PicNet / XGBoost.Net

.Net wrappers for the awesome XGBoost library
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Unable to train model with train data provided #29

Open zedavid opened 1 year ago

zedavid commented 1 year ago

Given that I'm unable to compile the XGBoostTest solution in Visual Studio 2022, I've written a notebook to follow the steps towards training and saving a model from scratch.

After loading the data from train.csv I've called the Fit method and I constantly get the following error Error: XGBoost.lib.DllFailException: value 0 for Parameter num_output_group should be greater equal to 1. I've tried to use the SetParameter method available and also modified the default parameters and passed them to the Fit method, both without success.

These attempts were done using version 0.2.1 of the NuGet package since using the latest version would raise the following error Error: error CS0009: Metadata file ..\.nuget\packages\picnet.xgboost\0.2.2\lib\libxgboost.dll' could not be opened -- PE image doesn't contain managed metadata. (1,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'XGBoost' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).

Any help would be appreciated.