Closed p5pRT closed 21 years ago
I agree entirely. The new list shouldn't implement *any* restrictions beyond those of the old list\, as a first step. Additional restrictions can be discussed if/when spam actually becomes a problem.
Well\, as an SA you get caught the rock and the hard place. In academia people want everything open\, all the time\, but gripe horribly if they get one bit of spam in their inbox.
Especially with systems as high profile as and\, one errs on the side of keeping a tight ship. If there weren't spammers this would be totally unwarranted\, but who wants to be on Vixie's Blacklist? That wouldn't be terribly cool.
I always use unix mail on one account as it avoids the hassle of figuring out which relay I need to use where.
I'm sure there is a way to accomodate this problem agreeably.
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