Phil1988 / FreeDi

LCD firmware for Qidi X-3 Series printers with mainline Klipper
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[Help] [screws_tilt_adjust] X plus 3 SCREWS_TILT_CALCULATE goes off the end of the bed on screw 2 #101

Closed sparehead1 closed 2 weeks ago

sparehead1 commented 2 weeks ago

The values for Screw tilt adjust in printer.cfg has the probe go off the end of the bed when it goes to the screw 2 position on my X plus 3.

When I line up the probe with the screws on my X plus 3 I get:

screw1: 22, 45 screw1_name: front left screw screw2: 202, 45 screw2_name: front right screw screw3: 202, 224 screw3_name: rear right screw screw4: 22, 224 screw4_name: rear left screw

Is this the right way to set those numbers?

sparehead1 commented 2 weeks ago

If I take the coordinates of the nozzle over the screws I get

screw1: 49, 50 screw1_name: front left screw screw2: 229, 50 screw2_name: front right screw screw3: 229, 229 screw3_name: rear right screw screw4: 49, 229 screw4_name: rear left screw

Phil1988 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your report. I can not verify this as I totally rely on plus3 users.

Your first line up is correct as this says

Problem for me is that I got 3 totally different coordinates from plus 3 users to the date. Can you please tell me when you purchased this plus3 roughly and maybe also add a picture of your bed screws here?

I included your coordinates now, but I wouldnt be surprised if another user comes around with a different settings and I want to track that down and get it sorted :)

Thanks for your help and feedback 👍

sparehead1 commented 2 weeks ago

Happy to help :)

I got mine May 2024, directly from qidi.


Phil1988 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks mate!

Pushed the corrected version to the config section and will include it in future images 👍