Pioreactor / spectrometer-reading-plugin

Take a spectrometer reading using the Adafruit AS7341 spectrometer sensor every 5 seconds between OD readings.
MIT License
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Spectrometer reading plugin

Records spectrometer readings from the Adafruit AS7341 spectrometer sensor attached to your Pioreactor.

Available wavelengths:

This plugin also installs a SQL table, as7341_spectrum_readings, that will store the readings.


After installation, you can add specific bands as charts. Add spec_415=1, or whatever band(s) you want, to the [ui.overview.charts] section, ex:

ui of configuration

Hardware installation

See notes here.

How it works

  1. In between optical density recordings, the white-light LED on the AS7341 board turns on.
  2. The light is reflected back towards the board, with some wavelengths being absorbed by the culture.
  3. All sensors for each wavelength are recorded to MQTT and the SQLite3 database (see below)
  4. The LED is turned off.

Each wavelength is sent to MQTT under the topics:


And it is also placed in the SQL table as7341_spectrum_readings.

Hardware requirements