PikoRT / pikoRT

A tiny Linux-like real-time kernel optimized for ARM Cortex-M chips
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Unify stm32-specific USART configurations by abstracting serial/uart operations #46

Closed iankuan closed 7 years ago

iankuan commented 7 years ago

Aim to solve #9 and improve serial abstraction layer for more clear .

Current serial impl isn't good enough to separate generic mechanism and platform device impl well. Here are pieces of evidence.

  1. Improper functions which couldn't convey what it does via function names, such as stm32f1xx_init().
  2. No generic serial function initialization routine in serialcore.c

The inclusion of this patch:

jserv commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to consolidate existing stm32f1 and stm32f4 uart implementation into single one?

jserv commented 7 years ago

Rebase is required.