Perdition-117 / COM3D2.DressCode

Automatically switch outfit per scene
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More intuitive access points #4

Open Dataweaver42 opened 1 year ago

Dataweaver42 commented 1 year ago

Another suggestion rather than a bug report: it would be nice to provide more ways of accessing this than just the Dress Code button on the Office screen. Specifically, I'm thinking of three other ways:

  1. On the Maid Admin screen, provide a button that takes you to DressCode, setting it to Maid Settings, and selecting whichever Maid you were looking at on the Maid Admin screen.
  2. When you're about to perform Yotogi, you're given the option to change the maid's outfit. Override that to have it take you to DressCode instead, setting it to Maid Settings, selecting whichever Maid you're with, and setting the tab to Yotogi. The player then has the freedom to shift between Maid Settings and Scene Settings, depending on whether he wants the costume changes he's about to implement to apply just to this maid or to all maids. If overriding that existing control isn't an option, add a DressCode button to that screen.
  3. When you're on the screen where you select which maids are going to perform a Dance, add a DressCode button that lets you do for the Dances what the previous point does for Yotogi: just before the Dance is about to start, make DressCode available to give the option to change the outfits that the maids will be dancing in.
Perdition-117 commented 1 year ago

Certainly there are better solutions than the current one. The problem is that returning to the scene you previously were on is not at all as simple as it perhaps should be. Basically it's not as simple as just exiting edit mode. Instead you have to explicitly specify the scene you wish to load, including all relevant states. For the office screen, that only meant figuring out whether it should be day or night, which is simple enough when you already are in the office, if I remember correctly, why that ended up being the solution. Assuming you want to return to the same scene after leaving dress code edit, which I think is required for the feature to be intuitive and not frustrating; for something like the dance screen, that involves a lot more variables, which ultimately means 2 and 3 is not going to happen.

1 is more plausible and sensible. It still suffers from the same issues, but probably to a lesser degree and, if necessary, returning to the office screen afterwards I think would not be as detrimental. On the other hand, it almost seems redundant or would make redundant the existing button, due to being one click away from each other. The auto maid selecting saves it a bit, though. I'll consider it.

Dataweaver42 commented 1 year ago

Could you set it up so that the button is moved to the Maid Admin screen, and DressCode returns you to the Maid Admin screen when it's done? That is, center it on Maid Admin instead of Office Mode. The only time this is at all problematic is with X1, which doesn't provide access to either Office Mode or Maid Admin.

Perdition-117 commented 1 year ago

I will consider it for the future. Not a trivial thing to change in relation to the improvement.