PerkLab / MCSTrack

Multi-camera spatial tracking
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Multi-camera board builder and renderer working #52

Closed Rampex1 closed 2 months ago

Rampex1 commented 3 months ago


Development of the multi-camera board builder and integration of a renderer to show the board.


The current process is divided into three steps: Locate reference, Collect data, Build Board. Locate Reference: The user places the charuco board such that it is visible to both cameras. The detector pose is calculated and stored. The origin is the bottom-left of the charuco board, marker 36. Collect Data: The object is shown, and moved around. The board builder algorithm collects data of the relative aruco marker poses. Build Board: Given some visible markers, the algorithm calculates the position of occluded markers and displays in the renderer the pose of all the markers belonging to the board.


  1. Locate Reference: Reference is marker 36, which is the bottom-right of the top frame, or top-left of bottom frame. Screenshot (6)

2.1 Collect Data (Top): Note that we are only collecting data for markers that are visible in BOTH frames. Screenshot (7)

2.2 Collect Data (Planar): Screenshot (13)

3.1 Build Board (Top): Screenshot (10)

3.2 Build Board (Planar): Screenshot (14)

Dev notes

The term 'board' might become confusing as it is ambiguous. It refers to the 'calibration board', the board used to calculate detector poses as well as 'board builder' which is more an object than a board.

What's Next

vaughantnrc commented 3 months ago

As discussed, let's get your board builder talking to the detectors through the Connector. As such, we probably want to merge #53 first

vaughantnrc commented 2 months ago

No longer draft, am reviewing now.

Rampex1 commented 2 months ago

Personal to myself for when I get back to this after my presentation:

  1. Convert datetime to UTC
  2. Implement the actual desired function of build board (Comment out the current one)
  3. Merge after approval