PharmaLedger-IMI / acdc-components

UC4 Anti-Counterfeiting Data Collaboration
MIT License
3 stars 4 forks source link

General administrative and technical work #22

Open joaoluis-pdm opened 2 years ago

joaoluis-pdm commented 2 years ago
# 2022-05-04 jpsl 
# Manual instalation of nvm and node 16 lts on acdc-dev-pl 
# nvm installed from 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~$ wget -qO- | bash 
=> Downloading nvm from git to '/home/pharmaledger/.nvm' 
=> Cloning into '/home/pharmaledger/.nvm'... 
remote: Enumerating objects: 355, done. 
remote: Counting objects: 100% (355/355), done. 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (302/302), done. 
remote: Total 355 (delta 39), reused 169 (delta 28), pack-reused 0 
Receiving objects: 100% (355/355), 221.35 KiB | 1.83 MiB/s, done. 
Resolving deltas: 100% (39/39), done. 
* (HEAD detached at FETCH_HEAD) 
=> Compressing and cleaning up git repository 

=> Appending nvm source string to /home/pharmaledger/.bashrc 
=> Appending bash_completion source string to /home/pharmaledger/.bashrc 
=> Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm or run the following to use it now: 

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" 
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm 
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion 
# logout/login 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~$ nvm install --lts 
Installing latest LTS version. 
Downloading and installing node v16.15.0... 
######################################################################### 100.0% 
Computing checksum with sha256sum 
Checksums matched! 
Now using node v16.15.0 (npm v8.5.5) 
Creating default alias: default -> lts/* (-> v16.15.0) 
# stop all containers – do not remove them, as we may need to start them again 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~$ docker stop $(docker ps -q) 
# Dockers need to be removed, or they will startup on reboot
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~$ docker rm $(docker ps -qa)
# clone epi-workspace and follow (but use run dev-install instead of install) 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~$ git clone 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~$ cd epi-workspace/ 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace$ npm run dev-install 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace$ npm run server 
# on another window 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace$ npm run build-all 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace$ npm run install-acdc 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace$ npm run install-acf-ssapps 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace$ npm run build-acf-ssapps 
Running command: cd delayv-auth-feat-ssapp && npm run build 
Build process of <delayv-auth-feat-ssapp> finished. Dossier's KeySSI: 5kieNHd9wqBPNZCqdLnyRV4Ndin5hvrGegkFXFHFiLwJXbLfXZnynRkEthkFjG4wj869nXu5QVMsoS1jNCxbEV7dUTAD74GxKn5q8jw5i3fGRYpXonbRQzsrvxxqq3KBB2zHDuL3eWv1LuWk92pAKanagQc4o2NgUCq1kuHBTygS2yPaBCrWkpkGRuAoYsh62wuV1QKStDmSaMWP 
Running command: cd truemedhemo-auth-feat-ssapp && npm run build  
Build process of <truemedhemo-auth-feat-ssapp> finished. Dossier's KeySSI: 5kieNHd9wqBPNZCqdLnyRV41FpHivQMi1igU6T35wtgScqk1Cqe5ZcJMqt1dzFQKq7H5MGZQskRdAkV1WFvQ3sGYTVw649RH5CYhofveS7SegPyksyie4XFu1bXR8mGcpjXCieLW8xzi6Dm7Uh6YvoT7bxwdudNMrL8Fe1cFohBahsSTrz8eZRNKAAacbmNnaq8CyTpcHNWEnpnj 
Finishing checking tasks... 
# Manually building acdc-authentication-feature-template 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace$ cd acdc-authentication-feature-template 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace/acdc-authentication-feature-template$ vi package.json 
# remove prebuild and postbuild 
pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~/epi-workspace/acdc-authentication-feature-template$ npm run build 
Build process of <acdc-authentication-feature-template> finished. Dossier's KeySSI: MyxovxNaV1eqk8v58qi73JMoZYvsxs62HidW1eNBTJaTrtiherabmsubM2Fa4UuWVUzYLbS6FSuZUcCXa94YjjPpFpxCom2KZU1iWYpK6gVKf6GuiiAhsbJWbL4RFK6ij3zETZ7KUusXwZ4gNzvLq6MMA9wT87YaJm1omoWt2etub4jGae9AnW44eWE8zq3sSPTzce4VrGtXCGmm1 
joaoluis-pdm commented 2 years ago

Create an rc.local on acdc-dev-pl

pharmaledger@acdc-dev-pl:~$ crontab -e
----- CUT HERE ---
@reboot ./epi-workspace/acdc/pdm-deploy-tools/
----- CUT HERE ---
joaoluis-pdm commented 2 years ago

Similar stuff done on TST environment today, to allow for deploy of v0.9.0 with feature #30 to DEV and TST