Phalcode / gamevault-app

Frontend for the self-hosted gaming platform for drm-free games
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Sort installed games by "last played" #311

Closed Alfagun74 closed 8 months ago

Alfagun74 commented 8 months ago

The Installed Games Section should be sorted from most recently played game (left) to most abandoned game(far right) like described in the design document.

Yelo420 commented 8 months ago

Tricky in combination with the offline cache, where i can not access "Last Played". Any ideas?

Alfagun74 commented 8 months ago

I mean the client knows best what was last played right? :D We only need to save it.

We could convert the gamevault-exec file to a gamevault-metadata.yaml file and save stuff like, once a user starts a game to bring the games to the correct order.

executable: bin/Win64_Shipping.exe
last_played: 2024_01_05_.... 

In the future we could add more relevant metadata to it.

Yelo420 commented 8 months ago

Good Idea. It is already ment to store multiple data. I will write it to this file. But that means it's actually a "played last on this machine". But I think that's okay

Alfagun74 commented 8 months ago

Its the lasst played order of the installed games on this machine anyway right?

Sure one could have installed the same game on his pc and laptop, but its not that big of a deal if he needed to scroll a bit. Maybe its even smarter because people want their laptops play history different than their pc because it has lower specs for example.

So i think that would be absolutely enough and in the worst case scrolling would not be that big of a deal, but please build a migration that renames these files, so its called "gamevault-metadata", also an easy to read & edit format for users like yaml would be nice.

Yelo420 commented 8 months ago


Yelo420 commented 7 months ago

Process optimized. It is now faster and less complicated, with fewer file accesses required