Phil1988 / FreeDi

LCD firmware for Qidi X-3 Series printers with mainline Klipper
99 stars 3 forks source link

[Announcement] Temporary reduced availability #105

Open Phil1988 opened 2 weeks ago

Phil1988 commented 2 weeks ago

To all the FreeDians!

Over the next six weeks, I will be focusing intensively on personal matters.
I kindly ask for your understanding if I'm not as available as usual during this time.

I'm confident that with the Wiki πŸ“‘ , the video guide πŸ“Ή , and the amazing people ❀ in this community, most questions can be answered and issues resolved.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributes to this project and helps others along the way - it truly makes a difference!

I'm already looking forward to having more time to implement your suggestions and improvements, making this project an even better experience for everyone.

All the best, C0co

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

Phil - we wil try to hold down the fort with answering questions. I hope all is well in your life. Brian

Phil1988 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks mate, I appreciate you ☺️

robonxt commented 2 weeks ago

You take care of what you need to do. Thank you for the hard work and time you put in FreeDi!