Pi4J / pi4j-v1

DEPRECATED Java I/O library for Raspberry Pi (GPIO, I2C, SPI, UART)
Apache License 2.0
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How to use GpioController #506

Closed onlinelei closed 3 years ago

onlinelei commented 3 years ago

hello I have a question: GpioController is Singleton Pattern ? can I create two or more GpioController class operating pi I/O at the same time

eitch commented 3 years ago

Hi, no you can't have two GpioControllers at the same time. There is also no need for this. Am i right in thinking you want to access multiple pins at the same time? Then just get the singleton instance of the GpioController and then provision your pins:

GpioFactory.setExecutorServiceFactory(new SingleThreadGpioExecutorServiceFactory());
GpioFactory.setDefaultProvider(new RaspiGpioProvider(RaspiPinNumberingScheme.BROADCOM_PIN_NUMBERING));
GpioController controller = GpioFactory.getInstance();

Pin interruptPin = RaspiBcmPin.getPinByAddress(...);
GpioPinDigitalInput interruptGpioPin = gpioController.provisionDigitalInputPin(interruptPin, PinPullResistance.PULL_DOWN);
interruptGpioPin.addListener((GpioPinListenerDigital) this::handleInterrupt);

GpioPinDigitalOutput outputPin = gpioController.provisionDigitalOutputPin(...);
onlinelei commented 3 years ago
