PkmX / lcamera

A camera app using the new camera2 API in Android Lollipop
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messing up with system files #157

Open karthi1 opened 9 years ago

karthi1 commented 9 years ago

i m messing up with system files here. the installation gone wrong somewhere. i dont know why camera isnt starting . can i have a detailed installation procedure or a video tutorial ???

Theliel commented 9 years ago

Installation?? lCamera is a apk application, lcamera dont touch system files. If you have overwrite or deleted system/lib file because 60/120 mod, restore the original file and permissions (for the same file).

karthi1 commented 9 years ago

Then how to deal with the 60/ 120fps mod ..? Any detailed steps ?

Theliel commented 9 years ago

have you read/follow PkmX instructions?? He details step by step in home page how you need replace the file.

Check first if is on place and check again for permissions (use any file manager), should be user: root group:root and 644.


a) File is missing on /system/lib -> you must copy ori file here, use any filemanager and set permissions b) File is pressent -> make sure permissions are correct c) File is present & permissions are fine -> Maybe you are using L5.1 and file posted on home are only for 5.0.x

in all case, you must reboot or "send" in shell to apply the changes:

"killall mm-qcamera-daemon mediaserver"

karthi1 commented 9 years ago

I did replacing the original file , set permission , rebooted ... I m using 5.0.1 n rooted ... Tried these steps again ... I m not even able to use original library..I m gonna try after flashing n root again