Open cptcl opened 2 weeks ago
Hey @cptcl and welcome on board :)
I had an issue with flashing the toolhead and mcu 2 days ago when doing a video shoot. It was caused by downloading the files via right-click and not as "raw file". I added the hint in the wiki already:
As I have a dev environment, I never downloaded them via browser - so it was surprising to me. Maybe this was also the reason for your issue?
Anyway: I happy you made it 👏
To your request a short answer: You cant.
The presets being hard coded in the software. Its on the list to change that, but its a very low priority thing currently. Mainly because its time consuming and only a minor/cosmetic thing. It will also never be included/syncronized with mainsail presets as there being too many cases to catch.
Fixing bugs, including daily use case features and working on the guide/wiki are currently more important. I hope you understand that and can be patient. Leave this open, so you get a notification when something changes in the future :)
Mybe thats it, .. I was also wondering why both files where 256kb in size while the compiled was only 32kb (i.e. for the mainboard)
Thanks for the 2nd answer. Will leave this open for future
Hello and first let me say,.. Amazing and awesome work!
Qidi X-Max 3 rev2
This worked like a charm. Followed your guide, everything worked perfectly, except for flashing toolhead and mainboad. There i had to compile and use my own files instead. (followed easy guide and switched to advance for compiling) But no problem so far.
I just have a question
Just an appearence thing i would like to change the name of the presets on the main display.. ABS to ASA and TPU to NYLON (cause i never print abs and rarely tpu, but more nylon) How can this be done? (i just dont want to try and error here) i changed the names in mainsail settings, but i wish i could change it on the display too