Closed Phil1988 closed 3 weeks ago
Hello @EisbacherG,
to track this down and help you better I need your assistance ;)
Can you please make sure the toolhead is currently flashed with my provided firmware? It is included in FreeDi already but in case you have overwritten it with the self compiled one, you can find it here: Toolhead_RP2040.uf2 I kindly ask you to do this again (I know you did it before, but we need to make sure on this critical point). While you do the tool head flashing, please show me a screenshot of the whole command inputs you do and the output you get (the whole process please).
Then please shut the printer down (sudo shutdown
) and turn it off completely (switch off / or power cable unplugged)
This is to make sure the toolhead is not stuck in a boot mode state.
Turn it on again after at least ~10s waiting in shut off state.
If the error still persists, lets track it down better. Show me screenshots of the results of:
ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
This information will hopefully make it easier to understand what the current situation is :)
Hi Phill, I wrote to you this morning to say that the same problem as described here had been solved, but it reappeared after the printer was restarted.
find attached the printer.cfg
Hello Phil. Thanks for trying to help.
Yesterday, when i typed the command: ls /dev/serial/by-id/* i got a 16 char long alphanumerical number. wie auch schon im Forum beschrieben, habe ich bei einer Nachschau As already described in the forum, when I looked in the directory "~/dev/serial/by-id/" I only found a link with the name "usb-Klipper_rp2040_12345-if00".
If I now enter the command "ls /dev/serial/by-id/*" after the system has started, I receive this entry as feedback.
I have now changed the entry in the "printer.cfg" file accordingly and everything seems to be working.
Thanks again for your offered help and for your time and the great project. I now need to add the camera and make the adjustments you described in the "Post install and config section".
Hi Phill, I wrote to you this morning to say that the same problem as described here had been solved, but...
Please dont mix the threads :) Please report it on the one you started. It looks similar, but It can have different causes :)
Haha! So your serial is seriously usb-Klipperrp204012345-if00 ? 😄 I never even took in consideration this might be a valid serial number !
Glad this was really just that simple - (but I am still confused, as it normally is a 16 digit hash)
By the way: Seeing a X-Max 3 logo on the display at boot screen is completely normal as X-Plus 3 user. They share the same display firmware.
Go to "Gear symbol" -> Advanced -> Next Page -> Settings -> Next Page -> Next Page and change the printer model. I know it's “a bit hidden”, but these are usually settings you only have to make once in your printer life, so the more important things come first ;)
Originally posted by @EisbacherG in #79