Closed sparehead1 closed 2 weeks ago
Thanks for your support 😊
Ive just fixed it 👍
Hi @sparehead1 for me "_" is not working:
It fails during cd ~/FreeDi && ./
too. Did you manage to install successfully?
Yes you are right. There was still something wrong (always hard if you can not verify).
Please try the latest again
Strange, I'm getting "permission denied". Downloaded file in the correct folder, SSH logged as mks user.
# Reload udev rules sudo udevadm control --reload
itself seems to be working
I run
cd ~/FreeDi
chmod +x ./
and it started installation.
EDIT2: It's working!
Describe the bug Script fails to restart usb-modeswitch
Expected behavior usb-modeswitch.service should restart
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
line 348 needs to be sudo systemctl restart usb_modeswitch not sudo systemctl restart usb-modeswitch