Phil1988 / FreeDi

LCD firmware for Qidi X-3 Series printers with mainline Klipper
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[Bug] Wifi activation script failure #100

Closed sparehead1 closed 2 weeks ago

sparehead1 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug Script fails to restart usb-modeswitch

Expected behavior usb-modeswitch.service should restart

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. ssh in
  2. run cd ~/FreeDi && ./
  3. error message "Failed to restart usb-modeswitch.service: Unit usb-modeswitch.service not found." seen part way through


line 348 needs to be sudo systemctl restart usb_modeswitch not sudo systemctl restart usb-modeswitch

Phil1988 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your support 😊

Ive just fixed it 👍

osvch commented 1 week ago

Hi @sparehead1 for me "_" is not working:


It fails during cd ~/FreeDi && ./ too. Did you manage to install successfully?

Phil1988 commented 1 week ago

Yes you are right. There was still something wrong (always hard if you can not verify).

Please try the latest again

osvch commented 1 week ago

Strange, I'm getting "permission denied". Downloaded file in the correct folder, SSH logged as mks user.


but # Reload udev rules sudo udevadm control --reload itself seems to be working

EDIT: I run cd ~/FreeDi chmod +x ./ ./ and it started installation.

EDIT2: It's working!