snare', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Blade Splicer', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Ground Seal', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Power Sink', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Giant Killer', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Flood Plain', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Rampant Growth', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Gavony Township', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Abundant Growth', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Control Magic', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Daring Thief', 'Gust of Wind', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Icehide Golem', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Twinferno', 'Primal Amulet', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Aetherling', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Memory Leak', 'Ominous Seas', 'Acidic Slime', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Easy Prey', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Boomerang', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Not of This World', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Dragonstorm', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Never // Return', 'Painful Quandary', 'Thran Portal', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Arbor Elf', 'Telepathy', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Port Town', 'Serum Snare', 'Dimir Signet', 'Temple of Malady', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Brain Maggot', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'The Modern Age', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Boros Elite', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Sunscour', 'Spider Umbra', 'Skull of Orm', 'Crux of Fate', 'Drake Haven', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Chittering Rats', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Sonic Burst', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Wildfire', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Fiery Temper', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Withered Wretch', 'Plunder', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Liliana Vess', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Vault Skirge', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Elvish Champion', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Glorious Protector', 'False Summoning', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Dark Ritual', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Simian Sling', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Sleep', 'Commune with Nature', 'Return to Dust', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Caldera Lake', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Mind Spring', 'Damn', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Doom Foretold', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Needle Drop', 'Duress', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Reveillark', 'Compulsive Research', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Sin Collector', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Angel of Despair', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'March from the Tomb', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Tribal Flames', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Micromancer', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Buried Alive', 'Dispel', 'Endless One', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Tear Asunder', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Lightning Strike', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Decree of Justice', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Force of Virtue', 'Vivid Crag', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Cover of Winter', 'Court Homunculus', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Stain the Mind', 'Commune with Lava', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Bring the Ending', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Oust', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Turn // Burn', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Haze of Rage', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Dire Tactics', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Shambling Shell', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Day of Judgment', 'Cleric Class', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Soul Warden', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'It That Betrays', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Cult Conscript', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Blazing Specter', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Distress', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Gruul Signet', 'Battle Screech', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Undercover Operative', 'Searing Spear', 'Maestros Theater', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Rune Snag', 'Banisher Priest', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Slagstorm', 'Price of Progress', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Leather Armor', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Risk Factor', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Burst Lightning', 'Narcomoeba', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Nekrataal', 'Boros Signet', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Ponder', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Kor Duelist', 'Obsessive Search', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Radiant Flames', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Sky Hussar', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Rot Wolf', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Recross the Paths', 'Vivid Grove', 'Stream of Life', 'Collective Effort', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Children of Korlis', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Umara Mystic', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Golgari Charm', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Memory Lapse', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Legion Angel', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Sylvan Library', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Student of Warfare', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Ruin Crab', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Nobilis of War', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Plague Stinger', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Putrid Leech', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Darkblast', 'Chief Engineer', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Ral Zarek', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Massacre Girl', 'Combat Thresher', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Twiddle', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Overrun', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Ally Encampment', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Aether Adept', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Mana Flare', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Froghemoth', 'Cruel Reality', 'Altered Ego', 'Deep Analysis', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Overgrowth', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Grim Affliction', 'Sky Scourer', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Wight', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Curiosity', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Universal Automaton', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Graf Harvest', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Protean Hulk', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Dryad Militant', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Stony Silence', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Wall of Blood', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Obliterate', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Runed Halo', 'Munitions Expert', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Pick the Brain', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Fecundity', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Venerable Knight', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Time of Need', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Grave Titan', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Sarcomancy', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Fortified Village', 'Raging Ravine', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Fetid Heath', 'Haunted Mire', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Void', 'Primal Rage', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Palace Siege', 'Curious Pair', 'Spark Spray', 'Nether Spirit', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Commit // Memory', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Planar Ally', 'Ashen Rider', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Noxious Assault', 'Research // Development', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Graven Cairns', 'Hour of Promise', 'Slaughter Games', 'Curse of Silence', 'Infectious Bite', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Coalition Relic', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Necrogoyf', 'Aqueous Form', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Quicksand', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Umara Wizard', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Breakthrough', 'Mortify', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Endless Horizons', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Blighted Agent', 'Larger Than Life', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Cloudblazer', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Wrench Mind', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Hard Evidence', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Spectral Shift', 'Seal of Removal', 'Balefire Liege', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Zenith Flare', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Saproling Burst', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Rotting Rats', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Circuit Mender', 'Spell Burst', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Polymorph', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Silence', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Footfall Crater', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Chain Lightning', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Perilous Vault', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Ossification', 'Firebolt', 'Pilfer', 'Quarantine Field', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Pack Rat', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Languish', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Winged Portent', 'Wing Shards', 'Twinflame', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Energy Refractor', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Gods Willing', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Seasons Past', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Circular Logic', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Centaur Garden', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Castigate', 'Doom Blade', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Memorial to War', 'Incinerate', 'Lightning Rift', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Through the Breach', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Shardless Agent', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Profane Procession', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Groundbreaker', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Tangled Islet', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Seething Song', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Void Snare', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Restoration Angel', 'Karmic Guide', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Trade Routes', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Repeal', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Dreamstealer', 'Assault Strobe', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Wilt', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Smallpox', 'Silundi Vision', 'Pillage', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Mortuary Mire', 'White Knight', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Late to Dinner', 'Demolition Field', 'Dread Presence', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Slip Through Space', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Ionize', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Raging Goblin', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Fierce Empath', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Astral Slide', 'Gather the Pack', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Fabricate', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Animating Faerie', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Putrefy', 'Goldhound', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Rule of Law', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Goblin Matron', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Valley Dasher', 'Fumigate', 'Read the Bones', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Consume the Meek', 'Aetherspouts', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Longbow Archer', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Scattered Groves', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Treasure Mage', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Frantic Search', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Salvage Titan', 'Strike It Rich', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Blazing Archon', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Unburial Rites', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Nevermore', 'Neutralize', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Mortarpod', 'Brokers Charm', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Cremate', 'Possibility Storm', 'Glorybringer', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Aria of Flame', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Mutilate', 'Divest', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'All That Glitters', 'Festival Crasher', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Platinum Angel', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Generous Visitor', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Runic Shot', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Alpha Authority', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Evacuation', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Astral Drift', 'Wild Cantor', 'Seal from Existence', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Flame Rift', 'Web of Inertia', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Browbeat', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Reconstruction', 'The Scorpion God', 'Groundswell', 'Devil''s Play', 'Braid of Fire', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Bonesplitter', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Costly Plunder', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Plague Beetle', 'Barren Moor', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Into the Roil', 'Wily Goblin', 'Omenspeaker', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Rags // Riches', 'Talus Paladin', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Sudden Edict', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Chronomaton', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Jade Mage', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Force of Rage', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Carnophage', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Strategic Planning', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Angel of Grace', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Serra Avenger', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Dockside Chef', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Training Grounds', 'High Tide', 'Setessan Champion', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Boros Recruit', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Reanimate', 'View from Above', 'Voidslime', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Frogmite', 'Moment of Craving', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Tramway Station', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Crackling Doom', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Putrid Imp', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Game Trail', 'Mana Tithe', 'Think Twice', 'Cankerbloom', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Calciform Pools', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Realm Razer', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Brainstone', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'The Celestus', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Temple of Silence', 'Grasslands', 'Thragtusk', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Scurry Oak', 'Hypergenesis', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Remove Soul', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Atog', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Seismic Assault', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Abzan Charm', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Relic Axe', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Assault Formation', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Weirding Wood', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Viscera Seer', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Bring to Light', 'Gutterbones', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Tree of Tales', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Soaring Drake', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Army of the Damned', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Fast // Furious', 'Mirror Entity', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Codex Shredder', 'Demonic Dread', 'Fetid Pools', 'Night Clubber', 'Bag of Holding', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Stern Lesson', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Howling Mine', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Seed of Hope', 'Doomskar', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Akki Ronin', 'Master of Death', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Boom // Bust', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Silent Departure', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Primal Beyond', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Jace Beleren', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Snapback', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Season of Growth', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Flooded Grove', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Boon Satyr', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Bog Wraith', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Azorius Signet', 'Bolt Hound', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Fire Diamond', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Hit // Run', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Vexing Devil', 'Lashwrithe', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Blackmail', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Planar Bridge', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Lightning Spear', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Privileged Position', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Highland Lake', 'Boros Garrison', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Fists of Flame', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Virus Beetle', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Identity Crisis', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Shared Discovery', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Evil Twin', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Bone Saw', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Fume Spitter', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Stasis Snare', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Mantis Rider', 'Dig Up', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Flame Blitz', 'Skull Fracture', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Tragic Poet', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'River Serpent', 'Silver Knight', 'Sorin Markov', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Undercity Informer', 'Brave the Elements', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Offalsnout', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Sen Triplets', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Domri Rade', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Standing Troops', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Opt', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Myth Realized', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Reap and Sow', 'Filigree Sages', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Staggershock', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Go for Blood', 'Check for Traps', 'Argentum Armor', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Pyroclasm', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Baffling End', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Treasure Map', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Dead of Winter', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Reckless Rage', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Ulcerate', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Renewed Faith', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Detention Sphere', 'Lizard Blades', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Creeping Chill', 'Blightning', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Mind Rake', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Dimir Charm', 'Bump in the Night', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Master Biomancer', 'Bridge from Below', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Blind Obedience', 'Gruul Charm', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Despise', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Temple of Malice', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Kami of Transience', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Patch Up', 'Animation Module', 'Fight as One', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Terminal Agony', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Steel Overseer', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Blood Lust', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Cloudpost', 'Staff of Domination', 'Rebuild', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Persecute', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Intervention Pact', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Tangle', 'Primal Might', 'Myr Servitor', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Samite Healer', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Tentative Connection', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Startling Development', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Tail Swipe', 'Ruin Raider', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Primal Command', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Favorable Winds', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Rift Sower', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Unsummon', 'Terastodon', 'Molten Tributary', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Lingering Souls', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Fevered Visions', 'Weird Harvest', 'Tome Scour', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Big Score', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Cloudshift', 'Mana Cylix', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Grapeshot', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Norin the Wary', 'Glistener Elf', 'Kavu Predator', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Shred Memory', 'Canyon Slough', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Anticipate', 'Isolate', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Shore Up', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Giant Growth', 'Slitherhead', 'Negate', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Rewind', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Just the Wind', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Infest', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Frost Titan', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Reaper King', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Lightning Axe', 'Dark Petition', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Soulflayer', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Mindcrank', 'Glamerdye', 'Pain Seer', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Fade from Memory', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Cling to Dust', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Font of Fertility', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Fling', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Deprive', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Word of Undoing', 'Mission Briefing', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Vindicate', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Orchard Strider', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Brave the Sands', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Second Sunrise', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Always Watching', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Power Depot', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Exploding Borders', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Seal of Fire', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Frontline Medic', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Bushwhack', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Architects of Will', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Mystic Snake', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Primal Surge', 'Expedite', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Far // Away', 'Genesis Wave', 'Magister of Worth', 'Pelt Collector', 'Complicate', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Blight Mamba', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Minor Misstep', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Regrowth', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Dread Return', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Abiding Grace', 'Cultivate', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Verdant Command', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Battle of Wits', 'Waker of Waves', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Halo Scarab', 'Frost Walker', 'Tombstalker', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Reckless Charge', 'Catch // Release', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Turnabout', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Spectral Procession', 'Collective Defiance', 'Magma Jet', 'Biovisionary', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Essence Scatter', 'Kher Keep', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Precinct Captain', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Guardian Idol', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Dispatch', 'Disfigure', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Blood Knight', 'Combat Courier', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Xorn', 'Quickling', 'Krosan Grip', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Fertile Ground', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Necroplasm', 'Electrolyze', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Greenseeker', 'Fell Stinger', 'Rise // Fall', 'Stun Sniper', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Spawning Breath', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Forked Bolt', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Annex Sentry', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Disenchant', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Spirited Companion', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Essence Flux', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Riddleform', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Braingeyser', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Notion Thief', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Meddling Mage', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Viridian Revel', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Dovin Baan', 'Gird for Battle', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Esper Charm', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Cathedral of War', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Leonin Bola', 'Reality Heist', 'Render Silent', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Reflector Mage', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Molten Rain', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Vision Skeins', 'Wonder', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Hornet Queen', 'Black Knight', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Mirrorweave', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Primal Order', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Witching Well', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Soul Shatter', 'Worship', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Death Cloud', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Might of Oaks', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Willow Geist', 'Maze Rusher', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Psychatog', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Tempered Steel', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Myr Superion', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Fertilid', 'Bone Shards', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Lose Focus', 'Light the Way', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Infuriate', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Harm''s Way', 'Tithe Taker', 'Grand Architect', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Psychic Strike', 'Sterling Grove', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Heartless Act', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Hammerhand', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Timeless Witness', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Memnarch', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Blessed Breath', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Simic Charm', 'Epochrasite', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Forbid', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Master of Etherium', 'Jund Charm', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Jackal Pup', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Dissolve', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Endless Detour', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Into the Story', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Change the Equation', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Desecration Demon', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Victim of Night', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Story Circle', 'Child of Night', 'Pandemonium', 'Crack the Earth', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Corpse Cur', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'River of Tears', 'Collateral Damage', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Wild Defiance', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Fallow Earth', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Sins of the Past', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Curse of Chains', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Disallow', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Solemnity', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Plow Under', 'Obscura Charm', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Heartfire', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Brood Birthing', 'Profane Command', 'Glint Hawk', 'Deny Reality', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Rob the Archives', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Rift Bolt', 'Carrion Wall', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Explore', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Martyr of Sands', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Exclude', 'Corrupt', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Spore Frog', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Terrarion', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Double Vision', 'Animate Dead', 'Secret Plans', 'Fated Retribution', 'Cease-Fire', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Lost Legacy', 'Vampiric Link', 'Utter End', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Champion of Wits', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Vector Asp', 'Dive Down', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Silverquill Command', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Shredded Sails', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Lone Rider', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Myr Welder', 'Lucky Clover', 'Opulent Palace', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Buried Ruin', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Worthy Knight', 'Tomb Robber', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Supreme Will', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Bile Blight', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Memoricide', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Of One Mind', 'Recommission', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Viral Drake', 'Vivid Creek', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Driven // Despair', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Wastes', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Zof Consumption', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Undying Evil', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Trinket Mage', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Vesperlark', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Reason // Believe', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Vandalblast', 'Etched Champion', 'Draconic Roar', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Containment Construct', 'Revitalize', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Mobilized District', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Go for the Throat', 'Tribute Mage', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Crash Through', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Impulse', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Bant Charm', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'True Believer', 'Flame Javelin', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Dead Weight', 'Ram Through', 'Molten Blast', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Banishing Slash', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Twincast', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Call of the Herd', 'Golden Demise', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Perilous Research', 'Trade Secrets', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Second Wind', 'The Antiquities War', 'Needle Spires', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Sky Terror', 'Hedron Archive', 'Quicken', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Shambling Vent', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Worm Harvest', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Nest Robber', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Trickbind', 'Glittering Wish', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Soul Diviner', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Greater Good', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Gruul Turf', 'Megrim', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Nine Lives', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Zuran Orb', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Fatestitcher', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Smiting Helix', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Hellrider', 'Colossification', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Scarab Feast', 'Burnished Hart', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Stave Off', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Knight of New Alara', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Shivan Reef', 'Cut Down', 'Devoted Druid', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Gideon Jura', 'Natural State', 'Early Harvest', 'Blessed Respite', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Condescend', 'Honored Hydra', 'Archaeomancer', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Devastating Summons', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Heap Doll', 'Glimmerpost', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Network Disruptor', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Drannith Healer', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Shriekmaw', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Knight of Glory', 'Step Through', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Ultimate Price', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Assault // Battery', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Foundry Helix', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Traumatize', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Carth the Lion', 'Wander in Death', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Restore Balance', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Riftsweeper', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Utopia Tree', 'Banefire', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Celestial Flare', 'Sultai Charm', 'Mulldrifter', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Quag Vampires', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Become Immense', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Ichorid', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Prismari Campus', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Purify the Grave', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Dark Salvation', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Distortion Strike', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Terminus', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Gingerbrute', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Fog', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Frost Marsh', 'Destroy Evil', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Time Sieve', 'Primal Bellow', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Golden Egg', 'Geistflame', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Recoup', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Waterfront District', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Ornithopter', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Dread Statuary', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Séance', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Flame Slash', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'War Falcon', 'Village Messenger', 'Chatterstorm', 'Out of Time', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Sign in Blood', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Endbringer', 'Defabricate', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Into the Wilds', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Path of Discovery', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Joint Exploration', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Putrefax', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Choking Sands', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Blood Seeker', 'Vigor'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 69.4, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (67.2 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Blood Artist', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Searing Spear', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Memnarch', 'Astral Drift', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Howling Mine', 'Countersquall', 'Isolate', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Sign in Blood', 'Quicksand', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Buried Alive', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Dimir Signet', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Soul Shatter', 'Combat Research', 'Collateral Damage', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Perilous Research', 'Rift Bolt', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Saproling Burst', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Ral Zarek', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Zof Consumption', 'Network Disruptor', 'Vigor', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Archaeomancer', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Light of Hope', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Distortion Strike', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Circular Logic', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Soul Snare', 'Barren Moor', 'Notion Thief', 'Reconstruction', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Disfigure', 'Day of Judgment', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Aetherling', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Braid of Fire', 'Siege Rhino', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Dark Salvation', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Bant Charm', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Rewind', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Brainstone', 'Trading Post', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Primal Might', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Aetherspouts', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Purify the Grave', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Overrun', 'Desolation Twin', 'Secret Plans', 'Master of Death', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Genesis', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Rise // Fall', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Kavu Predator', 'Planar Ally', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Tomb Robber', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Lone Rider', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Morselhoarder', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Spell Pierce', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Sultai Charm', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Disallow', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Exclude', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Viscera Seer', 'Sky Hussar', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Demolition Field', 'Memory Lapse', 'Mindslaver', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Precinct Captain', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Revoke Existence', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Leather Armor', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Essence Flux', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Canyon Slough', 'Orchard Strider', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Lightning Axe', 'Flame Javelin', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Hive Mind', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Breakthrough', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Crash Through', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Reason // Believe', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Azorius Signet', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Plague Stinger', 'Gingerbrute', 'Boomerang', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Easy Prey', 'Shred Memory', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Farseek', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Tangled Islet', 'Dovescape', 'Spectral Shift', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Honored Hydra', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Out of Time', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Flame Slash', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Complicate', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Bonesplitter', 'Shared Discovery', 'Worm Harvest', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Crab Umbra', 'Pack Rat', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Weirding Wood', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Shore Up', 'Forever Young', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Colossification', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Destroy Evil', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Blazing Specter', 'Xorn', 'Astral Slide', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Narcomoeba', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Defiant Strike', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Runed Halo', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Bone Shards', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Dockside Chef', 'Privileged Position', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Ground Seal', 'Black Knight', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Combat Thresher', 'Vesperlark', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Hour of Promise', 'Terminal Agony', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Expedite', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Trickbind', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Valley Dasher', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Training Grounds', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Rune of Might', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Bring to Light', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Needle Drop', 'Viridian Revel', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Collective Defiance', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Time Sieve', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Myr Welder', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Turnabout', 'Sen Triplets', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Traumatize', 'Thragtusk', 'Buried Ruin', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Children of Korlis', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Remove Soul', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Baffling End', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Putrid Leech', 'Myr Superion', 'Reaper King', 'Assault // Battery', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Putrefy', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Blighted Agent', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Cankerbloom', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'March from the Tomb', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Rise and Shine', 'Tree of Tales', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Altered Ego', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Cloudpost', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Gruul Turf', 'Call of the Conclave', 'The Antiquities War', 'Patch Up', 'Port Town', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Umara Mystic', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Spore Frog', 'Animating Faerie', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Palinchron', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Mindcrank', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Possibility Storm', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Curiosity', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Ominous Seas', 'Reflector Mage', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Primal Order', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Dread Return', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Harrow', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Heap Doll', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Crackling Doom', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Liliana Vess', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Necroplasm', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Sunscour', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Wastes', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Bump in the Night', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Evacuation', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Bridge from Below', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Guild Globe', 'The Celestus', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Death Baron', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Centaur Garden', 'Brute Suit', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Animate Dead', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Ponder', 'Fecundity', 'Halo Scarab', 'Vivid Grove', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Halo Forager', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Staff of Domination', 'Mana Cylix', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Fierce Empath', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Soul Warden', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Auramancer', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Braingeyser', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Palace Siege', 'Etched Champion', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Grave Titan', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Spell Snuff', 'Mulch', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Fertile Ground', 'Double Vision', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Compulsive Research', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Dawn Charm', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Fetid Heath', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Cystbearer', 'Incendiary Command', 'Molten Blast', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Wild Cantor', 'Languish', 'Blackmail', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Flame Blitz', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Chief Engineer', 'Tangle', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Calciform Pools', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Voidslime', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Sarcomancy', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Boros Signet', 'Seething Song', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Mobilized District', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Catch // Release', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Bile Blight', 'Geistflame', 'Longbow Archer', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Driven // Despair', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Reveillark', 'Architects of Will', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Dream Trawler', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Cling to Dust', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Twinferno', 'Harm''s Way', 'Infuriate', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Devoted Druid', 'Stream of Life', 'Unburial Rites', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Condescend', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Realm Razer', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Memoricide', 'Divest', 'Plow Under', 'Vivid Creek', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Fortified Village', 'Highland Lake', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Wall of Omens', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Electrolyze', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Primal Bellow', 'Unholy Heat', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Jade Mage', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Lightning Spear', 'Force of Rage', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Obscura Charm', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Carnophage', 'Samite Healer', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Lightning Strike', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Collective Effort', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Platinum Angel', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Fog', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Trade Routes', 'Fume Spitter', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Research // Development', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Corpse Cur', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Burnished Hart', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Norin the Wary', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Weird Harvest', 'Invigorate', 'Harmonize', 'Balefire Liege', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Scattered Groves', 'Combat Courier', 'Champion of Wits', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Jackal Pup', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Fated Retribution', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Wight', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Aqueous Form', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Venerable Knight', 'Fade from Memory', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Bring the Ending', 'Painful Truths', 'Groundswell', 'Neutralize', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Omenspeaker', 'Spirit Link', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Draconic Roar', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Codex Shredder', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Keep Safe', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Desecration Demon', 'Carrion Wall', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Sylvan Library', 'Undead Augur', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Reckless Waif', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Recommission', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Brain Maggot', 'Fling', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Seal of Fire', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Ashen Rider', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'The Seedcore', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Experiment One', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Fumigate', 'Voltage Surge', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Bolt Hound', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Think Twice', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Rune Snag', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Soulflayer', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Aria of Flame', 'Heartless Act', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Time of Need', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Arc Trail', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Undying Evil', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Tramway Station', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Pyroclasm', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Recross the Paths', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Regrowth', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Repeal', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Goldhound', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Quiet Speculation', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Unsummon', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Dive Down', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Render Silent', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Silver Knight', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Plague Beetle', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Silverquill Command', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Seismic Assault', 'Field Marshal', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Dark Ritual', 'Nether Spirit', 'Caldera Lake', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Volt Charge', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Coalition Relic', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Crack the Earth', 'Call of the Herd', 'Umara Wizard', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Incinerate', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Willow Geist', 'Chatterstorm', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Celestial Flare', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Become Immense', 'Corrupt', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Primal Command', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Generous Patron', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Tombstalker', 'Grim Affliction', 'Fetid Pools', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Raging Goblin', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Hateflayer', 'Tear Asunder', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Rift Sower', 'All That Glitters', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Lashwrithe', 'Midnight Clock', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Mind Spring', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Ossification', 'Frantic Search', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Demonic Dread', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Hypergenesis', 'Glittering Wish', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Chance Encounter', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Seed of Hope', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Grapeshot', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'View from Above', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Arbor Elf', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Titania''s Command', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Festival Crasher', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Reckless Charge', 'Silundi Vision', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Izzet Charm', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Bag of Holding', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Night Clubber', 'Sin Collector', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Graf Harvest', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Of One Mind', 'Power Sink', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Seal of Removal', 'Hit // Run', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Spectral Procession', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Vivid Crag', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Treasure Mage', 'River of Tears', 'Maze Rusher', 'Frost Titan', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Hedron Archive', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Brokers Charm', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Hard Evidence', 'Wargate', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Verdant Command', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Guided Passage', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Argentum Armor', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Murderous Cut', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Gruul Signet', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Sudden Edict', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Painful Quandary', 'Haunted Mire', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Tragic Slip', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Assault Formation', 'War Falcon', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Rule of Law', 'Just the Wind', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Goblin Matron', 'Magma Spray', 'Stun Sniper', 'Recoup', 'Doom Blade', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'The Scorpion God', 'Atog', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'The Modern Age', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Turn // Burn', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Scurry Oak', 'Krosan Grip', 'Endless Detour', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Utter End', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Go for the Throat', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Vexing Devil', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Hostage Taker', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Seal from Existence', 'Dread Statuary', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Maze''s End', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Web of Inertia', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Ornithopter', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Brave the Elements', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Waterfront District', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Dire Tactics', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Skull Fracture', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Bad River', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Mortify', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Nekrataal', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Devastating Summons', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Bog Wraith', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Forbid', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Second Sunrise', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Venerable Monk', 'Glorious Protector', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Font of Fertility', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Slagstorm', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Boros Recruit', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Ally Encampment', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'It That Betrays', 'Distress', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Abiding Grace', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Generous Visitor', 'Ichorid', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Akki Ronin', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Despise', 'Not of This World', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Frost Marsh', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Putrefax', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Shriekmaw', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Unwind', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Fertilid', 'Tribal Flames', 'Prismari Campus', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Vindicate', 'Genesis Wave', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Ruin Crab', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Burst Lightning', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Vandalblast', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Shardless Agent', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Setessan Champion', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Angel of Despair', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Gruul Charm', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Brute Force', 'Sterling Grove', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Ivory Tower', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Froghemoth', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Putrid Imp', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Master Biomancer', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Shock', 'Gird for Battle', 'Fire Diamond', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Supreme Will', 'Flooded Grove', 'Risk Factor', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Terminate', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Renewed Faith', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Plunder', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Mantis Rider', 'Universal Automaton', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Prohibit', 'Pick the Brain', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Grand Architect', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Ultimate Price', 'Mana Flare', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Lose Focus', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Zuran Orb', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Cease-Fire', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Reckless Rage', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Fast // Furious', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Threats Undetected', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Spawning Breath', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Rotting Rats', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Twincast', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Curse of Chains', 'Treasure Map', 'Vision Skeins', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Haze of Rage', 'Darkblast', 'Cruel Reality', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Solemnity', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Mission Briefing', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Massacre Girl', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Restore Balance', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Power Depot', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Startling Development', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Dovin Baan', 'Urza''s Rage', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Opt', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Pillage', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Greater Good', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Glint Hawk', 'Halimar Depths', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Chain Lightning', 'Dreamstealer', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Undercity Informer', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Virus Beetle', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Mystic Snake', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Ram Through', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Filigree Sages', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Game Trail', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Never // Return', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Tithe Taker', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Fiery Temper', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Blood Knight', 'Acidic Slime', 'Deep Analysis', 'Commune with Nature', 'Skylasher', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Endbringer', 'Dead Weight', 'Primal Beyond', 'Timeless Witness', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Relic Axe', 'Assault Strobe', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Rampant Growth', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Blade Splicer', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Stasis Snare', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Micromancer', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'True Believer', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Glorybringer', 'Overgrowth', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Pelt Collector', 'Psychatog', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Second Wind', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'River Serpent', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Slaughter Games', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Clear the Mind', 'Footfall Crater', 'Serra Avenger', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Detention Sphere', 'Control Magic', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Dig Up', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Twinflame', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Tentative Connection', 'Frontline Medic', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Runic Shot', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Tragic Poet', 'False Summoning', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Dead // Gone', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Skull of Orm', 'Shredded Sails', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Light Up the Night', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Ball Lightning', 'Dissolve', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Fabricate', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Necrogoyf', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Trade Secrets', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Deprive', 'Infest', 'Jokulhaups', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Dead of Winter', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Fiery Justice', 'Myr Servitor', 'Twiddle', 'Mind Rake', 'Hornet Queen', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Student of Warfare', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Endless One', 'Raging Ravine', 'Lightning Rift', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Nest Robber', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Big Score', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Magister of Worth', 'Curious Pair', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Giant Growth', 'Jace Beleren', 'Leonin Bola', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Planar Bridge', 'Scute Mob', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Boon Satyr', 'Return to Dust', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Blazing Archon', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Worship', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Sky Scourer', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Stitch in Time', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Upheaval', 'Dragonstorm', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Choking Sands', 'Wavesifter', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Damn', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Artful Dodge', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Memory Leak', 'Reality Heist', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Polymorph', 'Psychic Strike', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Foundry Helix', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Pain Seer', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Seasons Past', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Winged Portent', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Perilous Vault', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Through the Breach', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Smallpox', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Slip Through Space', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Fists of Flame', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Disenchant', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Stave Off', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Master of Etherium', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Season of Growth', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Cloudshift', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Kami of Transience', 'Kher Keep', 'Commit // Memory', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Banish into Fable', 'Gigadrowse', 'Daring Thief', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Fevered Visions', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Waker of Waves', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Legion Angel', 'Simic Charm', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Court Homunculus', 'Zenith Flare', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Rob the Archives', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Alpha Authority', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Brave the Sands', 'Magma Jet', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Energy Refractor', 'Thought Scour', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Favorable Winds', 'Thran Vigil', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Protean Hulk', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Into the Wilds', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Strategic Planning', 'Sonic Burst', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'White Knight', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Spark Elemental', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Profane Command', 'Quag Vampires', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Read the Bones', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Maestros Theater', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Death Cloud', 'Psychic Possession', 'Meddling Mage', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Explore', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Den Protector', 'Vapor Snag', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Restoration Angel', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Sleep', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Spark Spray', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Aether Adept', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Army of the Damned', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Molten Rain', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Chronomaton', 'Forced Fruition', 'Wrench Mind', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Elvish Champion', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Regal Force', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Standing Troops', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Ulcerate', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Dispatch', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Noxious Assault', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Natural State', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Cut Down', 'Blessed Respite', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Banefire', 'Icehide Golem', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Wander in Death', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Banishing Slash', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Blessed Breath', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Abundant Growth', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Cultivate', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Minor Misstep', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Biovisionary', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Gutterbones', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Slitherhead', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Sky Terror', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Word of Undoing', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Wily Goblin', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Village Messenger', 'Battle of Wits', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Cloudblazer', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Battle Screech', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Vendetta', 'Savage Lands', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Glistener Elf', 'Impulse', 'Soaring Drake', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Soul Diviner', 'Rot Wolf', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Steel Overseer', 'Profane Procession', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Gust of Wind', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Viral Drake', 'Gideon Jura', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Commune with Lava', 'Peek', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Simian Sling', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Clawing Torment', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Needle Spires', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Decree of Justice', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Ionize', 'Fatestitcher', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Cathedral of War', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Late to Dinner', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Séance', 'Tribute Mage', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Nobilis of War', 'Nine Lives', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Temple of Malice', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Stern Lesson', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Might of Oaks', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Spell Burst', 'Anticipate', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Tarfire', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Brood Birthing', 'Munitions Expert', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Triskelion', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Riftsweeper', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Golgari Charm', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Light the Way', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Force of Virtue', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Withered Wretch', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Wild Defiance', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Wonder', 'Augury Owl', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Ruin Raider', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Mulldrifter', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Graven Cairns', 'Marble Diamond', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Doom Foretold', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Pilfer', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Terastodon', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Circuit Mender', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Fight as One', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Knight of Glory', 'Offalsnout', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Change the Equation', 'Consume the Meek', 'Sol Talisman', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Audacity', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Esper Charm', 'Canopy Vista', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Spare Supplies', 'Nevermore', 'Doomskar', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Dimir Charm', 'Vault Skirge', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Dryad Militant', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Angel of Grace', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Defabricate', 'Greenseeker', 'Negate', 'Wood Elves', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Stone Rain', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Browbeat', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Identity Crisis', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Lizard Blades', 'Sorin Markov', 'Wilt', 'Urban Evolution', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Gather the Pack', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Flood Plain', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Deny Reality', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Blind Obedience', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Salvage Titan', 'Oust', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Obsessive Search', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Chittering Rats', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Blood Seeker', 'Boros Elite', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Pandemonium', 'Megrim', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Thran Portal', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Blightning', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Temple of Malady', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Queen of Ice', 'Rags // Riches', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Sin Prodder', 'Vampiric Link', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Containment Construct', 'Brain Freeze', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Staggershock', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Trinket Mage', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Boros Garrison', 'High Tide', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Mutilate', 'Cleric Class', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Frost Walker', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Blight Mamba', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Domri Rade', 'Victim of Night', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Myth Realized', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Snapback', 'Lingering Souls', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Fell Stinger', 'Lucky Clover', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Giant Killer', 'Wing Shards', 'Joint Exploration', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Lost Legacy', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Witching Well', 'Serum Snare', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Scarab Feast', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Vector Asp', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Molten Tributary', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Quarantine Field', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Heartfire', 'Duress', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Firebolt', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Guardian Idol', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Void Snare', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Revitalize', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Stony Silence', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Silent Departure', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Carth the Lion', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Glimmerpost', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Primal Rage', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Mana Leak', 'Primal Amulet', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Reanimate', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Tail Swipe', 'Hammerhand', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Quickling', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Nether Traitor', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Into the Roil', 'Tempered Steel', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Glamerdye', 'Larger Than Life', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Spider Umbra', 'Cult Conscript', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Gods Willing', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Far // Away', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Choked Estuary', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Crux of Fate', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Mana Bloom', 'Primal Surge', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Wildfire', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Boom // Bust', 'Riddleform', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Temple of Silence', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Epochrasite', 'Price of Progress', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Azorius Charm', 'Condemn', 'Jund Charm', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Urban Utopia', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Endless Horizons', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Spirited Companion', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Curse of Silence', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Terminus', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Essence Scatter', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Kor Duelist', 'Bone Saw', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Radiant Flames', 'Wall of Blood', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Experimental Augury', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Strike It Rich', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Mirrorweave', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Groundbreaker', 'Step Through', 'Shivan Reef', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Plated Geopede', 'Worthy Knight', 'Castigate', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Radiant Grove', 'Child of Night', 'Wrath of God', 'Sins of the Past', 'Rust Goliath', 'Infectious Bite', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Forked Bolt', 'Memorial to War', 'Quicken', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Mana Tithe', 'Persecute', 'Rebuild', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Cover of Winter', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Chitterspitter', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Check for Traps', 'Shambling Shell', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Shambling Vent', 'Dread Presence', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Banisher Priest', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Annex Sentry', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Always Watching', 'Mortarpod', 'Bond of Insight', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Flame Rift', 'Drake Haven', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Abzan Charm', 'Haunted Dead', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Opulent Palace', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Karmic Guide', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Utopia Tree', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Shard Volley', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Story Circle', 'Monoskelion', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Exploding Borders', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Drannith Healer', 'Moment of Craving', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Intervention Pact', 'Blood Lust', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Dispel', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Reap and Sow', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Smiting Helix', 'Hellrider', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Tome Scour', 'Bushwhack', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Frogmite', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Path of Discovery', 'Mirror Entity', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Golden Egg', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Early Harvest', 'Bone Dragon', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Costly Plunder', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Obliterate', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Grasslands', 'Terrarion', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Stain the Mind', 'Future Sight', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Golden Demise', 'Telepathy', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Dark Petition', 'Animation Module', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Ash Zealot', 'Silence', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Evil Twin', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Creeping Chill', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Enlarge', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Devil''s Play', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Void', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Last Stand', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Undercover Operative', 'Cremate', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Into the Story', 'Go for Blood', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Talus Paladin', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Gavony Township', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Fallow Earth'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 67.2, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (5051.8 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Bag of Holding', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Reckless Charge', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Repeal', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Distress', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Vexing Devil', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Silence', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Argentum Armor', 'Icehide Golem', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Memnarch', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Colossification', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Spectral Shift', 'Easy Prey', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Tempered Steel', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Glittering Wish', 'Drake Haven', 'Void', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Barren Moor', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Persecute', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Disfigure', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Stony Silence', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Gavony Township', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Jackal Pup', 'Crab Umbra', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Isolate', 'Savage Lands', 'Cultivate', 'Frogtosser Banneret', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Spider Umbra', 'Palinchron', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Palace Siege', 'Bant Charm', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Gather the Pack', 'Pelt Collector', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Mortify', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Seasons Past', 'Zof Consumption', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Nevermore', 'Into the Wilds', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Maze''s End', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Plow Under', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Scute Mob', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Draconic Roar', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Lose Focus', 'Castigate', 'Brave the Sands', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Searing Spear', 'The Seedcore', 'Upheaval', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Needle Drop', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Endbringer', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Flame Blitz', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Gruul Charm', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Undying Evil', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Steel Sabotage', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Astral Drift', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Golden Egg', 'Aether Adept', 'Undercover Operative', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Port Town', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Obsessive Search', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Murderous Cut', 'Waterfront District', 'Skylasher', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Attune with Aether', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Glorybringer', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Ash Zealot', 'Rust Goliath', 'Molten Tributary', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Dark Ritual', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Scurry Oak', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Cloudblazer', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Sultai Charm', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Tomb Robber', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Wavesifter', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Generous Visitor', 'Ruin Raider', 'Fade from Memory', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Glamerdye', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Ral Zarek', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Primal Rage', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Lucky Clover', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Just the Wind', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Commune with Nature', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Slagstorm', 'Blood Artist', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Frost Titan', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Mirror Entity', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Demolition Field', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Tail Swipe', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Epochrasite', 'Nest Robber', 'Massacre Girl', 'Recross the Paths', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Boon Satyr', 'Scarab Feast', 'Meddling Mage', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Mistveil Plains', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Pilfer', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Chief Engineer', 'Spawning Breath', 'Impulse', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Decree of Justice', 'Ulcerate', 'Spare Supplies', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Planar Ally', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Genesis', 'Banisher Priest', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Master of Etherium', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Early Harvest', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Turn // Burn', 'Frantic Search', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Skull Fracture', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Vault Skirge', 'Champion of Wits', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Season of Growth', 'Crash Through', 'Footfall Crater', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Rune Snag', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Bonesplitter', 'Kavu Predator', 'Pick the Brain', 'Render Silent', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Crux of Fate', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Wing Shards', 'Return to the Ranks', 'The Modern Age', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Purify the Grave', 'Dream Trawler', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Twincast', 'False Summoning', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Student of Warfare', 'Rags // Riches', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Cut Down', 'Spark Elemental', 'Creeping Chill', 'Psychic Strike', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Howling Mine', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Elvish Champion', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Go for the Throat', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Tarfire', 'Overgrowth', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Traumatize', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Of One Mind', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Groundswell', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Primal Beyond', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Collective Defiance', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Combat Research', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Dimir Charm', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Tentative Connection', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Goldhound', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Disenchant', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Audacity', 'Solemnity', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Chance Encounter', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Threats Undetected', 'The Scorpion God', 'Combat Thresher', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Worm Harvest', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Wily Goblin', 'Frogmite', 'River of Tears', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Browbeat', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Memory Leak', 'Endless One', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Experimental Augury', 'Memoricide', 'Dovescape', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Myr Servitor', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Ondu Cleric', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Sen Triplets', 'Burnished Hart', 'Krosan Grip', 'Earwig Squad', 'Riddleform', 'Prismari Campus', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Mindcrank', 'Soulflayer', 'Queen of Ice', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Assault Formation', 'Go for Blood', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Force of Virtue', 'Archaeomancer', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Guild Globe', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Zealous Persecution', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Riftsweeper', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Light Up the Night', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Stain the Mind', 'Intervention Pact', 'Doom Blade', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Titania''s Command', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Highland Lake', 'Gods Willing', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Fetid Pools', 'Hard Evidence', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Breakthrough', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Sonic Burst', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Calciform Pools', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Sin Collector', 'Blood Seeker', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Saproling Burst', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Wrath of God', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Step Through', 'Soul Warden', 'Thragtusk', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Viridian Revel', 'Fume Spitter', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Devil''s Play', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Dread Return', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Moment of Craving', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Siege Rhino', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Never // Return', 'Domri Rade', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Undead Augur', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Orchard Strider', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Pack Rat', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Plunder', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Setessan Champion', 'Etched Champion', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Sylvan Library', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Vigor', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Endless Detour', 'Drannith Healer', 'Power Sink', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Lightning Strike', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Curiosity', 'Corpse Cur', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Frost Walker', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Cling to Dust', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Stun Sniper', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Putrid Imp', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Cloudshift', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Steel Overseer', 'Dissolve', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Mulldrifter', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Distortion Strike', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Lightning Spear', 'Child of Night', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Primal Order', 'Circular Logic', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Carnophage', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Blind Obedience', 'Containment Construct', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Startling Development', 'Serra Avenger', 'Brood Birthing', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Harm''s Way', 'Price of Progress', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Assault Strobe', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Cruel Reality', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Battle Screech', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Plague Beetle', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Fog', 'Snapback', 'Standing Troops', 'Chitterspitter', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Aetherworks Marvel', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Banish into Fable', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Dive Down', 'Fevered Visions', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Buried Alive', 'Reckless Rage', 'Shared Discovery', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Rebuild', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Cremate', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Return to Dust', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Omenspeaker', 'Big Score', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Essence Flux', 'Forked Bolt', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Incinerate', 'Profane Command', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Goblin Ruinblaster', 'Wastes', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Firebolt', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Second Sunrise', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Shambling Shell', 'Sterling Grove', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Sorin Markov', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Peek', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Serum Snare', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Prohibit', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Ponder', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Planar Bridge', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Obliterate', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Shard Volley', 'Silver Knight', 'Boros Elite', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Codex Shredder', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Primal Command', 'White Knight', 'Master of Death', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Arbor Elf', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Web of Inertia', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Stern Lesson', 'Myr Superion', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Salvage Titan', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Pain Seer', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Devoted Druid', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Unwind', 'Graven Cairns', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Field Marshal', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Risk Factor', 'Mystic Snake', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Fetid Heath', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Gruul Signet', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Spell Burst', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Mirrorweave', 'Voltage Surge', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Fortified Village', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Putrid Leech', 'Reflector Mage', 'Bond of Insight', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Blight Mamba', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Halo Forager', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Dark Salvation', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Liliana Vess', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Might of Oaks', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Neutralize', 'Rot Wolf', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Fumigate', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Choking Sands', 'Abzan Charm', 'Staff of Domination', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Arc Trail', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Boros Signet', 'Atog', 'Wight', 'Tribute Mage', 'Blessed Respite', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Bog Wraith', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Chain Lightning', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Fiery Temper', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Dragonstorm', 'Slitherhead', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Check for Traps', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Crackling Doom', 'Detention Sphere', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Soul Shatter', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Ghost Quarter', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Nether Traitor', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Wargate', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Blazing Archon', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Ram Through', 'Restoration Angel', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Ruin Crab', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Identity Crisis', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Tribal Flames', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Force of Rage', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Mana Tithe', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Quicksand', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Myr Welder', 'Research // Development', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'River Serpent', 'Vivien, Champion of the Wilds', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Defiant Strike', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Ground Seal', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Urban Utopia', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Banefire', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Choked Estuary', 'Mortarpod', 'Boomerang', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Darkblast', 'Stasis Snare', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Battle of Wits', 'Trading Post', 'March from the Tomb', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Golden Demise', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Azorius Signet', 'Circuit Mender', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Reap and Sow', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Willow Geist', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Shred Memory', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Word of Undoing', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Gutterbones', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Hedron Archive', 'Blackmail', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Aetherspouts', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Rift Bolt', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Call of the Herd', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Tithe Taker', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Opulent Palace', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Utter End', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Clawing Torment', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Cult Conscript', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Animation Module', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Thran Portal', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Sins of the Past', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Frontline Medic', 'Perilous Research', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Hour of Promise', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Nest Invader', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Mantis Rider', 'Fiery Justice', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Kor Duelist', 'Fast // Furious', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Verdant Command', 'Font of Fertility', 'Army of the Damned', 'Wall of Blood', 'Winged Portent', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Nekrataal', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Far // Away', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Heartfire', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Geistflame', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Twiddle', 'Wall of Omens', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Viral Drake', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Smallpox', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Ominous Seas', 'Electrolyze', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Jace Beleren', 'Hateflayer', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Clear the Mind', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Waker of Waves', 'Silent Departure', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Hypergenesis', 'Braingeyser', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Baffling End', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Forced Fruition', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Enlarge', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Demonic Dread', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Cloudpost', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Driven // Despair', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Dovin Baan', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Deny Reality', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Dreamstealer', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Realm Razer', 'Noxious Assault', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'It That Betrays', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Voidslime', 'Monoskelion', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Overrun', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Curse of Chains', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Sunscour', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Mana Bloom', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Jokulhaups', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Tragic Slip', 'Megrim', 'Flooded Grove', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Gust of Wind', 'Quickling', 'Desecration Demon', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Farseek', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Guardian Idol', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Anticipate', 'Glistener Elf', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Simic Charm', 'Primal Amulet', 'Time of Need', 'Blisterpod', 'Shardless Agent', 'Rift Sower', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Recommission', 'Platinum Angel', 'Unholy Heat', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Network Disruptor', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Magma Jet', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Rune of Might', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Brute Force', 'Blood Lust', 'Catch // Release', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Glint Hawk', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Ball Lightning', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Dead Weight', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Timeless Witness', 'Boros Garrison', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Stream of Life', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Damn', 'Stone Rain', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Urban Evolution', 'Profane Procession', 'Sleep', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Doom Foretold', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Spore Frog', 'Micromancer', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Universal Automaton', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Xorn', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Bump in the Night', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Putrefax', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Temple of Malice', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Grafted Wargear', 'All That Glitters', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Runed Halo', 'Kami of Transience', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Weird Harvest', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Dead of Winter', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Frost Marsh', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Lashwrithe', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Seething Song', 'Fire Diamond', 'Light of Hope', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Reaper King', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Dryad Militant', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Talus Paladin', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Doomskar', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Munitions Expert', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Recoup', 'Lone Rider', 'Umara Mystic', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Halo Scarab', 'Bile Blight', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Unsummon', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Death Baron', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Fell Stinger', 'Trickbind', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Training Grounds', 'Countersquall', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Greenseeker', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Condescend', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Control Magic', 'Karmic Guide', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Lightning Axe', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Withered Wretch', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Fatestitcher', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Vapor Snag', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Forever Young', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'High Tide', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Mind Rake', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Ally Encampment', 'Harmonize', 'Wander in Death', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Spirited Companion', 'Honored Hydra', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'War Falcon', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Golgari Charm', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Treasure Mage', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Auramancer', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Tangled Islet', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Smiting Helix', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Blessed Breath', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Larger Than Life', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Angel of Despair', 'Dispel', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Polymorph', 'Dead // Gone', 'Double Vision', 'Vesperlark', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Game Trail', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Blade Splicer', 'Bone Saw', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Animating Faerie', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Flood Plain', 'Devastating Summons', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Twinflame', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Divest', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Renewed Faith', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Needle Spires', 'Gingerbrute', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Stave Off', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Slip Through Space', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Groundbreaker', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Tragic Poet', 'Unburial Rites', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Terrarion', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Plated Geopede', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Blazing Specter', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Architects of Will', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Infuriate', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Narcomoeba', 'Tear Asunder', 'Longbow Archer', 'Future Sight', 'Radiant Flames', 'Collective Effort', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Rob the Archives', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Protean Hulk', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Soul Snare', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Infest', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Ulamog''s Crusher', 'Solitary Confinement', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Last Stand', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Ionize', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Consume the Meek', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Fierce Empath', 'Undercity Informer', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'The Antiquities War', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Languish', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Quicken', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Brainstone', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Mana Cylix', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Seal from Existence', 'Canyon Slough', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Thran Vigil', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Staggershock', 'Vector Asp', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Spark Spray', 'Worthy Knight', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Kher Keep', 'Mind Spring', 'Time Sieve', 'Giant Growth', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Sudden Edict', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Essence Scatter', 'Sol Talisman', 'Haze of Rage', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Graf Harvest', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Maestros Theater', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Brokers Charm', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Infectious Bite', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Necroplasm', 'Knight of Glory', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Trinket Mage', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Azorius Charm', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Carrion Wall', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Story Circle', 'Hornet Queen', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Psychatog', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Deprive', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Rise // Fall', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Primal Might', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Shriekmaw', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Genesis Wave', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Grapeshot', 'Goblin Matron', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Nobilis of War', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Zuran Orb', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Blood Knight', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Curious Pair', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Commune with Lava', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Trade Routes', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Sarcomancy', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Restore Balance', 'Into the Roil', 'Strike It Rich', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Chatterstorm', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Ornithopter', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Complicate', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Sky Hussar', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Halimar Depths', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Dread Statuary', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Revitalize', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Abiding Grace', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Bone Shards', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Sky Terror', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Despise', 'Nether Spirit', 'Burst Lightning', 'Wildfire', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Lingering Souls', 'Invigorate', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Oust', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Shredded Sails', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Annex Sentry', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Wilt', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Rule of Law', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Animate Dead', 'Viscera Seer', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Biovisionary', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Secret Plans', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Bolt Hound', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Reason // Believe', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Halimar Excavator', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Corrupt', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Reckless Waif', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Midnight Clock', 'Brain Maggot', 'Memorial to War', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Dire Tactics', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Cankerbloom', 'Desolation Twin', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Quarantine Field', 'Trade Secrets', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Wooded Bastion', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Angel of Grace', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Dockside Chef', 'Blighted Agent', 'Cathedral of War', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Defabricate', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Balefire Liege', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Runic Shot', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Painful Quandary', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Shock', 'Grim Affliction', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Seismic Assault', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Foundry Helix', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Akki Ronin', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Negate', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Brute Suit', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Bring the Ending', 'Joint Exploration', 'Heartless Act', 'Gird for Battle', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Gideon Jura', 'Mobilized District', 'Lightning Rift', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Dawn Charm', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Stitch in Time', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Shambling Vent', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Aetherling', 'Primal Surge', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Void Snare', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Second Wind', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Dread Presence', 'Fallow Earth', 'Expedite', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Offalsnout', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Heap Doll', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Tangle', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Relic Axe', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Vision Skeins', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Primal Bellow', 'Centaur Garden', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Spawning Pit', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Bone Dragon', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Vandalblast', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Supreme Will', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Night Clubber', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Death Cloud', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Ultimate Price', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Mindslaver', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Read the Bones', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Bad River', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Sin Prodder', 'Greater Good', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Caldera Lake', 'Precinct Captain', 'Temple of Silence', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Hellrider', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Abundant Growth', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Séance', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Den Protector', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Raging Ravine', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Children of Korlis', 'Terastodon', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Jund Charm', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Fling', 'Thought Scour', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Disallow', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Vivid Creek', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Rise and Shine', 'Gruul Turf', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Necrogoyf', 'Endless Horizons', 'Magma Spray', 'Silundi Vision', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'True Believer', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Legion Angel', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Boom // Bust', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Duress', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Filigree Sages', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Magister of Worth', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Fated Retribution', 'Leather Armor', 'Buried Ruin', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Privileged Position', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Rewind', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Wood Elves', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Cease-Fire', 'Weirding Wood', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Aqueous Form', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Harrow', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Patch Up', 'Regrowth', 'Alpha Authority', 'Natural State', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Fertile Ground', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Rotting Rats', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Worship', 'Not of This World', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Canopy Vista', 'Costly Plunder', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Valley Dasher', 'Pandemonium', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Master Biomancer', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Chronomaton', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Fight as One', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Collateral Damage', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Treasure Map', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Opt', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Carth the Lion', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Froghemoth', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Hit // Run', 'Aria of Flame', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Chittering Rats', 'Memory Lapse', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Lost Legacy', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Dig Up', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Turnabout', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Through the Breach', 'Court Homunculus', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Seal of Removal', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Evacuation', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Marble Diamond', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Banishing Slash', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Brain Freeze', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Goblin Trashmaster', 'Seal of Fire', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Vampiric Link', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Spell Snuff', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Tramway Station', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Strategic Planning', 'Forbid', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Telepathy', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Generous Patron', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Grasslands', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Zenith Flare', 'Hostage Taker', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Deep Analysis', 'Shore Up', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Fertilid', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Destroy Evil', 'Keep Safe', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Commit // Memory', 'Plague Stinger', 'Incendiary Command', 'Wild Cantor', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Condemn', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Giant Killer', 'Always Watching', 'Mission Briefing', 'Experiment One', 'Tome Scour', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Think Twice', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Light the Way', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Soaring Drake', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Out of Time', 'Mulch', 'Hammerhand', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Black Knight', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Rampant Growth', 'Izzet Charm', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Samite Healer', 'Assault // Battery', 'Favorable Winds', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Fists of Flame', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Haunted Dead', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Terminate', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Reality Heist', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Silverquill Command', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Utopia Tree', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Spell Pierce', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Wild Defiance', 'Regal Force', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Fecundity', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Psychic Possession', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Haunted Mire', 'Slaughter Games', 'Soul Diviner', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Skullsnatcher', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Village Messenger', 'Molten Blast', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Combat Courier', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter', 'Flame Slash', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Terminal Agony', 'Fabricate', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Acidic Slime', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Dimir Signet', 'Ashen Rider', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Astral Slide', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Volt Charge', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Scattered Groves', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Become Immense', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Grand Abolisher', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Venerable Knight', 'Perilous Vault', 'Obscura Charm', 'Vivid Crag', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Molten Rain', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Path of Discovery', 'Jade Mage', 'The Celestus', 'Bring to Light', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Hive Mind', 'Curse of Silence', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Norin the Wary', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Shivan Reef', 'Mana Flare', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Triskelion', 'Remove Soul', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Vendetta', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Augury Owl', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Pillage', 'Celestial Flare', 'Crack the Earth', 'Venerable Monk', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Altered Ego', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'View from Above', 'Explore', 'Braid of Fire', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Minor Misstep', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Wrench Mind', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Cleric Class', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Dispatch', 'Esper Charm', 'Revoke Existence', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Mutilate', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Brave the Elements', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Terminus', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Quag Vampires', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Vivid Grove', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Flame Rift', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Reanimate', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Grave Titan', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Flame Javelin', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Twinferno', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Nine Lives', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Sky Scourer', 'Daring Thief', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Seed of Hope', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Boros Recruit', 'Grasping Dunes', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Possibility Storm', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Lizard Blades', 'Exploding Borders', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Vindicate', 'Glimmerpost', 'Evil Twin', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Raging Goblin', 'Notion Thief', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Tombstalker', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Cystbearer', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Reconstruction', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Mana Leak', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Maze Rusher', 'Gigadrowse', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Cover of Winter', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Wonder', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Morselhoarder', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Ivory Tower', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Pyroclasm', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Ossification', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Grand Architect', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Power Depot', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Radiant Grove', 'Virus Beetle', 'Spirit Link', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Day of Judgment', 'Coalition Relic', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Bridge from Below', 'Ichorid', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Simian Sling', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Bushwhack', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Leonin Bola', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Myth Realized', 'Spectral Procession', 'Guided Passage', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Artful Dodge', 'Exclude', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Change the Equation', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Late to Dinner', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Putrefy', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Blightning', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Tree of Tales', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Compulsive Research', 'Energy Refractor', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Into the Story', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Skull of Orm', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Victim of Night', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Dark Petition', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Sign in Blood', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Festival Crasher', 'Painful Truths', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Umara Wizard', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Glorious Protector', 'Temple of Malady', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Reveillark', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Witching Well', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 5051.8, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 12 months ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (507.1 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Lost Legacy', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Fists of Flame', 'Patch Up', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Needle Spires', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Browbeat', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Primal Amulet', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Precinct Captain', 'Experimental Augury', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Brute Force', 'Turn // Burn', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Blackmail', 'Second Wind', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Stitch in Time', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Destroy Evil', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Spawning Breath', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Liliana Vess', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Ral Zarek', 'Groundswell', 'Joint Exploration', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Caldera Lake', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Endless One', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Defabricate', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Etched Champion', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Mind Rake', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Vivid Grove', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Tree of Tales', 'Giant Growth', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Silverquill Command', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Golgari Charm', 'Wight', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Sen Triplets', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'The Modern Age', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Dispel', 'Heartfire', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Champion of Wits', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Plated Geopede', 'Unburial Rites', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Blind Obedience', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Frogtosser Banneret', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Ivory Tower', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Planar Bridge', 'Vampiric Link', 'Victim of Night', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Munitions Expert', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Larger Than Life', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Tentative Connection', 'Groundbreaker', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Battle of Wits', 'Drannith Healer', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Wall of Blood', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Mirror Entity', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Seed of Hope', 'Blood Artist', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Fortified Village', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Thran Vigil', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Greater Good', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Recross the Paths', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Out of Time', 'Carrion Wall', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Demonic Dread', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Obsessive Search', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Graf Harvest', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Cover of Winter', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Hostage Taker', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Psychic Possession', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Colossification', 'Sins of the Past', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Fog', 'Fade from Memory', 'Painful Quandary', 'Experiment One', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Prismari Campus', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Possibility Storm', 'Worship', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Verdant Command', 'Froghemoth', 'Tangled Islet', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Ground Seal', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Light of Hope', 'Bond of Insight', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Stun Sniper', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Strategic Planning', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Wild Cantor', 'Artful Dodge', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Chain Lightning', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Detention Sphere', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Condemn', 'Infuriate', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Distress', 'Big Score', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Clawing Torment', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Mindslaver', 'Heartless Act', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Highland Lake', 'Canyon Slough', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Vesperlark', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Into the Wilds', 'Rampant Growth', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Cystbearer', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Dead // Gone', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Memoricide', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Plow Under', 'Ram Through', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Black Knight', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Twiddle', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Mana Cylix', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Endless Detour', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Overgrowth', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Worthy Knight', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Never // Return', 'Persecute', 'Fatestitcher', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Brood Birthing', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Hateflayer', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Zuran Orb', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Braid of Fire', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Light the Way', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Halo Scarab', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Boomerang', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Footfall Crater', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Opulent Palace', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Haze of Rage', 'Forced Fruition', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Bushwhack', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Force of Virtue', 'Morselhoarder', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Audacity', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Viral Drake', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Cultivate', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Mystic Snake', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Cloudpost', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Raging Ravine', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Hypergenesis', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'The Seedcore', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Breakthrough', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Shriekmaw', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Traumatize', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Hour of Promise', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Monoskelion', 'Devastating Summons', 'Dovin Baan', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Crab Umbra', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Graven Cairns', 'Earwig Squad', 'Wildfire', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Rotting Rats', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Forbid', 'Astral Slide', 'Early Harvest', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Field Marshal', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Castigate', 'Wing Shards', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Stream of Life', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Cut Down', 'Blood Seeker', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Student of Warfare', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Tempered Steel', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Anticipate', 'Utopia Tree', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Commune with Lava', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Banisher Priest', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Fast // Furious', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Risk Factor', 'Bonesplitter', 'Twinflame', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Balefire Liege', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Meddling Mage', 'Dream Trawler', 'Glamerdye', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Master of Death', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Cleric Class', 'Combat Thresher', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Triskelion', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Shredded Sails', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Baffling End', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Power Sink', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Dread Presence', 'Zenith Flare', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Raging Goblin', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Haunted Mire', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Tribute Mage', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Regrowth', 'Samite Healer', 'Mutilate', 'Trickbind', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Essence Flux', 'Spare Supplies', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Slagstorm', 'Mindcrank', 'Chance Encounter', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Vivid Creek', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Wood Elves', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Brute Suit', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Seal of Removal', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Pain Seer', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Akki Ronin', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Chronomaton', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Elvish Champion', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Halo Forager', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Timeless Witness', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Carth the Lion', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Boon Satyr', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Blade Splicer', 'Fight as One', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Brave the Sands', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Krosan Grip', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Dig Up', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Into the Story', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Silver Knight', 'Hive Mind', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Languish', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Negate', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Commit // Memory', 'Murderous Cut', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Snapback', 'Knight of Glory', 'Remove Soul', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Sleep', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Incinerate', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Trinket Mage', 'Foundry Helix', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Fire Diamond', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Lose Focus', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Turnabout', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Vision Skeins', 'Siege Rhino', 'Village Messenger', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Battle Screech', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Xorn', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Driven // Despair', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Blood Lust', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Generous Patron', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Choking Sands', 'Nether Traitor', 'Sudden Edict', 'Auramancer', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Buried Alive', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'High Tide', 'Skull Fracture', 'Vexing Devil', 'Smallpox', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Primal Might', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Shared Discovery', 'Nest Robber', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Waterfront District', 'Plunder', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Maestros Theater', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Mission Briefing', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Evacuation', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Seismic Assault', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Calciform Pools', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Court Homunculus', 'Assault // Battery', 'Cult Conscript', 'Frontline Medic', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Jackal Pup', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Clear the Mind', 'Venerable Knight', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Shore Up', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Myth Realized', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Infectious Bite', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Gather the Pack', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Dead of Winter', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Restoration Angel', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Guardian Idol', 'Banefire', 'Architects of Will', 'Glint Hawk', 'Tragic Slip', 'Voidslime', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Aqueous Form', 'Ossification', 'Vendetta', 'Stave Off', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Lightning Strike', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Canopy Vista', 'Gust of Wind', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Mirrorweave', 'Terrarion', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Spark Spray', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Titania''s Command', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Vandalblast', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Aetherspouts', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Angel of Grace', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Skylasher', 'Spirited Companion', 'Word of Undoing', 'Lizard Blades', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Obscura Charm', 'Mana Leak', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Fabricate', 'Aria of Flame', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Lightning Axe', 'Crackling Doom', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Undercity Informer', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Primal Rage', 'Molten Blast', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Silent Departure', 'Fecundity', 'Universal Automaton', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Longbow Archer', 'Fated Retribution', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Simic Charm', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Glorybringer', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Undercover Operative', 'Gods Willing', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Temple of Malice', 'Ultimate Price', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Might of Oaks', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Sunscour', 'Time Sieve', 'Dead Weight', 'Grim Affliction', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Fumigate', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Carnophage', 'Quarantine Field', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Hit // Run', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Become Immense', 'Halimar Depths', 'Tragic Poet', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Zof Consumption', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Rift Sower', 'Necroplasm', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Attune with Aether', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Disenchant', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Rebuild', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Putrefax', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Kor Duelist', 'Dryad Militant', 'Easy Prey', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Trading Post', 'Unwind', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Queen of Ice', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Boros Recruit', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Ball Lightning', 'Bump in the Night', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Gruul Charm', 'Fertilid', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Haunted Dead', 'Soulflayer', 'Cling to Dust', 'Fiery Justice', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Spectral Shift', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Magma Spray', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Blazing Specter', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Mana Tithe', 'Ondu Cleric', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Go for Blood', 'Seething Song', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Wild Defiance', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Wilt', 'Soul Shatter', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Reaper King', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Goblin Ruinblaster', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Utter End', 'Animation Module', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Trade Routes', 'Spectral Procession', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Abundant Growth', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Voltage Surge', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Vigor', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Deny Reality', 'Spell Pierce', 'Disallow', 'Viscera Seer', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Biovisionary', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Forked Bolt', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Tomb Robber', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Slaughter Games', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Boros Signet', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Dreamstealer', 'Molten Tributary', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Memory Lapse', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Silence', 'Render Silent', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Reckless Charge', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Winged Portent', 'All That Glitters', 'Blight Mamba', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Startling Development', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Altered Ego', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Cremate', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Profane Procession', 'Dread Return', 'Invigorate', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Ally Encampment', 'Virus Beetle', 'Quicken', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Ruin Raider', 'Greenseeker', 'Umara Mystic', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Overrun', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Guild Globe', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Slitherhead', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Chatterstorm', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Collective Defiance', 'Hornet Queen', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Tear Asunder', 'Bring the Ending', 'Animate Dead', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Dark Petition', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Protean Hulk', 'Planar Ally', 'Explore', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Plague Stinger', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Trade Secrets', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Tome Scour', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Profane Command', 'Quicksand', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Hammerhand', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Sky Scourer', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Revoke Existence', 'Codex Shredder', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Azorius Charm', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Scryb Ranger', 'The Antiquities War', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Abiding Grace', 'Weirding Wood', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Fetid Heath', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Disfigure', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Kavu Predator', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Cloudshift', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Terminus', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Myr Welder', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Shivan Reef', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Thragtusk', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Honored Hydra', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Draconic Roar', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Isolate', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Crux of Fate', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Fetid Pools', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Grave Titan', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Rise // Fall', 'Kher Keep', 'Check for Traps', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Ruin Crab', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Platinum Angel', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Primal Order', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Oust', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Fraying Sanity', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Doomskar', 'Circular Logic', 'Twinferno', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'It That Betrays', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Condescend', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Void', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Izzet Charm', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Staggershock', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Cankerbloom', 'Wall of Omens', 'Shardless Agent', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Crack the Earth', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Mana Bloom', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Ulamog''s Crusher', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Mind Spring', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Lone Rider', 'Serra Avenger', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Mulldrifter', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Blood Knight', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Magma Jet', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Primal Surge', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Generous Visitor', 'Scurry Oak', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Offalsnout', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Despise', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Lashwrithe', 'Blazing Archon', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Essence Scatter', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Lightning Rift', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Aetherling', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Witching Well', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Fierce Empath', 'Runed Halo', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Endless Horizons', 'Steel Overseer', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Gigadrowse', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Hard Evidence', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Gavony Township', 'Catch // Release', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Creeping Chill', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Celestial Flare', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Treasure Mage', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Ulcerate', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Circuit Mender', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Aether Adept', 'Brave the Elements', 'Sylvan Library', 'Moment of Craving', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Valley Dasher', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Needle Drop', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Renewed Faith', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Sin Collector', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Astral Drift', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Purify the Grave', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Putrid Imp', 'Stern Lesson', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Massacre Girl', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Tail Swipe', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Orchard Strider', 'Boros Garrison', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Reveillark', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Frost Walker', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Terminal Agony', 'Noxious Assault', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Geistflame', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Dread Statuary', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Tithe Taker', 'Tramway Station', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Domri Rade', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Staff of Domination', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Vapor Snag', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Recommission', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'View from Above', 'Corpse Cur', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Dark Salvation', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Void Snare', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Narcomoeba', 'Commune with Nature', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Research // Development', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Combat Research', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Telepathy', 'Primal Bellow', 'Ominous Seas', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Harrow', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Wrench Mind', 'Aetherworks Marvel', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Season of Growth', 'Braingeyser', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Into the Roil', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Nobilis of War', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Abzan Charm', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Palinchron', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Deprive', 'Boros Elite', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'True Believer', 'Distortion Strike', 'Cruel Reality', 'Blighted Agent', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Infest', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Halimar Excavator', 'Curse of Chains', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Animating Faerie', 'Always Watching', 'Choked Estuary', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Ash Zealot', 'Wavesifter', 'Karmic Guide', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Demolition Field', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Reap and Sow', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Blessed Breath', 'Terastodon', 'Wonder', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Stain the Mind', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Arc Trail', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Grapeshot', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Spawning Pit', 'Heap Doll', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Radiant Flames', 'Myr Superion', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Terminate', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Glittering Wish', 'Web of Inertia', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Rift Bolt', 'Cathedral of War', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Cloudblazer', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Nekrataal', 'Saproling Burst', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Psychic Strike', 'Micromancer', 'Mulch', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Doom Foretold', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Necrogoyf', 'Buried Ruin', 'Grasslands', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Boom // Bust', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Glimmerpost', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Privileged Position', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Children of Korlis', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Riftsweeper', 'Darkblast', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Frost Marsh', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Sign in Blood', 'Notion Thief', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Costly Plunder', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Brain Freeze', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Dragonstorm', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Gruul Signet', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Frogmite', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Minor Misstep', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Norin the Wary', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Power Depot', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Vindicate', 'Archaeomancer', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Lightning Spear', 'Twincast', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Magister of Worth', 'Psychatog', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Rust Goliath', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Blessed Respite', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Shambling Shell', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Maze Rusher', 'Double Vision', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Assault Strobe', 'Desecration Demon', 'Force of Rage', 'Realm Razer', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Harmonize', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Rot Wolf', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Second Sunrise', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Esper Charm', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Army of the Damned', 'Silundi Vision', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Far // Away', 'Death Cloud', 'Putrefy', 'Soul Snare', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Thought Scour', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Nether Spirit', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Favorable Winds', 'Smiting Helix', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Spark Elemental', 'Barren Moor', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Stony Silence', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Temple of Malady', 'Dawn Charm', 'Complicate', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Through the Breach', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Obliterate', 'Worm Harvest', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Rune of Might', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Flame Rift', 'Den Protector', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Game Trail', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Of One Mind', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'The Scorpion God', 'Vivid Crag', 'Centaur Garden', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Soul Diviner', 'Ponder', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Jace Beleren', 'Bolt Hound', 'Sarcomancy', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Banish into Fable', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Tombstalker', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Devoted Druid', 'Vault Skirge', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Restore Balance', 'Rule of Law', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Dire Tactics', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Reality Heist', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Riveteers Charm', 'March from the Tomb', 'Fiery Temper', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Scute Mob', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Read the Bones', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Runic Shot', 'Crash Through', 'Burnished Hart', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Genesis', 'Savage Lands', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Treasure Map', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Curse of Silence', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Soul Warden', 'Bant Charm', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Fling', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Brokers Charm', 'Death Baron', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Sultai Charm', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Primal Beyond', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Desolation Twin', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Network Disruptor', 'Intervention Pact', 'Skull of Orm', 'Tangle', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Filigree Sages', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Cease-Fire', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Story Circle', 'Howling Mine', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Nine Lives', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Temple of Silence', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Master Biomancer', 'Energy Refractor', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Regal Force', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Tarfire', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Chitterspitter', 'Festival Crasher', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Farseek', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Undying Evil', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Forever Young', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Sin Prodder', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Flood Plain', 'Goblin Matron', 'War Falcon', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Return to Dust', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Grand Architect', 'Shambling Vent', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Curious Pair', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Bile Blight', 'Shard Volley', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Lingering Souls', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Natural State', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Curiosity', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Nest Invader', 'Doom Blade', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Hedron Archive', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Burst Lightning', 'Dimir Charm', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Flame Javelin', 'Rob the Archives', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Jade Mage', 'Unholy Heat', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Reckless Rage', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Spirit Link', 'Daring Thief', 'Bone Shards', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Shock', 'Bone Saw', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Firebolt', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Primal Command', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Just the Wind', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Séance', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Dissolve', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Memory Leak', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'River of Tears', 'Radiant Grove', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Dark Ritual', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Control Magic', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Electrolyze', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Child of Night', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Opt', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Withered Wretch', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Keep Safe', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Pandemonium', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Seal of Fire', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Goldhound', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Secret Plans', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Wander in Death', 'Memorial to War', 'Stasis Snare', 'Shred Memory', 'Sky Hussar', 'Ornithopter', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Setessan Champion', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Assault Formation', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Gideon Jura', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Memnarch', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Coalition Relic', 'Painful Truths', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Wastes', 'Threats Undetected', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Combat Courier', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Wily Goblin', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Dimir Signet', 'Incendiary Command', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Fume Spitter', 'Polymorph', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Collateral Damage', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Salvage Titan', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Wrath of God', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Duress', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Glorious Protector', 'Night Clubber', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Viridian Revel', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Jokulhaups', 'Vivien, Champion of the Wilds', 'Reason // Believe', 'Serum Snare', 'Reckless Waif', 'Kami of Transience', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Arbor Elf', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Flame Blitz', 'Fallow Earth', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Harm''s Way', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Brain Maggot', 'Argentum Armor', 'Identity Crisis', 'Molten Rain', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Spore Frog', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Not of This World', 'Sterling Grove', 'Plague Beetle', 'Damn', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Banishing Slash', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Perilous Vault', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Atog', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Stone Rain', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Putrid Leech', 'Dive Down', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Gutterbones', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Solemnity', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'River Serpent', 'Guided Passage', 'Golden Egg', 'Midnight Clock', 'Leather Armor', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Sorin Markov', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Talus Paladin', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Sonic Burst', 'Deep Analysis', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Repeal', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Fertile Ground', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Corrupt', 'Glistener Elf', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Squirrel Nest', 'False Summoning', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Light Up the Night', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Angel of Despair', 'Dovescape', 'Scattered Groves', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Palace Siege', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Thran Portal', 'Expedite', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Undead Augur', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Searing Spear', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Drake Haven', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Seasons Past', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Late to Dinner', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Urban Evolution', 'Upheaval', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Mortify', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Unsummon', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Lucky Clover', 'Umara Wizard', 'Frost Titan', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Hellrider', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Pilfer', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Mobilized District', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Icehide Golem', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Pack Rat', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Spider Umbra', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Devil''s Play', 'Golden Demise', 'Waker of Waves', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Vector Asp', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Volt Charge', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Day of Judgment', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Soaring Drake', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Epochrasite', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Reconstruction', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Spell Snuff', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Pelt Collector', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Goblin Trashmaster', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Relic Axe', 'Omenspeaker', 'Simian Sling', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Ionize', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Marble Diamond', 'Path of Discovery', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Port Town', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Gruul Turf', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Pillage', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Standing Troops', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Pyroclasm', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Prohibit', 'Lead the Stampede', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Dockside Chef', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Chief Engineer', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Countersquall', 'Pick the Brain', 'Weird Harvest', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Wargate', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Flame Slash', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Gird for Battle', 'Brainstone', 'Bridge from Below', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Compulsive Research', 'Bring to Light', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Future Sight', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Spell Burst', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Chittering Rats', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Call of the Herd', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Tribal Flames', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Last Stand', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Quickling', 'Go for the Throat', 'Decree of Justice', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Nevermore', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Frantic Search', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Megrim', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Legion Angel', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Neutralize', 'Seal from Existence', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Evil Twin', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Mana Flare', 'White Knight', 'Impulse', 'Rags // Riches', 'Flooded Grove', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Change the Equation', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Memory''s Journey', 'The Celestus', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Recoup', 'Rise and Shine', 'Perilous Research', 'Quag Vampires', 'Step Through', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Dispatch', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Rune Snag', 'Price of Progress', 'Bone Dragon', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Genesis Wave', 'Myr Servitor', 'Enlarge', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Training Grounds', 'Collective Effort', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Riddleform', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Revitalize', 'Mortarpod', 'Defiant Strike', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Peek', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Giant Killer', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Fell Stinger', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Sky Terror', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Annex Sentry', 'Exclude', 'Reflector Mage', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Jund Charm', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Alpha Authority', 'Strike It Rich', 'Time of Need', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Exploding Borders', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Maze''s End', 'Ichorid', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Reanimate', 'Springbloom Druid', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Consume the Meek', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Gingerbrute', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Augury Owl', 'Font of Fertility', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Rewind', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Mantis Rider', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Divest', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Think Twice', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Fevered Visions', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Eerie Interlude', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Blightning', 'Containment Construct', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Leonin Bola', 'Bad River', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Bag of Holding', 'Sol Talisman', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Willow Geist', 'Venerable Monk', 'Acidic Slime', 'Scarab Feast', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Blisterpod', 'Azorius Signet', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Urban Utopia', 'Supreme Will', 'Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Ashen Rider', 'Master of Etherium', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Bog Wraith', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Slip Through Space', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Endbringer', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 507.1, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 12 months ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (7588.9 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Memory Lapse', 'Sarcomancy', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Utopia Tree', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Polymorph', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Student of Warfare', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Xorn', 'Akki Ronin', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Animation Module', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Duress', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Power Sink', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Check for Traps', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Remove Soul', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Wilt', 'Wood Elves', 'Light Up the Night', 'Samite Healer', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Early Harvest', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Winged Portent', 'Seething Song', 'Mutilate', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Spore Frog', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Myr Welder', 'Scute Mob', 'Worthy Knight', 'Soul Warden', 'Vigor', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Persecute', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Recross the Paths', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Frogmite', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Vault Skirge', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Daring Thief', 'Crux of Fate', 'Startling Development', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Blessed Respite', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Chitterspitter', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Strike It Rich', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Lightning Strike', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Bile Blight', 'Cling to Dust', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'True Believer', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Nest Invader', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Fiery Justice', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Honored Hydra', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Army of the Damned', 'Spark Spray', 'Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin', 'Font of Fertility', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Repeal', 'Forked Bolt', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Undead Augur', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Profane Procession', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Mind Rake', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Pack Rat', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Primal Might', 'Force of Virtue', 'Sen Triplets', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Mobilized District', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Epochrasite', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Simic Charm', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Micromancer', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Infest', 'The Celestus', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Hateflayer', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Drake Haven', 'Lightning Spear', 'Second Wind', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Tangle', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Nobilis of War', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Memoricide', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Reaper King', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Aetherworks Marvel', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Twinferno', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Rust Goliath', 'Bant Charm', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Urban Utopia', 'Monoskelion', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Infuriate', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Revitalize', 'Obscura Charm', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Village Messenger', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Vivid Grove', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Sultai Charm', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Dreamstealer', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Flame Blitz', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Haunted Mire', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Baffling End', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Nether Spirit', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Séance', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Bog Wraith', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Murderous Cut', 'Training Grounds', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Umara Mystic', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Groundswell', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Argentum Armor', 'Crackling Doom', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Driven // Despair', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Endless One', 'Lightning Rift', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Gruul Charm', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Devastating Summons', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Hypergenesis', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Demonic Dread', 'Krosan Grip', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Jackal Pup', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Infectious Bite', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Dispatch', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Impulse', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Combat Thresher', 'Through the Breach', 'Devoted Druid', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Soaring Drake', 'Wander in Death', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Reconstruction', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Enlarge', 'Sign in Blood', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Slaughter Games', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Canyon Slough', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Story Circle', 'Reckless Waif', 'Ionize', 'Braingeyser', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Blisterpod', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Rune of Might', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Last Stand', 'Giant Killer', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Rise and Shine', 'Reap and Sow', 'Intervention Pact', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Cleric Class', 'Brain Maggot', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Into the Wilds', 'Magma Jet', 'Cloudshift', 'Fists of Flame', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Legion Angel', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Serum Snare', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Choked Estuary', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Dimir Charm', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Shardless Agent', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Game Trail', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Attune with Aether', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Rift Bolt', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Annex Sentry', 'Mystic Snake', 'Force of Rage', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Viridian Revel', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Generous Visitor', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Cut Down', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Goblin Trashmaster', 'Blood Knight', 'Domri Rade', 'Go for Blood', 'Festival Crasher', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Secret Plans', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Icehide Golem', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Possibility Storm', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Trickbind', 'Goblin Matron', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Queen of Ice', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Chief Engineer', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Essence Scatter', 'Turnabout', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Stream of Life', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Wild Cantor', 'Master of Etherium', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Froghemoth', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Omenspeaker', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Drannith Healer', 'Grapeshot', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Smiting Helix', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Psychatog', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Choking Sands', 'Slagstorm', 'Restore Balance', 'Solemnity', 'Sleep', 'Tombstalker', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Jace Beleren', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Dragonstorm', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Lightning Axe', 'Dark Salvation', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Midnight Clock', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Trinket Mage', 'Cystbearer', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Keep Safe', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Searing Spear', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Pick the Brain', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Voltage Surge', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Forever Young', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Urban Evolution', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Fumigate', 'Scattered Groves', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Stony Silence', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Blood Seeker', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Lashwrithe', 'Saproling Burst', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Fierce Empath', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Weird Harvest', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Gather the Pack', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Just the Wind', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Fight as One', 'Zenith Flare', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Dire Tactics', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'The Modern Age', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Distortion Strike', 'Rot Wolf', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Explore', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Isolate', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Profane Command', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Turn // Burn', 'Natural State', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Myr Superion', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Silence', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Halo Scarab', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Ornithopter', 'Fevered Visions', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Castigate', 'Threats Undetected', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Blood Lust', 'Primal Beyond', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Cankerbloom', 'Kor Duelist', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Master Biomancer', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Vesperlark', 'Wargate', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Blackmail', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Golgari Charm', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Genesis', 'Field Marshal', 'Unwind', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Geistflame', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Clear the Mind', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Glint Hawk', 'Trade Routes', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Ram Through', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Auramancer', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Doom Foretold', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Easy Prey', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Combat Courier', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Tail Swipe', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Sky Scourer', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Dawn Charm', 'False Summoning', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Snapback', 'Sterling Grove', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Swooping Lookout', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Word of Undoing', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Seed of Hope', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Fling', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Vandalblast', 'Reveillark', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Shambling Vent', 'Fatestitcher', 'Massacre Girl', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Shredded Sails', 'Colossification', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Molten Blast', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Guardian Idol', 'Artful Dodge', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Howling Mine', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Stain the Mind', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Plunder', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Electrolyze', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Blazing Archon', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Footfall Crater', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Divest', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Unholy Heat', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Ultimate Price', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Condescend', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Noxious Assault', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Reckless Rage', 'Oust', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Dryad Militant', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Perilous Research', 'Astral Slide', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Tempered Steel', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Brute Suit', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Energy Refractor', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Realm Razer', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Vivid Creek', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Recommission', 'Spectral Shift', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Vapor Snag', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Reflector Mage', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Incendiary Command', 'Chatterstorm', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Animating Faerie', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Zuran Orb', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Timeless Witness', 'Go for the Throat', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Flood Plain', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Frogtosser Banneret', 'Dive Down', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Radiant Flames', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Hornet Queen', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Ulamog''s Crusher', 'Lingering Souls', 'Mulldrifter', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Jade Mage', 'Hive Mind', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Doom Blade', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Fabricate', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Firebolt', 'Hit // Run', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Carnophage', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Primal Amulet', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Into the Roil', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Port Town', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Memory Leak', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Cremate', 'Undying Evil', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Vivien, Champion of the Wilds', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Vector Asp', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Corrupt', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Narcomoeba', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Void Snare', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Talus Paladin', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Myr Servitor', 'Lone Rider', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Weirding Wood', 'Putrefy', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Celestial Flare', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Lost Legacy', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Curse of Silence', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Vampiric Link', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Halimar Excavator', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Braid of Fire', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Jokulhaups', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Fated Retribution', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Memorial to War', 'Aria of Flame', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Prismari Campus', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Ally Encampment', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Think Twice', 'Fortified Village', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Shared Discovery', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Death Cloud', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Court Homunculus', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Fertilid', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Ponder', 'Fell Stinger', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Dread Presence', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Desecration Demon', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Power Depot', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Nest Robber', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Might of Oaks', 'Magister of Worth', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Into the Story', 'Guided Passage', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Stasis Snare', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Cloudpost', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Tear Asunder', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Voidslime', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Regal Force', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Ondu Cleric', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Not of This World', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Opt', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Palinchron', 'Ruin Raider', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Tragic Poet', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Halimar Depths', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Blind Obedience', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Quickling', 'Spell Pierce', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Ash Zealot', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Undercover Operative', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Graf Harvest', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Spider Umbra', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Palace Siege', 'Overgrowth', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Blazing Specter', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Highland Lake', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Verdant Command', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Damn', 'Treasure Mage', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Nevermore', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Sol Talisman', 'Bond of Insight', 'Battle of Wits', 'Chance Encounter', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Unsummon', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Leonin Bola', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Ivory Tower', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Light of Hope', 'Purify the Grave', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Glorious Protector', 'Coalition Relic', 'Shriekmaw', 'Victim of Night', 'Crack the Earth', 'High Tide', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Rewind', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Abzan Charm', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Burnished Hart', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Shock', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Gigadrowse', 'Mana Tithe', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'The Seedcore', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Reanimate', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Pillage', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Crash Through', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Mindcrank', 'Future Sight', 'Big Score', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Rift Sower', 'Tentative Connection', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Ichorid', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Boomerang', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Boros Recruit', 'Soul Diviner', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Peek', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Caldera Lake', 'Day of Judgment', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Blight Mamba', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Rise // Fall', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Bone Shards', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Cultivate', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Frost Walker', 'Goblin Ruinblaster', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Heartless Act', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Riftsweeper', 'Mortarpod', 'Commune with Nature', 'Mana Bloom', 'Greater Good', 'Sudden Edict', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Disfigure', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Leather Armor', 'Titania''s Command', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Fecundity', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Mindslaver', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Buried Alive', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Rampant Growth', 'Fade from Memory', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Deprive', 'Calciform Pools', 'Reckless Charge', 'Mission Briefing', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Champion of Wits', 'Wrath of God', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Wall of Omens', 'Disallow', 'Nine Lives', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Out of Time', 'River of Tears', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Become Immense', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Deep Analysis', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Costly Plunder', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Soulflayer', 'Rebuild', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Rags // Riches', 'Mirrorweave', 'Silverquill Command', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Commit // Memory', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Wonder', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Dark Ritual', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Restoration Angel', 'Spirit Link', 'Brain Freeze', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Terminal Agony', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Hammerhand', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Obsessive Search', 'Munitions Expert', 'Primal Surge', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Destroy Evil', 'Dig Up', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Precinct Captain', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Darkblast', 'Defabricate', 'Fetid Pools', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Quag Vampires', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Bolt Hound', 'Pandemonium', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Witching Well', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Nekrataal', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Barren Moor', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Primal Rage', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter', 'Joint Exploration', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Nether Traitor', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Buried Ruin', 'Archaeomancer', 'Heartfire', 'Architects of Will', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Sky Hussar', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Brave the Elements', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Wall of Blood', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Protean Hulk', 'Gavony Township', 'Curious Pair', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Bag of Holding', 'Distress', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Vindicate', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Ashen Rider', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Spark Elemental', 'Savage Lands', 'Standing Troops', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Boom // Bust', 'Genesis Wave', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Izzet Charm', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Knight of Glory', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Sin Collector', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Stun Sniper', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Myth Realized', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Biovisionary', 'Mulch', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Spectral Procession', 'Seal of Removal', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Curse of Chains', 'Consume the Meek', 'Altered Ego', 'Thragtusk', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Cloudblazer', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Hellrider', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Longbow Archer', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Gods Willing', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Haze of Rage', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Sky Terror', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Bushwhack', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Frost Marsh', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Rob the Archives', 'Foundry Helix', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Recoup', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Scurry Oak', 'Steel Overseer', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Decree of Justice', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Plague Beetle', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Wily Goblin', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Tramway Station', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Chittering Rats', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Circuit Mender', 'Bad River', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Golden Demise', 'Pain Seer', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Network Disruptor', 'Master of Death', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Risk Factor', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Ball Lightning', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Quarantine Field', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Kher Keep', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Centaur Garden', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Slip Through Space', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Necrogoyf', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Blade Splicer', 'Temple of Malice', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Desolation Twin', 'Withered Wretch', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Rotting Rats', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Mind Spring', 'Moment of Craving', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Thran Portal', 'Pyroclasm', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Patch Up', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Worm Harvest', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Terminate', 'Wight', 'Gruul Turf', 'Runic Shot', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Dead Weight', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Seal of Fire', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Evacuation', 'Read the Bones', 'Relic Axe', 'View from Above', 'Vexing Devil', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Molten Tributary', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Blood Artist', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Staff of Domination', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Second Sunrise', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Magma Spray', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Generous Patron', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Seal from Existence', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Of One Mind', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Gutterbones', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Evil Twin', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Angel''s Grace', 'War Falcon', 'Children of Korlis', 'Angel of Grace', 'Fertile Ground', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Universal Automaton', 'Tribute Mage', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Primal Command', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Cover of Winter', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Shred Memory', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Primal Bellow', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Salvage Titan', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Step Through', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Harrow', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Renewed Faith', 'Boon Satyr', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Megrim', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Cease-Fire', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Research // Development', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Void', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Platinum Angel', 'Mirror Entity', 'Putrid Leech', 'Notion Thief', 'Flourishing Fox', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Valley Dasher', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Staggershock', 'Experiment One', 'Abundant Growth', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Forced Fruition', 'Assault // Battery', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Gingerbrute', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Shard Volley', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Marble Diamond', 'Privileged Position', 'Atog', 'Chronomaton', 'Gust of Wind', 'All That Glitters', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Worship', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Tomb Robber', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Flooded Grove', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Minor Misstep', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Skylasher', 'Vivid Crag', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Quicksand', 'Simian Sling', 'Undercity Informer', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Grand Architect', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Far // Away', 'Wing Shards', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Guild Globe', 'Filigree Sages', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Sins of the Past', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Dockside Chef', 'Wild Defiance', 'Cult Conscript', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Curiosity', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Bring the Ending', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Grasslands', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Wildfire', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Bring to Light', 'Call of the Herd', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Azorius Charm', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Render Silent', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Perilous Vault', 'Giant Growth', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Plow Under', 'Brood Birthing', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Mana Cylix', 'Chain Lightning', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Combat Research', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Blessed Breath', 'Necroplasm', 'Season of Growth', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Earwig Squad', 'Black Knight', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Expedite', 'Burst Lightning', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Time Sieve', 'Aqueous Form', 'Larger Than Life', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Regrowth', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Control Magic', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Kavu Predator', 'Night Clubber', 'Boros Elite', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Bonesplitter', 'Rune Snag', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Twinflame', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Tarfire', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Gideon Jura', 'Fetid Heath', 'Strategic Planning', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Brave the Sands', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Spell Burst', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Pilfer', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Rule of Law', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Kami of Transience', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Ossification', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Invigorate', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Thran Vigil', 'Flame Javelin', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Revoke Existence', 'Anticipate', 'Trade Secrets', 'Codex Shredder', 'Arc Trail', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Mana Flare', 'Twiddle', 'Flame Rift', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Overrun', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Complicate', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Breakthrough', 'River Serpent', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Vendetta', 'Memnarch', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Abiding Grace', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Fallow Earth', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Hard Evidence', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Opulent Palace', 'Collective Effort', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Runed Halo', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Soul Snare', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Catch // Release', 'Groundbreaker', 'Farseek', 'Animate Dead', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Harmonize', 'Liliana Vess', 'Skull of Orm', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Favorable Winds', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Putrefax', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Mortify', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Despise', 'Aetherspouts', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Esper Charm', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Venerable Knight', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Offalsnout', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Banefire', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Commune with Lava', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Orchard Strider', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Thought Scour', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Languish', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Painful Truths', 'Carth the Lion', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Ground Seal', 'Containment Construct', 'Quicken', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Halo Forager', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Lizard Blades', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Exclude', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Frontline Medic', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Fog', 'Unburial Rites', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Fume Spitter', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Death Baron', 'Brokers Charm', 'Countersquall', 'Corpse Cur', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Condemn', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Venerable Monk', 'Karmic Guide', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Psychic Possession', 'Upheaval', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Shambling Shell', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Tree of Tales', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Frantic Search', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Cathedral of War', 'Wrench Mind', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Setessan Champion', 'Plated Geopede', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Banishing Slash', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Wavesifter', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Assault Formation', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Tithe Taker', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Price of Progress', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Blighted Agent', 'Boros Garrison', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Slitherhead', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Volt Charge', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Twincast', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Fire Diamond', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Lose Focus', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Den Protector', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Treasure Map', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Tangled Islet', 'Creeping Chill', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Telepathy', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Blightning', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Smallpox', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Double Vision', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Plague Stinger', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Glorybringer', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Etched Champion', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Aether Adept', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'The Scorpion God', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Web of Inertia', 'Reason // Believe', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Raging Goblin', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Dead of Winter', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Trading Post', 'Vision Skeins', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Browbeat', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Ruin Crab', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Aetherling', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Dimir Signet', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Circular Logic', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Graven Cairns', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Gruul Signet', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Identity Crisis', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Sorin Markov', 'Spare Supplies', 'Needle Drop', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Planar Bridge', 'Stave Off', 'Putrid Imp', 'Spawning Pit', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Radiant Grove', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Maze Rusher', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Time of Need', 'Always Watching', 'Harm''s Way', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Utter End', 'Meddling Mage', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Supreme Will', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Umara Wizard', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Bone Saw', 'White Knight', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Painful Quandary', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Sonic Burst', 'Lucky Clover', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Disenchant', 'Forbid', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Brute Force', 'Tragic Slip', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Tribal Flames', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Gird for Battle', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Greenseeker', 'Viscera Seer', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Heap Doll', 'Skull Fracture', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Battle Screech', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Obliterate', 'Terrarion', 'Planar Ally', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Dissolve', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Fiery Temper', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Terminus', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Endless Detour', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Psychic Strike', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Willow Geist', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Ghitu Fire', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Scarab Feast', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Glamerdye', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Dread Return', 'Audacity', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Zof Consumption', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Frost Titan', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Boros Signet', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Shivan Reef', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Late to Dinner', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'March from the Tomb', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Grim Affliction', 'Detention Sphere', 'Canopy Vista', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Balefire Liege', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Silver Knight', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Dread Statuary', 'Arbor Elf', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Draconic Roar', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Endless Horizons', 'Light the Way', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Defiant Strike', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Stitch in Time', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Maze''s End', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Mantis Rider', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Dead // Gone', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Crab Umbra', 'Dark Petition', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Sunscour', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Stern Lesson', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Clawing Torment', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Cruel Bargain', 'The Antiquities War', 'Sin Prodder', 'Glittering Wish', 'Temple of Malady', 'Seasons Past', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Pelt Collector', 'Waterfront District', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Exploding Borders', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Essence Flux', 'Grave Titan', 'Jund Charm', 'Neutralize', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Warstorm Surge', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Bridge from Below', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Virus Beetle', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Carrion Wall', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Acidic Slime', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Glistener Elf', 'Siege Rhino', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Change the Equation', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Needle Spires', 'Norin the Wary', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Hedron Archive', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Never // Return', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Riddleform', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Spawning Breath', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Waker of Waves', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Dovin Baan', 'Wastes', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Temple of Silence', 'Negate', 'Child of Night', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Angel of Despair', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Dovescape', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Banish into Fable', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Elvish Champion', 'Experimental Augury', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Stone Rain', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Assault Strobe', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Colossus of Akros', 'It That Betrays', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Traumatize', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Astral Drift', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Maestros Theater', 'Glimmerpost', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Spirited Companion', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Incinerate', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Bone Dragon', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Demolition Field', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Reality Heist', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Collateral Damage', 'Terastodon', 'Hostage Taker', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Goldhound', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Viral Drake', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Fast // Furious', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Banisher Priest', 'Golden Egg', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Triskelion', 'Sylvan Library', 'Compulsive Research', 'Azorius Signet', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Prohibit', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Augury Owl', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Collective Defiance', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Soul Shatter', 'Ulcerate', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Serra Avenger', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Morselhoarder', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Flame Slash', 'Bump in the Night', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Hour of Promise', 'Spell Snuff', 'Shore Up', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Path of Discovery', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Endbringer', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Mana Leak', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Alpha Authority', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Devil''s Play', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Primal Order', 'Cruel Reality', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Haunted Dead', 'Tome Scour', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Raging Ravine', 'Molten Rain', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Brainstone', 'Silent Departure', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Ominous Seas', 'Dream Trawler', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Dispel', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Doomskar', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Seismic Assault', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Ral Zarek', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Silundi Vision', 'Deny Reality', 'Return to Dust'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 7588.9, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 12 months ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (152.7 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Mistvault Bridge', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Desolation Twin', 'Wargate', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Seismic Assault', 'Wonder', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'The Seedcore', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Font of Fertility', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'War Falcon', 'Necroplasm', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Calciform Pools', 'Undead Augur', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Rune Snag', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Umara Mystic', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Dispatch', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Curse of Chains', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Master of Death', 'Boom // Bust', 'Infectious Bite', 'Defabricate', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Canyon Slough', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Myr Servitor', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Force of Virtue', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Psychatog', 'Acidic Slime', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Aqueous Form', 'Training Grounds', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Turn // Burn', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Story Circle', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Fumigate', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Restoration Angel', 'Simian Sling', 'Timeless Witness', 'Groundswell', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Assault // Battery', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Sarcomancy', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Invigorate', 'Salvage Titan', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Fiery Temper', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Brood Birthing', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Rise // Fall', 'Maze Rusher', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Ulcerate', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Fists of Flame', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Opulent Palace', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Silence', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Baffling End', 'Rift Sower', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Animation Module', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Esper Charm', 'Rise and Shine', 'Anticipate', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Ground Seal', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Quicksand', 'Platinum Angel', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Peek', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Harmonize', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Cry of Contrition', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Lashwrithe', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Vault Skirge', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Silundi Vision', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Rotting Rats', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Terastodon', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Dream Trawler', 'Tear Asunder', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Geistflame', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Queen of Ice', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Sky Scourer', 'Krosan Grip', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Circular Logic', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Blood Lust', 'Terrarion', 'Intervention Pact', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Thran Vigil', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Waterfront District', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Footfall Crater', 'Leonin Bola', 'Restore Balance', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Utter End', 'Dive Down', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Ashen Rider', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Ruin Raider', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Terminal Agony', 'Codex Shredder', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Commune with Lava', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Megrim', 'Wrench Mind', 'Basilisk Collar', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Vendetta', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Vision Skeins', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Universal Automaton', 'Moment of Craving', 'Frogmite', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Greater Good', 'Shard Volley', 'Undying Evil', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Golgari Charm', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Psychic Possession', 'Commune with Nature', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Animating Faerie', 'Banisher Priest', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Shambling Shell', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Mind Spring', 'Vandalblast', 'Pandemonium', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Needle Spires', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Memoricide', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Carth the Lion', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Quickling', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Sins of the Past', 'Mulldrifter', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Gutterbones', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Read the Bones', 'Mortarpod', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Ominous Seas', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Harm''s Way', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Time of Need', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Lucky Clover', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Nekrataal', 'Altered Ego', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Not of This World', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Damn', 'Vesperlark', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Destiny Spinner', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Crash Through', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Path of Discovery', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Second Wind', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Soul Snare', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Soul Diviner', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Soaring Drake', 'Solemnity', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Control Magic', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Late to Dinner', 'Bring to Light', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Wood Elves', 'Tribute Mage', 'Quarantine Field', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Rule of Law', 'Cloudblazer', 'Nobilis of War', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Glorybringer', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Zenith Flare', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Runic Shot', 'Treasure Mage', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Bant Charm', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Voltage Surge', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Cloudshift', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Clawing Torment', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Cloudpost', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Genesis', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Chatterstorm', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Battle of Wits', 'Festival Crasher', 'Micromancer', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter', 'Fling', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Shore Up', 'Lightning Spear', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Mortify', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Field Marshal', 'Nether Spirit', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Condescend', 'Dockside Chef', 'Choking Sands', 'Flame Slash', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Legion Angel', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Hive Mind', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Gingerbrute', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Glistener Elf', 'Revitalize', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Heartless Act', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Ivory Tower', 'Power Sink', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Icehide Golem', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Brute Force', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Force of Rage', 'Brave the Sands', 'Pack Rat', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Tithe Taker', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Wilt', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Utopia Tree', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Favorable Winds', 'Tragic Poet', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Possibility Storm', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Memnarch', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Weirding Wood', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Tempered Steel', 'Fast // Furious', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Overrun', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Prismari Campus', 'Golden Egg', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Brute Suit', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Reflector Mage', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Fog', 'Spawning Breath', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Vampiric Link', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'The Modern Age', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Ruin Crab', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Fecundity', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Cleric Class', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Volt Charge', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Vector Asp', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Return to Dust', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Dreamstealer', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Sky Hussar', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Aria of Flame', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Blood Seeker', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Strike It Rich', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Unsummon', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Time Sieve', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Grapeshot', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Fevered Visions', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Secret Plans', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Gruul Charm', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Skull Fracture', 'Stone Rain', 'Experimental Augury', 'Infuriate', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Upheaval', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Thran Portal', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Deprive', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Séance', 'Grim Affliction', 'Wastes', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Containment Construct', 'Virus Beetle', 'Nest Robber', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Just the Wind', 'Bag of Holding', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Glint Hawk', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Recross the Paths', 'Disallow', 'Trinket Mage', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Deep Analysis', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Devastating Summons', 'Ram Through', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Psychic Strike', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Runed Halo', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'River of Tears', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Bolt Hound', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Mana Cylix', 'Sorin Markov', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Unburial Rites', 'Plunder', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Weird Harvest', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Morselhoarder', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Nest Invader', 'Glittering Wish', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Supreme Will', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Setessan Champion', 'Bump in the Night', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Blind Obedience', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Bone Saw', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Goblin Trashmaster', 'Flame Rift', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Change the Equation', 'Thragtusk', 'Catch // Release', 'Frogtosser Banneret', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Elvish Champion', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Putrid Leech', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Hostage Taker', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Opt', 'Fallow Earth', 'Wildfire', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Languish', 'Reckless Waif', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Hour of Promise', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Spirit Link', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Ornithopter', 'Magma Jet', 'Castigate', 'Cathedral of War', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Spell Snuff', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Wall of Omens', 'Banishing Slash', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Void', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Rune of Might', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Gather the Pack', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Chief Engineer', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Fetid Heath', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Minor Misstep', 'Molten Rain', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Gigadrowse', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Braid of Fire', 'Seed of Hope', 'Relic Axe', 'Willow Geist', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Ichorid', 'Rags // Riches', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Sterling Grove', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Twiddle', 'Mantis Rider', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Scarab Feast', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Centaur Garden', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Evacuation', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Dimir Charm', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Endless One', 'Gideon Jura', 'Viral Drake', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Lightning Axe', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Commit // Memory', 'Twinflame', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Drannith Healer', 'Burst Lightning', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Chitterspitter', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Glorious Protector', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Pyroclasm', 'Cling to Dust', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Fierce Empath', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Daring Thief', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Combat Thresher', 'Twincast', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Costly Plunder', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Bad River', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Noxious Assault', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Temple of Silence', 'Rebuild', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Guardian Idol', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Shriekmaw', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Obliterate', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Haunted Dead', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Gird for Battle', 'Easy Prey', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Go for Blood', 'Pick the Brain', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Reckless Charge', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Doom Foretold', 'Wavesifter', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Startling Development', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Duress', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Shredded Sails', 'Kor Duelist', 'Of One Mind', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Shardless Agent', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Demonic Dread', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Skylasher', 'Devoted Druid', 'Revoke Existence', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Fiery Justice', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'White Knight', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Light the Way', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Master of Etherium', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Filigree Sages', 'Dragonstorm', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Coiling Oracle', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Unwind', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Flame Blitz', 'Trade Routes', 'Lizard Blades', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Dread Return', 'Snapback', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'High Tide', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Titania''s Command', 'Dead Weight', 'Sin Collector', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Buried Alive', 'Curious Pair', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Jackal Pup', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Frost Marsh', 'Wing Shards', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Chronomaton', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Staff of Domination', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Needle Drop', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Pain Seer', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Twinferno', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Skull of Orm', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Dispel', 'Ray of Revelation', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Kavu Predator', 'Memorial to War', 'Raging Ravine', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Artful Dodge', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Sol Talisman', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Halimar Excavator', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Greater Gargadon', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Network Disruptor', 'Astral Slide', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Alpha Authority', 'Distortion Strike', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Dark Petition', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Frontline Medic', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Irencrag Feat', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Shambling Vent', 'Raging Goblin', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Darkblast', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Grasslands', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Goblin Ruinblaster', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Earwig Squad', 'Sultai Charm', 'Risk Factor', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Oust', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Myth Realized', 'Slitherhead', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Putrefax', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Dread Presence', 'Guild Globe', 'Narcomoeba', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Trade Secrets', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Last Stand', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Reckless Rage', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Aetherling', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Dawn Charm', 'Endless Horizons', 'Slaughter Games', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Auramancer', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Hateflayer', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Repeal', 'Primal Beyond', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Putrid Imp', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Venerable Knight', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Spectral Procession', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Reconstruction', 'Akki Ronin', 'Devil''s Play', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Mulch', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Light Up the Night', 'Reaper King', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Combat Courier', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Ponder', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Corrupt', 'Doom Blade', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Farseek', 'Mutilate', 'Brain Freeze', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Forked Bolt', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Persecute', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Jace Beleren', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Crux of Fate', 'Endless Detour', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Ondu Cleric', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Fortified Village', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Disfigure', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Collateral Damage', 'Impulse', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Putrefy', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Brave the Elements', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Draconic Roar', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Stain the Mind', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Price of Progress', 'Gods Willing', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Shivan Reef', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Molten Tributary', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Browbeat', 'Seal of Removal', 'Mana Leak', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Plow Under', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Slagstorm', 'Mind Sculpt', 'False Summoning', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Lone Rider', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Froghemoth', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Architects of Will', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Mobilized District', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Electrolyze', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Steel Overseer', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Decree of Justice', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Perilous Research', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Bonesplitter', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Endbringer', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Terminate', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Consume the Meek', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Giant Growth', 'Rewind', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Reap and Sow', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Cremate', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Aetherworks Marvel', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Urban Utopia', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Countersquall', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Mystic Snake', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Think Twice', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Azorius Signet', 'Trading Post', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Fertile Ground', 'Dread Statuary', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Day of Judgment', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Dimir Signet', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Vivid Crag', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Notion Thief', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Obscura Charm', 'Silent Departure', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Sylvan Library', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Fire Diamond', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Defiant Strike', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Negate', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Remove Soul', 'Fight as One', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Far // Away', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Master Biomancer', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Bog Wraith', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Dead // Gone', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Gruul Signet', 'Stern Lesson', 'Halo Forager', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Temple of Malady', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Ball Lightning', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Ral Zarek', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Wily Goblin', 'Carrion Wall', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Spell Pierce', 'Magister of Worth', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Larger Than Life', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Crab Umbra', 'Talus Paladin', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Tomb Robber', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Compulsive Research', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Mission Briefing', 'Voidslime', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Profane Procession', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Haunted Mire', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Longbow Archer', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Ionize', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Village Messenger', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Nevermore', 'Lose Focus', 'Recoup', 'Collective Defiance', 'Spare Supplies', 'Lightning Rift', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Renewed Faith', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Kami of Transience', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Primal Bellow', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Siege Rhino', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Clear the Mind', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Reason // Believe', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Port Town', 'Ally Encampment', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Tombstalker', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Wild Defiance', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Regrowth', 'Wall of Blood', 'Void Snare', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Exclude', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Argentum Armor', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Worm Harvest', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Balefire Liege', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Smiting Helix', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Polymorph', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Scute Mob', 'Blighted Agent', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Infest', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Assault Formation', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Prohibit', 'Vivien, Champion of the Wilds', 'Spore Frog', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Frost Titan', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Essence Scatter', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Wander in Death', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Jade Mage', 'Magma Spray', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Call of the Herd', 'Halo Scarab', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Murderous Cut', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Chance Encounter', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Bridge from Below', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Painful Truths', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Expedite', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Dissolve', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Demolition Field', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Jokulhaups', 'Boomerang', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Quicken', 'Memory Lapse', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Vivid Creek', 'Atog', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Season of Growth', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Flame Javelin', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Aether Adept', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Treasure Map', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Tragic Slip', 'Forever Young', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Hedron Archive', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Grand Architect', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Glimmerpost', 'Always Watching', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Court Homunculus', 'Celestial Flare', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Boros Garrison', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Tail Swipe', 'Vivid Grove', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Fume Spitter', 'Identity Crisis', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Through the Breach', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Spark Spray', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Threats Undetected', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Distress', 'Sen Triplets', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Animate Dead', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Out of Time', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Withered Wretch', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Barren Moor', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Soul Warden', 'Palace Siege', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Boon Satyr', 'Maze''s End', 'Xorn', 'Standing Troops', 'View from Above', 'Step Through', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Shred Memory', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Burnished Hart', 'Maestros Theater', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Omenspeaker', 'Arc Trail', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Complicate', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Collective Effort', 'Etched Champion', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Tangle', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Lost Legacy', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Seething Song', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Into the Story', 'Terminus', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Become Immense', 'Cease-Fire', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Go for the Throat', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Simic Charm', 'Seal of Fire', 'Soul Shatter', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Plague Stinger', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Norin the Wary', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Vindicate', 'Spirited Companion', 'Coalition Relic', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Second Sunrise', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Genesis Wave', 'The Scorpion God', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Astral Drift', 'Tramway Station', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Annex Sentry', 'Greenseeker', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Research // Development', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Night Clubber', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Cut Down', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Seasons Past', 'Bile Blight', 'Vexing Devil', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Into the Roil', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'River Serpent', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Isolate', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Perilous Vault', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Disenchant', 'Gavony Township', 'Assault Strobe', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Graven Cairns', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Mana Flare', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Render Silent', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Augury Owl', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Vapor Snag', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'March from the Tomb', 'Spectral Shift', 'Shared Discovery', 'Shock', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Natural State', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Mana Bloom', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Strategic Planning', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Boros Elite', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Cultivate', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Thought Scour', 'Blight Mamba', 'Honored Hydra', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Lingering Souls', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Zuran Orb', 'Incinerate', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Marble Diamond', 'Cruel Reality', 'Viridian Revel', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Zof Consumption', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Abiding Grace', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Condemn', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Ash Zealot', 'Ulamog''s Crusher', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Precinct Captain', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Bring the Ending', 'Verdant Command', 'Fell Stinger', 'Nine Lives', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Urban Evolution', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'True Believer', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Slip Through Space', 'Word of Undoing', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Pillage', 'Champion of Wits', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Groundbreaker', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Dovin Baan', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Caldera Lake', 'Hit // Run', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Check for Traps', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Howling Mine', 'Forced Fruition', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Bone Dragon', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Victim of Night', 'Blessed Respite', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Tarfire', 'Grave Titan', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Blessed Breath', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Riddleform', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Divest', 'Flood Plain', 'Radiant Grove', 'Spider Umbra', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Orchard Strider', 'Pilfer', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Tome Scour', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Fatestitcher', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Audacity', 'Meddling Mage', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Boros Signet', 'Tangled Islet', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Essence Flux', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Battle Screech', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Traumatize', 'Stasis Snare', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Halimar Depths', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Frantic Search', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Temple of Malice', 'Spawning Pit', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Dryad Militant', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Venerable Monk', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Silver Knight', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Mirror Entity', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Chain Lightning', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Harrow', 'Triskelion', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Might of Oaks', 'Heartfire', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Sky Terror', 'Obsessive Search', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Boros Recruit', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Azorius Charm', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Canopy Vista', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Savage Lands', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Primal Order', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Sudden Edict', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Gust of Wind', 'Fated Retribution', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Blackmail', 'Student of Warfare', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Mindcrank', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Reanimate', 'Crack the Earth', 'Painful Quandary', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Doomskar', 'The Celestus', 'Death Baron', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Buried Ruin', 'Ossification', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Breakthrough', 'Tree of Tales', 'Spell Burst', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Soulflayer', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Den Protector', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Generous Patron', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Archaeomancer', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Sign in Blood', 'Undercity Informer', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Blisterpod', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Early Harvest', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Fertilid', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Destroy Evil', 'Curiosity', 'Pelt Collector', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Exploding Borders', 'Stave Off', 'Hard Evidence', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Ultimate Price', 'Attune with Aether', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Flooded Grove', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Trickbind', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Mind Rake', 'Guided Passage', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Silverquill Command', 'Golden Demise', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Arbor Elf', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Tentative Connection', 'Riftsweeper', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Stitch in Time', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Angel of Despair', 'Glamerdye', 'Brainstone', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Nether Traitor', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Banish into Fable', 'Patch Up', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Midnight Clock', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Cult Conscript', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Haze of Rage', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Planar Ally', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Light of Hope', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Offalsnout', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Graf Harvest', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Into the Wilds', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Blightning', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Dead of Winter', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Sonic Burst', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Highland Lake', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Seal from Existence', 'Goldhound', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Hellrider', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Blade Splicer', 'Bushwhack', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Web of Inertia', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Palinchron', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Fetid Pools', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Regal Force', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Sleep', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Foundry Helix', 'Evil Twin', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Monoskelion', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Wight', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Detention Sphere', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Joint Exploration', 'Despise', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Angel of Grace', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Rampant Growth', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Reveillark', 'Myr Superion', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Dig Up', 'Blood Artist', 'Sunscour', 'Child of Night', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Vigor', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Knight of Glory', 'Combat Research', 'The Antiquities War', 'Cankerbloom', 'Heap Doll', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Planar Bridge', 'Worthy Knight', 'Realm Razer', 'It That Betrays', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Carnophage', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Black Knight', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Overgrowth', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Circuit Mender', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Serra Avenger', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Waker of Waves', 'Game Trail', 'Primal Might', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Blazing Archon', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Rust Goliath', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Bond of Insight', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Kher Keep', 'Reality Heist', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Mindslaver', 'Tribal Flames', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Drake Haven', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Gruul Turf', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Spark Elemental', 'Samite Healer', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Rot Wolf', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Giant Killer', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Radiant Flames', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Bone Shards', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Unholy Heat', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Primal Amulet', 'Smallpox', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Corpse Cur', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Turnabout', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Neutralize', 'Curse of Silence', 'Deny Reality', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Energy Refractor', 'Leather Armor', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Rob the Archives', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Massacre Girl', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Never // Return', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Driven // Despair', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Future Sight', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Cover of Winter', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Saproling Burst', 'Epochrasite', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Hypergenesis', 'Children of Korlis', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Desecration Demon', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Stream of Life', 'Serum Snare', 'Brokers Charm', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Purify the Grave', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Privileged Position', 'Abzan Charm', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Mirrorweave', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Hornet Queen', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Death Cloud', 'Valley Dasher', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Blood Knight', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Izzet Charm', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Recommission', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Jund Charm', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Generous Visitor', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Witching Well', 'Mana Tithe', 'Blazing Specter', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Double Vision', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Primal Rage', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Stony Silence', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Stun Sniper', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Choked Estuary', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Enlarge', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Selesnya Charm', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Molten Blast', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Memory Leak', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Undercover Operative', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Sin Prodder', 'Firebolt', 'Myr Welder', 'Goblin Matron', 'Dovescape', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Quag Vampires', 'Protean Hulk', 'Hammerhand', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Biovisionary', 'Viscera Seer', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Braingeyser', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Fade from Memory', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Liliana Vess', 'Worship', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Plated Geopede', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Fabricate', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Dark Salvation', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Forbid', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Creeping Chill', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Umara Wizard', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Profane Command', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Experiment One', 'Dark Ritual', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'All That Glitters', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Karmic Guide', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Telepathy', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Crackling Doom', 'Keep Safe', 'Munitions Expert', 'Colossification', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Plague Beetle', 'Abundant Growth', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Wild Cantor', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Primal Command', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Scattered Groves', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Lightning Strike', 'Power Depot', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Banefire', 'Searing Spear', 'Dire Tactics', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Domri Rade', 'Primal Surge', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Incendiary Command', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Wrath of God', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Winged Portent', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Staggershock', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Explore', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Big Score', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Aetherspouts', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Rift Bolt', 'Brain Maggot', 'Scurry Oak', 'Necrogoyf', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Chittering Rats', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Cystbearer', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Army of the Damned', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Frost Walker', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 152.7, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 12 months ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (132.2 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Gavony Township', 'Carnophage', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Sins of the Past', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Radiant Flames', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Profane Command', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Crack the Earth', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Check for Traps', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin', 'Anticipate', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Setessan Champion', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Halimar Depths', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Gather the Pack', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Experiment One', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Tarfire', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Lucky Clover', 'Giant Killer', 'Read the Bones', 'Lost Legacy', 'Generous Patron', 'Tangle', 'Silent Departure', 'Disfigure', 'Student of Warfare', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Choking Sands', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Brain Freeze', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Knight of Glory', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Risk Factor', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Port Town', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Child of Night', 'Angel of Grace', 'Fatestitcher', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Champion of Wits', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Quickling', 'Maestros Theater', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Reveillark', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'River of Tears', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Into the Wilds', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Urban Utopia', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Golden Demise', 'Future Sight', 'Chronomaton', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Isolate', 'Scarab Feast', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Memnarch', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Victim of Night', 'Slip Through Space', 'Ondu Cleric', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Glorious Protector', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Larger Than Life', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Worm Harvest', 'Sky Terror', 'Bile Blight', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Terrarion', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Skylasher', 'Smallpox', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Canopy Vista', 'Reap and Sow', 'Gutterbones', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Disenchant', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Cystbearer', 'Jackal Pup', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Leather Armor', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Magister of Worth', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Terminus', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Vesperlark', 'Through the Breach', 'Tentative Connection', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Hive Mind', 'Boros Garrison', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Blightning', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Never // Return', 'Dead // Gone', 'Rule of Law', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Recoup', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Bag of Holding', 'Wood Elves', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Destroy Evil', 'Astral Drift', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Tithe Taker', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Izzet Charm', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Seasons Past', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Sultai Charm', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Wrath of God', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Jund Charm', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Orchard Strider', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Fume Spitter', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Froghemoth', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Spirit Link', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Pelt Collector', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Staff of Domination', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Reanimate', 'Flame Rift', 'Blackmail', 'Cremate', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Pillage', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Stasis Snare', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Animate Dead', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Forever Young', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Drannith Healer', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Trade Routes', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Memoricide', 'Rags // Riches', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Complicate', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Endless Horizons', 'Languish', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Blighted Agent', 'Endless One', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Thran Vigil', 'Jade Mage', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Favorable Winds', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Chittering Rats', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Tear Asunder', 'Vigor', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Forced Fruition', 'Munitions Expert', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Children of Korlis', 'Moment of Craving', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Darkblast', 'Goldhound', 'Reason // Believe', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Painful Truths', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Carrion Wall', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Purify the Grave', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Divest', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Mutilate', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Earwig Squad', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Urban Evolution', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Fevered Visions', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Wavesifter', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Vexing Devil', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Threats Undetected', 'Meddling Mage', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Longbow Archer', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Season of Growth', 'Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Fists of Flame', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Blood Seeker', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Spare Supplies', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Haunted Mire', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Brute Force', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Magma Jet', 'Clear the Mind', 'Silver Knight', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Court Homunculus', 'Research // Development', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Blazing Specter', 'Choked Estuary', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Natural State', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'March from the Tomb', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Foundry Helix', 'Costly Plunder', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Myr Welder', 'Assault Formation', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Ornithopter', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Vindicate', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Hateflayer', 'Leonin Bola', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Battle of Wits', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Relic Axe', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Haunted Dead', 'Ground Seal', 'Harrow', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Ivory Tower', 'Hard Evidence', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Rewind', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Architects of Will', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Boomerang', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Colossification', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Weird Harvest', 'Venerable Knight', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Timeless Witness', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Treasure Mage', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Aether Adept', 'Dovescape', 'Restoration Angel', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Profane Procession', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Dread Presence', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Rise // Fall', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Twiddle', 'Not of This World', 'Soaring Drake', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Dread Statuary', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Fight as One', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Steel Overseer', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Slagstorm', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Distortion Strike', 'Sign in Blood', 'High Tide', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Catch // Release', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Wrench Mind', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Memory Leak', 'Scattered Groves', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Highland Lake', 'Battle Screech', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Tragic Slip', 'Centaur Garden', 'Bant Charm', 'Aqueous Form', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Weirding Wood', 'Spell Snuff', 'Death Baron', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Oust', 'Azorius Signet', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Double Vision', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Talus Paladin', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Worthy Knight', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Master of Death', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Monoskelion', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Blind Obedience', 'Crypt Incursion', 'False Summoning', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Gingerbrute', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Time Sieve', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Soul Shatter', 'Drake Haven', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Reaper King', 'Temple of Malice', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'View from Above', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Altered Ego', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Ruin Crab', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Zuran Orb', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Frogmite', 'Demonic Dread', 'Joint Exploration', 'Waterfront District', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Brain Maggot', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Exclude', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Cling to Dust', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Cease-Fire', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Blazing Archon', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Flame Blitz', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Circuit Mender', 'Omenspeaker', 'Hedron Archive', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Grim Affliction', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Network Disruptor', 'Wargate', 'Plow Under', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Devastating Summons', 'Lose Focus', 'Mindslaver', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Privileged Position', 'Flood Plain', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Gird for Battle', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Triskelion', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Bring the Ending', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Endbringer', 'Celestial Flare', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Caldera Lake', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Minor Misstep', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Wilt', 'Realm Razer', 'Virus Beetle', 'Devoted Druid', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Honored Hydra', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Exploding Borders', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Spectral Procession', 'Blade Splicer', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Golden Egg', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Quarantine Field', 'Remove Soul', 'Azorius Charm', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Condemn', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Groundbreaker', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Gigadrowse', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Goblin Trashmaster', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Gruul Charm', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Electrolyze', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Light Up the Night', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Opt', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Jokulhaups', 'Soul Warden', 'Detention Sphere', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Wander in Death', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Protean Hulk', 'Primal Rage', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Shambling Vent', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Terastodon', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Consume the Meek', 'Reckless Charge', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Ruin Raider', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Mirror Entity', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Legion Angel', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Abzan Charm', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Infest', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Biovisionary', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Icehide Golem', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Willow Geist', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Curiosity', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Morselhoarder', 'Gust of Wind', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Cut Down', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Saproling Burst', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Galvanic Relay', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Rampant Growth', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Den Protector', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Chance Encounter', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Elvish Champion', 'Zof Consumption', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Guided Passage', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Utopia Tree', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Soul Snare', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Spark Elemental', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Filigree Sages', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Containment Construct', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Brave the Sands', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Raging Ravine', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Quicksand', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Sky Scourer', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Far // Away', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Early Harvest', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Evil Twin', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Esper Charm', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Creeping Chill', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Tree of Tales', 'Master of Etherium', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Riftsweeper', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Out of Time', 'Forked Bolt', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Nekrataal', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Undead Augur', 'Fiery Justice', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Krosan Grip', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Fecundity', 'Frost Marsh', 'Mantis Rider', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Breakthrough', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Become Immense', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Spell Burst', 'Pyroclasm', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Frost Titan', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Guild Globe', 'Nest Robber', 'Serra Avenger', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Ominous Seas', 'Goblin Matron', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Cankerbloom', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Seal of Removal', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Angel of Despair', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Soulflayer', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Thought Scour', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Vault Skirge', 'Generous Visitor', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Planar Ally', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Temple of Silence', 'Domri Rade', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Fade from Memory', 'Power Depot', 'Stony Silence', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Master Biomancer', 'Primal Might', 'Dockside Chef', 'Spell Pierce', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Recross the Paths', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Deprive', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Assault Strobe', 'Perilous Research', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Farseek', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Liliana Vess', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Fog', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Twincast', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Psychic Possession', 'Deep Analysis', 'Stone Rain', 'Tomb Robber', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Disallow', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Heartless Act', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Pain Seer', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Fallow Earth', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Burnished Hart', 'Utter End', 'Telepathy', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Wight', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Revitalize', 'Undying Evil', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Cathedral of War', 'Boom // Bust', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Sudden Edict', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Go for the Throat', 'Noxious Assault', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Polymorph', 'Plague Beetle', 'Lone Rider', 'Glamerdye', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Cleric Class', 'Sky Hussar', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Decree of Justice', 'Nether Spirit', 'Cultivate', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Rust Goliath', 'Unburial Rites', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Ichorid', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Haze of Rage', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Dawn Charm', 'Corpse Cur', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Hammerhand', 'Wild Defiance', 'Forbid', 'Sol Talisman', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Glimmerpost', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Aetherworks Marvel', 'Slaughter Games', 'Geistflame', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Kavu Predator', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Second Sunrise', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Intervention Pact', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Chitterspitter', 'Second Wind', 'Doom Foretold', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Umara Mystic', 'Might of Oaks', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Baffling End', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Shock', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Rift Sower', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Snapback', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Ponder', 'Sylvan Library', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Giant Growth', 'Scute Mob', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Reckless Rage', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Graf Harvest', 'Riddleform', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Curse of Silence', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Deny Reality', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Banefire', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Traumatize', 'Fire Diamond', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Brood Birthing', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Mind Spring', 'Army of the Damned', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Compulsive Research', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Ball Lightning', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Shriekmaw', 'Wily Goblin', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Into the Story', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Invigorate', 'Lizard Blades', 'Secret Plans', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Vendetta', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Witching Well', 'Astral Slide', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Desolation Twin', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Perilous Vault', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Render Silent', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Frogtosser Banneret', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Simic Charm', 'Spark Spray', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Trade Secrets', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Grand Architect', 'Voidslime', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Combat Research', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Voltage Surge', 'Dive Down', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Regrowth', 'Arc Trail', 'Primal Bellow', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Lightning Strike', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Banisher Priest', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Think Twice', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Silence', 'Recommission', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Audacity', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Impulse', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Temple of Malady', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Dreamstealer', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Glint Hawk', 'Halimar Excavator', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Banish into Fable', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Ashen Rider', 'The Antiquities War', 'Mind Rake', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Karmic Guide', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Sen Triplets', 'Mission Briefing', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Serum Snare', 'Fetid Heath', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Light the Way', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Ally Encampment', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Vivid Grove', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Obsessive Search', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Bad River', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Fetid Pools', 'Bring to Light', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Halo Scarab', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'The Seedcore', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Rune of Might', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Braid of Fire', 'True Believer', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Fortified Village', 'Demolition Field', 'Night Clubber', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Primal Amulet', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Fertilid', 'Duress', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Frontline Medic', 'Stave Off', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Waker of Waves', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Spider Umbra', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Always Watching', 'Genesis Wave', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Kami of Transience', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Reality Heist', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Cloudshift', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Magma Spray', 'Dread Return', 'Lingering Souls', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Cruel Reality', 'Tribute Mage', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Tombstalker', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Bone Dragon', 'Groundswell', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Putrefy', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Blood Artist', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Terminal Agony', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Viridian Revel', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Word of Undoing', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Palace Siege', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Shard Volley', 'Mortify', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Price of Progress', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Kor Duelist', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Ionize', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Precinct Captain', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Narcomoeba', 'Sorin Markov', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Annex Sentry', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Marble Diamond', 'Memory Lapse', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Twinferno', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Condescend', 'Dispatch', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Wall of Blood', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Soul Diviner', 'Vivid Crag', 'Driven // Despair', 'Energy Refractor', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Epochrasite', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Commune with Nature', 'Restore Balance', 'Sunscour', 'The Modern Age', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Dark Ritual', 'Gideon Jura', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Dragonstorm', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Strike It Rich', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Draconic Roar', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Hornet Queen', 'Mindcrank', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'The Celestus', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Hostage Taker', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Putrefax', 'Skull Fracture', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Memorial to War', 'Xorn', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Samite Healer', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Fiery Temper', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Web of Inertia', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Umara Wizard', 'Midnight Clock', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Despise', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Grapeshot', 'Incendiary Command', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Golgari Charm', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Flame Slash', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Power Sink', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Harm''s Way', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Stain the Mind', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Buried Ruin', 'Wildfire', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Tail Swipe', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Calciform Pools', 'Animation Module', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Rot Wolf', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Raging Goblin', 'Clawing Torment', 'Nine Lives', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Mana Bloom', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Peek', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Seething Song', 'Augury Owl', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Sonic Burst', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Revoke Existence', 'Boon Satyr', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Fling', 'Opulent Palace', 'Greater Good', 'Wild Cantor', 'Trinket Mage', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Smiting Helix', 'Boros Elite', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Possibility Storm', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Void', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Molten Rain', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Just the Wind', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Glistener Elf', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Dream Trawler', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Cult Conscript', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Viscera Seer', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Gods Willing', 'Shambling Shell', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Coalition Relic', 'Force of Virtue', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Grasslands', 'Silundi Vision', 'Evacuation', 'Frost Walker', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Fast // Furious', 'Hit // Run', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Countersquall', 'Fabricate', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Mana Cylix', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Putrid Imp', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Regal Force', 'Ultimate Price', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Void Snare', 'War Falcon', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Necrogoyf', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Runed Halo', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Psychatog', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Doomskar', 'Savage Lands', 'Slitherhead', 'Identity Crisis', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Terminate', 'Dimir Signet', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Castigate', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Gruul Signet', 'Norin the Wary', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Attune with Aether', 'Spirited Companion', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Trading Post', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Queen of Ice', 'Nest Invader', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Defiant Strike', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Mortarpod', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Call of the Herd', 'Curse of Chains', 'Ulcerate', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Bridge from Below', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Valley Dasher', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Devil''s Play', 'Spectral Shift', 'Wing Shards', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Primal Order', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Venerable Monk', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Rift Bolt', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Nevermore', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Mana Leak', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Experimental Augury', 'Dimir Charm', 'Cloudblazer', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Village Messenger', 'Fated Retribution', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Dissolve', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Essence Flux', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Shred Memory', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Braingeyser', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Firebolt', 'Go for Blood', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Treasure Map', 'Force of Rage', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Buried Alive', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Step Through', 'Heap Doll', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Trickbind', 'Sin Collector', 'Crackling Doom', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Hellrider', 'Nether Traitor', 'Blight Mamba', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Light of Hope', 'Palinchron', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Worship', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Negate', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Artful Dodge', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Abundant Growth', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Assault // Battery', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Spore Frog', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Molten Blast', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Renewed Faith', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Radiant Grove', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Ossification', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Prismari Campus', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Turnabout', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Chief Engineer', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Ram Through', 'Volt Charge', 'Aetherspouts', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Bonesplitter', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Blood Knight', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Needle Spires', 'Enlarge', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Vision Skeins', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Day of Judgment', 'Grand Coliseum', 'River Serpent', 'Obscura Charm', 'Easy Prey', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Thragtusk', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Solemnity', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Bump in the Night', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Bushwhack', 'Sin Prodder', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Sterling Grove', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Frantic Search', 'Defabricate', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Bond of Insight', 'Seed of Hope', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Searing Spear', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Crux of Fate', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Lightning Axe', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Plague Stinger', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Combat Thresher', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Nobilis of War', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Shivan Reef', 'Chatterstorm', 'Ral Zarek', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Curious Pair', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Blessed Respite', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Platinum Angel', 'Archaeomancer', 'Tempered Steel', 'Quicken', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Offalsnout', 'Hypergenesis', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Mulldrifter', 'Glittering Wish', 'Bog Wraith', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Rebuild', 'Stitch in Time', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Mulch', 'Sleep', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Of One Mind', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Brute Suit', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Putrid Leech', 'Incinerate', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Dead Weight', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Reckless Waif', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Brave the Elements', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Commit // Memory', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Footfall Crater', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Dispel', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Bone Shards', 'Rob the Archives', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Genesis', 'Crash Through', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Balefire Liege', 'Patch Up', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Needle Drop', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Obliterate', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Thran Portal', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Painful Quandary', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Flooded Grove', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Change the Equation', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Rune Snag', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Myr Servitor', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Return to Dust', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Font of Fertility', 'Path of Discovery', 'Dark Petition', 'Dovin Baan', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Banishing Slash', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Collective Defiance', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Akki Ronin', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Guardian Idol', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Vivien, Champion of the Wilds', 'Stun Sniper', 'Sarcomancy', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Primal Command', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Browbeat', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Simian Sling', 'Doom Blade', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Vivid Creek', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Mirrorweave', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Canyon Slough', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Primal Surge', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'It That Betrays', 'Animating Faerie', 'Tribal Flames', 'Megrim', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Game Trail', 'Argentum Armor', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Kher Keep', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Big Score', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Heartfire', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Skull of Orm', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Dark Salvation', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Supreme Will', 'Undercover Operative', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Salvage Titan', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Fierce Empath', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Unholy Heat', 'Mobilized District', 'Seismic Assault', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Bolt Hound', 'Shredded Sails', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Pack Rat', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Shardless Agent', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Micromancer', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Dig Up', 'Tragic Poet', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Acidic Slime', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Tramway Station', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Tangled Islet', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Vapor Snag', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Explore', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Alpha Authority', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Collateral Damage', 'Distress', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Rotting Rats', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Damn', 'Spawning Pit', 'Standing Troops', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Blood Lust', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Fumigate', 'Notion Thief', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Brainstone', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Circular Logic', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Control Magic', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Titania''s Command', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Undercity Informer', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Séance', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Arbor Elf', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Graven Cairns', 'Quag Vampires', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Abiding Grace', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Infectious Bite', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Black Knight', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Neutralize', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Stern Lesson', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Turn // Burn', 'Etched Champion', 'Maze''s End', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Dead of Winter', 'Viral Drake', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Thornwood Falls', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Essence Scatter', 'Massacre Girl', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Planar Bridge', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Crab Umbra', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Bone Saw', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Pick the Brain', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Overrun', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Vampiric Link', 'Halo Forager', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Sleight of Hand', 'White Knight', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Field Marshal', 'Pilfer', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Lightning Spear', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'All That Glitters', 'Death Cloud', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Atog', 'Collective Effort', 'Desecration Demon', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Repeal', 'Howling Mine', 'Greenseeker', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Jace Beleren', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Plunder', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Rise and Shine', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Scurry Oak', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Startling Development', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Myth Realized', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Upheaval', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Boros Signet', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Blisterpod', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Aria of Flame', 'Necroplasm', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Withered Wretch', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Combat Courier', 'Mana Tithe', 'Dire Tactics', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Boros Recruit', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Keep Safe', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Strategic Planning', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Brokers Charm', 'Wall of Omens', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Shared Discovery', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Aetherling', 'Lashwrithe', 'Myr Superion', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Training Grounds', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Hour of Promise', 'Verdant Command', 'Carth the Lion', 'Primal Beyond', 'Plated Geopede', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Winged Portent', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Fell Stinger', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Maze Rusher', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Infuriate', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Time of Need', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Twinflame', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Molten Tributary', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Story Circle', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Daring Thief', 'Unwind', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Murderous Cut', 'Barren Moor', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Seal of Fire', 'Flame Javelin', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Corrupt', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Cloudpost', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Last Stand', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Late to Dinner', 'Grave Titan', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Wonder', 'Dryad Militant', 'Persecute', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Zenith Flare', 'Runic Shot', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Psychic Strike', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Stream of Life', 'Burst Lightning', 'Siege Rhino', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Harmonize', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Expedite', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Lightning Rift', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'The Scorpion God', 'Mana Flare', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Commune with Lava', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Reflector Mage', 'Tome Scour', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Festival Crasher', 'Wastes', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Reconstruction', 'Fertile Ground', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Goblin Ruinblaster', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Unsummon', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Gruul Turf', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Into the Roil', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Auramancer', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Spawning Breath', 'Silverquill Command', 'Codex Shredder', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Universal Automaton', 'Endless Detour', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Pandemonium', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Glorybringer', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Ash Zealot', 'Prohibit', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Shore Up', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Chain Lightning', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Staggershock', 'Cover of Winter', 'Seal from Existence', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Vandalblast', 'Ulamog''s Crusher', 'Mystic Snake', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Overgrowth', 'Blessed Breath', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Vector Asp', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Dizzy Spell'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 132.2, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 12 months ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (72.2 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Cursed Scroll', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Sudden Edict', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Liliana Vess', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Psychatog', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Blood Lust', 'Footfall Crater', 'Dovescape', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Cankerbloom', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Tramway Station', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Early Harvest', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Plague Beetle', 'Ruin Crab', 'Call of the Conclave', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Pack Rat', 'Treasure Map', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Primal Command', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Steel Overseer', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Mortarpod', 'Canyon Slough', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Corrupt', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Regal Force', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Lingering Souls', 'Tree of Tales', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Ally Encampment', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Detention Sphere', 'Destroy Evil', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Obsessive Search', 'Wastes', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Quag Vampires', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Hammerhand', 'It That Betrays', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Obscura Charm', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Brainstone', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Cloudpost', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Boros Elite', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Molten Blast', 'Runic Shot', 'Quarantine Field', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Mana Flare', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Dimir Charm', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Distress', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Fetid Heath', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Reflector Mage', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Kavu Predator', 'The Antiquities War', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Bridge from Below', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Frogmite', 'Tragic Poet', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Crack the Earth', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Vivid Creek', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Late to Dinner', 'Arbor Elf', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Raging Ravine', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Strike It Rich', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Force of Rage', 'Bone Dragon', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Mana Tithe', 'Golden Egg', 'Solemnity', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Winged Portent', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Acidic Slime', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Arc Trail', 'Seal from Existence', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Magister of Worth', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Glistener Elf', 'Myth Realized', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Pain Seer', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Vendetta', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Dread Presence', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Chittering Rats', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Trinket Mage', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Generous Patron', 'Primal Beyond', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Darkblast', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Creeping Chill', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Clawing Torment', 'Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Necrogoyf', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Titania''s Command', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Restoration Angel', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Spare Supplies', 'Plated Geopede', 'Rise and Shine', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Minor Misstep', 'Commune with Lava', 'Wight', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Frogtosser Banneret', 'Glamerdye', 'Shriekmaw', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Izzet Charm', 'Exploding Borders', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Colossification', 'Traumatize', 'Terastodon', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Circular Logic', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Tear Asunder', 'Check for Traps', 'Circuit Mender', 'Elvish Visionary', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Supreme Will', 'Sins of the Past', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Greater Good', 'Drake Haven', 'Thran Portal', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Seething Song', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Spawning Breath', 'Shred Memory', 'Dire Tactics', 'Hour of Promise', 'Undead Augur', 'Midnight Clock', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Stony Silence', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Profane Command', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Burnished Hart', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Celestial Flare', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Mindslaver', 'Bile Blight', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Heap Doll', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Season of Growth', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Become Immense', 'Into the Wilds', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Runed Halo', 'Soul Snare', 'Coalition Relic', 'Court Homunculus', 'Fiery Temper', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Graf Harvest', 'The Modern Age', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Zuran Orb', 'Vapor Snag', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Vindicate', 'Terminus', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Undercover Operative', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'Halimar Depths', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Bump in the Night', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Ruin Raider', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Genesis', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Devil''s Play', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'High Tide', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Ulcerate', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Wavesifter', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Tempered Steel', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Notion Thief', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Sky Hussar', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Spectral Shift', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Lightning Axe', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Gutterbones', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Slaughter Games', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Shardless Agent', 'Combat Courier', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Urban Utopia', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Stitch in Time', 'Desecration Demon', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Mission Briefing', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Boros Garrison', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Control Magic', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Countersquall', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Reckless Waif', 'True Believer', 'Putrefax', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Weird Harvest', 'Kher Keep', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Unholy Heat', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Forced Fruition', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Strategic Planning', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Just the Wind', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Pillage', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Fumigate', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Augury Owl', 'Buried Ruin', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'Shivan Reef', 'Rift Sower', 'Deep Analysis', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Rune Snag', 'Biovisionary', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Sky Terror', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Incinerate', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Containment Construct', 'Ornithopter', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Brood Birthing', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Sunscour', 'Leather Armor', 'Stave Off', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Sultai Charm', 'Voltage Surge', 'Explore', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Cut Down', 'Fatestitcher', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Universal Automaton', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Undercity Informer', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Guild Globe', 'Spell Snuff', 'Plow Under', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Umara Mystic', 'Dark Petition', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Triskelion', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Omenspeaker', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Aria of Flame', 'Dark Salvation', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Primal Surge', 'Worthy Knight', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Story Circle', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Ivory Tower', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Oust', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Crackling Doom', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Price of Progress', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Fated Retribution', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Palinchron', 'Ultimate Price', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Condemn', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Renewed Faith', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Icehide Golem', 'Halo Forager', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Ram Through', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Orchard Strider', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Spark Spray', 'Breakthrough', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Assault Formation', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Void', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Champion of Wits', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Shambling Shell', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Easy Prey', 'Groundswell', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Myr Superion', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Primal Rage', 'Reanimate', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Glimmerpost', 'Altered Ego', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Seasons Past', 'Stain the Mind', 'Go for the Throat', 'Lashwrithe', 'Neutralize', 'Chain Lightning', 'Norin the Wary', 'Collective Defiance', 'Tangled Islet', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Blightning', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Languish', 'Gruul Charm', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Archaeomancer', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Combat Research', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Decree of Justice', 'Knight of Glory', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter', 'Flooded Grove', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Perilous Vault', 'Defabricate', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Shambling Vent', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Network Disruptor', 'Boon Satyr', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Draconic Roar', 'Balefire Liege', 'Repeal', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Relic Axe', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Evacuation', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Spirited Companion', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Change the Equation', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Psychic Possession', 'Vision Skeins', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Castigate', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Distortion Strike', 'Nether Traitor', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'River of Tears', 'Ionize', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Dawn of Hope', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Blessed Breath', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Cruel Reality', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Second Wind', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Terminal Agony', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Endless One', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Morselhoarder', 'Endless Horizons', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Aqueous Form', 'Dimir Signet', 'Pandemonium', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Incendiary Command', 'Shore Up', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Gruul Signet', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Threats Undetected', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Dark Ritual', 'Karmic Guide', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Ashen Rider', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'Turn // Burn', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Vivien, Champion of the Wilds', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Vampiric Link', 'Bring to Light', 'The Scorpion God', 'Tome Scour', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Generous Visitor', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'The Celestus', 'Recommission', 'Drannith Healer', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Highland Lake', 'Favorable Winds', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Curse of Silence', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Fetid Pools', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Goblin Trashmaster', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Master of Etherium', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Fight as One', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Mana Leak', 'Mirrorweave', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Rust Goliath', 'Gingerbrute', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Chronomaton', 'Nobilis of War', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Daring Thief', 'Blessed Respite', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Disallow', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Tombstalker', 'Into the Roil', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Viridian Revel', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Bog Wraith', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Riddleform', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Dovin Baan', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Scattered Groves', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Myr Servitor', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Sen Triplets', 'Epochrasite', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Frost Titan', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Sorin Markov', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Sign in Blood', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Froghemoth', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Turnabout', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Reap and Sow', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Army of the Damned', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Reason // Believe', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Wargate', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Enlarge', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Zof Consumption', 'Valley Dasher', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Persecute', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Tangle', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Nest Invader', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Battle Screech', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Quicksand', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Doom Foretold', 'Narcomoeba', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Day of Judgment', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Consuming Vapors', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Baffling End', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers', 'Call of the Herd', 'Research // Development', 'Jackal Pup', 'Lightning Strike', 'Seismic Assault', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Blazing Specter', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Buried Alive', 'Earwig Squad', 'Ral Zarek', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Essence Scatter', 'Timeless Witness', 'Needle Spires', 'Fling', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Attune with Aether', 'Memory Leak', 'War Falcon', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Abundant Growth', 'Scarab Feast', 'Trade Routes', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Putrefy', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Primal Amulet', 'Magma Jet', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Molten Rain', 'Animate Dead', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Thought Scour', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Fertilid', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Soulflayer', 'The Seedcore', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Samite Healer', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Driven // Despair', 'Psychic Strike', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Braingeyser', 'Calciform Pools', 'Terminate', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Kitchen Imp', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Chance Encounter', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Putrid Leech', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Soul Warden', 'Mantis Rider', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Legion Angel', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Costly Plunder', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Regrowth', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Bushwhack', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Vexing Devil', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Demolition Field', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Training Grounds', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Time of Need', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Tithe Taker', 'Weirding Wood', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Dragonstorm', 'Bant Charm', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Twincast', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Invigorate', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Jace Beleren', 'Light Up the Night', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Memorial to War', 'Frost Marsh', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Micromancer', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'Worm Harvest', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Unsummon', 'Void Snare', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Domri Rade', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Heartless Act', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Bonesplitter', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Sleep', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Blight Mamba', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Demonic Dread', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Withered Wretch', 'Hellrider', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Startling Development', 'Xorn', 'Shredded Sails', 'Guided Passage', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Pyroclasm', 'Field Marshal', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Smallpox', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Tragic Slip', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Putrid Imp', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Thragtusk', 'Dream Trawler', 'Megrim', 'Into the Story', 'Banefire', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Terrarion', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Possibility Storm', 'Soul Shatter', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Second Sunrise', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Wily Goblin', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Telepathy', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Mind Spring', 'Rob the Archives', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Crab Umbra', 'Tribute Mage', 'Boros Recruit', 'Viscera Seer', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Grasslands', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Blighted Agent', 'Fast // Furious', 'Consume the Meek', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Silver Knight', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Gavony Township', 'Abiding Grace', 'Bolt Hound', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Last Stand', 'Silundi Vision', 'Go for Blood', 'Urban Evolution', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Carth the Lion', 'Foundry Helix', 'Chitterspitter', 'Graven Cairns', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Disfigure', 'Appetite for Brains', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Desolation Twin', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Risk Factor', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Memory Lapse', 'Reconstruction', 'Spirit Link', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Vivid Crag', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Trading Post', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Myr Welder', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Experiment One', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Primal Might', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Bag of Holding', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Upheaval', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Leonin Bola', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Codex Shredder', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Umara Wizard', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Fists of Flame', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Nevermore', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Soaring Drake', 'Frontline Medic', 'Cloudblazer', 'Fiery Justice', 'Bond of Insight', 'Talus Paladin', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Honored Hydra', 'Experimental Augury', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Blade Splicer', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Doom Blade', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Return to Dust', 'Etched Champion', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Word of Undoing', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Brokers Charm', 'Step Through', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Marble Diamond', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Grave Titan', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Mortify', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Revoke Existence', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Hornet Queen', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Waterfront District', 'Perilous Research', 'Nine Lives', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'Endbringer', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'Pilfer', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Brute Suit', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Annex Sentry', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Animation Module', 'Assault Strobe', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Soul Diviner', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Mirror Entity', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Hateflayer', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Dead of Winter', 'Jade Mage', 'Forbid', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Stern Lesson', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Banisher Priest', 'Far // Away', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Ponder', 'Nether Spirit', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Harm''s Way', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Giant Growth', 'Angel of Grace', 'Gruul Turf', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Mana Bloom', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Noxious Assault', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Big Score', 'Zealous Persecution', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Flame Slash', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Dive Down', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Auramancer', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Always Watching', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Sol Talisman', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Never // Return', 'Of One Mind', 'Simic Charm', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Painful Truths', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Defiant Strike', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Deprive', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Plague Stinger', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Volt Charge', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Blackmail', 'Larger Than Life', 'Aetherspouts', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Sin Prodder', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Raging Goblin', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Privileged Position', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Willow Geist', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Boros Signet', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Fevered Visions', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Burst Lightning', 'Geistflame', 'Dreamstealer', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Flame Blitz', 'Magma Spray', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Hard Evidence', 'Wild Defiance', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Night Clubber', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Twiddle', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Harrow', 'Dissolve', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Ball Lightning', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Ichorid', 'Font of Fertility', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Aetherworks Marvel', 'Astral Slide', 'Vesperlark', 'Temple of Malice', 'Salvage Titan', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Tribal Flames', 'Ossification', 'Read the Bones', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Prohibit', 'Nekrataal', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Out of Time', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Savage Lands', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Glorybringer', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Crash Through', 'Sylvan Library', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Rampant Growth', 'Children of Korlis', 'Cultivate', 'Dockside Chef', 'Kor Duelist', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Haunted Dead', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Rotting Rats', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'March from the Tomb', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Game Trail', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Curiosity', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Endless Detour', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Memoricide', 'Fell Stinger', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Caldera Lake', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Cleric Class', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Damn', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Commune with Nature', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Power Depot', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Silverquill Command', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Jund Charm', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Reckless Rage', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Forever Young', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Needle Drop', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Sin Collector', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Deny Reality', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Port Town', 'Reaper King', 'Verdant Command', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Glint Hawk', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Fume Spitter', 'Tentative Connection', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Slitherhead', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Sarcomancy', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Patch Up', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Blisterpod', 'Filigree Sages', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Aether Adept', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Slip Through Space', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Architects of Will', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Restore Balance', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Combat Thresher', 'Riftsweeper', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Blood Artist', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Plunder', 'Halimar Excavator', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Wall of Blood', 'Stasis Snare', 'Stone Rain', 'Blind Obedience', 'Venerable Knight', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Esper Charm', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Golgari Charm', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Primal Order', 'Goblin Matron', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Profane Procession', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Maze''s End', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Atog', 'Longbow Archer', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Séance', 'Radiant Grove', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Reveillark', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Searing Spear', 'Snapback', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Brute Force', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Waker of Waves', 'Frantic Search', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Anticipate', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Catch // Release', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Secret Plans', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Queen of Ice', 'Path of Discovery', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Fierce Empath', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Divest', 'Haze of Rage', 'Argentum Armor', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Bad River', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Gather the Pack', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Wrath of God', 'Prismari Campus', 'Gideon Jura', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Hedron Archive', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Festival Crasher', 'Astral Drift', 'Might of Oaks', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Overgrowth', 'Brain Freeze', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Duress', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Grapeshot', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Commit // Memory', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Energy Refractor', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Mulch', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Dread Return', 'Memnarch', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Ulamog''s Crusher', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Wilt', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Glittering Wish', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Spark Elemental', 'Dread Statuary', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Spell Burst', 'Skull of Orm', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Mobilized District', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'View from Above', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Mind Rake', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Angel of Despair', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Painful Quandary', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Collateral Damage', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Devoted Druid', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Massacre Girl', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Frost Walker', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Light of Hope', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Natural State', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Cease-Fire', 'Murderous Cut', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Bone Shards', 'Fecundity', 'Augur of Bolas', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Recross the Paths', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Choked Estuary', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Wall of Omens', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Skylasher', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Future Sight', 'Infectious Bite', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Planar Ally', 'Exclude', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Genesis Wave', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Moment of Craving', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Farseek', 'Polymorph', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Corpse Cur', 'Vigor', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Grand Architect', 'Condescend', 'Boreal Shelf', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Curious Pair', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Shard Volley', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Stream of Life', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Serum Snare', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Thran Vigil', 'Dead // Gone', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Fire Diamond', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Planar Bridge', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Kami of Transience', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Lightning Rift', 'Setessan Champion', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Mulldrifter', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Negate', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Cystbearer', 'Maze Rusher', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Cover of Winter', 'Disenchant', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Bone Saw', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Intervention Pact', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Rule of Law', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Hive Mind', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Banishing Slash', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Fortified Village', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Silent Departure', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Utopia Tree', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Unwind', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Realm Razer', 'Identity Crisis', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Keep Safe', 'Forked Bolt', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Revitalize', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Clear the Mind', 'Dryad Militant', 'Stun Sniper', 'Vandalblast', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Essence Flux', 'Nest Robber', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Spider Umbra', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Munitions Expert', 'Giant Killer', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Scute Mob', 'Cloudshift', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Boom // Bust', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Twinflame', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Hit // Run', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Virus Beetle', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Dispatch', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Abzan Charm', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Seed of Hope', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Spectral Procession', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Barren Moor', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Browbeat', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Wild Cantor', 'Krosan Grip', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Saproling Burst', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Vector Asp', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Dispel', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Akki Ronin', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Collective Effort', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Shared Discovery', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Ash Zealot', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Utter End', 'Wrench Mind', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Despise', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Lucky Clover', 'Golden Demise', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Aetherling', 'Goblin Ruinblaster', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Guardian Idol', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Rewind', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Assault // Battery', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Treasure Mage', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Master Biomancer', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Glorious Protector', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Student of Warfare', 'Isolate', 'Blazing Archon', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Jokulhaups', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Power Sink', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Light the Way', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Primal Bellow', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Mindcrank', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Opulent Palace', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Think Twice', 'Victim of Night', 'Simian Sling', 'Rift Bolt', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Firebolt', 'Chatterstorm', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Quickling', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Banish into Fable', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Recoup', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'Child of Night', 'Evil Twin', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Grim Affliction', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Rune of Might', 'Battle of Wits', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Crux of Fate', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Fabricate', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Groundbreaker', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Rags // Riches', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Web of Inertia', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Spawning Pit', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Remove Soul', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Skull Fracture', 'Hypergenesis', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Wonder', 'Serra Avenger', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Staff of Domination', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Opt', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Curse of Chains', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Brave the Sands', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Viral Drake', 'Goldhound', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Gods Willing', 'Cult Conscript', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Joint Exploration', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Vivid Grove', 'Molten Tributary', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Mystic Snake', 'Cremate', 'Obliterate', 'Compulsive Research', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Witching Well', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Bring the Ending', 'Rot Wolf', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Seal of Fire', 'Staggershock', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Reckless Charge', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Blood Knight', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Rise // Fall', 'All That Glitters', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Lose Focus', 'Scurry Oak', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Not of This World', 'Wing Shards', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Dead Weight', 'Wood Elves', 'Harmonize', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Flood Plain', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Animating Faerie', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Lizard Blades', 'Boomerang', 'Fade from Memory', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Master of Death', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Necroplasm', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Zenith Flare', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Braid of Fire', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Radiant Flames', 'Wander in Death', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Silence', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Complicate', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Chief Engineer', 'Lone Rider', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Pick the Brain', 'Double Vision', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Infuriate', 'Dig Up', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Reality Heist', 'Cathedral of War', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Voidslime', 'Audacity', 'Gust of Wind', 'Impulse', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Worship', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Gird for Battle', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Purify the Grave', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Overrun', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Render Silent', 'Tarfire', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Gigadrowse', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Through the Breach', 'Fallow Earth', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Venerable Monk', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Protean Hulk', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Trade Secrets', 'Elvish Champion', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Carrion Wall', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Spell Pierce', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Devastating Summons', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Halo Scarab', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Platinum Angel', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Undying Evil', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Temple of Silence', 'Howling Mine', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Oath of Teferi', 'Force of Virtue', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Death Cloud', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Death Baron', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Black Knight', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Azorius Signet', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Quicken', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Village Messenger', 'Blood Seeker', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Twinferno', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Siege Rhino', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Lost Legacy', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Mana Cylix', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Peek', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Doomskar', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Precinct Captain', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Slagstorm', 'Wildfire', 'Brave the Elements', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Ground Seal', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Fog', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Carnophage', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Mutilate', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Palace Siege', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Cling to Dust', 'Choking Sands', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Electrolyze', 'Lightning Spear', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Unburial Rites', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Rebuild', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Seal of Removal', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Tail Swipe', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Trickbind', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Sterling Grove', 'Smiting Helix', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Kabira Evangel', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Ominous Seas', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Temple of Malady', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Greenseeker', 'Dawn Charm', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Centaur Garden', 'River Serpent', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Fertile Ground', 'Shock', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Flame Javelin', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Monoskelion', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Spore Frog', 'Haunted Mire', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Maestros Theater', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Flame Rift', 'Azorius Charm', 'Alpha Authority', 'Heartfire', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Den Protector', 'Standing Troops', 'Sky Scourer', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Vault Skirge', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Offalsnout', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Pelt Collector', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Infest', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'False Summoning', 'Time Sieve', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Doomwake Giant', 'White Knight', 'Hostage Taker', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Brain Maggot', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Sonic Burst', 'Expedite', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Ondu Cleric', 'Tomb Robber', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Artful Dodge', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Canopy Vista', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Meddling Mage'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 72.2, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite

vorpal-buildbot commented 12 months ago

Exceeded slow_query limit (119.0 > 60.0) in mysql: ```

    SELECT, AS original_name,
        SUM(CASE WHEN > IFNULL(, 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS wins,
        SUM(CASE WHEN < THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS losses,
        SUM(CASE WHEN = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS draws,
        d.url AS source_url,
        d.competition_id, AS competition_name,
        c.end_date AS competition_end_date,
        c.top_n AS competition_top_n, AS competition_type_name,
        LOWER(IFNULL(IFNULL(IFNULL(, p.mtgo_username), p.mtggoldfish_username), p.tappedout_username)) AS person, AS person_id,
        d.reviewed, AS source_name,
        IFNULL(, '') AS archetype_name,
        cache.normalized_name AS name,
        ROUND(cache.omw * 100, 2) AS omw,
        IFNULL(MAX(, d.created_date) AS active_date

-- MAX(q.changed_date) AS last_archetype_change FROM deck AS d -- LEFT JOIN -- deck_archetype_change AS q ON q.deck_id = LEFT JOIN person AS p ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN source AS s ON d.source_id = LEFT JOIN archetype AS a ON d.archetype_id =

        competition AS c ON d.competition_id =
        competition_series AS cs ON = c.competition_series_id
        competition_type AS ct ON = cs.competition_type_id

        deck_cache AS cache ON = cache.deck_id
        deck_match AS dm ON = dm.deck_id
        `match` AS m ON dm.match_id =
        deck_match AS odm ON odm.deck_id <> AND dm.match_id = odm.match_id
    LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS season ON = season.deck_id
        ( IN (SELECT deck_id FROM deck_card WHERE card IN ('Astral Drift', 'Shaman of the Pack', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Silverbluff Bridge', 'Blanchwood Armor', 'Battle for Bretagard', 'Approach of the Second Sun', 'Oni-Cult Anvil', 'Gnottvold Slumbermound', 'Return to Dust', 'Doom Foretold', 'Wildfield Borderpost', 'Karametra''s Blessing', 'Spirited Companion', 'Gitaxian Probe', 'Temur Battle Rage', 'Dragon Turtle', 'Divest', 'Doomwake Giant', 'Tavern Scoundrel', 'Disciple of Deceit', 'Hero of Iroas', 'Invasion of Regatha', 'Akroan Crusader', 'Jace, Architect of Thought', 'Walking Bulwark', 'Hateflayer', 'Easy Prey', 'Dauntless Escort', 'Maze Rusher', 'Wayfarer''s Bauble', 'Pollenbright Druid', 'Legion Angel', 'Silhana Ledgewalker', 'Skyclave Cleric', 'Koth, Fire of Resistance', 'Threats Undetected', 'Viridian Revel', 'Blazing Crescendo', 'Pull from Tomorrow', 'Spawning Breath', 'Captain of the Watch', 'Sunlit Marsh', 'Primal Bellow', 'Cloudshift', 'Heliod, God of the Sun', 'Viral Drake', 'Soul Snare', 'Orchard Strider', 'Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig', 'Stern Lesson', 'Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile', 'Chandra, Novice Pyromancer', 'Cliffside Lookout', 'Duskmantle Guildmage', 'Riveteers Overlook', 'Plague Beetle', 'Mirari''s Wake', 'Lavaclaw Reaches', 'Galvanic Alchemist', 'Witch''s Vengeance', 'Elixir of Immortality', 'Sanctum of Ugin', 'Weird Harvest', 'Dive Down', 'Fact or Fiction', 'Jungle Hollow', 'Pact of the Titan', 'Endless Detour', 'Leechridden Swamp', 'Gatebreaker Ram', 'Sublime Archangel', 'Apostle of Purifying Light', 'Abundant Growth', 'Etali, Primal Storm', 'Settle the Wreckage', 'Blighted Agent', 'Haunted Mire', 'Jadelight Ranger', 'Midnight Clock', 'Distended Mindbender', 'Knight of Glory', 'Sky Hussar', 'Akoum Hellhound', 'Vandalblast', 'Lightning Rift', 'Stonehorn Dignitary', 'Depala, Pilot Exemplar', 'Frantic Search', 'Plated Geopede', 'Revival // Revenge', 'Renegade Doppelganger', 'Lone Rider', 'Dowsing Dagger', 'Cremate', 'Shard Volley', 'Tranquil Thicket', 'Fraying Sanity', 'Vigor', 'Tyrant''s Choice', 'Dinrova Horror', 'Daxos of Meletis', 'Lingering Souls', 'Fiend Hunter', 'Boreal Shelf', 'War Falcon', 'Ashen Rider', 'Citizen''s Crowbar', 'Strategic Planning', 'Slaughter Drone', 'Curse of Exhaustion', 'Jace Beleren', 'Striped Riverwinder', 'Valakut Invoker', 'Devoted Druid', 'Weirding Wood', 'Molten Monstrosity', 'Energy Refractor', 'Swarm Shambler', 'Nylea''s Presence', 'Trail of Mystery', 'Ratadrabik of Urborg', 'Identity Crisis', 'Geothermal Bog', 'Mythos of Nethroi', 'Castigate', 'Liliana''s Specter', 'Charix, the Raging Isle', 'Vampiric Link', 'Stone Haven Outfitter', 'Dreamstealer', 'Vryn Wingmare', 'Bloodline Pretender', 'Dusk Mangler', 'Elite Arcanist', 'Night Clubber', 'Catch // Release', 'Fiery Impulse', 'Spare Supplies', 'Bubbling Muck', 'Dimir Aqueduct', 'The Blackstaff of Waterdeep', 'Negan, the Cold-Blooded', 'Dockside Chef', 'Dark-Dweller Oracle', 'Tribute Mage', 'Soldier of the Pantheon', 'Tempest Djinn', 'Sai of the Shinobi', 'Creakwood Liege', 'Consuming Vapors', 'Time Sieve', 'Cryptic Caves', 'Spikefield Hazard', 'General Ferrous Rokiric', 'Shambling Vent', 'Necrogen Spellbomb', 'Wort, Boggart Auntie', 'Haze of Rage', 'Garth One-Eye', 'Earwig Squad', 'Obliterating Bolt', 'Eiganjo Castle', 'Call of the Death-Dweller', 'Wanted Scoundrels', 'Carnival // Carnage', 'Lotleth Giant', 'Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei', 'Jace, Cunning Castaway', 'Temple of Plenty', 'Sandwurm Convergence', 'Mistcutter Hydra', 'Indulgent Aristocrat', 'Toolcraft Exemplar', 'Invigorate', 'Savage Lands', 'Call of the Conclave', 'Ashenmoor Gouger', 'Vinelasher Kudzu', 'Golgari Grave-Troll', 'Vampire Nighthawk', 'Sea-Dasher Octopus', 'Stronghold Arena', 'Goblin Piledriver', 'Hive Mind', 'Haunted Plate Mail', 'Warhost''s Frenzy', 'Monastery Swiftspear', 'Endless Horizons', 'Cult Conscript', 'Rootbound Crag', 'Beacon of Creation', 'Taborax, Hope''s Demise', 'Conduit of Ruin', 'Prophet of Distortion', 'Burning of Xinye', 'Elspeth''s Nightmare', 'Adaptive Automaton', 'Peerless Samurai', 'Purify the Grave', 'Fog', 'Wall of Omens', 'Staff of Domination', 'Cathartic Reunion', 'Kiln Fiend', 'Captivating Vampire', 'Angel of Jubilation', 'Servo Exhibition', 'Elvish Mystic', 'Oath of Teferi', 'It That Betrays', 'Kira, Great Glass-Spinner', 'Pelt Collector', 'Bog Wraith', 'Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit', 'All That Glitters', 'Vault Skirge', 'Veinfire Borderpost', 'Raffine''s Informant', 'Lavabrink Venturer', 'Crack the Earth', 'Rune of Might', 'Steel Sabotage', 'Waterveil Cavern', 'Blazing Specter', 'Temple of Triumph', 'Lodestone Golem', 'Loxodon Warhammer', 'Frontline Medic', 'Hada Freeblade', 'Battle of Wits', 'The Flame of Keld', 'Wily Goblin', 'Scroll of Griselbrand', 'Brinebarrow Intruder', 'Urza''s Ruinous Blast', 'Fieldmist Borderpost', 'Might of Old Krosa', 'Angel of Mercy', 'Walker of the Wastes', 'Primal Beyond', 'Guided Passage', 'Port Town', 'Arasta of the Endless Web', 'King Macar, the Gold-Cursed', 'True Believer', 'Zhur-Taa Goblin', 'Hissing Quagmire', 'Joraga Warcaller', 'Nightpack Ambusher', 'Pandemonium', 'Mystic Reflection', 'Longbow Archer', 'Kaya, Ghost Assassin', 'Cloudshredder Sliver', 'Wargate', 'Gonti, Lord of Luxury', 'Genesis Ultimatum', 'Adeliz, the Cinder Wind', 'Resolute Reinforcements', 'Thopter Mechanic', 'Ajani Steadfast', 'Ancient Ziggurat', 'Blossoming Calm', 'Fetid Pools', 'Swooping Lookout', 'Arlinn Kord', 'Necrogoyf', 'Gird for Battle', 'Scrying Sheets', 'Rosethorn Acolyte', 'Lapse of Certainty', 'Quiet Speculation', 'Mangara of Corondor', 'Wheel of Sun and Moon', 'Coldsteel Heart', 'Goldmire Bridge', 'Corpse Appraiser', 'Duergar Assailant', 'Orzhov Signet', 'Banish into Fable', 'Child of Night', 'Hunted Nightmare', 'Dire-Strain Rampage', 'Children of Korlis', 'Heir of Falkenrath', 'Radiant Fountain', 'Karn''s Bastion', 'Bloodline Keeper', 'Orzhov Pontiff', 'Enter the Unknown', 'Ghost Quarter', 'Shigeki, Jukai Visionary', 'Firemind''s Research', 'Standing Troops', 'Leonin Bola', 'Tempered in Solitude', 'Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree', 'Kitchen Finks', 'Fated Retribution', 'Glamerdye', 'Darksteel Ingot', 'Riveteers Charm', 'Varis, Silverymoon Ranger', 'Howl of the Night Pack', 'Primal Command', 'Chief Engineer', 'Graveyard Marshal', 'Elvish Visionary', 'White Sun''s Twilight', 'Curse of Death''s Hold', 'Magister Sphinx', 'Sphinx''s Tutelage', 'Bone Saw', 'Bojuka Brigand', 'Geomancer''s Gambit', 'Traxos, Scourge of Kroog', 'Wrecking Ball', 'Makeshift Munitions', 'Despise', 'Rune Snag', 'Crucible of Worlds', 'Terminate', 'Scroll of Avacyn', 'Vesperlark', 'Blazing Hellhound', 'Folio of Fancies', 'Cemetery Reaper', 'Hypnotic Siren', 'Grave Titan', 'Guardian Gladewalker', 'Phyrexian Hulk', 'Stubborn Denial', 'Burning-Tree Emissary', 'Sulfuric Vortex', 'Ghostly Pilferer', 'Maelstrom Pulse', 'Atarka, World Render', 'Pride of the Clouds', 'Thalia''s Lancers', 'Leonin Lightscribe', 'Jace''s Ingenuity', 'Song-Mad Treachery', 'Inventive Iteration', 'Tyrant of Discord', 'Lizard Blades', 'Tendo Ice Bridge', 'Idyllic Grange', 'Micromancer', 'Kemba, Kha Enduring', 'Pianna, Nomad Captain', 'Irencrag Feat', 'Field Marshal', 'Raise the Alarm', 'Shield of Kaldra', 'Vampire Lacerator', 'Talus Paladin', 'Aetherspouts', 'Kaervek, the Spiteful', 'Vexing Devil', 'Obscura Charm', 'Sheoldred''s Edict', 'Cloudpost', 'Sigil of the Empty Throne', 'Inkwell Leviathan', 'Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin', 'Stormfist Crusader', 'Rally the Ranks', 'Sol Talisman', 'Elspeth, Sun''s Nemesis', 'Razortide Bridge', 'Emmara, Soul of the Accord', 'Desecration Demon', 'Aether Adept', 'Forever Young', 'Temple of Enlightenment', 'Crush of Tentacles', 'Loxodon Smiter', 'Ground Seal', 'Tithe Taker', 'Corrupted Crossroads', 'Starlit Sanctum', 'Blind Obedience', 'Rhonas''s Last Stand', 'Olivia Voldaren', 'Stinkweed Imp', 'Goblin Ringleader', 'Vraska, Relic Seeker', 'Aryel, Knight of Windgrace', 'Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate', 'Maze Behemoth', 'Reckoner''s Bargain', 'Reckless Waif', 'Thousand-Faced Shadow', 'Nimble Obstructionist', 'Platinum Angel', 'Glen Elendra Archmage', 'Bring the Ending', 'Kitesail Freebooter', 'Feather, the Redeemed', 'Cleansing Nova', 'Omen of the Sea', 'Akiri, Fearless Voyager', 'Shadow Alley Denizen', 'Kappa Tech-Wrecker', 'Undead Augur', 'Destroy the Evidence', 'Marauding Blight-Priest', 'Growing Rites of Itlimoc', 'Akroma''s Blessing', 'Restoration Angel', 'Search for Tomorrow', 'Torens, Fist of the Angels', 'Myr Welder', 'Duskwatch Recruiter', 'Pirate''s Pillage', 'Glare of Subdual', 'Patriarch''s Bidding', 'Scourge Wolf', 'Skarrgan Pit-Skulk', 'Corrupt', 'Bow of Nylea', 'Deep Analysis', 'Reject Imperfection', 'Spark Spray', 'Glacial Fortress', 'Egon, God of Death', 'Oversoul of Dusk', 'Lavinia of the Tenth', 'Revitalize', 'Brokers Charm', 'Leonin Relic-Warder', 'Wild Nacatl', 'Haunted Fengraf', 'Champion of Lambholt', 'Baffling End', 'Arc Trail', 'Council''s Judgment', 'Doomskar', 'Mikaeus, the Lunarch', 'Brute Suit', 'Traumatize', 'Angel''s Grace', 'Evolving Adaptive', 'Kami of Transience', 'Scrabbling Claws', 'Darksteel Relic', 'Ritual of Soot', 'Liliana''s Reaver', 'Distress', 'Blackblade Reforged', 'Minor Misstep', 'Ayula''s Influence', 'Ghalta, Primal Hunger', 'Priest of the Haunted Edge', 'Eight-and-a-Half-Tails', 'Postmortem Lunge', 'Queen of Ice', 'Semblance Anvil', 'Become Immense', 'Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald', 'Elspeth''s Smite', 'Angel of Condemnation', 'Chandra, Fire Artisan', 'Agonizing Remorse', 'Commit // Memory', 'Bane of Bala Ged', 'Infiltration Lens', 'Bramblewood Paragon', 'Steel Overseer', 'Rakdos''s Return', 'Liliana''s Caress', 'Drannith Stinger', 'Ghostly Flicker', 'Tomb Robber', 'Liege of the Tangle', 'Lonely Sandbar', 'Collected Conjuring', 'Implement of Combustion', 'Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir', 'Brineborn Cutthroat', 'Pilfering Imp', 'Bosh, Iron Golem', 'Satyr''s Cunning', 'Springleaf Drum', 'Karmic Guide', 'Needle Spires', 'Essence Flux', 'Glaring Aegis', 'Nezumi Prowler', 'Urabrask the Hidden', 'Insolent Neonate', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Ugin, the Spirit Dragon', 'Increasing Vengeance', 'Falkenrath Gorger', 'Breakthrough', 'Never // Return', 'Zealous Persecution', 'God-Pharaoh''s Gift', 'Vengeful Pharaoh', 'Demon''s Disciple', 'Mystifying Maze', 'Goblin Dark-Dwellers', 'Yixlid Jailer', 'Urza''s Rage', 'Fury of the Horde', 'Salvage Titan', 'Opulent Palace', 'Maul of the Skyclaves', 'Thundermaw Hellkite', 'Notion Thief', 'Talisman of Curiosity', 'Soul of the Harvest', 'Consume the Meek', 'Sungold Sentinel', 'Evil Twin', 'Phylactery Lich', 'Tezzeret''s Gambit', 'Mogg War Marshal', 'Smallpox', 'Jeskai Ascendancy', 'Monoskelion', 'Aviary Mechanic', 'Changeling Outcast', 'Invasion of Azgol', 'Curiosity', 'Skirk Prospector', 'Argentum Armor', 'Knight Exemplar', 'Fierce Empath', 'Hostage Taker', 'Bump in the Night', 'Anoint with Affliction', 'Grisly Salvage', 'Windcaller Aven', 'Gruul Turf', 'Laboratory Maniac', 'Sphere of Safety', 'Chromatic Lantern', 'Darksteel Citadel', 'Necrotic Ooze', 'Decree of Justice', 'Blood Knight', 'Worship', 'Titan''s Strength', 'Condescend', 'Vantress Gargoyle', 'Gaea''s Will', 'Hushwing Gryff', 'Diregraf Colossus', 'Glissa Sunseeker', 'Silver Scrutiny', 'Krark''s Thumb', 'Soul Snuffers', 'Zof Consumption', 'Animist''s Awakening', 'Valiant Changeling', 'Jace, Memory Adept', 'Knight of the Reliquary', 'Complicate', 'Destroy Evil', 'Battlegate Mimic', 'Desolation Twin', 'Strangleroot Geist', 'Cryptolith Rite', 'Honored Heirloom', 'Celestial Flare', 'Rot Wolf', 'Faith''s Fetters', 'Sunscour', 'Preeminent Captain', 'Bontu''s Last Reckoning', 'Curious Pair', 'Zombie Infestation', 'Ivy Lane Denizen', 'Spark Elemental', 'Raffine''s Guidance', 'Trail of Crumbs', 'Rally the Peasants', 'Sacred Peaks', 'Painful Truths', 'Chandra''s Pyreling', 'Frontier Bivouac', 'Dungrove Elder', 'Zada''s Commando', 'Control Magic', 'Etherium Sculptor', 'Death Cloud', 'Quag Vampires', 'Obsidian Charmaw', 'Persecute', 'Ball Lightning', 'Maestros Ascendancy', 'Quicken', 'Twinshot Sniper', 'Seismic Assault', 'Regal Force', 'Neutralize', 'Vivid Crag', 'Boulderbranch Golem', 'Eerie Interlude', 'Necroplasm', 'Sarkhan the Masterless', 'Wayfaring Temple', 'Invasive Surgery', 'Infinite Obliteration', 'Plague Stinger', 'Sakashima the Impostor', 'Fiendslayer Paladin', 'Garruk''s Companion', 'Enchantress''s Presence', 'Clear the Mind', 'Chandra, Flame''s Catalyst', 'Cabal Therapist', 'Zendikar Resurgent', 'Mnemonic Betrayal', 'Bala Ged Recovery', 'Samut, Tyrant Smasher', 'Izzet Guildgate', 'Demonic Bargain', 'Cloudblazer', 'Genesis', 'Zirda, the Dawnwaker', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Seven Dwarves', 'Kabira Takedown', 'Sunder Shaman', 'Planar Bridge', 'Demigod of Revenge', 'Tooth of Chiss-Goria', 'Skymarcher Aspirant', 'Ally Encampment', 'Liquimetal Torque', 'Den Protector', 'Firja''s Retribution', 'Dakkon, Shadow Slayer', 'Demanding Dragon', 'Gladecover Scout', 'Glaring Spotlight', 'Melira, Sylvok Outcast', 'Prohibit', 'Ruthless Ripper', 'Obzedat, Ghost Council', 'Snow-Covered Swamp', 'Commune with the Gods', 'Terror of Mount Velus', 'Skyshroud Ranger', 'Serra Avenger', 'Astral Slide', 'Perilous Research', 'Garruk Wildspeaker', 'Into the Roil', 'Deny Reality', 'Tombstalker', 'Barrier of Bones', 'Harmonize', 'Wrench Mind', 'Apostle''s Blessing', 'Ray of Revelation', 'Wirewood Herald', 'Rootwater Depths', 'Legion''s Initiative', 'Basilisk Collar', 'Recurring Nightmare', 'Raiyuu, Storm''s Edge', 'Sign in Blood', 'Seraph Sanctuary', 'Crucible of Fire', 'Ravager Wurm', 'Jungle Shrine', 'Azorius Guildgate', 'Seal of Primordium', 'Temple of Mystery', 'Resolute Archangel', 'Corpse Cur', 'Wood Elves', 'Caustic Caterpillar', 'Spinerock Knoll', 'Nahiri, Storm of Stone', 'Wild Cantor', 'Mystic Retrieval', 'Ingenious Infiltrator', 'Phoenix of Ash', 'Marwyn, the Nurturer', 'Form of the Dragon', 'Cliffhaven Kitesail', 'Birds of Paradise', 'Moss-Pit Skeleton', 'Akroma''s Memorial', 'Wasitora, Nekoru Queen', 'Surge of Salvation', 'Temple of Malady', 'Varolz, the Scar-Striped', 'Jwari Shapeshifter', 'Teetering Peaks', 'Ammit Eternal', 'Bituminous Blast', 'Umara Mystic', 'Phyrexian Revoker', 'Fleetwheel Cruiser', 'Kederekt Leviathan', 'Invasion of Mercadia', 'Augur of Skulls', 'Balefire Liege', 'Ivory Tower', 'Fire Prophecy', 'Grasp of Darkness', 'Elvish Promenade', 'Llanowar Elves', 'Memoricide', 'Cling to Dust', 'Rakdos Signet', 'Glowspore Shaman', 'Faerie Vandal', 'Nature''s Lore', 'Phyrexian Censor', 'Last Stand', 'Yarok''s Fenlurker', 'Halimar Depths', 'Cloudsteel Kirin', 'Angel of Grace', 'Diregraf Ghoul', 'Hadana''s Climb', 'Fallow Earth', 'Wasteland Strangler', 'Frostveil Ambush', 'Carrion Wall', 'Boomerang', 'Awakened Amalgam', 'Triskaidekaphile', 'Tectonic Giant', 'Shadow-Rite Priest', 'Cunning Nightbonder', 'Scrapwork Mutt', 'Massacre Girl', 'Archaeomancer', 'Rakdos Guildgate', 'Trostani''s Summoner', 'Artful Dodge', 'Ash Zealot', 'Tomebound Lich', 'Expedite', 'Hieroglyphic Illumination', 'Joraga Treespeaker', 'Encroaching Wastes', 'Shatter the Sky', 'Exquisite Firecraft', 'Kalastria Healer', 'Worldgorger Dragon', 'Unburial Rites', 'Tomb of the Spirit Dragon', 'Labyrinth Raptor', 'Fortified Village', 'Terrarion', 'Thawing Glaciers', 'Sovereigns of Lost Alara', 'Squirrel Nest', 'Goblin Cohort', 'Crawling Barrens', 'Stormblood Berserker', 'Krosan Wayfarer', 'Upheaval', 'Dispel', 'Recruitment Officer', 'Thraben Doomsayer', 'Steppe Lynx', 'Slogurk, the Overslime', 'Deceiver of Form', 'Relic Axe', 'Loran''s Escape', 'Temple of Malice', 'Terisian Mindbreaker', 'Favorable Winds', 'Borderland Marauder', 'Thran Vigil', 'Light Up the Night', 'Calciform Pools', 'Pilfer', 'Liesa, Forgotten Archangel', 'Trade Routes', 'Cruel Reality', 'Syr Faren, the Hengehammer', 'Nephalia Drownyard', 'Mana Leak', 'The Scorpion God', 'Venerable Monk', 'Plargg, Dean of Chaos', 'Primal Surge', 'Sootstoke Kindler', 'Stun Sniper', 'Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths', 'Dragonstorm', 'Siege-Gang Commander', 'Aven Heartstabber', 'Reaper King', 'Mind Sculpt', 'Champion of the Parish', 'Bag of Holding', 'Flametongue Yearling', 'Cut // Ribbons', 'Utter End', 'Shredded Sails', 'Prismari Campus', 'Fiery Temper', 'Ichorclaw Myr', 'Tanglepool Bridge', 'Disallow', 'Cry of Contrition', 'Intervention Pact', 'Gideon''s Intervention', 'Deploy the Gatewatch', 'Mephidross Vampire', 'Demon of Death''s Gate', 'Sin Prodder', 'Firewild Borderpost', 'Abiding Grace', 'Force of Rage', 'Weakstone''s Subjugation', 'Wolfbriar Elemental', 'Artisan of Kozilek', 'Wretched Banquet', 'Woodfall Primus', 'Rust Goliath', 'Aria of Flame', 'Supreme Will', 'Merfolk Mistbinder', 'Shardless Agent', 'Overgrowth', 'Gruul Signet', 'Satyr Wayfinder', 'Recommission', 'Blessed Breath', 'Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh', 'Selfless Glyphweaver', 'Legacy Weapon', 'Foulmire Knight', 'Gilt-Leaf Archdruid', 'Ral Zarek', 'Plunge into Darkness', 'Merrow Reejerey', 'Genesis Wave', 'Satyr Hoplite', 'Valentin, Dean of the Vein', 'Bloodchief''s Thirst', 'Colossus of Akros', 'Nest Invader', 'Reforge the Soul', 'Trade Secrets', 'Stitcher''s Graft', 'Plow Under', 'Outlaws'' Merriment', 'Garruk, Caller of Beasts', 'Heliod''s Intervention', 'Crypt Incursion', 'Goblin Charbelcher', 'Ravaging Riftwurm', 'Cyclops of Eternal Fury', 'Tramway Station', 'Moment of Craving', 'Exuberant Fuseling', 'The Modern Age', 'Inscribed Tablet', 'Tuktuk Rubblefort', 'Blade of the Bloodchief', 'Cursed Scroll', 'Leather Armor', 'Putrefax', 'Zuran Orb', 'Nadaar, Selfless Paladin', 'Peek', 'Shock', 'Ondu Inversion', 'Hotshot Mechanic', 'Slip Through Space', 'Boros Guildgate', 'Priest of Fell Rites', 'Cabal Stronghold', 'Glassdust Hulk', 'Dreadhorde Butcher', 'Nameless Inversion', 'Network Disruptor', 'Isolate', 'Gideon Jura', 'Tooth and Nail', 'Fiery Justice', 'Mothdust Changeling', 'Skarrg, the Rage Pits', 'Xorn', 'Carth the Lion', 'Kulrath Knight', 'Kalonian Tusker', 'Inspiring Overseer', 'Planebound Accomplice', 'Foreboding Ruins', 'Mana Bloom', 'Brain Freeze', 'Grim Haruspex', 'Deafening Clarion', 'Wind-Scarred Crag', 'Wildgrowth Walker', 'Generous Patron', 'Chief of the Foundry', 'Goldhound', 'Scurry Oak', 'Tocatli Honor Guard', 'Malicious Malfunction', 'Ransack the Lab', 'Ranger of Eos', 'Unmarked Grave', 'Sylvan Scrying', 'Thunderbreak Regent', 'Kazandu Blademaster', 'Mystic Monastery', 'Glint-Sleeve Siphoner', 'Irencrag Pyromancer', 'Rona''s Vortex', 'Tentative Connection', 'Kabira Evangel', 'The Elder Dragon War', 'Eye of Vecna', 'Endless Ranks of the Dead', 'Mortuary Mire', 'Tournament Grounds', 'Dwynen''s Elite', 'Yahenni, Undying Partisan', 'Sarkhan the Mad', 'Quirion Beastcaller', 'Quiet Disrepair', 'Putrid Goblin', 'Dead Weight', 'Animating Faerie', 'Mogg Fanatic', 'Seed of Hope', 'Zendikar''s Roil', 'Mortify', 'Steel Hellkite', 'Shadowed Caravel', 'Barkhide Troll', 'Polukranos, World Eater', 'Graf Harvest', 'Grasping Dunes', 'Mistvault Bridge', 'Hit // Run', 'Leatherback Baloth', 'Experimental Synthesizer', 'Avacyn, Guardian Angel', 'Thraben Inspector', 'Scour All Possibilities', 'Primal Order', 'Hard Evidence', 'Offalsnout', 'Nimbus Maze', 'Felidar Retreat', 'Goblin Matron', 'Llanowar Wastes', 'Crumbling Necropolis', 'Crumbling Vestige', 'Stream of Life', 'Remove Soul', 'Caldera Hellion', 'Genesis Hydra', 'Gideon''s Lawkeeper', 'Dismal Backwater', 'Phantasmal Dreadmaw', 'Geyadrone Dihada', 'Tribal Flames', 'Phyrexian Dreadnought', 'Lead the Stampede', 'Rabbit Battery', 'Horrifying Revelation', 'Siege Rhino', 'Clifftop Retreat', 'Sawblade Scamp', 'Nyxborn Rollicker', 'Leonin Arbiter', 'You See a Guard Approach', 'Cruel Ultimatum', 'Mana Flare', 'Sickening Dreams', 'Attune with Aether', 'Archetype of Endurance', 'Shrieking Grotesque', 'Elder Deep-Fiend', 'Sludge Crawler', 'Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim', 'Spellheart Chimera', 'Demon of Dark Schemes', 'Voltage Surge', 'Silverquill Command', 'Sprouting Thrinax', 'Incendiary Flow', 'Gruul Guildgate', 'Step Through', 'The Magic Mirror', 'Halo Scarab', 'Urza''s Factory', 'Benalish Marshal', 'Basking Rootwalla', 'Greater Tanuki', 'Etched Champion', 'Firebolt', 'The Lady of Otaria', 'Sylvan Caryatid', 'Secluded Steppe', 'Plated Onslaught', 'Sarinth Steelseeker', 'Rimrock Knight', 'Lost Auramancers', 'Goblin Chieftain', 'Grasping Scoundrel', 'Worm Harvest', 'Contaminated Aquifer', 'Sea Gate Wreckage', 'Kavu Predator', 'Locket of Yesterdays', 'Jund Charm', 'Memnarch', 'Meticulous Excavation', 'Molten Blast', 'Nezumi Cutthroat', 'Fume Spitter', 'Sarcomancy', 'Ranger''s Guile', 'Frogmite', 'Isshin, Two Heavens as One', 'Acidic Slime', 'Rally the Ancestors', 'Mystic Snake', 'Angel of Despair', 'Tresserhorn Sinks', 'Molten Rain', 'Ashes of the Abhorrent', 'Runeflare Trap', 'Void', 'Putrid Imp', 'Argentum Masticore', 'Electrolyze', 'Dovin Baan', 'Silverquill Silencer', 'Merfolk Sovereign', 'Patchwork Automaton', 'Whip of Erebos', 'Fade from Memory', 'Hedron Archive', 'Scab-Clan Berserker', 'Tezzeret, Artifice Master', 'Tragic Poet', 'Frogtosser Banneret', 'Undercover Operative', 'Alesha, Who Smiles at Death', 'Fracturing Gust', 'Return to the Ranks', 'Mark of Eviction', 'Assemble the Legion', 'Trading Post', 'Myth Realized', 'Acquisitions Expert', 'Angelfire Ignition', 'Auramancer', 'Light the Way', 'Okiba Reckoner Raid', 'Drakuseth, Maw of Flames', 'Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind', 'Whisper of the Dross', 'Go for Blood', 'Darksteel Forge', 'Nylea, God of the Hunt', 'Master of Etherium', 'Defiler of Flesh', 'Sen Triplets', 'Karumonix, the Rat King', 'Delver of Secrets', 'Niv-Mizzet, Parun', 'Sorin Markov', 'Filigree Familiar', 'Magister of Worth', 'Oath of Ajani', 'Keep Safe', 'Fecundity', 'Perilous Vault', 'Drownyard Behemoth', 'Mirri the Cursed', 'Aetherblade Agent', 'Figure of Destiny', 'Vivid Marsh', 'Crackling Doom', 'Orah, Skyclave Hierophant', 'Kogla, the Titan Ape', 'Dissolve', 'Spear of Heliod', 'Mulch', 'Oblivion Ring', 'Goblin Grenade', 'Oath of Liliana', 'Ponder', 'Dack''s Duplicate', 'Gavony Township', 'Wort, the Raidmother', 'Braingeyser', 'Brute Force', 'Festival Crasher', 'Search for Azcanta', 'Invisible Stalker', 'Raven''s Crime', 'Reckless Rage', 'Reconstruction', 'Dead of Winter', 'Tamiyo, Collector of Tales', 'Soulflayer', 'Call to the Netherworld', 'Time of Need', 'Boom // Bust', 'Dragonskull Summit', 'Diabolic Tutor', 'Dissenter''s Deliverance', 'Bridge from Below', 'Countervailing Winds', 'Fireblade Charger', 'Magmatic Channeler', 'Ornithopter', 'Seal of Fire', 'Noxious Assault', 'Season of Growth', 'Solitary Confinement', 'Thought Scour', 'Bonesplitter', 'Seaside Citadel', 'Defiler of Vigor', 'Sultai Charm', 'Hammerhand', 'Drown in Ichor', 'Gnawing Vermin', 'Bant Charm', 'Fiery Gambit', 'Mystic of the Hidden Way', 'Disfigure', 'Drogskol Reaver', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Ruin Crab', 'Sword of Kaldra', 'Stony Silence', 'Akki Ronin', 'Viridian Emissary', 'Marble Diamond', 'Goblin Instigator', 'Orzhov Basilica', 'Resurgent Belief', 'Angelic Destiny', 'Academy Manufactor', 'Serum Snare', 'Krosan Grip', 'Krovikan Mist', 'Read the Bones', 'Rift Bolt', 'Enduring Ideal', 'Slagstorm', 'Evacuation', 'Fell Stinger', 'Blessed Alliance', 'Golgari Rot Farm', 'Skull of Orm', 'Magma Spray', 'Double Vision', 'Mind Spring', 'Fatestitcher', 'Combat Courier', 'Bone Dragon', 'Skirge Familiar', 'Telepathy', 'Teshar, Ancestor''s Apostle', 'Crab Umbra', 'Shrine of Burning Rage', 'Duty-Bound Dead', 'Out of Time', 'Sylvan Messenger', 'Ajani Goldmane', 'Goblin Electromancer', 'Riftsweeper', 'Fall of the Thran', 'Snapback', 'Kalonian Twingrove', 'Avatar of the Resolute', 'Primal Rage', 'Shrine of the Forsaken Gods', 'Oath of Gideon', 'Kjeldoran Outpost', 'Tail Swipe', 'Miasmic Mummy', 'Fearless Fledgling', 'Skaab Ruinator', 'Omen of the Hunt', 'Myr Superion', 'Bolt Hound', 'Check for Traps', 'Timely Reinforcements', 'Temple of the Dragon Queen', 'Tangle', 'White Knight', 'Hellrider', 'Asmodeus the Archfiend', 'Radiant Flames', 'Erayo, Soratami Ascendant', 'Mazemind Tome', 'Bloodthrone Vampire', 'Weaver of Harmony', 'Venerated Loxodon', 'Scryb Ranger', 'Sylvan Awakening', 'Circuit Mender', 'Primal Amulet', 'Kari Zev, Skyship Raider', 'Everflowing Chalice', 'Sejiri Steppe', 'Wanderwine Hub', 'Sterling Grove', 'Brave the Elements', 'Nomad Outpost', 'Pillage', 'Garruk Relentless', 'Obliterate', 'Stormtide Leviathan', 'Heartless Summoning', 'Magus of the Tabernacle', 'Blightbelly Rat', 'Akroma, Angel of Fury', 'Lotus Cobra', 'Sunpetal Grove', 'Chandra, the Firebrand', 'Huntmaster of the Fells', 'Foundry Street Denizen', 'Acolyte of Affliction', 'Brain Maggot', 'Squirrel Sovereign', 'Faerie Conclave', 'Reinforced Ronin', 'Arcbound Worker', 'Barrin, Tolarian Archmage', 'Blazing Shoal', 'Empyrial Plate', 'Force of Virtue', 'Sweltering Suns', 'Tranquil Garden', 'Boon-Bringer Valkyrie', 'Yusri, Fortune''s Flame', 'Grave Scrabbler', 'Flaying Tendrils', 'Stonybrook Angler', 'Wooded Bastion', 'Magma Jet', 'Sojourner''s Companion', 'Josu Vess, Lich Knight', 'Groundswell', 'Silver Knight', 'Dawn Charm', 'Maddening Cacophony', 'Shadow Prophecy', 'Sram''s Expertise', 'Labyrinth of Skophos', 'Scythe Tiger', 'Caves of Koilos', 'Darksteel Colossus', 'Scale of Chiss-Goria', 'Voyaging Satyr', 'Glint Hawk', 'Stasis Snare', 'Malakir Rebirth', 'Selesnya Sanctuary', 'Ajani''s Pridemate', 'Story Circle', 'The Birth of Meletis', 'Third Path Iconoclast', 'Enter the God-Eternals', 'Night of Souls'' Betrayal', 'Blue Sun''s Zenith', 'Might of Oaks', 'Alchemist''s Vial', 'Magus of the Scroll', 'Grumgully, the Generous', 'Triumph of Ferocity', 'Reckless Reveler', 'Molten Tributary', 'Myrkul, Lord of Bones', 'Hazoret''s Undying Fury', 'Wrexial, the Risen Deep', 'Tendrils of Agony', 'Second Wind', 'Wayward Swordtooth', 'Rix Maadi Reveler', 'Demolition Field', 'Aethermage''s Touch', 'Marit Lage''s Slumber', 'Scattered Groves', 'Slaughter Games', 'Triumphant Adventurer', 'Boros Garrison', 'Towashi Songshaper', 'Nyxborn Shieldmate', 'Glorybringer', 'Arrogant Wurm', 'Regrowth', 'Imperious Perfect', 'Molten Slagheap', 'Vessel of Nascency', 'Invoke the Ancients', 'Bolas''s Citadel', 'Rustvale Bridge', 'Rebel Salvo', 'Moon-Circuit Hacker', 'Protean Hulk', 'Sprite Dragon', 'Grand Architect', 'Murderous Cut', 'Exploding Borders', 'Magmatic Insight', 'Tamiyo, Field Researcher', 'Faerie Miscreant', 'Kemba, Kha Regent', 'Sentinel''s Eyes', 'Wonder', 'Commune with Spirits', 'Pyrite Spellbomb', 'Watcher for Tomorrow', 'Realm Razer', 'Chatterstorm', 'Kunoros, Hound of Athreos', 'Silundi Vision', 'Light of Hope', 'Grapple with the Past', 'Nezumi Graverobber', 'Pack Rat', 'Frost Titan', 'Banefire', 'Blacklance Paragon', 'Cutthroat Contender', 'Languish', 'Nezahal, Primal Tide', 'Trinket Mage', 'Mirrorweave', 'Voidslime', 'Go for the Throat', 'Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia', 'Mystical Teachings', 'Viashino Pyromancer', 'Riptide Laboratory', 'Executioner''s Capsule', 'Drossforge Bridge', 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge', 'Ethereal Armor', 'Unsummon', 'Kessig Wolf Run', 'Chancellor of the Tangle', 'Flooded Grove', 'Idyllic Tutor', 'Talara''s Battalion', 'Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen', 'Angel of Serenity', 'Glimmerpost', 'The Seedcore', 'Sylvan Library', 'Discovery // Dispersal', 'Mardu Strike Leader', 'Baird, Argivian Recruiter', 'Embodiment of Fury', 'Verix Bladewing', 'Alabaster Host Intercessor', 'Wander in Death', 'Brainstone', 'Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim', 'Nivix Cyclops', 'Treasure Mage', 'Urban Evolution', 'Stern Dismissal', 'Leeching Sliver', 'Balustrade Spy', 'Goblin Anarchomancer', 'Phyrexian Rager', 'Terastodon', 'Waterfront District', 'Mind Rake', 'Terminal Agony', 'Ripjaw Raptor', 'Blazing Rootwalla', 'Selesnya Guildgate', 'Tree of Tales', 'Michonne, Ruthless Survivor', 'Tasigur, the Golden Fang', 'Pain Seer', 'Metalwork Colossus', 'Arcbound Mouser', 'Trostani, Selesnya''s Voice', 'Eldrazi Obligator', 'Malcator, Purity Overseer', 'Unwind', 'Broodmate Dragon', 'Cragplate Baloth', 'Vindicate', 'Abzan Charm', 'Impulse', 'Night Market Lookout', 'Froghemoth', 'Blood Lust', 'Ominous Seas', 'Opaline Sliver', 'Flayer of the Hatebound', 'Implement of Improvement', 'Fling', 'Natural State', 'Michiko''s Reign of Truth', 'Kaya, Intangible Slayer', 'Mesa Enchantress', 'Taurean Mauler', 'Bygone Bishop', 'Aphemia, the Cacophony', 'Arashin Cleric', 'Lathliss, Dragon Queen', 'Ruins of Trokair', 'Merciless Eviction', 'Reliquary Tower', 'Path of Discovery', 'Primeval Bounty', 'Blasphemous Act', 'Flame Slash', 'Tear Asunder', 'Ojutai''s Command', 'Arcane Sanctum', 'Ral, Storm Conduit', 'Sejiri Shelter', 'Skullsnatcher', 'Entrancing Melody', 'Brood Birthing', 'Suffocating Fumes', 'Kalonian Behemoth', 'The Raven''s Warning', 'Devout Chaplain', 'Qasali Pridemage', 'Gatecreeper Vine', 'Frantic Inventory', 'Drannith Healer', 'Omenspeaker', 'Forbidden Alchemy', 'Jeskai Charm', 'Return of the Wildspeaker', 'Soul''s Attendant', 'Fanatical Firebrand', 'Frenetic Sliver', 'Thran Portal', 'Azorius Charm', 'Artful Maneuver', 'Desperate Ritual', 'Swiftblade Vindicator', 'Seal of Removal', 'Greenbelt Rampager', 'Staggershock', 'Bitter Ordeal', 'Frostwalk Bastion', 'Talisman of Impulse', 'Dreadhorde Invasion', 'Strength of Lunacy', 'Roar of the Wurm', 'Caldera Lake', 'Founding the Third Path', 'Essence Scatter', 'Vivid Grove', 'Lose Focus', 'Cabal Ritual', 'Silvergill Adept', 'Negate', 'Thief of Sanity', 'Penumbra Wurm', 'Hellkite Overlord', 'Tatsunari, Toad Rider', 'Epochrasite', 'Dauntless Bodyguard', 'Stigma Lasher', 'Ghitu Encampment', 'Jarad''s Orders', 'Barbarian Ring', 'Calamity Bearer', 'Argivian Restoration', 'Sapseep Forest', 'Blightning', 'Gryff''s Boon', 'Wake Thrasher', 'Sinew Sliver', 'Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion', 'Wheel of Fate', 'Vapor Snag', 'Plunder', 'Mortarpod', 'Combat Thresher', 'Nekrataal', 'Braids, Cabal Minion', 'Stormcaller''s Boon', 'Spectrum Sentinel', 'Debt to the Kami', 'Harsh Mentor', 'Swans of Bryn Argoll', 'Golgari Brownscale', 'Whispersilk Cloak', 'Talisman of Resilience', 'Slip Out the Back', 'Silent Arbiter', 'Drizzt Do''Urden', 'Sandsteppe Citadel', 'Runic Shot', 'Invasion of New Capenna', 'Lazotep Plating', 'Recross the Paths', 'Selesnya Charm', 'Destiny Spinner', 'Linessa, Zephyr Mage', 'Ghor-Clan Rampager', 'Ulamog''s Crusher', 'Umara Wizard', 'Secret Plans', 'Overrun', 'Prey''s Vengeance', 'Colossal Skyturtle', 'Seal of Cleansing', 'Nightmare Shepherd', 'Faith''s Reward', 'Pristine Talisman', 'Azorius Signet', 'Nevinyrral''s Disk', 'Rebuild', 'Shakedown Heavy', 'Ancient Amphitheater', 'Champion of Wits', 'Blood on the Snow', 'Spider Umbra', 'Entomber Exarch', 'Kuldotha Rebirth', 'Curse of Chains', 'Shriekmaw', 'Murderous Redcap', 'Alpha Authority', 'High Tide', 'Woodland Cemetery', 'Centaur Garden', 'Wrath of God', 'Compulsive Research', 'Jokulhaups', 'Invasion of Ergamon', 'Boros Reckoner', 'Lucky Clover', 'Qasali Ambusher', 'Dictate of Kruphix', 'Lord of the Undead', 'Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade', 'Silent Departure', 'Elvish Rejuvenator', 'Imposing Sovereign', 'Nissa, Worldwaker', 'March from the Tomb', 'Squirrel Mob', 'Chandra, Flamecaller', 'Greenseeker', 'Nobilis of War', 'Inquisitive Puppet', 'Honor of the Pure', 'Hooded Blightfang', 'Mistblade Shinobi', 'Hero''s Downfall', 'Cruel Bargain', 'Verduran Enchantress', 'Eldrazi Conscription', 'Kazuul''s Fury', 'Fabricate', 'Lightning Spear', 'Turnabout', 'Evolving Wilds', 'Sidewinder Sliver', 'Barbed Sextant', 'Costly Plunder', 'Farmstead Gleaner', 'Ixidor, Reality Sculptor', 'Aurelia''s Fury', 'Clockwork Beetle', 'Vedalken Shackles', 'Thryx, the Sudden Storm', 'Tilling Treefolk', 'Colossification', 'Patch Up', 'Scorching Dragonfire', 'Mastermind''s Acquisition', 'Serra Ascendant', 'Okiba-Gang Shinobi', 'Maestros Theater', 'Spell Burst', 'Cerulean Drake', 'Grove of the Guardian', 'Sagu Mauler', 'Intangible Virtue', 'Elderscale Wurm', 'Sphinx of Uthuun', 'Burning Inquiry', 'Vindictive Flamestoker', 'Tranquil Cove', 'Saproling Burst', 'Stave Off', 'Remorseful Cleric', 'Explore', 'Yidaro, Wandering Monster', 'Fungal Reaches', 'Arrester''s Zeal', 'Fertilid', 'Vault of the Archangel', 'Pillar of the Paruns', 'Deathgorge Scavenger', 'Dimir Guildmage', 'Ravenous Chupacabra', 'Summary Dismissal', 'Master of Death', 'Cut Down', 'Throes of Chaos', 'Filigree Sages', 'Lantern-Lit Graveyard', 'Crashing Drawbridge', 'Xenagos, the Reveler', 'You Find Some Prisoners', 'Merrow Bonegnawer', 'Earthshaker Khenra', 'Pelakka Wurm', 'Quirion Dryad', 'Graveborn Muse', 'Lashwrithe', 'Grenzo, Dungeon Warden', 'Angel of Sanctions', 'Engulf the Shore', 'Stromkirk Noble', 'Ashen Ghoul', 'Skarrgan Hellkite', 'Mesmeric Fiend', 'Boros Elite', 'Flamekin Bladewhirl', 'Evangel of Synthesis', 'Borderland Ranger', 'Peer Through Depths', 'Thousand-Year Elixir', 'Izzet Charm', 'Shadow of Mortality', 'Jace, Unraveler of Secrets', 'Angel of Glory''s Rise', 'Dryad Militant', 'Defiler of Instinct', 'Venser, Corpse Puppet', 'Prosperous Thief', 'Nissa''s Renewal', 'Psychic Possession', 'Mathas, Fiend Seeker', 'Bile Blight', 'Munda, Ambush Leader', 'Eternal Scourge', 'Norin the Wary', 'Painful Quandary', 'Mistveil Plains', 'Stirring Wildwood', 'Blade Splicer', 'Tidehollow Sculler', 'Scarab Feast', 'Tolarian Terror', 'Khalni Ambush', 'Greater Gargadon', 'Phyrexian Unlife', 'Consecrate // Consume', 'Black Knight', 'Merfolk Windrobber', 'Armored Scrapgorger', 'Inscription of Ruin', 'Mnemonic Sphere', 'Obscura Storefront', 'Trickbind', 'Seize the Spoils', 'Hypergenesis', 'Reckless Fireweaver', 'Tempered Sliver', 'Iron Apprentice', 'Invoke Calamity', 'Gray Merchant of Asphodel', 'Hypnotic Sprite', 'Kefnet the Mindful', 'Sylvan Advocate', 'Ravenous Squirrel', 'Ondu Cleric', 'Ram Through', 'Pulling Teeth', 'Carnophage', 'Disenchant', 'Gust of Wind', 'Smiting Helix', 'Sea Gate Oracle', 'Naban, Dean of Iteration', 'Martyr''s Soul', 'Radiant Scrollwielder', 'Spell Snuff', 'Martyr of Sands', 'Web of Inertia', 'Cleric Class', 'Grasslands', 'Azami, Lady of Scrolls', 'Venser, the Sojourner', 'Banishing Stroke', 'Grim Affliction', 'Legion Lieutenant', 'Pharika''s Libation', 'Falkenrath Pit Fighter', 'Disciple of the Vault', 'Dead // Gone', 'Arcum''s Astrolabe', 'Basilica Bell-Haunt', 'Megrim', 'Disciple of Bolas', 'Blast-Furnace Hellkite', 'Hope of Ghirapur', 'Cloudcrest Lake', 'Midnight Reaper', 'Thunderous Wrath', 'Spoils of the Vault', 'Dusk Legion Zealot', 'Kor Firewalker', 'Psychatog', 'Buried Alive', 'Aetherling', 'Choking Sands', 'Thermo-Alchemist', 'Endbringer', 'Silumgar, the Drifting Death', 'Akoum Warrior', 'Reveillark', 'Stromkirk Condemned', 'Aeve, Progenitor Ooze', 'Goblin Bombardment', 'Tectonic Reformation', 'Ulcerate', 'Gather the Townsfolk', 'Soul Warden', 'Recruit the Worthy', 'Bogardan Hellkite', 'Sonic Burst', 'Change the Equation', 'Empty the Warrens', 'Blacksmith''s Skill', 'Rivaz of the Claw', 'Secluded Courtyard', 'Gilded Lotus', 'Skymarch Bloodletter', 'Vona, Butcher of Magan', 'Bronzehide Lion', 'Fleetfoot Dancer', 'Siren of the Silent Song', 'Dakmor Salvage', 'Warden of the First Tree', 'Incinerate', 'Clout of the Dominus', 'Knight of the White Orchid', 'Smuggler''s Copter', 'Undying Evil', 'Mizzium Skin', 'Myr Enforcer', 'Oracle of Tragedy', 'Goblin Gaveleer', 'Electrostatic Infantry', 'Vraska, Swarm''s Eminence', 'Whisperwood Elemental', 'Simic Guildgate', 'Knight of the Holy Nimbus', 'Wildwood Scourge', 'Sentinel''s Mark', 'Gingerbrute', 'Eye of Nowhere', 'Boon Satyr', 'Quest for the Goblin Lord', 'Palace Siege', 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker', 'Devastating Summons', 'Roiling Regrowth', 'Damn', 'Thornwood Falls', 'Munitions Expert', 'Banisher Priest', 'Opt', 'Last-Ditch Effort', 'Demonlord Belzenlok', 'Far // Away', 'Twiddle', 'Gruul Charm', 'Grapeshot', 'Selvala, Explorer Returned', 'Benevolent Bodyguard', 'Sudden Edict', 'Sphinx of the Steel Wind', 'Rhys the Redeemed', 'Phantasmagorian', 'Llanowar Mentor', 'Workshop Warchief', 'Maze''s End', 'Samite Healer', 'Harmonic Prodigy', 'Liar''s Pendulum', 'Hallowed Burial', 'Hornet Queen', 'Thragtusk', 'Simic Sky Swallower', 'Porphyry Nodes', 'Vessel of Volatility', 'Illuminator Virtuoso', 'Quest for the Holy Relic', 'Fallen Shinobi', 'Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund', 'Radiant Grove', 'Life''s Legacy', 'Llanowar Tribe', 'Rakdos Charm', 'Abbot of Keral Keep', 'Slagwoods Bridge', 'Reap and Sow', 'Lightning Strike', 'Elvish Champion', 'Crossbow Infantry', 'Howling Mine', 'Soul Diviner', 'Cacophony Scamp', 'Barrowin of Clan Undurr', 'Shred Memory', 'Chittering Rats', 'The Cruelty of Gix', 'Ezuri, Renegade Leader', 'Vineglimmer Snarl', 'Vines of Vastwood', 'Proclamation of Rebirth', 'Twinferno', 'Burning Sun''s Fury', 'Twincast', 'Pick the Brain', 'Tajic, Legion''s Edge', 'Lotleth Troll', 'Meddling Mage', 'Erebos''s Intervention', 'Aetherworks Marvel', 'Saffi Eriksdotter', 'Vilis, Broker of Blood', 'Feed the Swarm', 'Conqueror''s Galleon', 'Recoup', 'Rule of Law', 'Shambling Shell', 'Demonic Dread', 'Lys Alana Huntmaster', 'Scathe Zombies', 'Jukai Naturalist', 'Voidmage Prodigy', 'Thirst for Knowledge', 'Violent Ultimatum', 'False Summoning', 'Galvanic Relay', 'Augury Owl', 'Dregscape Zombie', 'Chamber Sentry', 'Aethergeode Miner', 'Gatherer of Graces', 'Wall of Blood', 'Secure the Wastes', 'Gods Willing', 'Darkmoss Bridge', 'Temur War Shaman', 'Collateral Damage', 'Mirran Crusader', 'Skeletal Swarming', 'Luminarch Ascension', 'Domri''s Ambush', 'Adaptive Sporesinger', 'Day of Judgment', 'Voidwing Hybrid', 'Bedeck // Bedazzle', 'Rootborn Defenses', 'Cerebral Vortex', 'Mantis Rider', 'Nezumi Shortfang', 'Titanoth Rex', 'Lord of the Unreal', 'Aqueous Form', 'Viscera Seer', 'Shimmerdrift Vale', 'Ruin Raider', 'Union of the Third Path', 'Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos', 'Galerider Sliver', 'Call of the Herd', 'Overwhelming Stampede', 'Icefeather Aven', 'Izzet Boilerworks', 'Kiora, the Crashing Wave', 'Hall of Oracles', 'Setessan Champion', 'Increasing Ambition', 'Retreat to Coralhelm', 'Sylvan Anthem', 'Llanowar Visionary', 'Divinity of Pride', 'Ethersworn Canonist', 'Guardian Seraph', 'Dread Presence', 'Brighthearth Banneret', 'Elusive Spellfist', 'Dimir Charm', 'Sunscorched Desert', 'Nylea''s Disciple', 'Smoldering Marsh', 'Declaration in Stone', 'Tomb of Urami', 'Kiora''s Follower', 'Renegade Tactics', 'Defabricate', 'Azorius Chancery', 'Keldon Marauders', 'Windbrisk Heights', 'Doomed Traveler', 'Spawning Pit', 'Deeproot Champion', 'Riddleform', 'Bloodbraid Elf', 'Mirrorshell Crab', 'Harmonic Sliver', 'Jace''s Phantasm', 'Obsessive Search', 'Arch of Orazca', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Leyline of Anticipation', 'Mindcrank', 'Vendetta', 'Grim Lavamancer', 'Grafted Wargear', 'Grand Abolisher', 'Goblin Arsonist', 'Timeless Witness', 'Hanweir Garrison', 'Shrapnel Blast', 'Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge', 'Towashi Guide-Bot', 'Defiant Strike', 'Dread Wanderer', 'Yasharn, Implacable Earth', 'Merfolk Looter', 'Memory Leak', 'Cartel Aristocrat', 'Sleep', 'Mission Briefing', 'Animate Dead', 'Sigarda''s Splendor', 'Meeting of Minds', 'Vexing Shusher', 'Deadeye Navigator', 'Draconic Roar', 'Piranha Marsh', 'Curse of Misfortunes', 'Verdurous Gearhulk', 'Tracker''s Instincts', 'Sin Collector', 'Dimir Guildgate', 'Akroan Skyguard', 'Palinchron', 'Rakdos Headliner', 'Putrid Leech', 'Samut, the Tested', 'Experimental Frenzy', 'Profane Procession', 'Mindsplice Apparatus', 'Selfless Samurai', 'Render Silent', 'Vivien, Champion of the Wilds', 'Arbor Elf', 'Just the Wind', 'Glimpse of Tomorrow', 'Silent Gravestone', 'Oust', 'Baral''s Expertise', 'Guardian Idol', 'Fevered Visions', 'Adanto Vanguard', 'Draugr Necromancer', 'Memorial to Genius', 'Fists of Flame', 'Withered Wretch', 'Dread Statuary', 'Séance', 'Gruul Spellbreaker', 'Esper Stormblade', 'Fleecemane Lion', 'Dragonsguard Elite', 'Golgari Guildgate', 'Stoic Rebuttal', 'Pelakka Predation', 'Shizo, Death''s Storehouse', 'Raging Ravine', 'Gurmag Swiftwing', 'Ancient Grudge', 'Yavimaya Dryad', 'Spawn of Thraxes', 'Nest Robber', 'Liquimetal Coating', 'Wildborn Preserver', 'Westvale Abbey', 'Giant Growth', 'Sanitarium Skeleton', 'Precinct Captain', 'Mishra''s Factory', 'Genju of the Fields', 'Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker', 'Linvala, the Preserver', 'King Darien XLVIII', 'Diffusion Sliver', 'Bloodwater Entity', 'Prismatic Lens', 'Hagra Mauling', 'Blinkmoth Infusion', 'Fast // Furious', 'Dreams of Steel and Oil', 'Savvy Hunter', 'Ashnod''s Harvester', 'Myr Battlesphere', 'Aethersphere Harvester', 'Choked Estuary', 'Wilt', 'Howlpack Piper', 'Joint Exploration', 'Heartfire Immolator', 'Aven Mindcensor', 'Gigantosaurus', 'Codex Shredder', 'Emberstrike Duo', 'Kor Skyfisher', 'Coalition Relic', 'Moonsnare Prototype', 'Nightveil Specter', 'Old Man of the Sea', 'Wavebreak Hippocamp', 'Snow-Covered Mountain', 'Terramorphic Expanse', 'End-Raze Forerunners', 'The Celestus', 'Jace, the Living Guildpact', 'Court Homunculus', 'Blackmail', 'Tyrant of Kher Ridges', 'Yisan, the Wanderer Bard', 'Wight', 'Holdout Settlement', 'Incendiary Command', 'Sephara, Sky''s Blade', 'Not of This World', 'Kher Keep', 'Chandra''s Phoenix', 'Lurking Chupacabra', 'Flourishing Fox', 'Gideon, Champion of Justice', 'Kessig Wolfrider', 'Boros Swiftblade', 'Experiment One', 'Eruth, Tormented Prophet', 'Skyshroud Elf', 'Scuttling Doom Engine', 'Dawn of Hope', 'Extraplanar Lens', 'Liliana of the Dark Realms', 'Simian Spirit Guide', 'Bident of Thassa', 'Esper Charm', 'Tymaret, Chosen from Death', 'Alms of the Vein', 'Angrath, the Flame-Chained', 'Sleeper Dart', 'Lightning Axe', 'Witching Well', 'Rags // Riches', 'Monument to Perfection', 'Fire Diamond', 'Whirlwind Denial', 'Master Biomancer', 'Vizier of Many Faces', 'Gigadrowse', 'Chandra, Pyromaster', 'Pashalik Mons', 'Scute Mob', 'Rewind', 'Ixalli''s Diviner', 'Darkblast', 'Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord', 'Pestilent Haze', 'Tempered Steel', 'Stratus Dancer', 'Restore Balance', 'Rampaging Ferocidon', 'Volt Charge', 'Tectonic Edge', 'Crux of Fate', 'Blight Mamba', 'Kairi, the Swirling Sky', 'Kor Duelist', 'Tyvar''s Stand', 'Battlefield Forge', 'Swiftwater Cliffs', 'Omen of the Sun', 'Eater of Virtue', 'Axebane Guardian', 'Future Sight', 'Stain the Mind', 'Mist-Cloaked Herald', 'Forked Bolt', 'Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer', 'Slaughter Pact', 'Spell Pierce', 'Fight as One', 'Virus Beetle', 'Ambitious Assault', 'Bushwhack', 'Archfiend of Ifnir', 'Phoenix Chick', 'Mindlash Sliver', 'Phyrexia''s Core', 'Knight of New Alara', 'Lavaball Trap', 'Nine Lives', 'Warstorm Surge', 'Champion of the Flame', 'Kessig Prowler', 'Enlarge', 'Canyon Slough', 'Prophetic Prism', 'Coiling Oracle', 'Student of Warfare', 'Epiphany at the Drownyard', 'Sky Scourer', 'Bloodfire Dwarf', 'Thirst for Meaning', 'Void Snare', 'Altered Ego', 'Ajani, Mentor of Heroes', 'The Mending of Dominaria', 'Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire', 'Ravenous Rats', 'Drowned Secrets', 'Oran-Rief Ooze', 'Font of Fertility', 'Geistflame', 'Shivan Reef', 'Searing Spear', 'Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants', 'Endless One', 'Scrapheap Scrounger', 'Warlord''s Fury', 'Renewed Faith', 'Tangled Islet', 'Improbable Alliance', 'Phalanx Leader', 'Canopy Vista', 'Academy Loremaster', 'Tormenting Voice', 'Experimental Augury', 'Rishkar, Peema Renegade', 'Eyes of the Wisent', 'Hypnotic Specter', 'Blanchwood Prowler', 'Clawing Torment', 'Kokusho, the Evening Star', 'Tainted Indulgence', 'Sylvan Primordial', 'Delver''s Torch', 'Temple of Silence', 'Increasing Savagery', 'Doomed Necromancer', 'Fallaji Archaeologist', 'Kalastria Highborn', 'Thirsting Roots', 'Chancellor of the Forge', 'Cruel Celebrant', 'Kaito, Dancing Shadow', 'Tireless Provisioner', 'Melira, the Living Cure', 'Glistener Elf', 'Akoum Battlesinger', 'Sword of the Meek', 'Shalai, Voice of Plenty', 'Goldmeadow Harrier', 'Rakdos Ragemutt', 'Research // Development', 'Yosei, the Morning Star', 'Foundation Breaker', 'Bring to Light', 'Fire-Lit Thicket', 'Assault // Battery', 'Commune with Lava', 'Orzhov Guildgate', 'Temple of Deceit', 'Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter', 'Commence the Endgame', 'Titania, Protector of Argoth', 'Gleeful Demolition', 'Ertai''s Scorn', 'Creeping Chill', 'Countersquall', 'General''s Enforcer', 'Early Harvest', 'Unholy Heat', 'Skycat Sovereign', 'Spectral Procession', 'Deprive', 'Aether Spellbomb', 'Oath of Kaya', 'Tragic Slip', 'Falkenrath Aristocrat', 'Titania''s Command', 'Dragon''s Hoard', 'Karn, Silver Golem', 'Nephalia Academy', 'Mizzium Mortars', 'Nighthawk Scavenger', 'Cystbearer', 'Treasure Map', 'Bloodrite Invoker', 'Crystal Grotto', 'Rites of Initiation', 'Obstinate Baloth', 'Sire of Insanity', 'Boneyard Wurm', 'Rapid Hybridization', 'Wooded Ridgeline', 'Orim''s Chant', 'Power Depot', 'Gilt-Leaf Palace', 'Drake Haven', 'Kruphix''s Insight', 'Eldrazi Skyspawner', 'Anafenza, the Foremost', 'Altar of Dementia', 'Feasting Troll King', 'Pulse of the Fields', 'Llanowar Augur', 'Muddle the Mixture', 'Orcish Lumberjack', 'Reckless Wurm', 'Winds of Abandon', 'Sulfur Falls', 'Favored Hoplite', 'Seething Song', 'Black Sun''s Zenith', 'Hanweir Militia Captain', 'Idyllic Beachfront', 'Oona''s Grace', 'Timeless Dragon', 'Thrun, Breaker of Silence', 'Thassa''s Intervention', 'Sigrid, God-Favored', 'Kumano Faces Kakkazan', 'Overgrown Battlement', 'Vraska''s Contempt', 'Hokori, Dust Drinker', 'Glass of the Guildpact', 'Predatory Sliver', 'Firebrand Archer', 'Gutterbones', 'Sorin, Grim Nemesis', 'Cosmos Elixir', 'Dovescape', 'Asylum Visitor', 'Waker of Waves', 'Cloudfin Raptor', 'Edge of Autumn', 'Bedlam Reveler', 'Specter''s Shriek', 'Shimmer Dragon', 'Into the Wilds', 'Mire''s Toll', 'Mindslaver', 'Jaya Ballard, Task Mage', 'Increasing Confusion', 'Soul of Zendikar', 'Bonders'' Enclave', 'Balmor, Battlemage Captain', 'Squee, Goblin Nabob', 'Harrow', 'Doom Blade', 'Noose Constrictor', 'Detention Sphere', 'Lurrus of the Dream-Den', 'Sphere of the Suns', 'Kitchen Imp', 'Frost Marsh', 'Diabolic Edict', 'Raging Goblin', 'Infuriate', 'Midnight Haunting', 'Infest', 'Eldrazi Displacer', 'Touch the Spirit Realm', 'Mana Tithe', 'Vivid Meadow', 'Dwarven Forge-Chanter', 'Teachings of the Kirin', 'Drift of Phantasms', 'Mnemonic Wall', 'Crimson Wisps', 'Glittering Wish', 'Thrill of Possibility', 'Nether Spirit', 'Rakdos Cackler', 'Viridian Zealot', 'Stitch in Time', 'Unctus, Grand Metatect', 'Korlash, Heir to Blackblade', 'Goblin Trashmaster', 'Weathered Wayfarer', 'Boggart Ram-Gang', 'Silver-Fur Master', 'Spiritual Visit', 'Tyrant''s Scorn', 'Scion of Darkness', 'Grand Arbiter Augustin IV', 'Life of Toshiro Umezawa', 'Late to Dinner', 'Wharf Infiltrator', 'Deep Forest Hermit', 'Skyclave Shade', 'Blizzard Specter', 'Golgari Charm', 'Blood Artist', 'Ziatora''s Envoy', 'Barbed Batterfist', 'Terminus', 'Zetalpa, Primal Dawn', 'Master of the Wild Hunt', 'Privileged Position', 'Briarbridge Tracker', 'Blazing Archon', 'Rob the Archives', 'Army of the Damned', 'Beckon Apparition', 'Mouth of Ronom', 'Siren Stormtamer', 'Law-Rune Enforcer', 'Flame Rift', 'Arcbound Shikari', 'Bloodhall Ooze', 'Sheltered Thicket', 'Bankrupt in Blood', 'Generous Visitor', 'Nullpriest of Oblivion', 'Archangel of Wrath', 'Repeal', 'Dragon Tempest', 'Kaho, Minamo Historian', 'Cataclysmic Gearhulk', 'Mind''s Desire', 'Flametongue Kavu', 'Murkfiend Liege', 'Crystalline Giant', 'Anger of the Gods', 'Mistvein Borderpost', 'Nevermore', 'Blossoming Sands', 'Growth-Chamber Guardian', 'Creeping Trailblazer', 'Tamiyo''s Safekeeping', 'Ghitu Fire', 'Pixie Illusionist', 'Oath of Chandra', 'Springbloom Druid', 'Halimar Excavator', 'Dread Return', 'Putrefy', 'Day of the Dragons', 'Hyena Umbra', 'Bladehold War-Whip', 'Golden Demise', 'Power Sink', 'Shattered Seraph', 'Ral, Izzet Viceroy', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Pathrazer of Ulamog', 'Ghitu Lavarunner', 'Scrapyard Recombiner', 'Worthy Knight', 'Shrieking Affliction', 'Soul Shatter', 'Mirror Entity', 'Distortion Strike', 'Simian Sling', 'Nephalia Smuggler', 'Gudul Lurker', 'Dream Trawler', 'Primal Might', 'Volcanic Spite', 'Unlucky Witness', 'Solemnity', 'Embodiment of Insight', 'Lightning Stormkin', 'Ichorid', 'Spine of Ish Sah', 'Wrenn''s Resolve', 'Venerable Knight', 'Into the Story', 'Heliod''s Pilgrim', 'Expand the Sphere', 'Slumbering Dragon', 'Nantuko Cultivator', 'Oran-Rief, the Vastwood', 'Panglacial Wurm', 'Polymorph', 'Word of Undoing', 'Farseek', 'Dire Tactics', 'Gaea''s Blessing', 'Yavimaya Coast', 'Tezzeret the Schemer', 'Infernal Plunge', 'Steel Leaf Champion', 'Crash Through', 'Lesser Masticore', 'Fumigate', 'Krosan Tusker', 'Undercity Informer', 'Deadeye Tracker', 'Izzet Staticaster', 'Brokers Hideout', 'Forced Fruition', 'Cleansing Wildfire', 'Angel of Vitality', 'Boartusk Liege', 'Drowned Catacomb', 'Wildfire', 'Grand Coliseum', 'Ensoul Artifact', 'Forgotten Cave', 'Gyruda, Doom of Depths', 'Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves', 'Quest for Pure Flame', 'Stormchaser Mage', 'Courier''s Briefcase', 'Burst Lightning', 'Twinflame', 'Reassembling Skeleton', 'Atog', 'Cerulean Wisps', 'Big Score', 'Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma', 'Thornglint Bridge', 'The Antiquities War', 'Burnished Hart', 'Seekers'' Squire', 'Bloodbraid Marauder', 'Volcanic Salvo', 'Flame Javelin', 'Temple of Epiphany', 'Forging the Anchor', 'Forbid', 'Boros Recruit', 'Virtus''s Maneuver', 'Foundry Helix', 'Ajani Unyielding', 'Plaza of Harmony', 'Daring Apprentice', 'Gather the Pack', 'Bitter Reunion', 'Obsidian Battle-Axe', 'Thopter Spy Network', 'Inspiring Veteran', 'Isolated Chapel', 'Goblin Blast-Runner', 'Gifts Ungiven', 'Reckless Charge', 'Dimir Signet', 'Sphinx''s Disciple', 'Chandra''s Regulator', 'Kambal, Consul of Allocation', 'Haunted Dead', 'Lantern of the Lost', 'Hall of the Bandit Lord', 'Kami of the Crescent Moon', 'Silumgar''s Command', 'Unstable Mutation', 'Quest for the Nihil Stone', 'Rune-Scarred Demon', 'Ancestor''s Chosen', 'Lumengrid Sentinel', 'Wayward Guide-Beast', 'Soaring Drake', 'Chitterspitter', 'Skull Fracture', 'Buried Ruin', 'Infectious Bite', 'Bad River', 'Sarulf, Realm Eater', 'Halana and Alena, Partners', 'Vector Asp', 'Dragon''s Disciple', 'Imposing Vantasaur', 'Phyrexian Missionary', 'Shimmer of Possibility', 'Harm''s Way', 'Lay Down Arms', 'Elvish Archdruid', 'Enigma Sphinx', 'Cranial Extraction', 'Dragon''s Fire', 'Chronomaton', 'Shivan Wurm', 'Greater Good', 'Driven // Despair', 'Blighted Woodland', 'Elspeth Tirel', 'Forsake the Worldly', 'Lochmere Serpent', 'Garruk''s Harbinger', 'Torment of Scarabs', 'Reflector Mage', 'Quicksand', 'Taigam, Ojutai Master', 'Honored Hydra', 'Greatbow Doyen', 'Metallic Rebuke', 'Think Twice', 'Myr Servitor', 'Cordial Vampire', 'Animation Module', 'Barrenton Medic', 'Lumbering Falls', 'Valley Dasher', 'Silence', 'Thieving Skydiver', 'Mwonvuli Acid-Moss', 'Archangel Avacyn', 'Runed Halo', 'Simic Charm', 'Cankerbloom', 'Liliana Vess', 'Gateway Plaza', 'Annex Sentry', 'Turn // Burn', 'Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden', 'Lagonna-Band Trailblazer', 'Sky Terror', 'Guildmages'' Forum', 'Scoured Barrens', 'Bloodsoaked Champion', 'Yahenni''s Expertise', 'Forbidden Friendship', 'Tome Scour', 'Wicked Wolf', 'Willow Geist', 'Arguel''s Blood Fast', 'Temporal Fissure', 'Pyretic Ritual', 'Needle Drop', 'Mutilate', 'Bone Shards', 'Avacyn''s Pilgrim', 'Consul''s Lieutenant', 'Chandra Nalaar', 'Giant Killer', 'Ethereal Absolution', 'Jund Hackblade', 'Knight of Meadowgrain', 'Strike It Rich', 'Archangel of Tithes', 'Yotian Frontliner', 'Sygg, River Cutthroat', 'Audacity', 'Rotting Rats', 'Blessed Respite', 'Aspect of Hydra', 'Icehide Golem', 'Tangled Florahedron', 'Memory''s Journey', 'Eldrazi Mimic', 'Radha, Heart of Keld', 'Deftblade Elite', 'Contagion Clasp', 'Dig Up', 'Biovisionary', 'Waking the Trolls', 'Walk the Aeons', 'Jwari Disruption', 'Flame Blitz', 'Vivid Creek', 'Quickling', 'Odric, Master Tactician', 'Planar Ally', 'Isamaru, Hound of Konda', 'Mishra''s Research Desk', 'Troll Ascetic', 'Gideon''s Triumph', 'Death Baron', 'Authority of the Consuls', 'Enclave Cryptologist', 'Collective Defiance', 'Exclude', 'Dark Petition', 'Avacyn''s Judgment', 'Village Messenger', 'Halo Forager', 'Sins of the Past', 'Autonomous Assembler', 'Reanimate', 'Circular Logic', 'Llanowar Loamspeaker', 'Highland Lake', 'Oracle of Mul Daya', 'Porcelain Legionnaire', 'Roadside Reliquary', 'Universal Automaton', 'Wild Mongrel', 'Nishoba Brawler', 'Budoka Gardener', 'Jackal Pup', 'Graven Cairns', 'Elves of Deep Shadow', 'Dizzy Spell', 'Skyclave Pick-Axe', 'Umbral Mantle', 'Quarantine Field', 'Paladin en-Vec', 'Abundant Harvest', 'Venser, Shaper Savant', 'Zombie Trailblazer', 'Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis', 'Ajani, the Greathearted', 'Bearer of Silence', 'Wistful Thinking', 'Fauna Shaman', 'Spatial Contortion', 'Golden Egg', 'Cabaretti Courtyard', 'Utopia Tree', 'Combat Research', 'Thopter Foundry', 'Repudiate // Replicate', 'Hero of Precinct One', 'Ancient Stirrings', 'Always Watching', 'Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep', 'Verdant Command', 'Unsubstantiate', 'Chance Encounter', 'Dark Salvation', 'Phantasmal Bear', 'Kolaghan, the Storm''s Fury', 'Spectral Shift', 'Treasure Cruise', 'Desperate Ravings', 'Elvish Hexhunter', 'Dark Ritual', 'Weapons Trainer', 'Seasoned Hallowblade', 'Spirit Link', 'Wing Shards', 'The Underworld Cookbook', 'High-Speed Hoverbike', 'Scrap Trawler', 'Glorious Protector', 'Malakir Blood-Priest', 'Phantasmal Image', 'Heap Doll', 'Rain of Revelation', 'Adorned Pouncer', 'Skyknight Vanguard', 'Howltooth Hollow', 'Acclaimed Contender', 'Guul Draz Assassin', 'Nivmagus Elemental', 'Celestial Colonnade', 'March of Burgeoning Life', 'Chimeric Coils', 'Mikokoro, Center of the Sea', 'Lost Legacy', 'Satyr Hedonist', 'Of One Mind', 'Victim of Night', 'Fae of Wishes', 'Inevitable Betrayal', 'Pyromancer Ascension', 'Shared Discovery', 'Price of Progress', 'Anticipate', 'Battle Screech', 'Mist-Syndicate Naga', 'Thorn of Amethyst', 'Empyrean Eagle', 'Visions of Phyrexia', 'Infectious Inquiry', 'Wild Defiance', 'Dream''s Grip', 'Fanatic of Xenagos', 'Marshal of Zhalfir', 'Spell Shrivel', 'Blighted Steppe', 'Codie, Vociferous Codex', 'Serrated Scorpion', 'Artificer''s Assistant', 'Bond of Insight', 'Vraska''s Fall', 'Appetite for Brains', 'View from Above', 'Memorial to War', 'Soul of New Phyrexia', 'Chained to the Rocks', 'Cultivate', 'Lagrella, the Magpie', 'Advent of the Wurm', 'Flow of Knowledge', 'Browbeat', 'Risk Factor', 'Faithless Salvaging', 'Akoum Hellkite', 'Xathrid Necromancer', 'Battlewing Mystic', 'Zurgo Bellstriker', 'Narcomoeba', 'Naru Meha, Master Wizard', 'Brushfire Elemental', 'Braid of Fire', 'Astral Cornucopia', 'Firedrinker Satyr', 'Otherworldly Journey', 'Second Sunrise', 'Slitherhead', 'Leyline of Lifeforce', 'Devil''s Play', 'Pyroclasm', 'Prismatic Omen', 'Aegis of the Gods', 'Curse of Thirst', 'Chandra''s Triumph', 'Sejiri Refuge', 'Drowner of Hope', 'Ajani, Caller of the Pride', 'Kami of False Hope', 'Mausoleum Secrets', 'Dusk // Dawn', 'Chain Lightning', 'Legion''s Landing', 'Silumgar''s Scorn', 'Ashenmoor Liege', 'Pieces of the Puzzle', 'Tishana, Voice of Thunder', 'Yawgmoth''s Bargain', 'Salt Road Ambushers', 'Obscura Interceptor', 'Hopeful Eidolon', 'Rampant Growth', 'Augur of Bolas', 'River Serpent', 'Hour of Promise', 'Curse of Silence', 'Fyndhorn Elves', 'Nightscape Familiar', 'Memory Lapse', 'Archon of Sun''s Grace', 'Eidolon of Countless Battles', 'Stenn, Paranoid Partisan', 'Necrogen Mists', 'Prologue to Phyresis', 'Morselhoarder', 'Prophet of Kruphix', 'Domri Rade', 'Kazandu Mammoth', 'Ultimate Price', 'Blistercoil Weird', 'Mana Cylix', 'Skylasher', 'Urban Utopia', 'Fetid Heath', 'Lazotep Chancellor', 'Tattermunge Maniac', 'Eternal Dragon', 'Seasons Past', 'Gloomshrieker', 'Cease-Fire', 'Wastes', 'Jade Mage', 'Blisterpod', 'Augmenter Pugilist', 'Dispatch', 'Boros Signet', 'Jack-o''-Lantern', 'Zenith Flare', 'Seeker of the Way', 'Biting-Palm Ninja', 'Triskelion', 'Ossification', 'Duress', 'Wavesifter', 'Murmuring Bosk', 'Stone Rain', 'Banishing Slash', 'Ramunap Excavator', 'Tomik, Distinguished Advokist', 'Psychic Strike', 'Training Grounds', 'Inscription of Abundance', 'Wilt-Leaf Liege', 'Frost Walker', 'Calibrated Blast', 'Guild Globe', 'Distorted Curiosity', 'Ionize', 'Dragon Tyrant', 'Almighty Brushwagg', 'Dregscape Sliver', 'Cathedral of War', 'Tasigur''s Cruelty', 'Hinterland Harbor', 'Pore Over the Pages', 'Fertile Ground', 'Pillar of Flame', 'Accorder Paladin', 'Through the Breach', 'Elvish Pioneer', 'Revoke Existence', 'Blood Seeker', 'Arcbound Javelineer', 'Assault Strobe', 'Pulse of Murasa', 'Dragon Fodder', 'Catacomb Sifter', 'Impostor of the Sixth Pride', 'Cartouche of Solidarity', 'Vision Skeins', 'Groundbreaker', 'Lupine Prototype', 'Ulvenwald Tracker', 'Mulldrifter', 'Profane Command', 'Ethersworn Sphinx', 'Dokuchi Silencer', 'Thaumatic Compass', 'River of Tears', 'Ancestral Blade', 'Winged Portent', 'Brave the Sands', 'Startling Development', 'Consuming Bonfire', 'Drana, the Last Bloodchief', 'Bilious Skulldweller', 'Commune with Nature', 'Flood Plain', 'Reverent Hunter', 'Expansion // Explosion', 'Disrupting Shoal', 'Gallia of the Endless Dance', 'War Priest of Thune', 'Nether Traitor', 'Judge''s Familiar', 'Staunch Shieldmate', 'Assault Formation', 'Mobilized District', 'Adventurous Impulse', 'Runo Stromkirk', 'Captain''s Claws', 'Footfall Crater', 'Seedcradle Witch', 'Witch''s Cottage', 'Expendable Lackey', 'Spirit Mantle', 'Collective Effort', 'Phyrexian Arena', 'Goblin Ruinblaster', 'Herald of the Pantheon', 'Rise and Shine', 'Possibility Storm', 'Riftwing Cloudskate', 'Cerodon Yearling', 'Containment Construct', 'Larger Than Life', 'Rift Sower', 'Architects of Will', 'Squadron Hawk', 'Wandering Fumarole', 'Charge of the Mites', 'Obscuring Aether', 'Tarfire', 'Reality Heist', 'Moorland Haunt', 'Wretched Gryff', 'Faerie Impostor', 'Heartless Act', 'Barren Moor', 'Blackbloom Rogue', 'Goblin Warchief', 'Sylvan Ranger', 'Cleric of Life''s Bond', 'Snow-Covered Plains', 'Cosima, God of the Voyage', 'Quest for Ula''s Temple', 'Heartfire', 'Loxodon Hierarch', 'Stillmoon Cavalier', 'Shore Up', 'Madcap Experiment', 'Expedition Envoy', 'Daring Thief', 'Mycosynth Wellspring', 'Game Trail', 'Reason // Believe', 'Seal from Existence', 'Valiant Rescuer', 'Escape to the Wilds', 'Arcbound Ravager', 'Ghostfire Blade', 'Helm of Kaldra', 'Rise // Fall', 'Wreak Havoc', 'Spore Frog', 'Cover of Winter', 'Elsewhere Flask', 'Condemn', 'Gatekeeper of Malakir', 'Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers'))) AND (TRUE)
        d.competition_id, -- Every deck has only one competition_id but if we want to use competition_id in the HAVING clause we need this.
        season.season_id -- In theory this is not necessary as all decks are in a single season and we join on the date but MySQL cannot work that out so give it the hint it needs.
        active_date DESC, d.finish IS NULL, d.finish


[] (slow_query, 119.0, mysql)

Reported on decksite by mysql-perf

Location Hash: 5f99793755776ff274202844574fe37cabbe834b

Labels: decksite